Mastering Your World Through Frequencies



In each episode of this weekly podcast we explore how frequencies shape our world and begin to remove the patterns that keep us stuck so we can realize our greatest potential.


  • Episode 80 What Is Time

    06/09/2020 Duration: 54min

    Time can be a real struggle for many of us: sometimes it goes too quickly; other times it goes too slowly. In this episode, Karen answers some frequency asked questions about time. Learn what it actually is from spirit perspective, how it can become our ally, and how the rules of time are shifting with the new consciousness coming in. The GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will help you to begin to center more in the zero point of linear time (a.k.a. the present moment) so you can start to feel like you have more time.

  • Episode 79 Speaking The Language of Animals, Crystals & Plants

    30/08/2020 Duration: 39min

    Because we’re of the earth, many of us have a natural affinity for communicating with either plants, animals, or crystals. Learn how to recognize which of these affinities you have, how to hone that ability, and how to use it to help you accelerate forward. The GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will help you to begin to recognize which of these three you have an affinity more and start to clarify and hone your ability to be with and communicate with it.

  • Episode 78 Starbound - What You Need To Know

    23/08/2020 Duration: 46min

    Star gates, portals, aliens, and more—how much awareness of this stuff is required in the awakening process? This episode demystifies some of the woo-woo and gets down to what really accelerates us forward. The Group Frequency Calibration (GFC) at the end, helps you to clear the distortion patterns around the body and being in this space and time, so that if you do want to explore the outer realms, you can do so from a place of greater stability.

  • Episode 77 What Is Control Anyway

    16/08/2020 Duration: 45min

    Control is often how many of us try to ensure that we get what we want and generate success. But is there a better way? The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration™) at the end will begin to help to have you become more aware of and clear away control patterns. Without clearing these distortion patterns, we can get stuck in an ever worsening spiral of disempowerment, anxiety and frenzied activity.

  • Episode 76 Food -- What Matters

    09/08/2020 Duration: 55min

    Food can not only be used to nourish you, it can also create stability and acceleration for your spiritual journey. Learn how to support your spiritual journey with what—and how—you eat. The free GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will help to begin to clear some of the distortion patterns around food that keep us eating the things that are detrimental to our spiritual and physical acceleration.

  • Episode 75 The World Of Sleep And Dreams

    02/08/2020 Duration: 52min

    Sleep is not only important from the physical perspective—it also allows us access to dream states where we can experience the non-ordinary reality. Learn what to be aware of, and how the nature of sleep and dreams can change as we awaken.

  • Episode 74 Best Practices For Integration

    26/07/2020 Duration: 48min

    Learn how to better integrate frequency work on a practical level, as Karen answers frequently asked questions on this topic and shares some easy-to-implement tactics and strategies. The free GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will begin to give you momentum into doing the practices, not just knowing what to do from an intellectual standpoint.

  • Episode 73 When Less Is More

    19/07/2020 Duration: 35min

    Most of us are familiar with the minimalist concept of “less is more.” Can less be more on spirit level as well? The free GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will help you to not only become more comfortable within that void space of stillness, it will help you begin to leverage it for more productivity, inspiration, creativity and momentum.

  • Episode 72 Do You Need A Guru

    12/07/2020 Duration: 45min

    Learn what to watch out for with gurus, masters and teachers—what might be harmful or slow you down, and how to identify someone who can help you most effectively and efficiently down your path without being oppressive or abusive. Although I have used the word "guru" as short hand for a spiritual teacher, in no way am I singling out the Indian tradition. I'm speaking of any tradition, Western, Asian, Indian where there is a tradition of elevation of a spiritual teacher above their students or followers. The free GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will give you more clarity around power so you can see relationships more clearly, steer clear of those that will not serve you and attract more that will.

  • Episode 71 Are We Free

    05/07/2020 Duration: 32min

    Do we have total free will or is everything preordained? The answer lies somewhere in the middle, and knowing how free will actually works allows you to increase the level available to you. The free GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will help you start to clear the distortion patterns that are keeping you from exercising free will.

  • Episode 69 So, What's The Story

    21/06/2020 Duration: 39min

    The stories we choose to believe greatly influence how we perceive and experience our reality. Learn about the power of story from spirit level, how to separate our essence from the stories we tell ourselves, and how to use story to accelerate ourselves forward. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help you to begin to release the distortion patterns that are keeping those stories running, so you can have more choice over which stories you want to keep and those that no longer serve you.

  • Episode 68 Why Beginner's Mind Is Your Ally

    14/06/2020 Duration: 32min

    Learn how to quicken your spiritual journey with one of our most under-appreciated allies: the beginner’s state of mind. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end, will help to begin to loosen the mind’s grip and attachment to what it think it knows, so you can enter wonder, curiosity and openness more easily.

  • Episode 67 Emotions As Agents Of Change

    07/06/2020 Duration: 45min

    Episode 67 Emotions As Agents Of Change by Spherical Luminosity

  • Episode 66 The Illusion

    31/05/2020 Duration: 01h02min

    When we’re under the illusion, we believe it’s real—but seeing it for what it is can be a game changer. Learn about some commonly held illusions in the collective regarding our reality and how those perceptions can naturally shift as we ascend. The free GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help to clarify what is illusion and what is not.

  • Episode 65 Mechanics Of Spirit Part 2

    24/05/2020 Duration: 39min

    Join Karen and Dennis as they conclude their exploration of the mechanics of spirit. The free GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will begin to help give you clarity around your distortion patterns so you can remove them more easily.

  • Episode 64 Mechanics Of Spirit Part 1

    17/05/2020 Duration: 48min

    What is the spirit body? What is the soul? In this episode, Karen answers frequently asked questions on the specifics of how things work on spirit level. The free GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will begin to help you to facilitate the process of confirming the removal of the patterns which is critical in accelerating things on the physical realm.

  • Episode 63 Seeking Mastery

    10/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    Learn about self-mastery on spirit level: what it means and how it’s often the missing key. The free GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end I help to begin to remove the distortion patterns that keep you from cultivating mastery.

  • Episode 62 Spirit Street Level Smarts

    03/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    Because not everything is as it appears to be, it’s important to hone our intuition and clear our perception so we can see things as they really are. In this episode, learn how to avoid the things that are dangerous and recognize the things that will truly propel you forward on your spiritual journey. The free GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help to clarify your instinct and intuition so you can trust them more and really start to see the way things are, instead of what you’d like them to be.

  • Episode 61 Declutter From A Higher Order

    26/04/2020 Duration: 38min

    Many of us think about decluttering from a physical perspective, but decluttering happens on spirit level as well. Learn about decluttering from spirit perspective and how it’s likely different from what you think. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help you begin to remove those patterns which keep us hanging on to all manner of things, physical, mental and emotional.

  • Episode 60 Expectations - The Hidden Stumbling Block

    19/04/2020 Duration: 34min

    Expectations are the mind's idea of how things, events, or people “should be.” Learn how expectations can cause resistance and slow us down—and how we can use them to strengthen. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help you begin to remove the distortion patterns that cause expectations to hijack our experience.

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