Vienna Assembly Of God Sermons



Sermons from Vienna Assembly of God. Pastor Brenda Burns speaks most weeks, and we are honored to host amazing guests as well from time to time.


  • Christmas With Friends, including Susan Stiles' Ataxia Story


    We apologize for the audio quality, but wanted to share this special conversation with you. We can trust the goodness of God even through long-term illness and chronic health challenges.

  • The Story We Tell: Incarnation


    The story we tell as Christians is dependent on this mystery - Jesus Christ, Son of God, Creator of the world come to dwell in the world he created as a creature, fully man, fully God.

  • The Story We Tell: Bright Thanks and Future Hope


    We must understand that even though our story is constantly being written and there will be good days and there will be bad days, we are called to keep telling the SAME story. The love of God, the salvation of Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit poured out on all people, the hope of the resurrection - this story doesn't change no matter what happens to us!

  • Special Guest Speaker: Blane Young


    Blane shares up-to-the-minute stories of God at work in students' lives, and a fresh take on a familiar story from the Book of Acts.

  • Concerning Patriotism: A Faithful Christian's Guide to Loving Your Country


    I have become concerned about Christian nationalism, and its impact on our society and on the Church. But that does not mean we should not be patriotic, or love our country. So today I just want to give a pastoral talk to encourage us in navigating the differences between proper love of country and patriotism, as opposed to idolatry and Christian nationalism.

  • Favorite Things: Travel Lessons and Inspirations


    Pastor Brenda shares from her recent travels and inspires us to "Be Strong in the Lord!"

  • On Mission


    Guest speaker and missionary Rev. Becky Pucher challenges us: What is your mission?

  • Presence. Second Coming. All Things New.


    In my early planning for this series, three promises stood out to me to cover. And I expected that each one would be the focus of an entire sermon. But for today, I'm going to talk about them together: 1) God has promised his presence. 2) Jesus has promised he will return. 3) There will be a new heaven and new earth!

  • Better Promises


    Hebrews 8:6. But now Jesus, our High Priest, has been given a ministry that is far superior to the old priesthood, for he is the one who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises.

  • Promises, Promises - Covenant


    We live in the new covenant promises of God, fulfilled in Jesus Christ. This is the arc of the biblical narrative, that God has made a way for us to be right with him. Initiated by love, God established the new covenant, and we can be assured that what God says will come to pass.

  • Promises, Promises - Introduction


    What can we believe? Who can we trust? It is within God's character to initiate covenant. It is an exchange of life - "I am yours, and you are mine." This has been God's way with humans always. Understanding the background of covenant in the Old Testament is crucial to grasping Jesus' words as he shared the cup of wine with his disciples on the night he was betrayed: This is the New Covenant in my blood, which is shed for you.

  • Psalm 1 and 150


    The truth of God's blessing is real. And the fact that the Scripture gives us some specific wisdom regarding God's blessing is an amazing gift. We are not left to wander around looking for some secret portal into the blessings of God. We are given very clear understanding of what God blesses, and who God blesses.

  • Psalm 23


    As personal as it feels to me anytime I read, "The Lord is my Shepherd..." it also is true and available to whoever calls on the name of the Lord. Through the centuries, people from all over the world have found comfort and strength in Psalm 23.

  • Psalm 90


    As we long for revival, for an awakening that reaches to our children's generation, we work toward that. And we pray, "Lord! Make our efforts successful!" I pray for you, that all that you do in service to the King is blessed and anointed, that God's favor be poured out on you, and you receive that smile of God's approval, and the sense of God making your efforts successful!

  • Psalm 22


    Jesus taught that the Psalms spoke of him. We learn how Psalm 22 proclaimed the suffering and victory of Christ.

  • Psalm 30


    "You healed me!" "Joy comes in the morning." "Your anger lasts only a moment, but your favor for a lifetime." -So many memorable and important declarations are contained in this Psalm. Thanksgiving sets us apart as we experience orientation, disorientation and reorientation through the Psalms.

  • Psalm 133


    How good it is! when brothers and sisters live together in harmony. Jesus prayed that his followers would be one. That prayer has yet to be fully answered, yet we are invited to join ourselves to this hope.

  • Psalms - Singing in the Cave


    Do you have a favorite Psalm? Or more than one? You may be surprised as you read through the Psalms to realize how familiar some are to you, because the Psalms serve as the lyrics for many hymns, anthems and songs of worship. As we spend a few Sundays looking closely at Psalms, my hope is that you are intrigued and inspired, and that through the gift of the Psalms come to deepen your love for the Lord.

  • Deliver Us From Evil


    Jesus gave us this prayer for the already and the not yet, for the right now, everyday following Jesus step by step, and the joyous anticipation of the glory that will be. It doesn't give us a key to destroy evil before God's time when that day will come, but it does give us the pattern for how to live in anticipation of that day.

  • Food and Forgiveness


    In the Genesis account, we see an important correlation to the part of the Lord's Prayer that we are examining today. Genesis 2 illustrates two basic needs that we humans have had baked into us at creation: 1. Food. 2. Relationship. In current jargon, this need for food and for relationship is not a bug, this is a feature.

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