

We Here At Muscle Roast Don't Hold Back A Thing Whether Its Lemello Ball's Crap Sneaks or CT Fletchers IQ Test, We Got It All From Hot Sexy Babes Pumping The Iron And Finding Out If Santa Clause Is A Natural Bodybuilder To The Butt Lift You Did Not Know Your Chick Had Until Now. Come On In And Prepare To Be Roasted!



    05/03/2019 Duration: 05min

    Does Red Wine Make You Fat? My guess is, that you actually might be drunk right now, going on Google trying to find out if red wine makes you fat. You actually might be drinking as we speaking, and you also might be fat as we speak. So take a wild guess! You drink red wine all the time, and you are fat! "Yes you can argue that diet matters a lot, and in order for red wine to make you fat, you have to drink a lot of it, and also have a bad diet, and don't exercise." Well that is simply wrong. Why? Because depending on your age, many different factors can come into play. These factors may be metabolism, metabolism, and once again, metabolism. It doesn't take much for you to gain weight when you get older. A few extra calories on a daily basis will not be burned off like they used to be when you were in your 20's. Also keep in mind that if you are a guy, girls don't really like fat guys, and that goes for women as well. Yes it might be mean, but its true. Read Full Article Does Red Wine Make You Fat on Muscle

  • Strength Cartel PUSHING KILOS! Big Boy Largest Mexican In The World!

    26/02/2019 Duration: 10min

    Strength Cartel And Big Boi The Most Hated Goon Squad! Streng Cartel CEO Big Boy is most likely an illegal alien who came across the border with a backpack full of growth hormone and synthol. Just kidding, Big Boi came over with a bag full of winstrol and dianabol. "Just wanted to get that out of the way, you can make your own decision. Just writing that sentence puts me at risk to get a solid beat down at the next fitness expo, so I might pass on this years Arnold Classic." The amount of risk involved in saying the wrong thing here, are pretty big, if you know what I mean.  Yeah right! This is Muscle Roast Big BOY!  This big over weight testosterone eating, needle shooting Pillsbury Doughboy needs to chill on the steroids.  Nobody really cares how much you can lift, when you look fat as all hell, and the second you run out of your juice supply, you're going to look like the skinny twerp that you were before you started. CHECK OUT THE FULL ARTICLE ON THE STRENGTH CARTEL HERE! --- Support


    26/02/2019 Duration: 08min

    Tank Sinatra Is Just Your Average Guy, Or Is He? Tank Sinatra is the reason over 1 Million people smile every single day! With currently over 1.3M followers on Instagram, George Resch (known as Tank Sinatra) has made it to ABC News and Fox. But also into cell phones of many celebrities, including Mario Lopez. So what makes Tank Sinatra special? Well first lets take a look at where he is, then talk about why and how he got there. First, nothing happens over night, so if you are out there thinking you can become an over night star, think again. It has taken Tank Sinatra years and years of dedication to get to where he is today. So his over night success, was years and years in the making. "If you are not a supermodel that takes half naked pics on will probably need to put in some work to get this kind of a following and success." How Did Tank Become An Instagram Phenomenon?  There are many articles out there that talk about Tank Sinatra, his story and his memes. We wanted to praise Ta


    25/02/2019 Duration: 08min

    LeBron James Diet Is Pretty Simple! LeBron James said his dramatic summer weight loss was due to eating a very low carb, low sugar, and low dairy diet. If you are familiar with that, it's basically the paleo diet. James, who has since regained some weight, said he followed his strict diet for 67 days as a test of his willpower. Losing weight is never easy at a later age, but taking the healthy approach is way safer than diet pills. Lebron says “I had no sugar, no dairy, no carbs!” Adding... “All I ate was meat, fish, veggies and fruit. That’s it. For 67 straight days.”  James said his diet consisted entirely of meat, fish, vegetables and low-sugar fruit. Check out the full Lebron James Diet Article HERE. --- Support this podcast:


    21/02/2019 Duration: 08min

    Celebrities on steroids are taking over Hollywood! Celebrities on steroids are the talk of the town. What celebrities use anabolic steroids? That is an easy answer. Who is on the juice, and who is not on the juice seems to be the question? It seems that everyone always wonders, how those actors get in such good shape in such little time.  People always want to know what celebrities use anabolic steroids! We will see actors that are not built well, turn into muscular beasts. So are celebrities on steroids? Would you take steroids if someone was paying you $10M for a movie? Most people would, but lets dig a little deeper and take a look at what we are really talking about here. CHECK OUT THE FULL ARTICLE "Celebrities On Steroids" --- Support this podcast:

  • Sajad Gharibi The REAL Life IRANIAN HULK!

    15/01/2019 Duration: 04min

    The Iranian Hulk Is Here To Stay! Meet Sajad Gharibi! Sajad Gharibi, a huge weightlifter has been dubbed the Iranian Hulk after astounding social media with his sheer physical size. I mean, if you take a closer look, it looks like it's all fat in the shape of muscle, but who the hell knows. I still bet he's strong as hell. Sajad Gharibi, 24, from Iran, is said to weigh 300 lbs.  The giant man with a fierce expression has a big following on Instagram. But his Instagram account doesn’t feature the type of food and workout posts most weightlifters and workout obsessives share. Instead it displays an array of gobsmacking topless photos of himself and unpretentious pictures of him going about his day to day life.  His huge frame and bulging muscles have earned him the name of Hulk or Hercules. He can lift up to 386 lbs which is more than he weighs and he takes part in the powerlifting category of competitions. Check out the FULL ARTICLE HERE! --- Support this podcast: htt

  • DON'T EAT Late At Night MYTH! It's A LIE!

    05/11/2018 Duration: 04min

    Does It Really Matter If You Eat Late At Night? Eat late at night and you will get fat, right? Well that is just a stupid theory. It depends on what your goals are. If you are looking to lose weight, then fine, skip dinner or the late night snack. (Pretty similar to intermittent fasting) OR just don’t eat any carbs with dinner. You can also feel free to skip the ice cream or chips at 11 pm. Only you know what kind of crap you eat late at night, so feel free to skip all of that crap as well. If you can’t stop eating carbs, thats a different story! That will help you lose weight, but there is more to it! Check out our full article on That article will give you a great explanation why eating late is not a bad idea, and why not eating is a BAD IDEA! --- Support this podcast:

  • Mike O'Hearn Natural Bodybuilder, NEVER TOUCHED A STEROID!

    18/10/2018 Duration: 06min

    Mike O'Hearn never touched a STEROID IN HIS LIFE! Just check out his WORKOUT PROGRAM And DIET! It's very simple! All you do is follow the Mike O'Hearn workout program, and his diet, and you will look like him in no time! He has never touched a STEROID IN HIS LIFE! Mike is a life long fitness model, bodybuilder, and almost a sex symbol! My thoughts on this guy! Read the FULL ARTICLE on Mike O'Hearn at! --- Support this podcast:

  • Will Doing A LOT OF PULL UPS Build Muscle? TRYING THIS WORKS!

    16/10/2018 Duration: 08min

    Will Doing A Lot Of Pull Ups Build Muscle? Pull ups build muscle, but that is something that is not a part of everyone’s workout, and it should be! I love it when people walk around with a sub par body, telling people they need to lift heavy to gain muscle. Then they get on the bench press and bang out 6 reps, and think they will grow from that. That is heavy weight right? A lot of people don’t do pull ups because they think they need to lift heavy. Well how much heavier do you want to go, because you can’t even do 10 pull ups? Same goes with push ups. You can do a ton of them, but how you do them makes all the difference in the world. How Many Pull Ups Should I Do A Day To Gain Muscle? One of the best things you can do for your body, is start doing pull ups every damn day, with several different variations and grips. “There is a 100% chance, you will see more back development than you have seen in a very long time. You should do about 10 sets of pull ups per day to failure. This means as many as you can!

  • Are Muscles Attractive On A Girl, I Would Have To Say NO!

    16/10/2018 Duration: 07min

    Are muscles attractive on a girl? Think again! Most guys do not think that muscles are attractive on a girl. I definitely do not think they are! You might hear guys say that they like toned muscles on a girl, but what does that really mean? “In reality, most guys don’t care about girls having muscles at all! Everyone likes someone that is in good shape, but having more muscle than the guy you are dating, is never a good mix!” Do Guys Like Muscular Arms? Guys, do like muscular arms, but not on chicks! How can you date a girl that is more muscular than you? Wouldn’t that just make you feel like a little wimp? Even if a guy has big arms, or lets say muscular arms, that does not mean he wants you to have big muscles! Guys like dating girls, and for the most part, they don’t like dating guys


    02/10/2018 Duration: 19min

    KETO DIETS and Starvation Diets! People eat people when they are hungry! Starvation diets and keto diets, can cause people eat people when they are hungry! Yes, get stuck in a mountain with a friend, and when the hunger kicks in, and you need to survive, I would not be taking any naps! But the point here is that you love to eat and work out huh? Well join the club! Here is a news flash, you will never outrun a bad diet! If you go for a run and burn 200 calories, you already know, that is half of a brownie. This podcast explains exactly how the only thing your body cares about is SURVIVAL. It does not care about your keto diet, or anything else. It just wants to survive! Check out full article on : --- Support this podcast:

  • High Calorie Foods For Bulking, GET FAT NASTY STYLE!

    01/10/2018 Duration: 04min

    Following a bodybuilding diet and crap you read online, that has you eating 10 meals a day, 3 shakes, and who knows what else, is like taking advice from Bill Gates and dropping out of college. High Calorie Foods For Bulking, Are The Worst Thing You Can DO! High calorie foods for bulking are usually pursued by people looking to get a lot more muscle mass. In this article, I am going to explain why high calorie foods for bulking are just a stupid idea, and will get you fat in the end! Let’s first look at some of these foods that will get your fat cells to multiply. The total opposite as the fat burning discovery by Harvard University! Check out the full article on : --- Support this podcast:


    01/10/2018 Duration: 04min

    Simeon Panda Steroids Debate Finally Ends! Simeon Panda steroids debate was never really a debate in our eyes. It’s easy to see, what Simeon is putting in his butt crack, very similar to other celebrities that are on steroids. More power to you (no pun intended), but you just can’t have that mass and be that lean brother. You know it, and everyone knows it. Just another fraud in the fitness industry. It takes about 1.5 seconds to be able to tell that Simeon Panda is on steroids. Unfortunately in todays world, controversy gets more views on videos, and thats why the Simeon Panda steroids debate was started. Check out full article on --- Support this podcast:

  • Bodybuilding And DEATH! Yes You Can DIE!

    26/09/2018 Duration: 16min

    What are the health risks of bodybuilding and steroid side effects. Health Risks of Bodybuilding, That Can Kill You? Health risks of bodybuilding. Oh there are many reasons why Bodybuilding is not healthy and is a true danger to your health. Without beating around the bush, we all know that steroids make your muscles bigger. The unfortunate part of this, is that your heart is a muscle as well. If your goal is to have a heat the size of a volleyball, and have your health risk be death, I would definitely take the juice. I mean, what else do you need to see the danger of this? Oh that’s right, “steroids never killed anyone.” Unfortunately this is not true, they have killed many, and many we have not documented. Read Full Article On : --- Support this podcast:


    25/09/2018 Duration: 08min

    Pre work out side effects can vary. It all depends on what type of crazy shit you drink. You can look at all of these pre workout drinks in one way, they are nothing but a shitload of caffeine. What are pre workout side effects? Pre work out side effects can vary. It all depends on what kind of a pre-workout you drink. You can look at all of these pre workout drinks in one way, they are nothing but a ton of caffeine. Pre Workout Side Effects – DEPRESSION After you continue to use pre workout drinks, your system gets used to it and you need more for the same effect. Kind of like a person that drinks 10 coffee’s a day. The body is used to the amount of caffeine from 1 cup, so you need more over time to get the same effect. Check out Full Article On : This Kid Decided To Smoke His Pre Workout : --- Support this podcast:

  • The Rock - Steroid Bedtime Story

    13/09/2018 Duration: 07min

    Dwayne Johnson’s body was built on steroids, just like Arnold’s was, and that is a fact. Just the fact that he was a professional wrestler in the WWF and WWE is an automatic sign that he was on steroids. These days not many people care, but the fact these “role models” are keeping a big secret from their fans, is not fair. A teenager will actually go look up The Rock’s workout program and think he can become that. That is the shitty part. Full Article on --- Support this podcast:

  • Avoid Planet Fitness! 5 Reasons Why!

    12/09/2018 Duration: 08min

    Planet Fitness Rules can get very messy! The judgement free zone is not so judgement free after all. Listen to the top 5 reasons why to avoid planet fitness and the planet fitness rules. Does Planet Fitness Have Childcare? The obvious answer is yes. Planet Fitness is one of the top gyms in the world. They charge a whopping $10 a month for you to come whenever you want, and also offer free tanning beds. So of course at those rates, they offer childcare. Planet Fitness annual revenue last year was recorded to be at a staggering $3,500. Due to this significant growth, they have decided to offer childcare at all locations. Check out the full article: --- Support this podcast:

  • Kevin Hart Gym Stand Up

    12/09/2018 Duration: 05min

    Kevin Hart does a short stand up on going to the gym and trying to get bigger! --- Support this podcast:

  • Is Kai Greene Gay? You BE THE JUDGE!

    11/09/2018 Duration: 03min

    Kai Greene has done some things in his life, that make some people think he is gay. He has done things for money, like gay for pay, that have been caught on camera, and photographed on the internet! He has also "made love" to a grapefruit, if you know what I mean! Check it out and let us know what you think on! --- Support this podcast:

  • Jon Venus Is On Steroids, THIS IS WHY!

    11/09/2018 Duration: 03min

    Jon Venus (steroid machine) Is Not Your Average Vegan! Jon Venus is a vegan fitness coach, and Jon Venus is also on steroids in my opinion. Jon Venus is on steroids from many other peoples opinions as well. This is a brief description on why I think he is on the JUICE! Full article on --- Support this podcast:

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