Coffee & Kettlebells

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 117:20:47
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Coffee & Kettlebells gives you a strong dose of hot topics from nutrition, fitness, self-help, style, entrepreneurship, motherhood, and more, inspiring you to live your life with greater balance, vitality and empowerment. From full-time mom, personal trainer, Co-Founder and COO of Burn Boot Camp, our host, boss babe Morgan Kline, brings you honest advice, real-life stories, and unedited authenticity. So, grab a mug and join us for a cup of coffee & kettlebells!


  • How to Get Clear Skin with Trina Felber

    02/10/2019 Duration: 01h05min

    Let me guess. You either have a dedicated skincare regiment or you are addicted to buying more and more skincare products? Let me also guess that you have no idea what ingredients are in the skincare products you are purchasing and using? If we are being honest with ourselves, most of us select skincare products that have the best branding and marketing, without really knowing if the ingredients are healthy, not only for our skin, but for our bodies and our overall health. Did you know that most skincare products are actually water based and dry out our skin? Or what about that “acne-fighting” skincare product we use. Did you know it can actually cause more acne? I could go on and on asking if you do or don’t know these skincare facts, but instead, I recommend you tune into this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells. Join me as I chat with guest Trina Felber, founder and creator of Primal Life Organics, a company passionate about natural skincare and dental care products. Trina is also the international bestse

  • Keto, Vegan, Paleo: Why People See Results on These Fad Diets

    30/09/2019 Duration: 13min

    We all have friends, or follow people on Instagram, who started a fad diet and saw amazing results. Maybe they went vegan or gluten-free, or they decided to do keto or give intermittent fasting a try. Whatever the diet may be, it’s undeniable they lost a lot of weight or gained more lean muscle.   Aren’t fad diets bad though? How are all these people seeing such amazing results, when you hear all the time they don’t work? In this episode, I’m going to discuss four reasons why people are seeing amazing results and hopefully help you decide whether or not you should be doing these fad diets as well.   Up next: Grass-Fed, Free-Range, All-Natural: What Do These Labels Really Mean? For daily fitness, nutrition and life inspiration, as well as glimpses into my daily life, follow me on Instagram and Facebook! Instagram: @morgan.a.kline  Facebook: Coffee & Kettlebells  Do you have any questions for me? Send me a direct message on Instagram and I will always answer!

  • Is Breast Implant Illness Real? with Courtney Bursich

    25/09/2019 Duration: 41min

    Many women are experiencing symptoms of depression, hormonal issues, chronic pain, hair loss, unexplained fatigue and other symptoms which they believe to be related to their breast implants. They claim once getting the implants removed, their symptoms disappeared. According to Medical News Today, many doctors are refusing to recognize breast implant illness as a real medical condition and diagnosis.   Breast Implant Illness (BII) has been a hot topic across social media. Countless influencers have opened up about having to get their breast implants removed due to these health issues. This leaves us questioning if Breast Implant Illness is real or not.  In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, returning guests, Courtney Bursich, shares her personal experience with Breast Implant Illness, the research she has done on why it’s happening, the effects it is having on women's health and what your doctor isn’t telling you.  Courtney is a brilliant Primal Health Coach who is beyond passionate about e

  • How to Get and Stay Motivated

    23/09/2019 Duration: 15min

    It’s easy to fall victim to our busy lives. We let our health and fitness routines get pushed aside and begin to feel so far from our best selves. We feel unenergized, unmotivated and all around not good.  Many of us reach a breaking point where we want to stop feeling this way and find the motivation to begin making positive changes in our lifestyle. We tell ourselves we are going to eat healthier and work out more. We usually stick with it for a week or two, sometimes even a month, before we allow life to get in the way. Before we know it, we find ourselves returning to our unhealthy habits and feeling less than our best again.   We tell ourselves we’ll start again tomorrow. Tomorrow comes and we still don’t have the motivation. Now we’ll start on Monday, and the pattern continues to repeat itself. Monday comes and our motivation is still lacking. At this point we vow to start again after a certain holiday, vacation or event. We fall into this vicious cycle of continuing to find excuses for putting off

  • Exactly What to Buy at the Grocery Store with Kevin Curry

    19/09/2019 Duration: 34min

    Real talk: Who else is confused about what to buy at the grocery store? With so many different labels found on food packages, from grass-fed, organic and free-range, to low-fat, high-protein and gluten-free, grocery shopping can be so overwhelming.   What do these labels mean? Which labels should we be looking for? Which labels matter and which ones don’t? Navigating these labels makes figuring out what to buy at the grocery store so confusing.   Food marketers have done an amazing job trying to trick us into believing their products are healthier for you than they actually are by using fancy buzzwords like “low-fat”. Unfortunately, most of us fall for it!  I'll let you in on a few little secrets these food marketers don’t want you to know: Low-fat isn’t a label you should look for, high-protein doesn’t automatically mean it’s healthy, and you don’t have to eat organic to see results. Mind blowing, right?   Want to learn more about exactly what you should be buying at the grocery store? This epi

  • Does This Mirror Make Me Look Fat?

    16/09/2019 Duration: 07min

    How many times have you felt cute and confident in an outfit, until you catch a glimpse of yourself in the mirror and become instantly self-conscious? And, how many times have you allowed your opinion of your reflection in the mirror trigger negative internal dialogue like, “I’m so fat” or “I can’t believe how ugly I look"?  Most of us probably cannot even count! It’s crazy how quickly we go from feeling confident to feeling self-conscious with just one glimpse in the mirror. It’s even more crazy how we much of our self-worth and self-confidence we place in the reflection we see in the mirror.  If this sounds like you and you are a victim of the “fat” mirror, this episode is for you!  In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, I chat with you about the negative relationship so many of us have with the mirror, which greatly effects the relationship we have with our bodies. Plus, I talk to you about how we can change our perspective on the reflection we see to successfully develop greater self-love

  • The Benefits of Mushroom Supplements with Four Sigmatic's Danielle Ryan Broida

    12/09/2019 Duration: 47min

    Do you want to feel less stressed? How about have more energy? Or, have better skin? A stronger immune system? Higher quality of sleep?   Thankfully, functional mushrooms can help! In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, the National Educator for Four Sigmatic, Danielle Ryan Broida, shares how we can use functional mushrooms to improve the quality of our health and life. Danielle, who is also a Registered Herbalist of the American Herbalists Guild, Certified Holistic Nutritionist and Instructor of Mycology, educates us on the different types of functional mushrooms and their benefits, including reishi, shitake, lion’s mane, chaga, cordyceps and more, and how we can begin including them into our daily diet.   Functional mushrooms are best known for their energy boosting benefits. We all live crazy, busy lives and spread ourselves way too thin. I don’t know about you, but I find myself refilling my coffee cup way too many times throughout the day to help me stay up to speed with my life. But, for some of u

  • Six Ways Your Friends Influence You

    09/09/2019 Duration: 21min

    Do you spend your time with people that reflect the type of person you want to become? Do they challenge you to grow? Do they celebrate your success? Do they build your character and your self-confidence? Do they bring out the best in you? Do they help you keep your priorities in check? Do they contribute to your happiness? Do they support the path you are on?  So much of our lives are influenced by who we spend our time with. Which means, if we want to become the best version of ourselves and reach all our goals, we need to surround ourselves with those who add value to your lives.  In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, I discuss six aspects of our lives where our friends influence us. I challenge you to take the time to reflect on your relationships and determine whether or not who you associate with most is having a positive or negative affect within these six aspects. Keep this in mind moving forward and remain hyper-aware of the influence they are having on you and your life.   For daily fitn

  • The Negative Effects of Antibiotics and How to Buy the Right Probiotic with Dr. Marvin Singh

    06/09/2019 Duration: 44min

    In this episode, I chat with guest Dr. Marvin Singh, who dives deep into two important health topics we need to know more about: antibiotics and probiotics. Both antibiotics and probiotics have a huge impact on our gut health, which in turn, have a huge impact on our overall health.   I know many of us have no idea there are negative effects of antibiotics. We feel sick, we go to the doctor, we get prescribed an antibiotic and we take it without thinking twice. While in some situations antibiotics are needed, they are over-prescribed and causing more harm than good to our gut health.   To ensure our gut health is optimal, supplementing with probiotics is essential. But, if you’re anything like me, picking out the right probiotic is confusing and overwhelming! Do I want 10 billion or 50 CFUs? What even are CFUs? How many strands of bacteria do I want? Which strands of bacteria do I want? There are so many words on the label that I have never heard of before, let alone pronounce!   Dr. Marvin Singh helps

  • 5 Reasons to Stop Wearing Fitness Trackers

    02/09/2019 Duration: 16min

    Fitness trackers are trending. It’s nearly impossible to come across a person who isn’t wearing one. These fitness trackers have us constantly looking to see how many steps we’ve gotten in and how many calories we’ve burned. It seems like counting our steps and tracking our calorie burn would make us healthier, right?  What if I told you these fitness trackers may do more harm than good?   What if I told you these fitness trackers don’t provide you with accurate numbers?   What if I told you these fitness trackers don’t actually help you lose more weight?   In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells,  I educate you on what you may not know about fitness trackers, plus my top five reasons why you should stop wearing them.   For those of you who can't survive a day without your fitness tracker, or think it’s the best tool for getting fit, losing weight and becoming healthy, you better listen up!  Up next: 5 Reminders for Your Health and Fitness Journey 

  • Hangry? How to Control Your Appetite and Cravings with Dr. Brooke and Sarah Fragoso

    30/08/2019 Duration: 45min

    Hanger is real! Not only is it real, but it is also your body trying to tell you something is not right! In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, we are going to dive into what really is causing you to have an increased appetite and feel crazy hungry all the time. I chat with guests Sarah Fragoso and Dr. Brooke Kalanick, authors of the best-selling book Hangry, who educate us what is actually happening in our bodies when we feel hangry. Hint: it's your hormones! One of my favor parts of the episode is when Dr. Brooke says, “How many times do we reach for the sugary treat instead of a high protein snack when our energy is in the tank? We feel that intense craving and think we’re getting a strong message that the cookie is exactly what our body need. In reality, this is not a cookie deficiency but rather our blood sugar on the fritz, thanks to insulin and cortisol issues.” I think most people think they are craving a cookie because they are craving a cookie, and they don’t realize that craving is a

  • Is There a Difference Between Being Fit and Being Healthy?

    26/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    Do you follow people on social media whose bodies you are completely envious of? And does seeing their posts of their rocking body make you feel worse about your own? Before you praise someone for what their body looks like, first ask yourself: Are they taking a healthy approach to fitness? What do you really know about what is behind that “perfect” body? We shouldn’t celebrate or be envious or inspired by someone’s perfect-looking body until we know what is really behind their fitness success. Why? Just because someone looks great, doesn’t mean they are healthy. People will take extreme measures to get fit, disregarding their health altogether. They can be the fittest person in the world—with perfectly sculpted legs and six-pack abs, able to do 500 burpees in a row and squat an insane amount of weight—but that does not necessarily mean they are healthy. In this episode, I explain what it means to be fit, what it means to be healthy and how, in some cases, there can be a huge difference. Plus, I talk you thro

  • Reduce Menopause Symptoms with Amanda Thebe 

    23/08/2019 Duration: 54min

    Has your experience with menopause affected the quality of your life? It doesn’t have to!    I’ve worked with countless clients at Burn Boot Camp who are so frustrated by menopause. They feel like their hormones are all messed up, their metabolism is way too slow and all they are doing is just gaining weight. In this episode, menopause expert, Amanda Thebe, busts the top menopause myths, as well as provides us an action plan for taking control of our menopausal symptoms.  Amanda also explains the three different stages of menopause. She says, “So many women have no idea the symptoms they are experiencing–such as achy joints, incontinence or depression–are directly related to perimenopause, which is the first stage of menopause.” That’s why she explains in depth the most common signs and symptoms of each stage, as well as how to combat them.   It's possible to become your fittest self at any age. It's possible to reduce your symptoms to ensure menopause doesn't hold you back from becoming t

  • 5 Tips for Getting Over a Fitness Plateau

    19/08/2019 Duration: 13min

     What do you do when you feel stuck on a fitness plateau? The biggest mistake people make when stuck on a fitness plateau is working out more and eating less. And when they still aren't seeing the results they want to see, they think they need to work out more and more, and eat less and less. Despite what they may believe, these are the two worst things you can do when stuck on a fitness plateau.   If this sounds like you, listen up! In this episode, I share five tips for helping you get over that stubborn fitness plateau. My tips most likely are the complete opposite of what you think you should be doing, but let me tell you, they have worked wonders with my clients in the past.   The tips I share are practical, realistic and don’t include any quick-fix solutions. Implement them into your life today and you will never hit that annoying fitness plateau again!  For daily fitness, nutrition and life inspiration, as well as glimpses into my daily life, follow me on Instagram and Facebook! Instagram: @m

  • Top Parenting Tips for Raising Confident Kids with Darlene Brock

    16/08/2019 Duration: 32min

    Being a parent can be scary. You’re always wondering if you are doing the right thing and if you are doing enough. At the end of the day, you just want to make sure you raise great children, right? In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, Darlene Brock, author of Raising Great Girls and co-founder of The Grit and Grace Project, shares her top parenting hacks for successfully building your kids up to become strong and confident people. She also discusses how to stop feeling so much “mom-guilt,” how to quit comparing yourself to other parents and how to be both your children’s parent and friend. What you’ll learn: What it means to be your children’s coach Why you don’t have to be perfect to be a great parent The benefits of being both a parent and a friend to your children and how to do it How to let go of your “mom guilt” How to stop comparing yourself to other moms and just be the mother your children need How to ensure you are building your children’s confidence The negative effects that belittling your

  • How to Live Healthy without Feeling Deprived

    12/08/2019 Duration: 08min

    Up Next: 78: Just Say No When you are striving to commit to your health and fitness goals, develop healthier habits and live a healthier lifestyle, it may feel like you are say no to things you used to say yes to a lot. Constantly saying no to your old ways causes you to feel deprived. But, shouldn't living a lifestyle that aligns with your goals be exciting and make you feel happier, not deprived?    The word "no" has such negativity attached to it. So how can you turn saying "no" from something negative to something positive?    In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, I explain why knowing what you are saying yes to when you say no to something that doesn't align with your goals is essential for your health and fitness success. You’ll realize there are so many things to say yes to when you are living a life that aligns with what you want to achieve. There really is no deprivation–it’s all in how you decide to perceive it.   For daily fitness, nutrition and life inspirat

  • The Do’s and Don’ts of Dating with Julie Graham

    09/08/2019 Duration: 44min

    Let’s talk dating! Whether you feel stuck in the dating world, are entering it for the first time or are finding yourself back in it after a long time away, we got you! In this episode, guest Julie Graham discusses how the times have changed with the introduction of online dating and countless dating apps, and how it’s making the dating world seem overwhelming, intimidating and impossible to navigate—especially in a healthy way. Julie is the co-host of This Grit and Grace Life podcast and the Social Media and Brand Manager for the Grit and Grace Project online magazine. With a level head, a fresh perspective, great values and so much wisdom, Julie will empower you on how to keep your sanity in this crazy world of dating! Rather than thinking something is “wrong” with you and allowing the dating world to foster a negative relationship with yourself, Julie provides priceless advice for taking a healthy approach to dating.   What you’ll learn: How to take a healthy approach to dating Why you need to “date yours

  • 5 Ways to Make Vegetables Taste Good

    05/08/2019 Duration: 13min

    I think we can all agree vegetables are a big part of eating a healthy diet and that most of us could benefit from including more into our diet. But, how often does the thought of eating yet another salad sound all that satisfying to you or your family? I feel you and I got you! This episode of Coffee & Kettlebells is all about making vegetables taste amazing! Whether you struggle to get yourself to enjoy the taste of vegetables, or you have picky eaters in your house, these five tips will have everyone reaching for seconds! What you’ll learn: The biggest mistake people make when trying to eat more vegetables What it means to eat one serving of vegetables How to build a delicious salad Plus, four more simple ways to make vegetables taste good.  To learn more about the amazing benefits of spirulina and chlorella, check out Episode 77: The Most Nutrient-Dense Superfood in the World with the CEO of EnergyBits. I always blend both into a protein smoothie. You can find my favorite protein powder here.   Fo

  • Strong is Sexy with Heidi Powell

    02/08/2019 Duration: 45min

    What makes a woman sexy? What contributes to a woman’s confidence? We see extremely skinny women all over magazines, television and social media, making us believe for us to feel sexy and confident, we also need to be extremely skinny. Wethink the skinnier we are, the sexier we will feel and the more confident we will be. This couldn’t be further from the truth. In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, body transformation expert Heidi Powell clears the air and redefines what it means to be sexy and confident. As one of the top personal trainers in the industry, Heidi believes that sexy doesn’t have a certain size and confidence doesn’t have a certain look. She shares the best ways to start becoming more body-confident right now—and it’s probably not what you think. If you are ready to feel sexier and more confident in your skin, tune in now! What you’ll learn: Heidi’s definition of sexy and confidence Why being “skinnier” or “more toned” won’t bring you real confidence How putting on 20 pounds of muscle

  • 5 Signs You Are Being a Negative Person

    29/07/2019 Duration: 17min

    “You cannot hang out with negative people and expect to live a positive life.” How many times have you heard this before? I believe those words hold so much truth! On the other hand, I feel we place too much focus on others’ negativity, blaming their negative words, actions or attitudes for us not living a positive life.    When will we open our eyes and realize it’s not always others that are causing negativity to arise in our lives? When will we take ownership? We to stop pointing the finger at others for the unhappiness we are experiencing in our lives and start pointing the finger at ourselves.   In this episode of Coffee & Kettlebells, I show you some tough love. But I promise you, the moment you are able to face the fact that you are the one bring negativity into your life, is the moment  you are able to take control of your happiness.    In this episode, I ask you five questions to help you determine whether or not you are being a negative person.  I challenge you to take the time to think a

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