Sandra Rea's Fiercely Spiritual Podcast

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 58:39:09
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Sandra Rea is one of Irelands foremost spiritual teachers. Named the perfect guide by Womans Way Magazine, she has a genuine passion for helping women to deeply heal, step into their power and live their best life. In each episode Sandra brings you inspired wisdom, spiritual guidance and practical steps to apply the teachings in your life so that you can begin to see the changes you desire. Trust your inner wisdom, know your worth and become your best self.


  • Finding Peace with Your Emotions

    24/06/2019 Duration: 13min

    Do you ever wish you could escape your painful emotions, hit the “off” switch and take a break from the rollercoaster of life? I know, we’ve all been there. The issue is that we see our painful emotions as something to be avoided rather than working with our emotions and even using them as a guidance system. In those moments when you feel your worst you have a huge opportunity to become aware, to learn, and to choose something different. Most of us miss this opportunity as we are too quick to hide our emotions, ignore them, and fight them. In this episode I explain how to find peace with your painful emotions and how to start using them to your advantage.

  • The Key to Unlocking Your Life Part 2

    18/06/2019 Duration: 10min

    Last week we spoke about the key to unlocking your life. I promised that we would delve into the subject in more detail this week and I believe this episode will really help you to integrate the teachings into your life. I offer some practical steps you can take sot that you can start embracing all aspects of you, even the parts that you normally run from! If you’ve been finding it difficult to love yourself unconditionally (or even love yourself at all) let this episode be the catalyst to allow you to start giving to yourself the love that you need. And you never know, you might even find that it unlocks your life in surprising and delightful ways! By the way, if you haven’t listened to last weeks episode (part 1), then go here to listen first before diving into this episode.

  • The Key to Unlocking Your Life

    10/06/2019 Duration: 13min

    Is there an area of your life where you are suffering? Is there some area that always seems less than ideal or doesn’t meet your expectations? Don’t worry, we all have parts of our lives that could use some improvement. If you’ve been finding that one particular area seems to be stuck or not moving in the direction you’d like, there is a way to unlock this and start moving forward. There is one thing that you can start doing right away that can make a tremendous difference and you might just find that things begin to shift very quickly in a positive direction for you. Watch this episode to discover more. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Move Beyond Fear and into Freedom

    03/06/2019 Duration: 13min

    Today we explore how to befriend fear. How to move from victim to observer, and what that can do to free you from your fears. It’s a process, it’s something that can happen instantly but usually takes practice, patience and persistence. But if you stick with it, the rewards are endless. Fear is the only thing holding you back from living a happy, fulfilling life. Fear paralyses us and holds us in a state of constriction. Fear has a place but not when we are paralysed by it, then it becomes a tormentor and serves no purpose. Today we are living in chronic fear, it is all consuming and it must be overcome if we want to live full, happy lives. This should be everyone’s top priority, to move beyond fear and into freedom. Listen to this episode to find out how. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • How to find “The Balance”

    27/05/2019 Duration: 16min

    There is a fine line between embracing what is and choosing what could be. It’s a delicate balance, an art if you will. It’s not obvious and it can be difficult to find, but when you find it, you create that perfect balance in your life. You live from a place of utter acceptance and joy, whilst also anticipating what’s to come with great excitement. It’s not about wishing your life away for some potential future. It’s not about giving up and settling for less than your potential… It’s walking that fine line between your potential and your present and enjoying all of it. So how do you live this way? Listen to this weeks Fiercely Spiritual Podcast to find out. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • What’s your vision for your life?

    20/05/2019 Duration: 10min

    What is the grand design you have for your life? What experiences do you wish to have? In what ways can your life get better? If you know the answerers to these questions and can reel off the exact vision you have created, then you’re good… this episode will be what you know already. If you’re not so quick to detail your vision, or if you have no vision at all, then this episode will be enormously helpful… not only for clarifying your vision, but for living a FULL life filled with the experiences, feelings and conditions that you desire. Listen now to discover more. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Have You Figured it Out Yet?

    13/05/2019 Duration: 18min

    Have you ever asked yourself why you practice meditation or yoga or other spiritual practices? Do you ever wonder about the purpose of it all? Was there something you were hoping to achieve from it? I know today’s episode might trigger some of you, it may get you thinking and asking yourself some important questions… And that’s okay! It’s ok to get out of your comfort zone. It’s good to ask questions and interrupt the status quo. We’ve talked about this topic before, but I wanted to bring it up again as we learn through repetition and hearing the same things different ways. It’s also hugely important and deserves to be touched on again. This is another short episode but we cover SO much. I like to pack in as much value for you as possible during our time together. Let’s dive in and figure it all out! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • The Mistake Most People Make When Working With Angels

    06/05/2019 Duration: 10min

    This is something I see a lot and I know I was certainly guilty of it when I started working with my Angels. It’s so easy to do but it’s the one thing that will end end up holding you back ultimately. I wanted to share this with you as it been on my mind recently and it keep’s repeating which usually means that it’s a message that needs to be shared! In this episode you’ll discover the mistake most people make when working with angels. I also discuss the role of your Angels and what to expect from them. And we’ll also dive into the subject of spiritual surrender! Enjoy, and as always, please comment below and leave any feedback you’d like to share. I love hearing from you. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • As You Wish!

    29/04/2019 Duration: 13min

    We all know about the Law of Attraction and how the Universe is always listening and responding to our desires… We know that the universe doesn’t have a preference about what we ask for, it always responds “as you wish” whether we ask for something big or small, something pleasant or unpleasant. And we know that it’s our responsibility to choose what we focus on. The universe is all powerful and nothing is too great for it. But what if the universe needs us? What if our purpose here isn’t to just keep asking the universe for more and more, but to instead ask what we can do for the universe? Sounds odd, why would an all powerful universe want or need us to do anything? Perhaps part of this universal power works through us and in order for it to flow, it needs us to carry out OUR part. Perhaps the universe is also asking US to respond to it’s desires but we’re not listening. Perhaps we hold the key for the universe to operate in total harmony. Now that’s an interesting concept! Listen to this weeks epi

  • The Magic Way Out of Negativity

    15/04/2019 Duration: 06min

    Abraham Hicks speaks about how contrast causes desire. The contrast of life causes us to know what we don’t want or like and that, then makes it easier to be clear about what we DO want/like. Where we get caught is when we focus solely on the unwanted rather than using it to clarify what is wanted. Let me explain… Have you ever spent hours complaining to a friend about an unwanted situation in your life? This is the contrast… but what’s on the other side of that unwanted situation? Do you even know? If you don’t, then you’re missing a massive opportunity. How can the Universe give you what you want if you don't even know what exactly you want? In this episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast I explore a simple but powerful technique to allow you to use the contrast - the unwanted situations, to get crystal clear about what’s wanted in your life. You have to experience the “negative” in order to choose and appreciate the positive opposite.

  • Working with Your Guardian Angel

    08/04/2019 Duration: 07min

    Do you ever wish you could have an intimate relationship with your Guardian Angel? No, not THAT kind of intimate… Although I have to say Archangel Michael is kinda handsome… ok, unbelievably handsome (sighs). What I’m talking about is the kind of BFF relationship that you have with your… BFF, where you can ask them anything, shoot the breeze, have fun together… Well, you can AND your Guardian Angel wants to have THAT kind of relationship with you too! And it’s easier than you think to start fostering a deep meaningful relationship with your Guardian Angel. Watch or listen to this episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast to find out more. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get weekly updates of new episodes.

  • The Breakdown IS the Breakthrough

    01/04/2019 Duration: 08min

    This episode is for everyone who is struggling or feeling stuck or overwhelmed. I want to help you to understand what you are going through and more importantly to help you to realise that you are not stuck, you’re about to breakthrough into something wonderful! Say what? I know, in those moments when you feel lost and hopeless, the feeling of breaking through to something wonderful is the last thing on your mind. In those moments you are struggling, fighting to get a breath and to keep your head above water. But what if you just let go? What if you allow the swell to take you down to the depths of the ocean, the depths of your being? What would happen then? Would you drown or would you become something new, something unexpected, something you had never thought possible? Maybe your transform into a mermaid, maybe you dissolve and become the water, maybe… There is so much waiting for you. Stop struggling. Let go… Listen to this episode to find out more. You can totally do this. I believe in you! I

  • From Panic to Peace With Collette Bungay

    25/03/2019 Duration: 48min

    Have you ever had a conversation that really inspired you to live up to your full potential and not let fear hold you back? In this episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast I feature one of the founding members of the Fiercely Spiritual Family, Collette Bungay. Collette shares her story of how she was living with anxiety and panic just a few years ago and how she now is experiencing a new level of peace and happiness in her life. She is truly inspiring! The points that Collette makes are so important, especially now, when we are living in a society where anxiety and panic are commonplace and thought to be part of modern day living. Anxiety is NOT normal. You do not have to live with it. There is most definitely another path you can choose! If you’ve been experiencing panic or fear or anxiety, let this conversation be the catalyst for change. My hope is that this will support you in bringing more peace and happiness into your life.

  • Angel Alchemy, Crystals & Cosmic Goddess with Cynthia Long

    19/03/2019 Duration: 45min

    I recently was introduced to power of crystal grids and how we can use them to enhance healing, manifesting and so much more. They act as a transmitter of sorts, holding the vibration of the intention you set for whatever purpose you’re using the grid. I spoke with someone this week who creates the most gorgeous hand made crystal grids… so beautiful! Cynthia long is an Angel Intuitive, and creator of Angel blessed essential oils. We talked about how she came to be an Angle intuitive, and the easiest way to connect with the Angels. She told me all about her Cosmic Love Goddess online course and how she incorporates custom blend essential oils into her work. I loved hearing her insights, especially her advice for using crystals and essential oils to enhance your spiritual practice. If you work with the Angels, crystals or essential oils (or would like to start) this episode is a must see! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram:

  • An Angel Blessing

    11/03/2019 Duration: 12min

    Would you like to experience an Angel blessing? This week I’m doing something slightly different… I’m talking you through a beautiful Angle blessing for love, peace, protection and vitality. It’s short but you’ll feel totally renewed afterwards! It’s a beautiful way to connect with your Guardian Angel or one of the Archangels you work with. It’s up to you, you can choose a different Angel each time you do it or you can work with the same Angel over and over. That’s the beauty of this blessing, it’s different each time you experience it and you get from it exactly what you need. It’s really powerful but you’ll notice that you really begin to experience it’s positive effects if you take time to do it each day. Whether you do it once, or you do it every day, you’ll find you experience some level of transformation. So are you ready to experience your Angel blessing? I thought so. Let’s get started!

  • Creating Abundance in Your Life

    04/03/2019 Duration: 07min

    If you feel lack in a certain area of your life… health, career, relationship, money… fear not! Whatever you wish to attract, you can have it. The Law of Attraction is one of my FAVOURITE topics, I could literally talk about it all day! It’s a subject that is SO simple and yet, and yet, so complicated! Don’t you just love those universal paradoxes? So, rather than bombarding you with hours of information, in this episode I share a simple tip for creating more abundance in your life. In fact, it’s so simple you’ll probably ignore it and think “that couldn’t work.” Oh, but it does! If you want to create more abundance in your life without having to dance naked under the Full Moon (although if that’s your thing, go for it!), I think you’ll love this episode.

  • Episode 45: Time and Money are Never the Real Issue!

    25/02/2019 Duration: 09min

    If you’re using the issue of time or money as an excuse not to be, do or have something, then you’re in for a shock because in reality time and money are never the real issue at play… They may seem to be the problem and you might have convinced yourself that money or time certainly is a real issue but I assure you they are not. What? Yes, I know this seems like absurd logic and you’re probably wondering “well, if that’s not the issue then what is?” There is another factor at play here and it can be so insidious that most of us don’t even recognise it at work. Tune into this week’s Fiercely Spiritual Podcast to find out exactly what the “issue” is and how to overcome it.

  • Episode 44: Staying Uplifted in a World that Wants to Bring You Down!

    18/02/2019 Duration: 22min

    I recently read an article that reported about how the world is a greener place now than it was twenty years ago, due to tree planting programs in China and India. We don’t often read positive stories like this about positive initiatives happening around the world, but there are many, many more examples of inspiring stories and work that is being done if we look for them. Unfortunately, we only hear about the tragedies, devastation and drama that the news reports. We don’e have to ignore what’s happening in the world but we also don’t have to let it drag our energy down. It can be difficult to stay inspired and uplifted when you’re bombarded with bad news. But there is a way and it’s SO important now more than ever to consciously choose to stay uplifted. Why? Because your energy creates your reality. In this weeks episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast I explain more about this and I share the practices I do each day to keep my energy uplifted. Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes

  • Episode 43: Let the Universe Express Itself Through You

    11/02/2019 Duration: 08min

    That feeling of emptiness that you often feel… what is it? Where does it come from? What are you missing? Perhaps there is something delicious, something great that wants to find expression and the emptiness is the feeling of your unfulfilled creative expression. Perhaps the universe longs to express itself through you and perhaps you long to express that surge of desire deep within you that seems to have gone unanswered for so long. But where do you begin to start? It seems like a monumental task to let the universe express itself through you, but it doesn’t have to be. It can be a divine collaboration filled with joy, excitement and delight if you’re willing to open up to it. Want to discover how? This weeks episode of the Fiercely Spiritual Podcast will show you the way! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes - Fiercely Spiritual Podcast on iTunes or Sandra Rea on YouTube. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

  • Episode 42: How to Apply the Law of Resonance

    03/02/2019 Duration: 15min

    We’ve all heard of the Law of Attraction but the Law of Resonance is just as important (if not more) but not so well known. When you know what this law is about and how to apply it, you have the key to your desires. In this episode I explain what exactly resonance means (I geek out with some technical descriptions!). You’ll learn what this means for you, the importance of your emotions, what happens when you drop out of resonance and how to resonate in line with your desires. A must see! Like this podcast? Subscribe to get the latest episodes - Fiercely Spiritual Podcast on iTunes or Sandra Rea on YouTube. FOLLOW ME ON: Instagram: Facebook:

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