Eli Goldsmith Inspired Flow!



Inspired focus on sharing deep truths to live everyday with fulfillment and purpose! Offering to consult on any of these topics and beyond to your needs!


  • No Fear 4 Israel & Honoring Hashem - The Real Kind Podcast - The Intro to our class coming soon!

    01/05/2024 Duration: 07min

    No Fear 4 Israel & Honoring Hashem - The Real Kind Podcast - The Intro to our class coming soon by #YosefAharon & Eli Goldsmith - UIP JOC - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuaCtiRpRUoJustonechesed.org - #MealsForHeroes - #nofear #kindness :) Thank you sincerely to Just One Chesed Yosef Joey Aharon ty )

  • Unity Inspires Projects Summary & Soulful Mission - Sefirah Days!

    30/04/2024 Duration: 13min

    The inner journey is key to the blessings we seek in all we are doing... check out the links below and please kindly share on with a Unity Collaboration Focus... United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 1 - by @eligoldsmith_inspired - Part 42 - Pesach & Don’t #Passover - 2020-24 - Truth & Completion - https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-45d - To Sponsor for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book on Substack, & beginning of our second section TBA… UnityInspireProjects.com 5784/2024… Artist growing list - https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ Updated more speakers too bH https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ https://emunaip.com/ ZeraShimshon.com Unity Marketing​ - We are looking forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program. Please WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com and let's do #UnityMarketing together. https://unityinspireprojects.com/

  • Meor Einaim - Pesach is Kindness & Matzah is Purity!

    17/04/2024 Duration: 13min

    Let's seek out the kindness of the Chag of Pesach and the kedusha of the Matza of Emuna... United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 1 - by Eli Goldsmith - Part 42 - Pesach & Don’t #Passover - 2020-24 - Truth & Completion - https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-45d - To Sponsor for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book on Substack, & beginning of our second section TBA… UnityInspireProjects.com 5784/2024… --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eligoldsmith/support

  • Iran & Hamas attack Israel & Hashem - The Real Kind Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - UIP JOC

    17/04/2024 Duration: 21min

    Iran & Hamas attack Israel & Hashem - The Real Kindness Podcast - Yosef Joey Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7uE8psyabRA @followers @topfans Unity Inspires Projects - Just One Chesed - The Zera Shimshon & JIM = Jews Inspired & Midnightrabbi eli goldsmith...

  • Emuna in All & Everywhere - Kemach = 148 = Rebbe Nachman - Likutei Moharan 33 2!

    16/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    Emuna in All - Enters Nissan increases our Emuna - Kemach = 148 = Rebbe Nachman - in working in the world, we see G-dliness, Devekus, Teshuva Shleima LM33 2 - Cover

  • Sfas Emmes Parshat Tazria - Human Soul Roots & Cleansing Kohen!

    11/04/2024 Duration: 51min

    United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 1 - by Eli Goldsmith - Part 42 - Pesach & Don’t #Passover - 2020-24 - Truth & Completion - https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-45d - To Sponsor for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book on Substack, & beginning of our second section TBA… UnityInspireProjects.com 5784/2024… Acknowledgments for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book, second section TBA… 2024… Thank you soulmate Masha Goldsmith - @tinipops613 & our lovely growing family. Thank you to all my larger family and friends - The Goldsmith, The Salber & The Dembovsky Family. Dedications to come which B’H will kindly cover all the costs. Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Kind Investment & Don’t #Passover the Support - https://www.paypal.me/GoldsmithEli ✓ Thank you to all my teachers & guides, specifically the Tolna Rebbe Jerusalem, TZS Team, EmunaIP Team, & R

  • EmunaIP.com Connect and Shmirat Haloshon Children!

    11/04/2024 Duration: 21min

    Check out our new EmunaIP.com growing Resouce page and first articles to go live - https://emunaip.com/resources/ - https://emunaip.com/resources/an-inside-look-at-emunaip/ United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 1 - by Eli Goldsmith - Part 42 - Pesach & Don’t #Passover - 2020-24 - Truth & Completion - https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-45d - To Sponsor for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book on Substack, & beginning of our second section TBA… UnityInspireProjects.com 5784/2024… Acknowledgments for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book, second section TBA… 2024… Thank you soulmate Masha Goldsmith - @tinipops613 & our lovely growing family. Thank you to all my larger family and friends - The Goldsmith, The Salber & The Dembovsky Family. Dedications to come which B’H will kindly cover all the costs. Share & Care now Unity Inspires Projects Needs Kind Investment & Don’t #Pa

  • Meor Einaim - Yichud Parshat Shmirat Haloshon - Likutei Moharan & Toras Emmes!

    10/04/2024 Duration: 15min

    Meor Einaim - the oneg of the Good of Yisrael to Hashem, TORAS EMMES making space for Hashem’s Kedushas haChug , LIKUTEI MOHARAN 34 - 1 Seek out The Divine Path! The Tolna Rebbe matzah baking Erev Pesach Hallel with a Bracha... United Souls - Extracts from New Book Section 1 - by Eli Goldsmith - Part 42 - Pesach & Don’t #Passover - 2020-24 - Truth & Completion - https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-45d - To Sponsor for the completion of our first section 2020-21 of the United Souls Book on Substack, & beginning of our second section TBA… UnityInspireProjects.com 5784/2024… --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eligoldsmith/support

  • Rebbe Nachman Ben Simcha's Birthday - Looking for the Good, Shalom & Divine Spark!

    10/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    We said Hallel as Rosh Chodesh Nissan, also the yom yuledet of Rebbe Nachman of Breslov... we begin this deep Torah from Likutei Moharan 33 to prepare for Pesach with a focus on the Good points and path of Shalom... Second part - Likutei Moharan 34.2 Seek out The Divine Spark... bH Cover pic

  • Learning Tanya Perek 16 - All In with Love & Awe!

    10/04/2024 Duration: 47min

    The Beinoni who is #allin elevates the Torah and Mitzvot with vitality to true Devekus to Hashem... PLEASE KEEP

  • Pesach Preps - Don't Passover The Real Kind Podcast - Yosef Aharon & Eli Goldsmith - UIP & JOC...

    09/04/2024 Duration: 20min

    Pesach Preps - Don't Passover The Real Kind Podcast - UnityInspireProjects.com & Justonechesed.org... https://www.youtube.com/live/rsXsqscvb2A?si=MklHKue8fdSDi4CXUnity Inspires Projects Just One Chesed The Zera Shimshon @followers @topfans Eli Goldsmith & Yosef Aharon... Our official podcast together ❤️ episode 15! Welcome to share & listen here - https://open.spotify.com/show/3tDlNLz3kybD10O72xTsQk?si=abShu18JTymv3own76QKhwUnity Marketing​ - We are looking forward to marketing your brand, company, organization, and program.Please WhatsApp at +972505305002 or email UnityInspireProjects@gmail.com and let's do #UnityMarketing together. https://unityinspireprojects.com/contact-our-unity-team/Share United Souls - Extracts from New Book TBA - Unity Inspires Projects - Part 41 - a Nourished Soul, Shabbat Shalom, Intimacy Beyond & The Synergistic Journey Together!https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-559Join our Unity Flow focused on the Relationship Flow

  • EmunaIP.com Networking Day at BPIP TLV - pregame Parshat Tazria!

    08/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    On the way to the BPIP conference TLV, on April 8th, 2024, we discuss the Question brought up by Bruce Lilling on the way... we explore the Kedushas Levi and other sources to give us connection to greater success in all... Follow here - https://www.linkedin.com/company/emunaip/ --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eligoldsmith/support

  • Learning Tanya Perek 15-16 - The Ideal Beinoni of the Baal Shem Tov zya!

    07/04/2024 Duration: 57min

    We finish learning the chapters of the inner struggle section according to the Bnei-Aliyah.com Tanya Summary. Now begins the long game. We compare paths of Breslov and Chabad - Hisbodadus & Hisbonanus - The goal for the Beinoni is the yichud Unification of the Baal Shem Tov... Share United Souls - Extracts from New Book TBA - by Eli Goldsmith - Part 41 - a Nourished Soul, Shabbat Shalom, Intimacy beyond & The Synergistic Journey Together! https://eligoldsmith.substack.com/p/united-souls-extracts-from-new-book-559 PLEASE KEEP

  • Learning Tanya Perek 15 - The 101 Push for Serving Hashem!

    04/04/2024 Duration: 39min

    We discussed Souls who are truly Serving Hashem pushing themselves to go beyond, not just a lifestyle provided by their Loving Father... Cover Pic : Shout out to Juicery for helping us learn with a healthy mind & soul... "Transform Your Approach: From Chasing to Attracting with Gedale Fenster" This Sunday, April 7th, 9 PM. Join @JTLV_ and Unity Bookings @unityinspiresprojects - unityinspireprojects.com for an evening with #GedaleFenster https://www.instagram.com/p/C5RGbbIt-_z/?igsh=ZDVuYmticzYyMmE1 Don't miss this opportunity to learn from one of the most influential voices in the field of #personaldevelopment. Date: Sunday, April 7th, 9 PM. Location: 22 Allenby Wine and Cheese

  • Meor Einaim - Parshat Shemini - Elevation Of Love @ Shirat David!

    03/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    A quick summary of a 45 minute sessions filled with Tikkuni Neshamos and Ahavas Hashem ❤️

  • Stories of the War & Nations - The Real Kindness Podcast - JustOneChesed & Unity Inspires Projects!

    03/04/2024 Duration: 21min

    Stories of the War & Nations - The Real Kindness Podcast - JustOneChesed & Unity Inspires Projects!https://www.youtube.com/live/L-J9NCrMRHk?si=YuZVa1Qfa1NlxjKD Going live Wednesday bH...Thank you sincerely to Yosef Joey Aharon and Just One Chesed Justonechesed.org for the awesome friendship & Flow... seeing #realkindness in real-time #nations (Yosef Aharon The Lillians hosting in Efrat with much to share, Israel365 ty )

  • Likutei Moharan 32 לב - The Wedding & Tefilah - Fixing Judgment at its Root!

    02/04/2024 Duration: 20min

    We are sweetening the judgment at its root by davening together ❤️

  • Learning Tanya Perek 15 - Serving Hashem - The 101 Beinoni!

    02/04/2024 Duration: 57min

    True Avodas Hashem is being real and constantly fighting

  • Elevation @ EmunaIP.com & Simchas Before Hashem!

    01/04/2024 Duration: 25min

    Learning Kitzur Shulchan Aruch about Tefilah Focused in Front of Hashem... Nesivos Shalom Parshat Shemini Elevation through our Challenges, towards Kiddushin with our Creator... Cover pic - In theme from this morning's Special Shiur ✨️ Tikkun HaMedinah, the Chareidim in Yerushalayim continue sending the gifts for parents of soldiers, my oldest son, and many others who returned back to the war today,

  • Learning Tanya Perek 14 - The Happiness of the Beinoni!

    01/04/2024 Duration: 57min

    The Beinoni has access to Simcha through continuous inner struggle and focuses on the Greatness of Hashem... The path of the Baal Shem Tov tunes us into the individual's (belief in our souls) ability to draw down a divine Providence ✨️ This will join us on the path of True Joy together with the Tzaddikim... FOR UNITY BOOKING MIKEY GREENBLATT & co. - DM #unitybookings @unityinspiresprojects - https://unityinspireprojects.com/speakers-mentalist-creatives/ Artist growing list - https://unityinspireprojects.com/musicians/ Follow & Share this link to join Our Unity WhatsApp group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/Lc5WOj4Zm9F2PrtH8mh6Vx --- Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/eligoldsmith/support

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