Caged Vision



As a successful business owner, do you ever ask yourself, is this it? Do you feel trapped by the vision of what could be? If so, Caged Vision, is the podcast for you. Each week, we explore ways to unlock your business potential, provide tips for how to execute your idea and discuss the most efficient ways to scale your new source of revenue.


  • 29: See and Hit Strategy Curveballs

    13/09/2018 Duration: 21min

    The best laid plans…3 steps to solving business curveballs when they occur. Because, aiming high isn’t optional for successful business leaders. But, how you handle the curveballs is.

  • 28: Make Better Progress - Ask Your Team These 3 Questions

    06/09/2018 Duration: 25min

    Listen to learn how with a little guidance and the right questions, you can help your team focus on what's best next.

  • 27: Focus - The One Thing Missing From Your Strategy

    30/08/2018 Duration: 21min

    How to get Focus as part of your strategy.

  • 26: How to Help Your Employees Think Critically

    23/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    Can you look left and look right at the same time? It’s impossible, right? Yet, we ask our employees to do just that when we expect them to execute on the defined day-to-day processes and simultaneously accommodate new business changes they don’t even understand. No wonder it triggers their fight or flight response! In this episode, we go even deeper into the process of engaging your team by empowering them with critical thinking.

  • 25: Why You Can't Afford to Stop Learning?

    16/08/2018 Duration: 19min

    Did you know 26% of Americans haven’t read a single book in the past 12 months? Crazy right? This means when it comes to investing in yourself – if you’re reading a book, taking a course or even listening to a podcast - you’re way ahead of the majority. That’s your secret weapon! In today’s episode, we share our experiences and insights on why learning is essential in simplifying your own understanding and your ability to explain and connect the dots for your team.

  • 24: Does Your Strategy Cause Fear?

    09/08/2018 Duration: 19min

    Change is something every business must do to continue to grow and succeed. But what do you do when the change you’re proposing to your team is met with intense resistance or blank stares and silent nods? In this episode, we go in detail about why this problem arises and offer a solution as well as the three questions that will seal the deal with your team and get them all on-board with your vision.

  • 23: Business Goals - Do My Employees Even Care?

    02/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    Have you ever found yourself frustrated with what your team has been able to accomplish and wondering if they even care? If you have, the solution may have absolutely nothing to do with caring, but everything to do with two major communication breakdowns! In this episode, we’re sharing our top strategies to get you and your team fully aligned, engaged, and energized to deliver on your vision and finish the year strong!

  • 22: 1/2 Way There - Is Your Strategy Living on a Prayer?

    26/07/2018 Duration: 16min

    At the start of 2017, you got your team together. Maybe it was a retreat or an all-hands meeting and you laid out your strategy. You were fired up, you got them excited, and everyone hit the ground running! But now, it’s the middle of the year and you realize things aren’t turning out how you planned. What happened? In this episode, we’re sharing the three questions you should ask yourself and your team to build the right strategy and get everyone on the same page for implementation.

  • 21: How to Move from Indecision to Action in Your Business

    19/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    Getting started on a new idea in your business is awesome! You get the rush of excitement and energy and it feels like progress happens all the time … but, then you get to the middle and the shine wears off. In this episode, we’re talking about identifying the signs that you may be in the middle, the power of gratitude, and five ways to get yourself out of the middle. We’re also bringing on our intern Maggie to share her experience with being in the middle!

  • 20: Doctor or an Architect - Determining Business Needs

    12/07/2018 Duration: 16min

    In the business world, being the doctor archetype means being in a reactive state and fixing problems caused by poor decisions. An architect is proactive and commands premium rates. They offer the health plan that works for the long term, not the Advil for the latest pain. What that means for you is helping your clients build a brighter future. In this episode, we walk you through 5 steps you can use to transform yourself, and your business, from reactive doctors to proactive architects.

  • 19: Want Freedom in Your Business? Learn from a Rat

    05/07/2018 Duration: 12min

    Do you feel trapped in your business like a rat in a cage? Chances are, the frustration of being trapped is leading you to unhealthy habits and behaviors. If all we know are our learned behaviors, we won’t see new results and we’ll end up trapping ourselves. But, not to worry, we’re here to help you break out of that limiting mindset! In this episode, we share our top three specific action steps you can use to unlock your caged vision. It’s time to set your business free to grow!

  • 18: The Island of Misfit Toys

    28/06/2018 Duration: 17min

    “Success is about standing out, not fitting in” – Don Draper, Mad Men Having the mind of a misfit means sticking to your vision and putting your desire to make an impact over your desire to be liked. In this episode, we explore the stories of four successful misfits and give you our top three tips on how to awaken your misfit mind, transform your business, and crush your goals.

  • 17: Turning Your Business Upside Down

    21/06/2018 Duration: 21min

    Have you ever had an experience or used a product and thought, “There must be a better way to do this?” Just because something is “always done” a certain way, doesn’t mean it’s the best way. In this week’s episode, we cover three ways you can unlock your business potential and view your industry differently, so you can turn your business upside down, differentiate yourself, and maximize your profits.

  • 16: Confidence to Pursue Your Vision

    14/06/2018 Duration: 15min

    What do Michael Jordan, Taylor Swift, Elon Musk, and the founders of Too Faced Cosmetics have in common? The answer to that question is the topic of this week’s podcast episode … confidence! In this episode, we’re diving more into this topic by breaking down three ways to build confidence and sharing the stories of the inspiring individuals mentioned above.

  • 15: The Willingness to Be Wrong

    07/06/2018 Duration: 13min

    "Unless you’re willing to be wrong, you’ll never be right." - Carey Rome One hundred percent of the time, something about your assumptions will be wrong and the sooner you accept this, the sooner you can break free from your caged vision. To help you become more willing to be wrong, we discuss why this is so important, how to react when you're wrong, and what to do with the experience of being wrong so you can be right in the future.

  • 14: Being Right for the Wrong Reasons

    31/05/2018 Duration: 18min

    It's not uncommon for entrepreneurs to create a product they're sure is going to dominate their market, only to abandon it after it flops. But ... what if it was the right product and it was just the wrong market or the wrong time? In this week's episode, we're going to provide multiple examples of real-life products that were initially flops to demonstrate how important it is to think about the potential a seemingly unsuccessful product can have.

  • 13: Turning Your Unicorn Into a Zebra

    24/05/2018 Duration: 20min

    Unicorns create caged vision. Who hasn't dreamed of a million-dollar business idea? An idea so unique it's never been seen before. You know, kind of like ... a unicorn? In this week's episode of the Caged Vision podcast, we're explaining the difference between a unicorn idea and a zebra idea, giving you three tips to turn your unicorn into a zebra, and providing you with two examples of how you can stop letting your unicorn idea create your caged vision.

  • 12: When Routine Becomes Habit and Business Suffers

    17/05/2018 Duration: 17min

    So often in our lives and business, we do things out of habit. Something becomes routine and, eventually, we may not realize we're doing them anymore. Certain habits can be good, but often they're negative habits that prevent us from fully realizing our potential and actually keep us locked inside our cage. In this episode, we're breaking down what a habit loop is, how it's causing your business or career to suffer, how you can break a habit loop, and why you don't want to be a metaphorical fireman.

  • 11: Can Employees Have Caged Vision?

    10/05/2018 Duration: 18min

    Recently, we've been speaking with businesses and corporations about the topic of having caged vision and, to our surprise, we've had quite a few employees reach out to us directly to let us know how much our message impacted them and explained exactly how they were feeling. So, that got us wondering ... can employees also suffer from having caged vision? We're diving into this exact question in today's episode and covering it from both the employee and the employer's perspective.

  • 10: When the Cage Door Appears Open

    03/05/2018 Duration: 20min

    Our inspiration for this episode came from a recent experience with one of our clients. They had been in business for over 100 years and had thought the cage door was open. Through a two half-day sessions we were able to help them unpack new growth opportunities and finally unlock their cage door. In this episode, we're breaking down that process; including the three questions we ask all our clients.

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