Get Clarity With Jamie Smart



Number 1 bestselling author, executive coach and speaker, Jamie Smart, hosts Get Clarity. In this show, you'll hear keynote speeches and interviews with people who have undergone profound transformations and created extraordinary results. The focus is on mindset, and discovering the simple but powerful realizations that can have a big impact in your own life, and help you create the results that matter to you and for you. Jamie Smarts books include the number 1 bestselling CLARITY: Clear Mind, Better Performance, Bigger Results and The Little Book of Clarity. His Sunday Times bestselling book, RESULTS: Think Less, Achieve More (foreword by Shaa Wasmund MBE) was released by John Wiley and Sons Ltd in 2016 and his latest, The Little Book of Results was released in April 2018.


  • #052 - The Dubious Art of Predicting The Future

    29/10/2020 Duration: 21min

    The episode you’re about to hear is an excerpt from one of the private laser-coaching & Q&A sessions I do each month with my ClarityPro Members. Just to give you a bit of background, I’d been telling my clients about something my team and I do called ‘Project Gretsky’, inspired by a quote from the phenomenal hockey player, Wayne Gretsky who famously said, “Skate to where the puck is going, not where it’s been.” In Project Gretsky, my team and I look to the future, and make guesses about where the world’s heading, how we can best guide our clients and how we can inspire and educate a generation to experience lives of clarity, resilience and wellbeing. It’s how we ended up developing our state of the art live-streaming facility, as well as a number of other innovations we’ve got in the pipeline. So during last night’s Laser-coaching / Q&A session, one of our ClarityPro members (Andrea Bruno) asked a question that stopped me in my tracks. Andrea said he was thinking about Project Gretsky, and thought

  • #051 - Goat rodeos, warlord entrepreneurs & the future of money with Vinay Gupta - Get Clarity Podcast

    03/09/2020 Duration: 01h57min

    During a recent podcast episode, I mentioned that while climate change is one of the threats facing humanity, there are many others, including artificial intelligence, exponential technology, authoritarianism, pandemics, nuclear winter and many more. This week’s episode is another in this series of ‘public service announcement’ conversations, this time with one of my favourite twitter-follows, Vinay Gupta. Here’s the back story. Last year, I heard a podcast episode with a chap called Vinay Gupta and started following him on twitter (his handle is @leashless). He's proved to be one of my more fascinating follows, and has a unique perspective on a number of things (including the environment / climate change, the future of money, modern-day slavery, the rise of warlord entrepreneurs and more). Just to provide some bona fides, Vinay helped organise the launch of the crypto-currency Ethereum a few years back, is the designer of Dubai's national blockchain strategy and is the inventor of the hexayurts you may have

  • #050 - DEEPDIVE: 1:1 Coaching Intensives Q&A

    28/08/2020 Duration: 52min

    The 1:1 intensives deep dive you’re about to hear is an excerpt from a Q&A Session I did with my ClarityPro Members. I was answering questions I’d been asked by ClarityPro Members and our wider community about 1:1 Coaching Intensives, where you spend up to 3 or 4 days working closely with a client to help them have the breakthroughs that matter to them. 1:1 Coaching Intensives are a bit of a dark art, so I thought it would be nice to shed a little light on the process, and I’m sharing this recording on both my podcasts for several reasons as follows: Number 1, If you’ve been thinking about doing a 1:1 intensive with me, this will give you a sense of what to expect, and whether or not it’s a good fit for you. That’s why I’m sharing it on the Get Clarity Podcast. Number 2, If you’ve been considering doing 1:1 intensives with your clients, this will answer some of the questions you may have had, and help you take the next step. That’s why I’m sharing it on the Thriving Coaches Podcast. And number 3, A few ye

  • #049 - Climate Change: A principles perspective with Ami Chen - Mills

    12/08/2020 Duration: 01h36min

    I’m Jamie Smart - welcome to the podcast. A few months ago, I had a conversation with my good friend and colleague, Ami Chen Mills. As well as being a very experienced principles teacher (Ami was one of the first people I heard talking about this understanding), she’s the co-founder of the Santa Cruz chapter of Extinction Rebellion. Earlier in the year, Ami wrote a Medium article, calling out her colleagues in the principles community for a lack of comment and action on climate change (the article was called, ‘An Open Letter to My Spiritual Colleagues: On “Spirit” and the Climate Emergency’.) I read the article and invited Ami to come on my podcast (she accepted.)  While I know that there is a broad range of opinion on the subject of climate change, one thing is abundantly clear to me: Humanity currently faces a number of existential threats, including climate change, global pandemics, possible nuclear winter and the dizzying rise of artificial intelligence. In recent years, the world seems more and more like

  • #048 - Racism, Injustice and the 3 Principles - A Conversation with Davida Arnold

    19/07/2020 Duration: 50min

    Welcome to the podcast - I’m Jamie Smart. It’s now nearly two months since the tragic killing of George Floyd sparked a wave of protests that's echoing around the globe. And it got me wondering... "As a member of the principles community, what does it make sense for you to say or do in relation to this?" And as I wondered about this, I realised something... I realised that I didn't know the answer to the question. So I reached out to my good friend and colleague, Clarity Coach Davida Arnold. Davida is a coach and educator based in Columbus Ohio. She's a mother with young children, and she’s a black woman. As Davida and I talked, I realised it could be valuable for us to have a conversation to release more widely. Our discussion didn’t have an agenda per se - the purpose was to have a connected conversation to see what we could discover about 'the truth of the matter'. We had a great conversation, and afterwards, we both felt it might make sense to have a follow-up chat in a month or so. For now, here’s the ep

  • #047 - From Anxious and Medicated to Awake and Free - Louise O'Dalaigh

    13/07/2020 Duration: 29min

    In this episode, I’m speaking with Louise O'Dalaigh. Louise works in the NHS, but she's gone from anxiety, depression and burnout to sharing the principles with people at every level in the NHS and beyond. She was a keynote speaker at this year's 3PUK conference, and was instrumental in helping bring over 400 healthcare professionals to the event. She's got a refreshing, straightforward approach to sharing this understanding, and has a fascinating story.   Just before we get to that, I wanted to let you know that we’ve opened the doors to our ClarityPro Community and we’re accepting new members until midnight pacific time today, Monday, July 13th. You may have heard me say that my mission is to awaken people to the truth of the inside-out understanding, and help them to awaken others to this. The ClarityPRO membership programme is designed to give you everything you need to share the inside-out understanding with anybody, on any topic, in any situation. If you’re passionate about sharing the principles, our c

  • #046 - Clarity with Creatives, Leaders & Entrepreneurs - A conversation with Pete and Mira Griffiths

    10/07/2020 Duration: 33min

    In this episode, I’m speaking with Pete & Mira Griffiths. Pete & Mira are passionate about sharing the principles behind clarity with creatives, leaders and entrepreneurs. They’re both highly skilled clarity coaches and podcasters, and they’re a great example of people who are navigating by wisdom, and using a highly experimental approach to building their business and doing work they’re passionate about. Just before we get to that, I wanted to let you know that we’ve opened the doors to our ClarityPro Community and we’re accepting new members until midnight pacific time this Monday, July 13th. You may have heard me say that my mission is to awaken people to the truth of the inside-out understanding, and help them to awaken others to this. The ClarityPRO membership programme is designed to give you everything you need to share the inside-out understanding with anybody, on any topic, in any situation. If you’re passionate about sharing the principles, our community is here to support you as you find yo

  • #045 - Letting Your Passion Find You A Conversation with Author Anke Hermann

    02/07/2020 Duration: 23min

    In this episode, I speak with author, podcaster and coach, Anke Hermann. Anke is author of the book, “Taming the Technology Monster”, but her work with clients is as much to do with their thinking and their ideas about themselves as it is with their technology projects. In this brief conversation, she reveals how her passion for the work she does today was steadily tapping her on the shoulder while she looked somewhere else for work she loved doing. This conversation speaks to the wisdom that’s guiding every single one of us, once we know how to tune into it. You can find out more about Anke Herrmann here:   Find out more about the guest's podcast here:   Find out more about the book here:   By the way, I’m about to kick off a free masterclass series on sharing the principles in these turbulent times. If you want to join in, just go to to register. Now here’s

  • #044 - Giles P Croft - The presence of health

    23/06/2020 Duration: 32min

    In this episode, I’m speaking to Dr Giles P Croft. Giles helps people to reconnect to their mental, psychological, spiritual and physical health, in a way that’s focused on experiencing their natural, inbuilt, healthy state. You can find out more about Giles at   Just before we get to that, I wanted to mention that the doors are now open for the January 2021 intake of our flagship Clarity Certification Training programme. And you can save up to £3000 when you book your place by June 26th 2020. Just go to    So here’s the episode...

  • #043 - Christine Mitchell The Power of Hope and Certainty

    17/06/2020 Duration: 38min

    In this episode of the Get Clarity podcast, you’re going to be hearing one of our most popular episodes, a conversation I had with a good friend and colleague, Clarity Coach Christine Mitchell. Christine works with people who arrive with a variety of challenges and objectives, particularly around anxiety, stress and OCD. And one of the interesting things about Christine is she’s working more and more with nurses and first-responders.   And here’s one of the reasons I’m really excited to be sharing this conversation with you. As you may already know, at our company, we’re passionate about what we call subtractive psychology: the only thing you can learn that takes things off your mind automatically and uncovers your true potential.   It works on the basis that human psychology functions perfectly; that every person is born with innate resilience, clarity, natural motivation, the capacity to enjoy life, and navigate its ups and downs with ease.   So what does that actually mean, in rough going?   What it means

  • #042 - How do you get the principles 'out there' in your community?

    12/06/2020 Duration: 41min

    Today, I’m going to introduce you to one of my favourite people. She's a master of having a flash of inspiration and then running with it.   She's got a deep understanding of the principles behind clarity, and at the start of this year, she found herself wondering...   "What would it be like to live in in a town where we had the time and energy to connect with friends, and family and the wider community?"     Clarity Coach Liz Scott asked herself this question in January and started a 3-month experiment exploring wellbeing in her local town of Ivybridge.    So how did it go?   Put it this way. The experiment has been extended for another 6 months!   In fact, Liz is now running online 'Wellbeing Listener' programmes supporting those in the community who want to be better listeners for friends, family and work colleagues.    And here's the cool thing... Few of the participants have ever even heard of the Inside-Out understanding.   But based on their experience so far, they're very curious to find out more.   

  • #041 - DEMO: Post-Lockdown: Getting unstuck & back in the game after a business collapse

    04/06/2020 Duration: 30min

    Welcome to the podcast. And in this episode you’re going to hear a coaching demo I did with a client who was completely stuck following a series of catastrophes.    First, she was hit with the deaths of both her parents within the space of a couple of years. Then her husband became seriously ill.    She told me that during this period, her work as a coach kept her going.    But then, the UK coronavirus lockdown kicked in, and her business collapsed overnight.    She said it was like a domino effect of ‘big things’ happening that’s left her feeling stuck and with no confidence. She said she felt like she had lead in her boots and was unable to move.    When I asked her what she wanted to have happen as a result of our session, she said...   “I want to become unstuck. I want to go back to being me.”   Just before I introduce that session, I wanted to let you know that the 2021 Intake of our flagship programme, the Clarity Certification Training is now open for enrolment and you can save up to £3,000 when you re

  • #040 - INTERVIEW: A conversation with Billy Mann

    19/05/2020 Duration: 50min

    In this episode, you’re going to hear me being interviewed by Billy Mann. In fact, it’s a conversation as much as it is an interview. Billy is a coach, and entrepreneur and an absolutely lovely human being. And one of the things that’s interesting about Billy is that he’s been deeply impacted by the single paradigm as articulated by Keith Blevens and Valda Monroe, so that’s one of the areas we explore in this episode.  About Billy Mann Billy Mann is a Father, Husband, Entrepreneur, Business Owner, Coach, Blogger, Soon to be Author and All-Round lover of life. Billy has spent all of his life in business in one form or another. He literally grew up in his family business (we lived over it) and has worked serving people in one form or another as far back as he can remember. People have always been his passion. As life has it, it took a life changing event to see something new and he has spent the last 10 years dedicated to understanding what it really means to enjoy our lives, creating what it is that reflect

  • #039 - What are the 3 principles

    11/05/2020 Duration: 11min

    The 9 minute clip you’re about to listen to is an excerpt from an interview where I was asked the question, “What are the 3 principles.” As you’ll hear, my response started in somewhere that’s probably pretty familiar to most people and ended up somewhere much deeper. In fact, by the time we’d reached the end of my answer, the feeling was so deep and profound that my interviewers (Lea Wernli and Shailia Stephens-Würsig) fell completely silent, and we sat in that insight-friendly space for the next 25 seconds. We’ve left that 25 seconds of silence in at the end of this recording, and I haven’t recorded an outro because you may find that you want to sit in that silence for a while once we get to it. And here’s the thing: You may have heard me say that I see my job in sharing the principles as ‘helping make it easy for my clients to have the insights that are going to make a difference to them in their lives.’ What I’ve found is that when we spontaneously fall into that quiet, peaceful, ‘insight-friendly’ sp

  • #038 - KEYNOTE : The Search is Over (except when it isn’t)

    05/05/2020 Duration: 01h28min

      I’m Jamie Smart, and welcome to the podcast. We’re many weeks into lockdown as i record this, so I hope this finds you and yours safe and well. One of the things I’ve been doing is having a look at ways to introduce people to my work, and so I was looking through our most popular podcast episodes. I’ve got some great new episodes lined up for you, but this week I’m going to share one of our most popular episodes of all time.   The recording you’re about to hear is a keynote speech I did at the opening of the first “Unlimited Conference” in Helsinki, Finland back in 2016. It starts with an introduction from the conference organiser, Niko Leppanen. I first met Niko at a workshop in Oslo, Norway, and he went on to train with me as a Clarity Coach, so we’ve been on this journey together for quite a while. Now, almost everyone who’s been touched by the 3 principles gets hit by the same three big questions,   1) Why doesn’t everyone know this?   2) What can I do to help get this ‘out there’?    3) Why does it som

  • #037 - Are love, peace and resilience really innate? Where’s the evidence?

    06/04/2020 Duration: 11min

    This episode is a 10-minute clip taken from the first module of this year’s Clarity Certification Training. I’d been exploring the notion of ‘true identity’ with the members of the group, when I was asked this question: “True identity is consciousness itself; I’m very happy with that. The question is, when we move beyond that, into defining that consciousness as having characteristics (such as stillness, love, resilience, truth, calm), where’s the evidence of that?"   Basically, where’s the evidence that these qualities are innate?   My answer both surprised and resonated with people.  Here’s the episode.

  • #036 - MASTERCLASS Finding your bearings in turbulent times

    30/03/2020 Duration: 01h41s

    I'm Jamie Smart - welcome to the podcast. You don't need me to tell you that, as I record this, we're living through a time of extreme volatility and uncertainty. One aspect of that is the coronavirus and its health impacts. Another aspect is the societal and economic impacts of our response to the pandemic. But the third, and for many people the most troubling aspect is the psychological and emotional distress that people are dealing with in relation to all this. This week's podcast is a recording of an online masterclass I did recently called "Finding your bearings in turbulent times." As you listen, we’re going to be exploring the things that can help you to… - Navigate these rapidly changing circumstances. - Keep your bearings (and find them again quickly if you should lose them). - Be of real help to the people around you when they start losing their sh*t. You'll also hear me do live Q&A as I deal with the various questions and concerns people (quite naturally) have as they're navigating these strang

  • #035 - GCP Interview: The Coaching Show

    27/02/2020 Duration: 29min

    This episode is a re-release of an interview from last summer, but as you’ll hear, it’s a conversation with a difference, because rather than me interviewing someone, it’s me *being* interviewed for The Coaching Show, by ICF Master Coach Christopher McAuliffe and his colleague Alex Terranova.    And this was an interesting one. As you’ll hear, it was pretty fast-paced, and I really enjoyed the challenge of making the value and approach involved in principles based coaching explicit to a couple of experienced coaches who were brand new to the subject. We talked about 3-day intensives, and what has to happen before a busy executive is willing to take 3 days out of a packed schedule to do an intensive with you. We also talked a lot about the whole domain of growing a coaching practice.    Speaking of which, back when we released the episode, I announced that I was running my last ever 90-day Coaching Immersion.   One of my business mentors had said that 90 days (12 weeks) was too much - that we should limit the

  • #034 - Addiction, Compulsion and Habits (and the solution to all of them) with Dr Mark Howard

    19/12/2019 Duration: 42min

    The conversation you’re about to hear is one I had with my dear friend and colleague, Dr Mark Howard just before we recorded an ‘Impact Kit’ for my ClarityPro members.    Mark is a licensed psychologist who's spent *decades* sharing the principles with people to help them recover from addictions. As such, he's probably the most experienced person on the planet when it comes to sharing the principles to help people break free from life-damaging habits and compulsions. Mark and I first met ten years ago in Santa Cruz, when I sat in on a group session he was doing and I was blown away. Behind his gentle demeanour, I could sense a rock solid certainty about what people have going for them. Mark and I became great friends and he’s one of the people I continue to learn from and be impacted by, so I hope you enjoy this conversation as much as I did.    By the way, if you’re a ClarityPro member, you’ll find the Impact Kit I mentioned in the Addiction, Habits & Compulsions module. You’ll hear Mark and I discuss

  • #033 - DEMO: Narcissistic Abuse (Coaching VS therapy)

    09/12/2019 Duration: 45min

    In this episode you’re going to hear a coaching demo I did in front of an audience with a client suffering from what she described as narcissistic abuse. She sometimes felt overwhelming fear of rejection, and wanted to start living with more peace and freedom. The client had trained extensively as a therapist, and was convinced her present-day problems were rooted in her past. And she'd tried lots of things... Telling herself she knew it was just a story (she didn't). Trying to tell herself a better story (she couldn't). Working at accepting the overwhelming feelings (they seemed unacceptable). But what if there's so much *less* than that to do? You may have heard me say that the two most valuable things a person can discover are how experience is created and who they really are. My client thought her overwhelming feelings were telling her about her past (they weren't). My client thought there was something wrong with her (there wasn't. And there isn't.) As the session proceeded, she started waking

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