Observe The Word: Romans With Michael Brent

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 129:20:13
  • More information



Bible teacher Michael Brent guides listeners through the Letter to the Romans, emphasizing Paul's desire to establish Christians through a robust understanding of the gospel that leads to a life changing obedience of faith.


  • Isaiah 48:1-22 Israel Delivered

    29/09/2022 Duration: 34min

    In Isaiah 48:1-22, Isaiah completes his description of Babylon's fall and Israel's deliverance. God perseveres in faithfulness to his chosen people, but a dark chord is struck in the joyful song of rescue. A great deliverance from the external oppressor Babylon does not solve the internal problem of the human heart.

  • Isaiah 47:1-15 Babylon Conquered

    26/09/2022 Duration: 34min

    In Isaiah 47:1-15, Isaiah looks ahead to the fulfillment of the Cyrus prophecy with the fall of Babylon. Isaiah's vision looks beyond the specific, historic fall of Babylon to a spiritual reality that runs through human history from the tower of Babel in Genesis 11 to John's depiction in Revelation 18.

  • Isaiah 46:1-13 God’s Plan for Obstinate Israel 2

    15/09/2022 Duration: 41min

    In Isaiah 46:1-13, Isaiah concludes his description of Israel's obstinacy in regard to God's plan to use Cyrus. But first we continue our consideration of how Isaiah 45 influenced Paul's letter to the Romans in regard to the three themes of questioning God's plan, the righteousness of God, and the salvation of all Israel.

  • Isaiah 45:9-25 God’s Plan for Obstinate Israel

    30/08/2022 Duration: 47min

    In Isaiah 45:9-25, Israel pushes back against God's plan to raise up Cyrus, a Gentile Messiah. God responds with a rebuke and an affirmation that Israel will still play a central role in the formation of a world wide people. We will see significant connection between Isaiah 45 and Paul's letter to the Romans.

  • Isaiah 44:24-45:8 The Cyrus Prophecy and Historical Background

    22/08/2022 Duration: 54min

    In Isaiah 44:24-45:8, we consider the historical background and meaning of one of the most specific and unlikely prophecies of Scripture that a king named Cyrus would deliver the Jewish exiles from Babylon.

  • Isaiah 43:22-44:23 Forgiveness of Sins

    11/08/2022 Duration: 45min

    In Isaiah 43:22-44:23, we address the second half of our second major section in the Book of the Servant - the Redemption of Israel. The people of God need spiritual redemption from their own sin nature. Only God can meet our deepest needs. Pagan idol-gods, both ancient and modern, are empty fictions of our own design.

  • Isaiah 42:18-43:21 Release from Bondage

    03/08/2022 Duration: 40min

    In Isaiah 42:18-43:21, we address the first half of our second major section in the Book of the Servant - the Redemption of Israel. Israel is going to need national redemption from exile in Babylon. God is going to do this. God's people are to give witness.

  • Isaiah 41:21-42:17 Consolation of the Gentiles

    05/06/2022 Duration: 41min

    In Isaiah 41:21-42:17, Isaiah offers consolation for the Gentiles by exposing the idol-gods of the nations, prophesying God's remedy in a future servant, and responding with a new song. Isaiah's description of an ideal servant in 42:1-4 constitutes our first of four servant songs in the Book of the Servant.

  • Isaiah 41:1-20 Three Pictures of Consolation

    20/05/2022 Duration: 42min

    In Isaiah 41:1-320, Isaiah concludes the initial consolation of Israel, with a powerful, compact description of God as sovereign over world events and with three descriptive pictures of the transformation he will bring about when Israel's exile is complete.

  • Isaiah 40:12-31 The Creator God – The Ground of Comfort

    05/05/2022 Duration: 44min

    In Isaiah 40:12-31 Isaiah extols the character of the Creator God as the ground of the hope proclaimed in 40:1-11. We can find comfort in the hope of God's glory, word and arm when we see God as he truly is.

  • Isaiah 40:1-11 The Consolation of Zion

    21/04/2022 Duration: 39min

    In Isaiah 40:1-11 God calls for heralds to proclaim his word of comfort for Israel. That word is provided by three voices, each adding to the message of consolation. Before getting into the text, we first introduce the Book of the Servant, chapters 40-55, by addressing Isaiah's development of the Messiah and righteousness themes.

  • Isaiah 38-39 Hezekiah’s Fateful Choice

    15/04/2022 Duration: 50min

    In Isaiah 38-39 Isaiah creates a bridge between the Book of the King and the Book of the Servant with a reminder that even good human kings do not persevere in faithfulness.

  • Isaiah 36-37 Lord of History

    29/03/2022 Duration: 49min

    In Isaiah 36-37 Isaiah reminds Judah that God truly is the Lord of History through the example of Sennacherib's inability to capture Jerusalem.

  • Isaiah 36-39 Historical Background

    24/03/2022 Duration: 39min

    In this lesson we consider historical sources of Sennacherib's invasion of Judah to help us better interpret the narrative in Isaiah 36-39.

  • Isaiah 31-35 The Stability of Your Times

    15/03/2022 Duration: 40min

    In Isaiah 31-35, we complete the six woes that rebuke Judah for turning away from God in troubled times to find help in Egypt. Isaiah continues to call his listeners back to God our King who is the source of stability in present times and our sure hope for the future.

  • Isaiah 30 Security Not Found in Human Alliances

    09/03/2022 Duration: 46min

    In Isaiah 30, Isaiah begins and ends with the human perspective of Judah's alliance with Egypt and the looming invasion by Assyria. In the middle of the chapter, he gives us two divine perspectives, calling Judah's leaders to turn back to God and trust him to be their security.  

  • Isaiah 29 Historical Deliverance and Spiritual Transformation

    27/02/2022 Duration: 33min

    In Isaiah 29, we address the 2nd and 3rd woes of the Lord of History section, chapters 28-37. In this larger section, Isaiah reminds the people of God's deliverance during a national crisis, so that they might believe God is at work in the present and trust that God will fulfill his promises for the future. 

  • Isaiah 28 A Simple Message for Halls of Power

    22/02/2022 Duration: 44min

    The move from Isaiah 27 to Isaiah 28 is a transition between major sections. In this lesson we briefly summarize 5 principles of faith from the Universal Kingdom section, chapters 13-27, and then move into the first woe of the Lord of History section, chapters 28-37. In chapter 28, employing powerful imagery (fading garlands, ripe figs, a covenant with death and a costly cornerstone), Isaiah calls the leaders of Judah back to trust in God.

  • Isaiah 24-27 The Third Cycle - Two Cities

    12/02/2022 Duration: 47min

    In Isaiah 24-27, Isaiah presents a third cycle of passages that look far into the future to a final day where the city of man stands in stark contrast against the city of God and the faithful are exhorted to endure through to glory.

  • Isaiah 21-23 The Second Cycle of Oracles

    03/02/2022 Duration: 46min

    In Isaiah 21-23, Isaiah continues addressing God's rule over a universal kingdom in a second cycle of oracles to the nations in which he describes the failure of self-sufficiency to meet human need through the depiction of a toppled empire and the rippling effects on smaller nations.

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