Mastering Your World Through Frequencies



In each episode of this weekly podcast we explore how frequencies shape our world and begin to remove the patterns that keep us stuck so we can realize our greatest potential.


  • Episode 100 Soul Connections

    24/01/2021 Duration: 59min

    Have you ever met someone for the first time and instantly felt like you knew them? In this episode, we’re discussing the spirit-level dynamics that lie behind that phenomenon. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration™) at the end will help you begin to transcend the past life relationships that no longer serve you and clarify those that do.

  • Episode 99 A Different Perspective On Awakening

    17/01/2021 Duration: 52min

    To help provide context for your own spiritual journey, we’re shaking it up with a different perspective on frequency work and awakening. The free GFC (Group Frequency Calibration™) at the end will help to raise your frequency resonance irrespective of how you perceive and relate with your reality, and help open up awareness of your own unique flavor.

  • Episode 98 Productivity - Spirit Hacks

    10/01/2021 Duration: 47min

    Work smarter — not harder — with these productivity-enhancing spirit hacks. The GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will help you begin to clear the distortion patterns that limit your productivity.

  • Episode 97 A Key Piece Of Ancient Wisdom Clarified

    03/01/2021 Duration: 56min

    The ancients often used allegory or metaphor to describe how reality is created. In this episode, we’re stripping away the metaphors to dive into the true mechanics of our reality. With this understanding, we gain the power to change what was previously thought solid and create and experience a higher and better version of our selves and our reality. The GFC at the end will help you begin to remove the distortion patterns that interfere with your ability to create a better reality for yourself.

  • Episode 96 Trauma In The Physical Body

    27/12/2020 Duration: 48min

    There's a spiritual element to trauma, and healing isn't over until it’s addressed. In this episode, learn how to complete the healing process — and potentially transform a traumatic event into massive spiritual growth. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration™) at the end, will help begin to clear the effects of trauma on frequency level that may still be impacting you years later.

  • Episode 95 - Auric Fields

    20/12/2020 Duration: 40min

    Auric fields can exist not only around the body, but around places, groups of people, and holidays. In this episode, we’ll discuss how they affect us and what to watch out for — and how to use them to accelerate forward. The GFC at the end will begin to help you be able to hold your space better within auric fields.

  • Episode 94 The Power Of Sound & Music

    14/12/2020 Duration: 40min

    Sound and music are powerful forces that have been used in many spiritual traditions as tools for acceleration. In this episode, learn how the physical frequencies of sound and music can affect our spiritual frequencies. The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration) at the end will help you to leverage the power of sound and music even more.

  • Episode 93 Detoxifying The Mind

    06/12/2020 Duration: 41min

    The world is filled with an overwhelming number of stories, all with their own perspectives and agendas. How can we turn down the volume on these stories and allow the mind to function more sharply, clearly, and powerfully? The GFC (Group Frequency Calibration™) at the end will begin to help you to clear your mind. This is different from the GFC available on the website which goes much deeper into the clearing and also rebooting and refocusing mental function.

  • Episode 92 Up Close & Personal Part 2

    29/11/2020 Duration: 58min

    Unknown to many of us, we all have a superpower in common. In this episode, learn what that superpower is, how to make it stronger, and understand how it benefits us — as well as our lineage, children, humanity, and the Oneness. The GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will help you to clarify this superpower so you can benefit from it even more and start to naturally have an impact on others, without intention or effort on your part.

  • Episode 91 The Sinister Side Of E-Z

    22/11/2020 Duration: 49min

    A lot of advertising that comes our way is about making things easier, faster, or instantaneous — but is there something we’re missing in our desire for more comfort? The GFC at the end will help to begin to remove the distortion patterns that contribute to us being lulled into the sleep of the desire for constant comfort so you can continue to have forward momentum (but you'll still be able to relax, not to worry. This isn't a villainization of comfort—just a reminder that it's probably best as a garnish rather than the main dish in your life!).

  • Episode 90 Phoenix Rising - Power & Sovereignty

    15/11/2020 Duration: 52min

    These can seem like impossibly dark times, but often it is darkest before the dawn. This episode dives into why things are currently happening and how they can help us strengthen, harness our power, and rise from the ashes. The GFC at the end will help you to begin to remove the distortion patterns that keep us from being and experiencing the brilliance of who we truly are (and who couldn't use some of that right now?!).

  • Episode 89 An Act Of Power In Turbulent Times

    08/11/2020 Duration: 51min

    In these turbulent times, many are succumbing to the stress of chaos, the worry of an unknown future, and feeling powerless to change any of it. In this episode, we’re discussing the unseen dynamic of what’s really at work — and how it offers you a unique chance to strengthen and transcend. The GFC at the end will help you with this act of power, which is so critical at this time.

  • Episode 88 Finally Free From Spirit Debt

    01/11/2020 Duration: 48min

    Spiritual debt is a distortion pattern that all humans are born into. In this episode we discuss this invisible, pervasive distortion pattern: what it is, how it keeps you stuck, and how you can start to break free. The GFC at the end will begin to help you to begin to break free of the binding of spirit debt.

  • Episode 87 What Hides In Plain Sight

    25/10/2020 Duration: 48min

    Polarization is intense across the planet right now. In this episode, we’re exploring this phenomenon from spirit level — and highlighting the incredible opportunity presented during this time of breakdown. The free Group Frequency Calibration (GFC) at the end will begin to help you to release the oppressor frequency so you can free yourself from being controlled or being controlling of others

  • Episode 86 How To Have Stability In Times Of Chaos

    18/10/2020 Duration: 52min

    These are turbulent and polarized times. Some of us want things to go back to normal, but is that really the answer? In this episode, we discuss how to create internal stability in times of chaos — so you can use this time to accelerate spiritually. The free Group Frequency Calibration at the end will begin to help you to cultivate more inner strength and stability, and shift your perspective more to that of "S"elf (or identified through Spirit rather than "s"elf of the ego/mind).

  • Episode 85 Your Hidden Superpower

    11/10/2020 Duration: 43min

    Unknown to many of us, we all have a superpower in common. In this episode, learn what that superpower is, how to make it stronger, and understand how it benefits us — as well as our lineage, children, humanity, and the Oneness. The GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will help you to clarify this superpower so you can benefit from it even more and start to naturally have an impact on others, without intention or effort on your part.

  • Episode 84 Special Abilities - Who Needs Them

    04/10/2020 Duration: 51min

    Special abilities are often confused for spiritual awakening. In this episode, Karen distinguishes between the two, highlights a common mistake people make regarding special abilities, and offers some guidance if they do start to come in for you. The GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will begin to help you become more neutral around having special abilities not linked to darkness—that neutrality is what opens the door to the possibility and/or helps them strengthen, because your ego isn't triggered in the same way by having them

  • Episode 83 When Its Legit To Quit

    27/09/2020 Duration: 43min

    People tend to not want to seem like quitters. As a result, many of us find ourselves staying in relationships and situations that no longer serve ourselves or the greater good. In this episode, learn the difference between lacking discipline and following the signs of momentum falling away. The free GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will help to begin to give you a better understanding of your core nature and when it’s actually time to let something go. Without clearing these distortion patterns we can either give up too easily when the going gets rocky or we can spend a ton of energy on projects that may not really serve the greater good (which of course including ourselves as well!).

  • Episode 82 Internal Vs External Perspective

    20/09/2020 Duration: 53min

    A simple shift in perspective can transform your experience of the world — in both our ordinary reality and on spirit level. Find out how. The free GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will begin to help you to release a perspective that is more of an energy drain than a resourcing so you can choose something that helps you accelerate best. Without clearing these patterns, we can often find ourselves at odds with our own experience of the world and are much less effective in helping others.

  • Episode 81 Behind The Helper Frequency

    13/09/2020 Duration: 41min

    Helping can be a beautiful expression of human nature, but our reasons for helping aren’t always altruistic. Learn about some of the underlying patterns that motivate us to help, and how a clear and strong foundation can allow us to have more choice and free will around helping. The free GFC (Group FREQUENCY CALIBRATION™) at the end will begin to help you to release the distortion patterns that may be causing you to help others at too high a price to yourself, so that you can help from a stronger, more stable place which ultimately has more positive impact. Without clearing these distortion patterns, we can run the risk of emburdening ourselves unintentionally and ironically being less effective as a helper as a result.

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