Water With Lemon



Water with Lemon is a podcast for twenty-somethings that desire to be encouraged and challenged in their walk with the Lord. We talk about the real & the raw, the uncomfortable, & the messy. Get ready to take lifes lemons and make lemon water.


  • Faithfulness in Rejection with Kait Warman | Ep. 79

    03/02/2021 Duration: 33min

    Kait Warman joins us on the podcast to deep dive into rejection. She tells her story of rejection and gives coping methods to help grieve the hurt. She encourages us to live into the mourning that comes along with rejection so  we can move forward and live into God’s best. A little bit about the guest: Kait Warman is an inspirational speaker, a popular relationship coach, and the host of The Heart of Dating podcast. She helps thousands of men and women on their journeys through the conversations on her podcast, social media platforms, one-on-one relationship coaching, and online courses. She lives in the Los Angeles area and loves sunshine, walks, Jesus, and listening to Celine Dion. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Thank You For Rejecting Me by Kait Warman Kait is reading The Duke and I by Julia Quinn and Burnout by Emily Nagoski PhD; and she’s watching Bridgerton and Soul. She is being refreshed by daily walks. Noteworthy quotes: “[God] does rev

  • Habits of Slowness with Hannah Brencher | Ep. 78

    20/01/2021 Duration: 41min

    Hannah Brencher joins me on the pod to talk about habits of slowness and cultivating routine time with the Lord. She gives practical tips to tackle the lies we tell ourselves, contain our social media habits, and embrace the “secret hours.” If you struggle with busyness, I pray the Holy Spirit would use Hannah’s words to draw you to himself through rest. A little bit about the guest: Hannah Brencher is the author of Fighting Forward, a blogger, TED speaker and entrepreneur. She founded The World Needs More Love Letters, a global community dedicated to sending letter bundles to those who need encouragement. Named as one of the White House’s “Women Working to Do Good” and a spokesperson for the United States Postal Service, Hannah has been featured in the Wall Street Journal, Oprah, Glamour, USATODAY.com, the Chicago Tribune and more. Find Hannah at hannahbrencher.com. https://www.instagram.com/hannahbrencher/ https://www.facebook.com/HannahBrencherSheats https://www.hannahbrenchercreative.com/ https://www.hann

  • Opportunities for Faith with Cimber Cummings | Ep. 77

    30/12/2020 Duration: 35min

    Cimber joins me on the podcast to chat about opportunities for faith and opportunities to make Christ known in our daily lives. She reminds us of the hope we have in Christ, even in 2020, and encourages us to share that hope with others. As this year comes to a close, I hope the Holy Spirit uses our conversation to guide reflection on the Lord’s faithfulness this past year. A little bit about the guest: Cimber is an author, speaker, college ministry director, and guac enthusiast based out of East Texas. She considers discipleship to be her calling, but dessert to be her pastime. She spends her days ministering to young women, discipling and teaching young adults, eating and traveling, binge-watching shows about eating and traveling, and running (because of all the eating). Her debut book, twenty something, celebrates stories of faith, fun, freedom, and the discovery so synonymous with the decade of our twenties. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Twenty

  • Longing with Hope with Caroline Cobb | Ep. 76

    23/12/2020 Duration: 31min

    Singer-songwriter, Caroline Cobb, joins me on the podcast to discuss longing with hope: waiting for Christ’s return while enjoying the common graces on this side of eternity. Caroline loves to share the story of scripture through her music and hopes to make it accessible to people throughout their daily lives. During her time on the podcast, she encourages us to yearn for Christ’s return and set our hope in Him. Her love for the Lord and passion for His word is radiant. A little bit about the guest: Before her thirtieth birthday, singer-songwriter Caroline Cobb set a goal to write a song for every book of the Bible in one year. That year set in motion a passion to tell the stories of scripture through music, with creativity and faithfulness. Caroline’s forthcoming album, A Seed, A Sunrise, explores the longing hope of Advent, the joy of Christmas, and the anticipation of Christ’s return. Produced by Isaac Wardell (Josh Garells, Sandra McCracken) and featuring gospel trio Resound and a fourteen-piece string or

  • Magnify the Lord with Scott Erickson | Ep. 75

    10/12/2020 Duration: 38min

    Scott Erickson joins us to discuss resting in the Lord through awe and wonder. Scott notes that our vulnerabilities and weaknesses are points of reference for God’s almighty power and majesty.  He addresses the busyness of life and encourages us to make time to quiet our souls, seek, and remember the Lord. I pray my conversation with Scott echoes the psalmist as he says, “oh, magnify the Lord with me, / and let us exalt his name together!” (Psalm 34:3) A little bit about the guest: Scott Erickson is a touring painter, performance storyteller, and creative curate who mixes autobiography, biblical narrative, and visual aesthetics that speak to our deepest experiences. Scott and his wife, Holly, live with their three children in Austin, TX. Support WWL through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Honest Advent: Awakening to the Wonder of God by Scott Erickson Audiobook Sample of Honest Advent Scott is reading A Very Punchable Face by Colin Jost and listening to Kacey Musgraves. He

  • A Biblical Worldview: Making Sense of Life Here in 2020 with Sarah Martin | Ep. 74

    18/11/2020 Duration: 44min

    Sarah Martin is back on the podcast to shed some light on living with a biblical worldview. It is so easy to get wrapped up in the hopelessness of our day, but Sarah encourages us to look up and live out of the hope we have in Christ. Her burden for twenty-somethings is that we would not be deceived by schemes of the enemy and that we would boldly and eagerly pray for restoration and redemption to God’s original design for this broken world. She reminds us that we can’t go to the Bible to learn more about ourselves and our story, but how we fit into God’s story. I’d love to know what questions arise from listening to this episode! Send me a message on Instagram or emma@waterwithlemonpodcast.com. I hope Sarah’s reminders are refreshing to your soul today! A little bit about the guest: Sarah Martin is a wife, mom, friend, speaker, author, and wanna be artist. For over ten years in ministry, her life mission is to help women create space to see God move in their soul with an invitation to awaken to God's wonder

  • Fear for Freedom with Lauren Kinney | Ep. 73

    28/10/2020 Duration: 38min

    Lauren Kinney joins me to discuss the Lord's delight in our obedience and overcoming the fear that comes along with obedience. She addresses her early college years and how they emphasize the importance of sharing our stories. She encourages us that God never stops redeeming our stories and His light shines brighter when we share our stories. A little bit about the guest: Lauren Kinney is an author, blogger, and speaker based in Arlington, Texas. She enjoys dancing at concerts, watching baseball, and playing with her labradoodle. To say hi or share your story, connect with her on Instagram @laurennkinney or at thelaurenkinney.com Looking to grow your faith this year? Download your free 5 day devotional at thelaurenkinney.com. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Unshakeable by Lauren Kinney Lauren is reading Maybe You Should Talk to Someone by Lori Gottlieb and watching The Social Dilemma. She is being refreshed by postseason baseball, kayaking, and Peloto

  • Love Matters More with Jared Byas | Ep. 72

    14/10/2020 Duration: 24min

    Jared Byas joins me to discuss “speaking the truth in love” as Paul writes in Ephesians 4:15. He reminds us that telling the truth in love is not just giving our opinion and calling it truth, but rather earning people’s respect by bearing their burdens alongside them. Jared’s message is timely in a moment that seems partisan and divided. He reminds us to look up, that our hope is not found in agreements or the favor of man, but in Jesus’ return. A little bit about the guest: Jared Byas is co-host of the popular podcast The Bible for Normal People and co-author of the book Genesis for Normal People. As a former teaching pastor and professor of Philosophy & Biblical Studies, he speaks regularly on the Bible, truth, creativity, wisdom, and the Christian faith. He and his wife, Sarah, live outside Philadelphia, PA with their four children, Augustine, Tov, Elletheia, and Exodus. Connect with Jared at jaredbyas.com. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Love

  • The Lord Hears with Sheila Walsh | Ep. 71

    30/09/2020 Duration: 34min

    Sheila Walsh joins me on the podcast to talk about prayer and the Lord’s desire to be in conversation with his people. She gives us a sneak peek of her book with practical examples of ways to slow down and seek after our Father. I pray you find our conversation a great reminder that God wants to talk with you! A little bit about the guest: From Scotland, Sheila is first a wife and mom and in her spare time she is an author, Bible teacher and television host. She has spoken around the world to over 6 million women and reaches a potential 100 million people daily as co-host of the Life Today television program. Sheila loves to make the Bible practical, sharing how God met her at her lowest point and helped her to rise up again. Her message: God is for you! Texas is her home where she lives with her husband, son and two little crazy dogs Tink and Maggie who rule the roost! Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Praying Women: How to Pray When You Don’t Know Wha

  • A Great Woman of God with Alli Worthington | Ep. 70

    23/09/2020 Duration: 37min

    Alli Worthington joins me on the podcast to consider the phrase “Great woman of God.” Her time on the podcast along with her new book, Standing Strong, remind us God wants to partner with us-- that His love isn’t distant or unattainable, but paid for by the Son and sealed by the Spirit. She urges us to connect our knowledge of God with our love for Him and relationship with Him; He is not a distant dictator but a loving and perfect Father. A little bit about the guest: Alli Worthington is a wife and mom of five sons. She lives outside of Nashville in a loud, messy, testosterone-filled house with the only golden retriever who refuses to retrieve. She is a coach who is obsessed with helping women be more successful in their careers, businesses, and entrepreneurial pursuits. She hosts the Alli Worthington Show, a weekly podcast featuring friends she wants to learn from, as well as coaching time where she answers listener questions about life, faith, and business. As an Enneagram 7, she believes in having adventu

  • Walking in the Spirit with Chrystal Evans Hurst | Ep. 69

    09/09/2020 Duration: 26min

    Chrystal Evans Hurst joins me on the podcast to discuss walking in the Spirit. The author of The 28-Day Prayer Journey, Chrystal emphasizes how important it is to be in constant connection with the Lord and she gives practical tips to practice that connection. I pray her conviction and faithfulness to pray inspires you to pray without ceasing. A little bit about the guest: Chrystal Hurst is an energetic, fun-loving “girl-next-door” who loves to encourage other women in fulfilling their full potential in Christ. Chrystal is a gifted soloist and speaker. The eldest child of Dr. Tony and Lois Evans, the Word of God has surrounded her for her entire life. As a member of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, Chrystal serves by leading the congregation during the time of praise and worship. She also loves to share and encourage women with a heart to inspire them towards a deeper relationship with the Lord. Chrystal is a writer. She has blogged for years to chronicle the journey of her family and her faith. Most importantly,

  • Suffering Well with KJ Ramsey | Ep. 68

    15/07/2020 Duration: 27min

    KJ Ramsey joins me on the podcast to discuss suffering and suffering well. She opens up space for us to really embrace our feelings with the purpose of feeling the Lord’s comfort and remembering that Jesus Christ is always with us. A little bit about the guest: Writer + Therapist. Recovering idealist. Lover of the Church. Autoimmune patient. Wife to Ryan. Beauty hunter. Quirky. Enneagram 4w5. Joy seeker. Always united to Christ. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: This Too Shall Last by KJ Ramsey The Anatomy of the Soul by Curt Thompson, M.D. The Soul of Shame by Curt Thompson, M.D. KJ Ramsey is reading The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead and Under the Unpredictable Plant by Eugene Peterson.  She is being refreshed by her dog, Merton! Noteworthy quotes: “The moments where we sense our lack of control are the very moments that God is inviting us to know His comforting presence.” - 7:05 “Behavior and beliefs are merely the surface of the soul

  • Pursue Your Passion with Jennifer Fulwiler | Ep. 67

    08/07/2020 Duration: 27min

    Jennifer Fulwiler, author of Your Blue Flame, joins me to talk about doing what makes you feel alive. After ending her steady career to pursue her passion of standup comedy, Jennifer encourages others that the energy is there and it’s worth the risk to pursue what you love. A little bit about the guest: Jennifer Fulwiler is a standup comic, the host of a daily talk show on SiriusXM, and the mom of six kids. She’s the author of the bestselling memoirs Something Other than God and One Beautiful Dream. After being told that there wasn’t an audience for standup comedy done by a minivan-driving woman from the suburbs, she self-produced her own tour, which is selling out venues across the country. Follow her on Instagram at @JenniferFulwiler. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Your Blue Flame: Drop the Guilt and Do What Makes You Feel Alive by Jennifer Fulweiler Jennifer is watching encouraging and positive videos. She is being refreshed by the creativity and

  • True Worth with Erin Weidemann | Ep. 66

    01/07/2020 Duration: 40min

    Today I get to talk with Erin Weidemann, five-time cancer survivor and co-founder of Truth Becomes Her, about true worth. She describes how God used her journey through her 20’s to convict and re-prioritize her heart. In the midst of a cancer diagnosis and drastic career change, Erin found freedom and worth in obedience to God’s plan for her life. A little bit about the guest: Erin Weidemann is a sought-after homeschool consultant, certified teacher, coach, and nationally-recognized speaker. Erin’s personal mission is to shift the conversation around feminine values from being beauty-driven, to a focus on inherent worth. She is the author of eight books, including the best-selling Bible Belles series, The Adventures of Rooney Cruz. Erin is a five-time cancer survivor, and lives and homeschools in San Diego, CA with her husband, Brent, and their daughter, Rooney. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Truth Becomes Her Bible Belles Erin is reading The Treasur

  • God's Plan with Shari Rigby | Ep. 65

    24/06/2020 Duration: 38min

    Shari Rigby sits down to talk with us about finding God’s plan for our lives. With a huge heart for women, Shari discusses her move to Hollywood, introduction into the entertainment industry, and how God used her to minister to the women around her.  She encourages us to dive into the Word and seek the Lord above all the things this world has to offer. A little bit about the guest: Shari Rigby is an actress, director, producer, author and inspirational speaker. She is best known as one of the leading actresses in faith and family inspirational entertainment for her roles in Overcomer, October Baby, The Least of These, Not Today and Wildflower. Outspoken and passionate about her faith and family, Shari continues to thrive in the entertainment industry as a role model and mentor to women of all ages through her ministry, The Women In My World. Shari and her husband, Matt, have been married for twenty-three years and have been blessed to raise two boys together. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our

  • Biblical Happiness with Derwin Gray | Ep. 64

    10/06/2020 Duration: 34min

    Dr. Derwin Gray joins me on the podcast to discuss biblical happiness and encourage our generation in our steps toward racial reconciliation. He discusses how his childhood, football, and his time at BYU changed his life and prepared him for the role he plays at his church and in our society. His definition of biblical happiness counters what we might typically think it means to be happy and it challenges our self-centered, unfulfilling goals of happiness. A little bit about the guest: Dr. Derwin L. Gray is the founding and lead pastor of Transformation Church. TC is a multiethnic, multigenerational, mission-shaped community that loves God completely (Upward), ourselves correctly (Inward), and our neighbors compassionately (Outward) located in Indian Land, South Carolina, just south of Charlotte, North Carolina. His latest book, The Good Life: What Jesus Teaches About Finding True Happiness releases on June 2nd. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: The Goo

  • Weight Loss with Christine Carter | Ep. 63

    03/06/2020 Duration: 33min

    Christine Carter joins me to talk about her journey to becoming who God made her to be and accepting herself as God made her to be. She is spunky and full of joy and I pray our conversation inspires you to embrace yourself and God-given gifts rather than getting stuck on seeking behaviors.  Furthermore, I hope the conversation leaves you feeling enlightened and hopeful. A little bit about the guest: Christine Carter is the founder and CEO of Weight Loss Hero based in Frisco, Texas. Through her business she coaches people looking to sustain a healthier lifestyle. Her own 150-pound weight-loss journey has been highlighted on multiple media sites, including FitnessMagazine.com, TheTodayShow.com, and PopCulture.com. Christine encourages her Weight Loss Hero tribe daily and teaches from the core principle that in order to achieve lasting change in your body you must first transform your mind. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Weight Loss Hero by Christi

  • Let Go with Melissa Camara Wilkins | Ep. 62

    20/05/2020 Duration: 29min

    Melissa Wilkins joins me on the podcast to remind twenty-somethings that we were made with intention and purpose by a creator who loves us endlessly.  She gives us permission to love ourselves and let go of negative self-talk and guilt.  I hope you find encouragement and enlightenment through our conversation. A little bit about the guest: Melissa Camara Wilkins is the author of Permission Granted: Be Who You Were Made to Be and Let Go of The Rest. Melissa is also an award-winning blogger, speaker, and the host of an online community focused on giving ourselves permission to be who we really are. She lives with her husband and six kids in Southern California. Connect with Melissa at melissacamarawilkins.com. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Permission Granted: Be Who You Were Made to Be and Let Go of the Rest by Melissa Wilkins Melissa is reading books from her local library and listening to personal growth and entrepreneurial podcasts. What’

  • Gender Bias with Sasha Shillcutt | Ep. 61

    13/05/2020 Duration: 31min

    Dr. Sasha Shillcutt joins me on the podcast today to talk about gender bias, confidence, and she empowers women to take action and fight for their dreams. Dr. Shillcutt’s experiences in her twenties taught her not to sit back and watch others get promotions but to seek after the promotions herself!  She encourages us to do the same. I hope you enjoy my conversation with Dr. Shillcutt. A little bit about the guest: Sasha K. Shillcutt, MD, MS, FASE is a Tenured Professor and the Vice Chair of Strategy and Innovation in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Nebraska Medical Center (UNMC). Dr. Shillcutt is a well-published gender researcher, international speaker, CEO and founder of Brave Enough, physician, wife and mother. In 2016, Dr. Shillcutt was awarded the national American Medical Associations Women Physician’s Inspiring Physician Award by her peers. Sasha’s greatest passion is empowering and encouraging others to achieve wellbeing in their professional and personal lives. She speaks f

  • Speaking Life with Candice Coffey | Ep. 60

    06/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    Candice Coffey, former teacher and founder of Ever Be, joins me on the podcast to talk about how her cosmetics line encourages women to speak the Word of God over themselves every day and to embrace hard seasons of life.  Her humility and care for a woman's heart is beautiful and I am so thankful for Candice's work in stewarding female hearts. A little bit about the guest: Candice loves people and family! Her favorite thing to do is eat, laugh, and hang out with my favorite people. She believes community is everything. Support the podcast through Patreon Join our mailing list Check out our website Resources: Ever Be You Candice is currently reading the Bible.  She just finished Story Brand by Donald Miller and would recommend My Dream of Heaven (Intramuros) by Rebecca Ruter Springer She’s watching Poldark, American Idol, and the Voice What’s Refreshing: Being outside! Noteworthy quotes: “What we call things and what we associate ourselves with is super important.” - 10:20 “Scripture and the Word of

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