Bringing Up Betty | True Tales Of Special Needs Parenting

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 9:41:29
  • More information



Bringing Up Betty is a podcast about the unique experiences that come with raising special needs kids. The podcast is a collection of narrative interviews with parents who are raising children with disabilities, developmental delays, diseases and other challenges.


  • Loving Can Hurt with Kathy Hooven (BUB #21)

    31/05/2016 Duration: 09min

    We're kicking off summer with a special mini episode! Kathy Hooven's 14 year old son Ryan has autism. Last summer he attended a choral camp and at the final concert Kathy had some surprising realizations. Tune in to hear her story.

  • Finding Matthew with Donna Kirk (BUB #20)

    17/05/2016 Duration: 25min

    Donna Kirk's son Matthew was born in 1970. Due to oxygen deprivation during delivery he was born with severe brain damage and doctors advised Donna and her husband Ed to do the unthinkable - put him in an institution, have another baby as soon as possible, and get on with their lives. They called him a vegetable with a heartbeat. In this episode, you'll hear what happened with the Kirks rejected the advice of their doctors and took Matthew home to care for and love him as their son. Spoiler alert: he surprised everyone and had a fabulous life! Matthew was a child with brain damage, a young man with mental illness and a son and brother with extraordinary spirit. I loved gaining additional perspective from a mom who has been parenting her disabled son for so many years. I hope you will too - enjoy! Donna has written a beautiful memoir of Matthew's life and her experience as a his mother. I was surprised to read about so many experiences that felt familiar and relatable. Despite the difference in diagnosis, gene

  • The New Meaning of Mom Guilt with Mary Evelyn Smith (BUB #19)

    26/04/2016 Duration: 26min

    Today we're doing something a little different. Betty's been sick and I didn't want to wait yet another week to put a new episode out, so instead I'm sharing a few uncut chunks of my chat with Mary Evelyn Smith that didn't make it into her story in episode #17. I had such a great time chatting with Mary Evelyn and found her so relatable. I think you'll really enjoy this unedited discussion on a few different topics. To sum it up, we chat about: The new (intense) forms of mom guilt that show up when your child's early childhood involves a lot of therapy (or maybe Mary Evelyn and I are just both really good at beating ourselves up?) How to ruin any fun/relaxing/enjoyable activity The terrible selection of children's books about disability and differences How to approach and teach your child about disabilities The connections that our kids (and their siblings) are not making about the world The responsibility we have as parents in shaping how our kids will be viewed and treated If you haven't had a chance, visit

  • Buy a T-Shirt, Change a Life with Robert Thornton of Paper Clouds Apparel (BUB #18)

    05/04/2016 Duration: 12min

    Robert Thornton is the founder and CEO of Paper Clouds Apparel, a business he launched to change lives and serve the special needs and disabled communities.

  • When Your Second Child Doesn't Have a Disability with Mary Evelyn Smith (BUB #17)

    22/03/2016 Duration: 37min

    Mary Evelyn Smith tells the story of becoming a mother to her son Simeon, who has spina bifida, and daughter Franny, who does not have a disability. She explains why constant attention can be exhausting, and how parenting a child with special needs can make you feel like you've got a big secret.

  • Expectations and IEPs (BUB #16)

    08/03/2016 Duration: 22min

    In "Expectations and IEPs," Sarah tells the story of Betty's transition out of Early Intervention and into the public education system. How they made the first round of tough decisions about Betty's future, plus bidding farewell to the first round of Betty's wonderful helpers.   Episode 16 Show Notes

  • The Kindest Thing... (BUB #15)

    22/12/2015 Duration: 21min

    Parents and individuals living with disabilities and special needs share the kindest things people have done to show love and support.

  • Making Mealtimes Easier: From Feeding Disorders to Picky Eaters with Dawn Winkelmann (BUB #14)

    25/11/2015 Duration: 01h25min

    Dawn offers tips and information for parents of kids with feeding struggles, swallowing disorders and general pickiness.

  • Changing the World, One Cape at a Time with Robyn Rosenberger (BUB #13)

    12/11/2015 Duration: 18min

    Above and Beyond It's so nice to have supportive people around me who feel like I'm doing something exceptional by being Betty's mom. But I'll let you in on a little secret: I don't feel exceptional. I feel like a regular mom who is doing what I need to for my daughter to have the best chance at a good, happy, fulfilling life. I feel like I'm doing what any other mom would do in my position. And often I feel like I'm not doing enough. Even though I feel like raising Betty is a great privilege for me and my husband, the day-to-day duties of caring for her are as routine to me as slapping together a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for your typical kid is to you. That doesn't mean it's not hard, but it is something that is part of our life because it has to be. A Super Big Mission Today's mini episode features Robyn Rosenberger, a mom who is going far beyond her motherly obligations in an attempt to change the world. And I feel like she's doing a pretty incredible job. Robyn is the founder of TinySuperhero

  • Talking to Your Kids About Disabilites and Differences with Courtney Westlake (BUB #12)

    05/11/2015 Duration: 28min

    Episode #12 Courtney is the mom to Connor and Brenna. Brenna has a rare skin disorder called Harlequin Ichthyosis. Courtney shares her story of Brenna's birth, diagnosis, and the ins and outs of Brenna's condition. We chat about balancing special needs with regular needs, celebrating beauty and how to respectfully approach a stranger who is different. Because of Brenna's condition her skin appears red and dry - kind of like she has a really bad sunburn. She has to stay lathered in Aquaphor to keep her skin moist. Brenna's different appearance attracts a lot of attention. After nearly four years of being Brenna's mom, Courtney has learned some valuable lessons about how to best approach those with differences. If you've ever wondered what to do when your young child loudly comments on someone who is different, this episode is for you! Learn more about Harlequin Ichthyosis Follow Courtney's blog, Blessed By Brenna Follow Courtney on facebook or instagram Music for today’s episode from Bensound | Kevin MacLeod 

  • Adjusting Expectations: Special Needs on Halloween (BUB #11)

    29/10/2015 Duration: 15min

    Today Megan Goates is back to share her how special needs have changed Halloween for her family. Megan's oldest and youngest sons are typically developing, and her middle two sons are on the autism spectrum. Tune in to hear how her expectations for the holiday have changed. A few other parents share their experiences of special needs on Halloween as well! If you'd like to be on a future episode, please record your answer to the question of the month. Even though Betty has only been in our family for two and half years, I'm already starting to understand that many of our traditions and expectations - especially around holidays - need some tweaking. Halloween is no exception. Many parents have shared the adjustments they've made for their kids with special needs on Halloween. I've collected their thoughts for one mini episode and post about how Halloween is different for special needs kids. Allergies My 2 young daughters have anaphylactic food allergies. We still want them to have the same experiences as their

  • Checking All The Boxes Part 2: An International Adoption Story with Beth Anne Schwamberger (BUB #10)

    20/10/2015 Duration: 30min

    Fifteen months after finding Holden on Holt International's website, Beth Anne and Chris finally got to bring him home. Beth Anne thought that by going into this adoption with eyes wide open, well aware of Holden's disability, that she would bypass the difficult grieving process that can accompany this journey. But she found that she was in for a bit of a surprise. Tune in to hear what challenges and blessings have come with raising her sweet little boy with arthrogryposis.

  • Checking All the Boxes Part 1: An International Adoption Story with Beth Anne Schwamberger (BUB #9)

    13/10/2015 Duration: 30min

    When Beth Anne spent a summer abroad at 20 years old, she wasn't sure she ever wanted kids. But after falling in love with the children in an orphanage in India where she worked that summer, she knew she wanted to be a mom. And not only that, she felt strongly that she wanted to adopt a child from another country who had special needs. International adoption can be a long, gut-wrenching process. In today's episode, Beth Anne shares the process she and her husband Chris went through to find their sweet son Holden. Tune in for all the great details.

  • A Chance Meeting with Marica Sottile and Angela V (BUB #8)

    06/10/2015 Duration: 11min

    Marica and her husband were expecting their first baby when they got a diagnosis that would change their lives forever. Before they even had a chance to process the news, they were on a plane to Florida for a work conference. They mourned and researched from their hotel room until they finally decided to head to the pool to try to cheer up. The mom and son they met there would change everything again. Tune in to hear their touching story.

  • Finding Purpose in Grief and Uncertainty with Jeannie Ewing (BUB #7)

    29/09/2015 Duration: 21min

    Jeannie Ewing is a writer, speaker and grief recovery coach. She's also the mother of two girls with special needs. Felicity is four and Sarah is two. Felicity has SPD, ADD and anxiety. Sarah has Apert syndrome. Jeannie talks about her journey as a mother and how she came to help others who are in a dark place. Love Alone Creates Jeannie's Article on The Mighty The Out of Sync Child The Out of Sync Child Has Fun

  • His Own Kind of Miracles with Cami Barney (BUB #6)

    15/09/2015 Duration: 35min

    Cami talks about her son Calvin who was diagnosed prenatally with spina-bifida. At 25 weeks gestation, a fetal surgery was performed to close Calvin's back. Cami discusses her hopes and fears as a mom, some of the awkward and wonderful conversations she's had with strangers, and the common ground she finds with other parents facing all kinds of challenges with their kids.   Photos and notes can be found at

  • Reinventing Hope - The Special Reds with Kera Washburn (BUB #5)

    01/09/2015 Duration: 30min

    Kera has three red-headed children, each with their own set of special needs. Julianna has autism, Tourettes, anxiety, sensory processing disorder, stereotypic movement disorder, and OCD. Blake has mastocytosis. Nathan was born with a cleft palate. Each mile of Kera's parenting journey has taught her something she never expected to have to learn. When Julianna decided she wanted to join a softball team, Kera and her husband were nervous, but encouraged their daughter. In the end, they all had an experience they weren't expecting.

  • The Power of a Prenatal Diagnosis with Angela (BUB #4)

    18/08/2015 Duration: 31min

    Angela and her husband have had two babies with prenatal diagnoses. Their daughter Grace had hypoplastic left heart syndrome and the diagnosis helped them prepare for all necessary interventions including fetal surgery and open heart surgery at 3 days old. Their son William also had a prenatal diagnosis. He has Down Syndrome. Tune in to find out why Angela and her husband opted to keep the news to themselves until William was born. Angela describes William as a magical child with a gift to draw people in.

  • The Friends You'd Never Meet Otherwise with Annie Zawada (BUB #3)

    04/08/2015 Duration: 32min

    Annie and Jonathan were told that they wouldn't be able to have children so they moved half way across the world, bought a two-seater convertible and... found out they were pregnant. Lots of other surprises followed, including some special friendships that developed after discovering their son's disabilities.   Have any special relationships developed because of your child's condition? Leave a comment with your story on the blog!

  • High or Low Functioning, It's All Hard with Megan Goates (BUB #2)

    21/07/2015 Duration: 34min

    Megan is raising four boys. Two of them have special needs. She talks about the challenges that parents face regardless of the child's diagnosis. She also talks about the sweet relationships that develop among siblings of special needs kids.

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