Rick Renner Podcast (audio)



Rick Renner


  • September 4 – Staying In a Place of Faith

    04/09/2023 Duration: 01min

    If you want to fully follow God’s plan for your life, you must find out where God wants you to be. Then you must get in alignment with God’s call and stay there until the task is fulfilled. It is only from this position of solid, unequivocal alignment with God’s will that you can know you are pleasing God! For the entire library, go to renner.org.

  • Timothy’s Story With Erring Leaders

    04/09/2023 Duration: 28min

    In today’s program, learn how to deal with erring leaders in the Church from examples of leaders in the New Testament who departed from the faith.

  • September 3 – Jesus in Our Very Midst

    03/09/2023 Duration: 01min

    Anyone who deliberately gathers — in any shape or fashion — in the name of Jesus will experience the presence of Jesus in their midst. For the entire library, go to renner.org.

  • Home Group - A Teamwork In The Church, Part 1, Rick Renner and Tony Cooke

    02/09/2023 Duration: 27min

    Discover the power of teamwork in Church and your incredible role on God's team.

  • September 2 – A Hallowed Place

    02/09/2023 Duration: 01min

    I want to ask if you have a “solitary place” where you “depart” — that is, where you put distance between yourself and others so you can have isolated time with the Lord? He longs to have this time with you — and you must have it if you are to live as an overcoming, victorious, empowered child of God. For the entire library, go to renner.org.

  • September 1– The Solution to Offense

    01/09/2023 Duration: 01min

    You are the only one who has the authority to rip the root of bitterness and offense out of your own heart. If you’re ever going to be free, move forward, and live fully in the power of God, you’re going to have to release the offenses that you’ve allowed to build a stronghold in your heart. For the entire library, go to renner.org.

  • How to Pray for Erring Leaders

    01/09/2023 Duration: 28min

    Discover what the Bible says about leaders who are in error and how we should respond in today’s powerful program with Rick Renner!

  • August 31 – Do the First Works

    31/08/2023 Duration: 01min

    Is Jesus speaking to you today, calling you to return to a simple, passionate love for Him? Will you respond and pass the test? For the entire library, go to renner.org.

  • Contending for Faith in End Times

    31/08/2023 Duration: 28min

    What does the Bible mean when it says we are to “contend for the faith?” Join Rick Renner as he answers this important question in this program.

  • August 30 – Repent

    30/08/2023 Duration: 01min

    Today Jesus is still crying out for the Church to repent of worldliness and carnality. As is true in each generation, today we have a choice: to harden our hearts and turn a deaf ear to the Holy Spirit, or to allow Him to deal deeply with us and produce genuine repentance in our hearts and souls. For the entire library, go to renner.org.

  • Spiritual Smugglers

    30/08/2023 Duration: 28min

    Discover how to recognize a spiritual smuggler and how to respond to those smuggling error into the Church in today’s program with Rick Renner.

  • August 29 – From Whence Thou Art Fallen

    29/08/2023 Duration: 01min

    Oh, how far the Church has drifted from the simple, powerful, fiery beginnings of revival that once burned in the hearts of early believers! Today Christ is speaking from the Scriptures and calling His people to repent, just as He called on the church of Ephesus to repent nearly 2,000 years ago. Let’s hear what the Spirit is still speaking to His Church! For the entire library, go to renner.org.

  • What Jesus Says About Error

    29/08/2023 Duration: 28min

    Learn how the apostles defended the Early Church from error and the lessons you can apply from them in today’s delusional culture.

  • Time With Denise Renner - Death Knocks, But Jesus Answers

    28/08/2023 Duration: 28min

    In this program, Denise’s guest Heather Z shares her personal testimony of healing. God led her to the other side, and He will do the same for you!

  • August 28 – Remember

    28/08/2023 Duration: 01min

    So have you allowed the busyness of serving God to bury the excitement you felt for Jesus when you were first saved? If so, take Jesus’ words to heart and remember your first love. Clear away the weeds and clutter of life from those memories, and let them stand tall like a monument in your mind! For the entire library, go to renner.org.

  • Prophecies About the Last Days

    28/08/2023 Duration: 28min

    Join Rick as he discusses the Bible’s prophecy about seducing spirits entering the world in the last days and what it means for you in this program.

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