Camp Hamilton Veterans Memorial Park



Camp Hamilton is a Veterans Memorial Park in Kern County, California. Veterans who served during war and peacetime are honored here. This podcast includes the histories of 290 men and women who served during war and peacetime and have trees planted in their memory at Camp Hamilton..


  • Camp Hamilton #043 Ruben B Rohrbach

    29/04/2018 Duration: 25s

    Ruben B. Rohrbach served during World War II. He was very active in the 1st Marine Division. Once he passed away, the chapter Ruben Robrbach belonged to dedicated this tree in his memory.

  • Camp Hamilton #042 George Chegay

    29/04/2018 Duration: 50s

    George Chegay, of the United States Marine Corps, was killed in action on July 27, 1953, while serving with Hotel Company, 3rd Battalion, 1st Marines in Korea. The Navy corpsman who took care of Chegay was Doc Candelario. Doc said that Chegay was the last Marine killed in action in Korea. We are not sure of Chegay was the last Marine in his unit killed or last Marine from the U.S. killed in Korea.

  • Camp Hamilton #041 Thomas Lopez, Isidoro "Chato" Lopez and Michael Morales Calvillo

    29/04/2018 Duration: 02min

    This is a family tree was dedicated by David Lopez, a retired Army 1st Sgt. He originally dedicated the tree to his father, Thomas Lopez, who was in the U.S. Army Air Corps during World War II. Then his Uncle Isidoro "Chato" Lopez, also a WWII veteran, passed away. David's cousin Michael Morales Calvillo, who served in both the Army and Marines, died. Michael had served during Desert Storm. David and his family come out to Camp Hamilton every Veterans Day and Memorial Day. They have a family gathering around their tree. David's stepson, Mike Contreras, served in the Navy and is heavily involved in our ceremonies. Noemi is also heavily involved in community veteran gatherings.

  • Camp Hamilton #040 Edward Lee Senn

    29/04/2018 Duration: 35s

    Pvt Edward Lee Senn was killed in action during World War II in Italy. His family dedicated this tree in his memory. The current tree is a replanted because his original tree did not survive.

  • Camp Hamilton #039 T.W. "Tom" Blackmon, Jr.

    29/04/2018 Duration: 01min

    Tom Blackmon, Jr. was killed in action in Korea on August 7, 1950. His two brothers came out to Camp Hamilton a lot during the early years. They dedicated this tree in the late 1990s. It is a nice pine tree. Like many trees, his first tree did not survive and had to be replanted.

  • Camp Hamilton #038 Edmund Miles Keefe Jr.

    29/04/2018 Duration: 02min

    Edmund Miles Keefe Jr. retired from the Marine Corps as a Lieutenant colonel. His tree was planted by his son Ed around 2012. His son, Ed, is a retired USMC Major who staged a recon unit for the Volkslauf. Ed landed the helicopter at Camp Hamilton next to the haystack.

  • Camp Hamilton #037 William Carl Adams

    21/04/2018 Duration: 02min

    Warning: This episode includes a graphic description of Carl Adams' body. Sgt Carl Adams served with MGySgt Glenn Denton in Golf Company 2/7 in Vietnam. He was killed on the first day of August battle in 1969. It was his remains that Shelton and Denton carried down the hill, the day that the squad became known as the Kool-Aid Kids. Denton was at first excited that they had recovered Sgt Adam's body. Then the cold reality hit him with the gunny's stone-faced reaction.

  • Camp Hamilton #036 Daniel L. Louie

    21/04/2018 Duration: 01min

    Daniel Louie was part of the 1st Marine Division Association. His family came out to a ceremony and decided that they wanted a tree. Many of the trees, in the early days, only had the veterans name and service unless they were killed in action. Daniel's tree was planted over 20 years ago.

  • Camp Hamilton #035 Joseph Pinto

    21/04/2018 Duration: 01min

    PFC Joseph Pinto, USMC, was part of Golf Company 2/7 in Vietnam. Pinto was killed the day after Richard Shelton. On August 26, Denton and his squad were heading out through rice paddies when they were mortared by enemy fire. Many, included Denton, were wounded. Pinto was killed.

  • Camp Hamilton #034 Richard P Shelton

    21/04/2018 Duration: 11min

    Warning. This episode includes graphic detail. PFC Richard Shelton's death made a huge impact on MGySgt Glenn Denton's life. He is the reason why Camp Hamilton Veteran Memorial Park exists. Shelton was a part of Denton's squad with the Golf Company in Vietnam. Shelton was killed in action on August 25, 1969. The first of the casualties occurred on August 23. The squad needed 8 people to retrieve 4 bodies from the hill. Denton and Shelton were sent as a team to retrieve Sgt Carl Adams, who also has a tree in the park. Adams' burned body was placed on a poncho and moved down the hill. The retrieval put Shelton into a daze. The 20-year-old had only been in country for 10 days. The next day, "G" 2/7 was sent out on patrol. Shelton was walking point two men ahead of Glenn when he was shot. Shelton's death changed Denton's life forever. For as long as MGySgt Denton lives, he will carry PFC Shelton with him.

  • Camp Hamilton #033 Jerry Sylvia

    21/04/2018 Duration: 01min

    PFC Jerry Sylvia was part of the Golf Company 2/7 in Vietnam. He was killed in action on September 6, 1969, by friendly fire. Golf Company hadn't had enemy contact in 2-3 hours. Glenn told the medivac that they were secure. The medivac was supposed to land in the smoke on the perimeter. Everything was going well until a gunship decided to do target practice in the treeline. 19 year old Sylvia was killed.

  • Camp Hamilton #032 Jerry A. Story

    21/04/2018 Duration: 37s

    Jerry Story was a member of the United States Marine Corps. His tree was dedicated by his nephew Tim, who had served in the Navy.

  • Camp Hamilton #031 Bobby Roberts

    21/04/2018 Duration: 48s

    Bobby Roberts was a Marine in Vietnam who was killed in action on August 24, 1969. He was part of a late August battle. Two weeks prior to his death, Roberts arrived in Vietnam. He was killed on the second day of the battle.

  • Camp Hamilton #030 Lincoln Wing Chan

    21/04/2018 Duration: 01min

    Lincoln Wing Chan was a Marine Korean War veteran. In the 1990s, we started having the 1st Marine Division Bodfish Chapter and camp at Camp Hamilton. People would show up from all over California and the southwest. Lincoln Wing Chan was part of Bodfish Forever.

  • Camp Hamilton #029 Miguel Arjona Jr

    20/04/2018 Duration: 06min

    MSGT Miguel Arjona Jr. served in the Marine Corps from June 1970 to May of 1993. MGySgt Glenn Denton met Mike when Mike came into the recruiting station in 1972 asking how to get the best reenlistment deal. The relationship continued. Many years later, the two Marines lived in base housing at Camp Pendleton just a few streets apart. Miguel's wife and sister took care of Glenn's kids at their childcare. Mike later retired. In 1996, Mike's sister contacted Glenn and told him that Mike had cancer. The VA wouldn't help him out and his family was caring for him in a two-story apartment. Mike had to sleep on the couch since the bedrooms were upstairs. This put Denton and Alfonso Arrojo on a mission to locate a hospital bed, which they found through the VFW Post 97 on South Union Avenue. Mike stayed in that bed until he died. Miguel Arjona’s tree was planted on Veterans Day in 1993. His family still comes to Camp Hamilton and visit.

  • Camp Hamilton #028 Michael Dillon Worley

    20/04/2018 Duration: 23s

    Michael Dillon Worley was in the U.S. Air Force. His family dedicated the tree to him. His family still comes out to visit him.

  • Camp Hamilton #027 Richard "Dick" Ward

    20/04/2018 Duration: 54s

    Richard "Dick" Ward was in the Army during World War II. He used to come out to the camp with his friend Rick Spiller. He was also good friends with Lowell Haggard, whose tree is planted across from Dick's sago palm tree.

  • Camp Hamilton #026 Paul Raymond Chaney

    20/04/2018 Duration: 36s

    Raymond Chaney was U.S. Army Air Corp in World War II. His tree was dedicated by his brother Lon Chaney, Camp Historian of the camp and who has a tree in another area of the camp.

  • Camp Hamilton #025 George Jacob Worrick

    20/04/2018 Duration: 01min

    Prior to World War II, we had China Marines to peace and law and order as they represented the United States. The 4th Marine Regimented landed in 1936. Lee Hamilton, the namesake of the camp was one of them. When war broke out, the U.S. attached them to other units, primarily to the 1st Marine Division. His brother Al dedicated this tree for him.

  • Camp Hamilton #024 Al J. Worrick

    20/04/2018 Duration: 01min

    Al Worrick was a World War II vet who loved to come out to Camp Hamilton for various Marine function. He told Glenn stories about Guadalcanal, including the time when the Marines has to dump all of their belongings except for ammunition. Al never found his belongings. Glenn happened to have a World War II mess kit and had been to Guadalcanal. At one function, Glenn presented Al with his mess kit 50 years after the battle.

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