Talkin' Scripture



Your Small Group-Online! Each broadcast features music and a Bible study. Topics are relevant to your day to day life with Jesus. It's done in an easy to understand way that will help you understand and apply the Word of God to your life. It's interactive, you can participate by joining us in the chat room or by calling in. Brought to you by ScriptureLinks: Grow Together.


  • The Danger of Busyness

    03/02/2015 Duration: 36min

    You wake up and are getting ready to start the day. Over a quick cup of coffee, you scan the headlines, check status updates on Facebook and Twitter. Scan emails, and make your to do list. While driving to work, you dictate an email to your smartphone, and listen to the latest rss feeds. You arrive at work, check your daily schedule and stare at the massive amount of work on your desk, voicemails to respond to, and emails start arriving in your inbox. Lunch consists of a energy drink while you try and catch up on meetings, webinars and such. Your afternoon commute has you looking at where your kids need to be, and how you are going to get them there. There is still dinner to organize, wash to fold, trash to take out, and more. You get to bed, check emails one more time, and lay down to sleep, only to wake up a few hours later to start the day over again.Does this sound like your day? Busyness is a disease that has overtaken our society. I haven't even touched on church work that needs to be done. This week, o

  • Spiritual Circumcision

    27/01/2015 Duration: 45min

    This week, on Talkin' Scripture, we will talk about Spiritual Circumcision. Circumcision was commanded in the book of Genesis. It was a sign between the covenant between Abraham and God. What does circumcision have to do with us? A lot. And it is something we must take part in. Tune in to find out what I'm talkin about.

  • Do Not Be Fooled

    20/01/2015 Duration: 35min

    Continuing in Colossians.

  • spiritual growth

    13/01/2015 Duration: 48min

    For the past several weeks, we have been laying the foundation for a strong faith in Jesus. This week, we begin the "meat" of the message. Are you growing spiritually? If we are going to grow in our faith, we must allow the very fabric of our lives grow into Jesus. We must allow Him to "prune" and "shape" us so our lives will bear the maximum amount of fruit. 

  • The Results of Our Responsibility

    06/01/2015 Duration: 42min

    We are into chapter 2 of the book of Colossians, where we will study the results of doing our responsibility. Remember last week, we discussed our responsibility to share the Gospel with others. This week, we will talk abou the results of sharing the Gospel.