M:e - Gwilda Wiyaka



Welcome to Mission: Evolution Radio Show with Gwilda Wiyaka - As we leave an age of polarization, and enter one supporting unity and enlightenment, we are granted a rare opportunity to evolve. This evolution of consciousness requires a different approach. By bringing together seemingly divergent viewpoints and applying them to leading edge subject matter, we can uncover a more expansive and evolutionary truth. Mission: Evolution Radio Show, hosted by Gwilda Wiyaka, is a radio program dedicated to bringing together todays leading experts to uncover ever deepening spiritual truths and the latest scientific developments in support of the evolution of humankind. During each episode, Gwilda speaks with experienced and respected scientists and mystics. In collaboration with these gifted people of service to the world, she weaves unprecedented leading edge information, so needed in these rapidly changing times. Mission: Evolution Radio Show is aired daily and internationally on the X Zone Broadcast Network www.xzbn.net. Past innovative episodes can be found on www.missionevolution.org.


  • ME: Dr. David Hanscom, MD - Pain Free and Back in Control

    19/06/2018 Duration: 01h22s

    Dr. David Hanscom, MD, author of “Back in Control: A Surgeon’s Roadmap Out of Chronic Pain” is a board certified orthopedic surgeon specializing in the surgical correction complex spine problems. He works for Swedish Neuroscience Specialists at the Swedish Medical Center in Seattle, WA. He developed the “DOC” (direct your own care) project, a framework that organizes care for chronic spinal pain based on his own struggle with chronic pain and the recent neuroscience research. He is working with Swedish Hospital to improve access to structured non-operative care. He is the founder of the Puget Sound Spine Society, a non-profit educational group, which provides a regional forum for physicians from multiple specialties to share ideas regarding optimum spine care. He co-founded “Precision Surgical Performance” a process, which brings athletic performance principles into the operating room.

  • ME: Howard Martin - Heart Connection as a Key to Evolution

    19/06/2018 Duration: 01h17s

    Howard Martin is one of the original leaders who helped Doc Childre found HeartMath, serving as a key spokesperson and executive. He co-authored with Doc Childre, The HeartMath Solution. Howard is also a contributing author of the new book, Heart Intelligence, Connecting with the Intuitive Guidance of the Heart. Howard played a key role in launching the Global Coherence Initiative (GCI), a science-based, co-creative project to unite people in heart-focused care and intention, to facilitate the shift in global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace.

  • ME: Morrighan Lynn - Don’t Live a Small Life: Evolving to our Potential

    16/06/2018 Duration: 01h26s

    Morrighan Lynne is a renowned Spiritual Medium, Psychic Empath, Clairvoyant, Intuitive Coach, Ordained Minister, Paranormal Investigator, and published Author. With a fiery gypsy soul and an eclectic approach to spirituality she supports the ever evolving human with compassion, straight-forwardness, and loving accountability. Her new book is called “The Spirited Human; Proactive Tools for a Reactive World.” Filled with personal stories, comedic ah-ha’s, and practical spiritual teachings, The Spirited Human is the handbook for us all. Part instruction manual for being human and part road map for navigating the soul, Morrighan Lynne takes you on a journey back to your true self.

  • ME: Heather McGowan - Preparing For An Uncertain Future

    12/06/2018 Duration: 01h23s

    Heather McGowan is an innovation strategist, internationally known speaker, writer and thought leader. McGowan prepares leaders to most-effectively react to rapid and disruptive changes in education, work, and society. Recognizing that business innovation begins with education, specifically learning faster than your competition, she has worked with university presidents and corporations to prepare their people for jobs that do not yet exist. She was the strategic architect of the Kanbar College of Design, Engineering, and Commerce at Philadelphia University, the first undergraduate college explicitly focused on innovation. At Becker College, she crafted the Agile Mindset learning framework used to prepare students to work in an uncertain future.

  • ME: Bruce Lipton - Revitalizing Eden: The Evolution of Belief

    05/06/2018 Duration: 01h26s

    Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., cell biologist and lecturer, is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Bruce was on the faculty of the University of Wisconsin’s School of Medicine and later performed groundbreaking stem cell research at Stanford University. He is the bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, the Updated 10th Anniversary edition is now available, and author of The Honeymoon Effect, and co-author with Steve Bhaerman of Spontaneous Evolution. Bruce received the 2009 prestigious Goi Peace Award (Japan) in honor of his scientific contribution to world harmony.

  • ME: Michael Nagler - Evolving Beyond Violence

    05/06/2018 Duration: 01h33s

    Michael Nagler is Professor emeritus of Classics and Comparative Literature at UC, Berkeley, where he founded the Peace and Conflict Studies Program; Founder and President of the Metta Center for Nonviolence and author of “Our Spiritual Crisis,” “The Nonviolence Handbook,” and the award winning “The Search for a Nonviolent Future.” His writings have appeared in other venues such as the Wall Street Journal and he has spoken and written about nonviolence, meditation, and world peace for more than thirty years at campuses, public venues. Among other awards, he received the Jamnalal Bajaj International Award for Promoting Gandhian Values Outside India in 2007.

  • ME: Dana Cohen - Optimum Hydration as a Key to Evolution

    05/06/2018 Duration: 01h24s

    Dana Cohen, MD, author of “Quench: Beat Fatigue, Drop Weight, and Heal Your Body Through the New Science of Optimum Hydration” is a nationally renowned internal and integrative medicine specialist whose multi-disciplinary approach has helped treat thousands of patients using a variety of conventional and complementary therapies. In practice for nearly two decades, Cohen was certified by the American Board of Internal Medicine in 1998, and was appointed to the Board of Directors of the American College for the Advancement of Medicine (ACAM), the leading voice of integrative medicine, where she currently serves as advisor to the Board of Directors and advisor to the education committee.

  • ME: Jeddah Mali - Unification: The Marriage of Individual and Collective Intelligence

    29/05/2018 Duration: 01h25s

    Jeddah Mali is the Executive Director and founder of Intelligent Life Ltd, which delivers training programs for leaders and organizations seeking a completely new approach to the age-old dilemma of how to make personal lives, business and society work effectively as a continuum. Intelligent Life is a consultancy company which specializes in the concept, practice and application of natural intelligence within. Intelligent Life works alongside leaders and organizations to implement a universally beneficial model, to stimulate change from within which can scale across societal and global levels.

  • ME: Dean Radin - Super Powers, Collective Consciousness and Evolution

    29/05/2018 Duration: 01h17s

    Dean Radin, PhD, is Chief Scientist at the Institute of Noetic Sciences and Associated Distinguished Professor of Integral and Transpersonal Psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies. He earned an MS in electrical engineering and a PhD in psychology from the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. Before joining the research staff at IONS he held appointments at AT&T Bell Labs, Princeton University, University of Edinburgh, and SRI International. He is author or coauthor of hundreds of technical and popular articles, four dozen book chapters, and four popular books: The Conscious Universe, Entangled Minds, Supernormal, and Real Magic.

  • ME: Kathleen O'Keef-Kanavos - Hidden Precognitive and Diagnostic Power of Dreams

    15/05/2018 Duration: 01h26s

    Kathleen O’Keefe-Kanavos has spent years studying and teaching about dreams. A three-time breast cancer survivor whose premonitory dreams diagnosed her cancer, she credits her survival to conventional treatment combined with her dreams as a diagnostic tool. All of her cancers were missed by the medical community and the tests on which they relied. Her knowledge and personal wisdom comes from “the trenches of life,” not from hypothetical theories. She is the author of Surviving Cancer Land, Co-author of “Dreams That Can Save Your Life” a life guidance coach, and inspirational speaker.

  • ME: Stephanie Mines - The Shock Factor: Evolutionary Challenges of our Time

    15/05/2018 Duration: 01h26s

    Dr. Stephanie Mines, author of “We Are All in Shock, New Frontiers in Sensory Integration” and “They Were Families: How War Comes Home” is a neuropsychologist whose unique understanding comes from her academic research as well as her extensive work in the field. Her stories of personal transformation have led many listeners to become deeply committed to the healing journey. Dr. Mines understands shock from every conceivable perspective. She has investigated it as a survivor, a professional, a healthcare provider, and as a trainer of staffs of institutions and agencies.

  • ME: Patricia Albere - Mutual Awakening

    08/05/2018 Duration: 01h20s

    Patricia Albere internationally known contemporary spiritual teacher and author, who is at ground zero of an evolutionary stream of spiritual awakening–one in which we learn to go beyond individual psychology and transformation, into a new space of mutual awakening, or ‘inter-being,’ or ‘we-mysticism’. She’s the author of “Evolutionary Relationships: Unleashing the Power of Mutual Awakening,” and the founder and director of the Evolutionary Collective.

  • ME: Bryan Robinson, PhD - Balance, Resilience and Evolution

    08/05/2018 Duration: 01h19s

    Bryan E. Robinson, Ph.D. is a psychotherapist and author of two novels and 37 self-help and psychology books that have been translated into 13 languages. His latest is DAILY WRITING RESILIENCE: 365 MEDITATIONS & INSPIRATIONS FOR WRITERS. His novel, LIMESTONE GUMPTION, is a multi-award winner, and he just completed his latest thriller, BLOODY BONES. He is a contributor to Thrive Global, Psychology Today, and Southern Writer’s Magazine. Bryan lives in the Blue Ridge Mountains with his spouse, 3 Golden Doodles, and occasional bears at night.

  • ME: Marcelle Pick - Fine Tuning the Evolving Body

    01/05/2018 Duration: 01h26s

    Marcelle Pick, MS OB/GYN, NP is passionate about transforming the way women experience healthcare through an integrative approach. She is co-founder of the renowned WOMEN TO WOMEN HEALTHCARE CENTER and one of the first to be certified as a Functional Medicine practitioner. She holds a BS in Nursing from the U of New Hampshire and an MS in Nursing from Boston College – Harvard Medical School. Marcelle is the author of several books including: The Core Balance Diet, Is It Me or My Hormones and Is It Me or My Adrenals?

  • ME: Craig S Webb - Lucid Living

    01/05/2018 Duration: 01h26s

    Craig Sim Webb, author of “Dreams & Death: The Benefits for the Living & the Dying” is a Speaker/Author/Researcher on dreams, applied psychology and consciousness, as well as a physicist and biomedical inventor. Craig is a McGill University graduate with pioneering dream research at Stanford University and Montreal’s Sacré-Coeur Hospital. With the aim of sharing empowering, practical information, techniques, and skills, Mr. Webb has had the honor to be an invited expert for major motion pictures, Fortune 500 corporations, various universities, and well over a thousand international media.

  • ME: Michelle Fondin - Chakras as Evolutionary Gateways

    24/04/2018 Duration: 01h20s

    Michelle S. Fondin, author of Chakra Healing for Vibrant Energy and The Wheel of Healing with Ayurveda is owner of the Ayurvedic Path Yoga and Wellness Studio, where she practices as an Ayurvedic lifestyle counselor and as a yoga and meditation teacher. She holds a Vedic Master certificate from the Chopra Center and has worked with Dr. Deepak Chopra teaching yoga and meditation. Find out more about her work at www.michellefondinauthor.com.

  • ME: Mitchell Nicholas Gerber - Into the Shadow - Organ Harvesting and Genocide

    24/04/2018 Duration: 01h20s

    Mitchell Nicholas Gerber is an entrepreneur and activist from Johannesburg, South Africa, who has dedicated over 17 years to help expose one of the most brutal persecutions and human rights atrocities in modern history. The Communist regime in China has mandated forced live organ harvesting of hundreds of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners, Tibetan Buddhists, Uighur Muslims and House Christians. Their organs are sold for large profit and their bodies are burned to remove the evidence. Hundreds of thousands of others have been illegally detained and sent to labor camps. Mitchell seeks to increase the world's awareness so we can rid the world of this atrocity.

  • ME: Nancy Hyvarinen - Removing the Blocks to Personal Evolution

    17/04/2018 Duration: 01h29s

    With a self-proclaimed background in both the Western medical field (as a paramedic) and alternative Eastern therapies, Nancy tends to her clients' stresses, blocks and pain with advanced energy-healing and bodywork treatments.

  • ME: Robert Kopecky - Near-Death Experience

    17/04/2018 Duration: 01h29s

    Robert Kopecky lived many lives until becoming an illustrator, art director, and animation designer for The New York Times, PBS Kids, and more. His path was punctuated by three very different Near Death Experiences. After a “dark night of the soul” and a decade of study, meditation, and service, Robert’s various lives (and deaths) inspired him to easily pass on the lessons he’d learned “the hard way.” His first book, How to Survive Life (and Death) came out in 2014.

  • ME: Robert Levine: The Boundless Self

    10/04/2018 Duration: 59min

    Robert Levine - Robert Levine is Professor Emeritus of Psychology and former Associate Dean of the College of Science and Mathematics at California State University, Fresno where he has won awards for both his teaching and research. He is former President of the Western Psychological Association. His books include A Geography of Time, The Power of Persuasion: How We're Bought and Sold and the just released new edition of Stranger in the Mirror: The Scientific Search for the Self, published by The Press at California State University, Fresno.

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