Fate And The Fablemaidens



Fate and the Fablemaidens is an actual-play D&D 5th edition podcast created by four friends who love goofs and games


  • Episode 9 - Fish Tacos


    This is the part of the adventure where the Fablemaidens reach their destination, get cool things, and, of course, eat fish tacos.

  • Episode 8 - Temple of Rooms Part 6


    This is the part of the adventure where the Fablemaidens tackle an urn, have impromptu storytime, and learn the truth about Dr. Rhett. Twyddle plans a social outing, Merryweather touches every door, and Wynni cries out of confusion. The Fablemaidens conquer the temple!

  • Episode 7 - Temple of Rooms Part 5


    This is the part of the adventure where the Fablemaidens return from their celestial encounter, demand money through a door, and vow to make a new friend. Wynni gets a mysterious twin, Twyddle addresses her anxieties, and Merryweather dances through the flames. The Fablemaidens actually accomplish a thing.

  • Episode 6 - Temple of Rooms Part 4


    This is the part of the adventure where the Fablemaidens move in bullet time, try to trick Fate with weird ideas, and attempt to get out of this pickle alive. Merryweather shows off her knot knowledge, Twyddle gets creative with her bear trap, and Wynni goes toward the light. The Fablemaidens find their quest.

  • Episode 5 - Temple of Rooms Part 3


    This is the part of the adventure where the Fablemaidens admire mysterious murals, meet an angel, and insult someone's boss. Twyddle ignores the conversation, Merryweather collects her rope, and Wynni hums a little ditty. The Fablemaidens face their first crisis.

  • Episode 4 - Temple of Rooms Part 2


    This is the part of the adventure where the Fablemaidens thoroughly check some tents, solve their first riddle, and distrust an archaeologist. Wynni uncovers some undergarments, Merryweather yells at a door, and Twyddle plays with building blocks. The Fablemaidens descend into the tomb.

  • Episode 3 - Temple of Rooms Part 1


    This is the part of the adventure where the Fablemaidens loot crates, befriend some tents, and go camping. Merryweather has a totally completely very original idea, Wynni makes the best of her situation, and Twyddle makes a weird appearance change. The Fablemaidens attempt to escape the desert.

  • Episode 2 - First Flight Part 2


    This is the part of the adventure where the Fablemaidens come together to right what has gone wrong, save who they can, and face their fears. Twyddle scoops up her friends, Merryweather searches for her brother, and Wynni makes her parents proud. The Fablemaidens defend the airship.

  • Episode 1 - First Flight Part 1


    This is the part of the adventure where Fate brings the Fablemaidens together for the first time, sticks them in a party for a podcast campaign, and things almost immediately start going wrong. Wynni worries about a friend, Merryweather takes note of closed doors, and Twyddle intimidates everybody. The Fablemaidens take to the skies.

  • Introduction


    This is the part of the adventure where we meet the Fablemaidens, learn about the players behind them, and get ready for the journey that awaits.

  • Teaser Trailer


    Dungeon Master Renee Rhodes has an important question before we start.... Just how DO you pronounce the name of our fantasy setting? Fate and the Fablemaidens roll initiative on Feb. 19, 2018.

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