David Christopher Lewis

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Hearts Center Talk Radio with David Christopher Lewis Wednesdays 9am pacific 12pm easternThe Hearts Center is a worldwide community of heartfriends co-creating a new solar reality now through personal enlightenment. At Hearts Center Talk Radio, David shares the ascended masters' teachings to inspire, initiate and empower lightbearers. He invites you to engage him in discussing how these living messages and ongoing progressive revelations are relevant to your personal spiritual quest. Receive ...


  • Gregg Braden on Thriving Through Change Beyond The Turning Point


    With his latest book, Turning Point, Gregg Braden merges his expertise in leading-edge science with present-day realities to answer the questions on everyone's minds: What's causing the extremes in our world? What do the global trends mean in our personal lives? How do we make everyday life better for us, our families and communities as we navigate the greatest shift in power, wealth, and resources in the modern world? David explores, Gregg's views on the meaning of resilience, how to expose the truth of chemtrails, the central bank debt economy, radical Islam, ancient civilizations being discovered, and explores Gregg's experience and writing about the Essenes

  • David HeartStreams with Saint Germain on Your Questions About How To Transform the Earth into a Golden Age


    Saint Germain gave his Prophecies for 2015 through David on Hearts Center Talk Radio on December 31, 2014. Now the Master Alchemist and Aquarian Avatar answers your questions, comments and concerns for "what will it take to bring in a Golden Crystal Age?" Call in and get a divine perspective on critical skills like gaining mastery at conflict resolution, true brother/sisterhood, religious tolerance, and invoking the integration ray of ruby love. Learn what the "powers that were" are up to and how to divinely challenge manipulation, control and deception to bring about transformative personal and planetary change. This is the show to hear and be heard

  • Octogenarian, Lane Berk, Reveals How a Life of Action Can Change the World


    At 87 Lane Berk is a living legend known for her action to help change the world whether in sub-Saharan Africa or in her home town of Baltimore MD. Lane counts among her life mentors and friends renowned scientists, philosophers, psychologists and artists including Einstein, Picasso, Steiner, M.L. King, Chavez, Havel, Rev. Tutu, and Nelson Mandela. She helped found the Peace Corps at 70. She is passionate about Africa and the arts, and advocates for universal justice. Some of her stories are spellbinding. Many are simply charming, a few are phenomenal. Lane shares with David details of an inspired life from her unique perspective.

  • Melissa Joy Jonsson on Being in the Field of Your Heart with Matrix Energetics


    Melissa Joy embodies the principles of heart-centered awareness and infinite possibilities through Matrix Energetics, a technology for transformation. As a co-instructor she is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their True Authentic Power through accessing universal consciousness by playing in the field of the heart. Melissa Joy articulates her unique perspective with David on how we are able to experience living joyfully, and loving completely from a state of grace.

  • Mary Kretzmann on a Healer's Journey Knowing God is the Doer


    Mary's life is a powerful testament to the value of prayer. As Director of Ananda Healing Prayer Ministry, Mary Kretzmann is dedicated to being a vessel for other's healing. Her success stems from a deep understanding of the subtle laws which make prayer effective. David explores with Mary a new perspective on the power of healing prayer. She reveals secrets of hands-on healing and how to avoid being egoic; and she shares Yogananda's techniques of using will power and Cosmic Energy for physical, mental, and spiritual healing. Mary also shares her personal journey through deep grief in the loss of her husband, Tim, the bliss, the communication miracles, 3 things she came into this life to do, and her struggle leading to her "heart breaking open" to a new knowing of herself as a God manifestation, just beyond the veil.

  • HeartStreaming Prophecies for 2015 from the Master Alchemist, Saint Germain


    Completely spontaneous and inspired As this year draws to a close, Saint Germain comes to open a window of opportunity on 2015 and reveal in a HeartStream directly through David his prophecies for 2015. Not even David knows what this mystic Merlin might have up his sleeves. Will his predictions portend a year of precipitation and divine magic? Be among those who have ears to hear as the Master Alchemist of the Seventh Age comes to tell what he foresees, and David previews the release of his new book, Saint Germain on Advanced Alchemy, HeartStreaming in the Aquarian Age.

  • Dr. Melody Hart on Natural, Vibrational and Quantum Technologies and Therapies for Holistic Wellness


    Dr. Melody Hart is a Naturopath and also a Lyme disease specialist. She uses amazing new technologies and therapies offered at the Hart Center for Alternative Medicine in Geneva Illinois as options in natural health care. They include colored light, oxygen, and vibrational therapies, thermography, the Zyto Elite, Evox and ONAMED. Melody shares with David her mission, her practice and her passion to 'educate, not medicate.'

  • Guest Host David C. Lewis-Being in the Field of Your Heart with Matrix Energetics and Dr. Richard Bartlett


    Matrix Energetics is a complete system of transformation that produces observable and verifiable changes which can be taught to anyone. Matrix Energetics encompasses a new state of being, a new way of experiencing the world we live in, and a more expansive way of accessing new possibilities - a consciousness shift.

  • Jennie Miles on Permaculture as a Community-Based Economic Development Model


    Jennie Miles is enthused about Anastasia and Sepp Holzer styles of permaculture and community-based economic development. Her background and expertise includes 25 years of working for rural cities and counties taking economic development projects from concept through financing and implementation. She is also an avid researcher, a grant writer and consensus facilitator. Jennie shares with David her passion for connecting community-based economic development with permaculture and her innovative ideas for guaranteeing land tenure in perpetuity and more.

  • Robert Tennyson Stevens on Mastering Conscious Language to Create Life on Your Terms and Thrive


    Robert Tennyson Stevens is a master of language as the code of our consciousness. He knows if you can wake up to your words, to what you may be agreeing to and creating in your world, you can move forward with fun and ease to experience your healthy, creative, loving and fulfilling life. Robert shares with David the meat of his unique curriculum of personal and professional empowerment technologies called Mastery Systems. Each of his classes, including Conscious Language, Imagination Activation, Outcome Facilitation, Sacred Body Language Translations, and Bio-Optic Holography, to name a few, is designed to transform lives. Stevens mantras for thriving: I CAN, I AM, I WILL, I CHOOSE, I HAVE, I LOVE, I CREATE, I ENJOY.

  • Rabbi Gabriel Cousens, MD on the Rainbow Diet, Spiritual Nutrition, and a Live Plant-Based Food Lifestyle


    Dr. Cousens shares with David his own dietary system of spiritual nutrition referred to as the "rainbow diet," based on the relationship that the color of the food has to corresponding colors of the human chakra system. He explores the intricacies of a plant-based lifestyle and explains the powerful role that live food has to enhance all levels of being, ameliorate many diseases, promote peace with the self and with the ecology of the planet, and to support our bodies and energies as superconductors for the Divine. As a Rabbi, Dr Cousens strongly promotes true nourishment as the connection of diet to meditation, fellowship, wisdom, and love. He sees optimal health, longevity, vitality, spiritual upliftment, and attunement as hallmarks of a live food lifestyle. Gabriel Cousens is internationally acclaimed as holistic physician, Ayurvedic practitioner, homeopathic and Chinese herbalist. He is also a world leading diabetes researcher, ecological leader, and spiritual master. He founded and directs Tree of Life F

  • Angus McIntosh: a Visionary and Innovative Bio-dynamic Farmer's Secrets


    What would motivate a successful London-based, Goldman Sachs stockbroker to decline a promotion, leave his job and move to South Africa to become a farmer? Angus McIntosh shares with David his motive, his innovative practices and his successes as a biodynamic permaculture farmer on a large scale raising cattle, laying hens, vegetables and vines. A powerful messenger for permaculture, Angus' innovations come from his overriding principle that as custodian of the land his job is to ensure that at all times fertility is improving on the farm.

  • Tobin Blake on Innovative Ways to Meditate Everyday for Health, Stress Relief and Joy


    "It's what the world needs now" -- the deep peace and healing that meditation brings. Tobin Blake shares with David from his 20 plus years of practice, his trainings, courses and his passion. His popular books include The Power of Stillness: Learn Meditation in 30 Days, and Everyday Meditation: 100 Daily Meditations for Health, Stress Relief, and Everyday Joy. They tap a reservoir of Source energy that already exists in each of us. Tobin speaks from personal experiences about meditation, touts its benefits, and offers practical suggestions. And he walks his talk; exemplifying what he teaches are the benefits of meditation. He is focused, calm, personable, and very much in the moment. His newest book, The Healing of Jordan Young: A 21st Century Spiritual Guide to Health and Healing, will be out in May 2015.

  • Tom Pauley on How To Be Rich Beyond Your Wildest Dreams and Get Everything You Want in Life


    In his book, I'm Rich Beyond My Wildest Dreams. I am. I am. I am., Thomas Pauley and his daughter Penelope describe the simple system that took their family from a second personal bankruptcy to a rich and happy life, practically overnight. Tom shares his phenomenal story with David. Yes, it is a great story. But more than that this book teaches you how you can get everything you want in life. We all know that talent does not guarantee success. Nor does intelligence or education. The world is littered with the failed lives of smart, talented, and well educated people. The proven quantum secrets are inside this book which has the power to change lives.

  • Annie Kagan on The Afterlife of Billy Fingers and Beyond


    Annie Kagan is not a medium or a psychic. She did not die and come back to life. Yet Annie goes beyond the living to answer one of life's most elusive questions: "What happens after we die?" Annie tells David the extraordinary story of her after-death communications ADC with her brother. Her book, The Afterlife of Billy Fingers: How My Bad-Boy Brother Proved to Me There's Life After Death, is one of the most detailed after-death communications ever recorded. It started when she was awakened by her deceased brother Billy just weeks after his sudden death. As he began speaking to her she thought maybe she had gone a little crazy. Her insights and story will comfort and amaze you.

  • Bettina Torres on MicroCirculation: The Leading Edge of Personal Health Care


    There's literally a new wave in personal health care Bettina shares her life-changing story of being introduced to a ground breaking technologyPhysical Vascular Therapy, BEMERthat gave her back a pain-free, active life and a new mission. BEMER is beyond fads, backed by solid science, and is used popularly by doctors, specialists and hospitals -- first in Germany and now increasingly around the world. Bettina explains from her training and experience the importance of vasomotion and blood flow; and she helps us visualize how this FDA registered device unclogs the blood, speeds up blood flow into the tiniest capillaries through our entire body delivering more oxygen and nutrients and disposing of metabolic wastes and toxins. This sparks energy in all cells. Bettina now uses the BEMER as a daily de-stressor, and at REGENERATION Point, her unique Spokane center for clients who come to support their own natural healing processes in body, mind, emotion and spirit. The science of wellness has taken a quantum leap wo

  • Mamade Kadreebux Shares an Epic Journey of Travels into Humility


    Mamade Kadreebux is an enigma as most great masters are An author of five books acclaimed for their profound literary and poetic quality, Mamade tells David the story of his wandering the world from his native Island of Mauritius as a teen, hitchhiking through two continents on a voyage of self-discovery with humility as its destination. Fluent in French, Creole, Spanish and English he now lives in a Berkley, CA studio as a Muslim community leader and spiritual pioneer. He is recognized for his epic photography from every region he visited, including places never before photographed. And he is revered for his wisdom and humility. As he states in his autobiography, "Humility is the beginning of philosophy." Mamade reveals the transformation of his youth and innocence to the maturity of wisdom and holiness.

  • Taking Astrology to New Levels of Spiritual Influence with Kevin Raphael Fitch


    Astrology is about much more than horoscopes, love, health, and money. It is an important piece of the toolkit of a spiritual aspirant. Raphael guides us to feel the reality behind the word astrology and moves us beyond its mundane use to be a spiritual and very practical resource in our lives. He discusses constructive ways to use Mercury retrograde to gain greater access to our own Buddhic awareness; and he reveals how astrology can inform us about what's going on right now in our global geopolitics. He explains why some who study astrology "miss the Sun by focusing on the finger which points to it." And he shares how to access the real energies behind the word 'astrology'. He explains how anyone can use their own celestial potentials to vitalize their natural relationship to the cosmos and its esoteric influences, whether or not they know their own horoscopes.

  • Richard Bartlett on Matrix Energetics How You Can Manifest Infinite Possibilities


    Richard Bartlett teaches the quantum/torsion physics of miracles This consciousness technology shatters preconceptions of the seemingly "solid" universe and how unlimited our potential to change it truly is. He calls it and his book Matrix Energetics. It is a complete system of transformation that produces observable and verifiable changes which can be taught to anyone. It can help you access and manifest transformation and infinite possibilities in all areas of your life including health, family, career, relationships, and finances. Matrix Energetics encompasses a new state of mind, a new way of looking at the world we live and breathe in, and a new way of reaching out to new possibilities, a consciousness shift. If you are ready to embrace a reality where anything goes, miracles happen and nothing is beyond your reach, then you are ready for Matrix Energetics.

  • Bill Wilson on How Permaculture Enlivens a New Culture


    Bill Wilson shares his expertise as a permaculture designer, a Permaculture Design Certification Course teacher and a Teacher Certification trainer, who has lived for 30 years with his wife Rebecca in the uniquely sustainable little community of Stelle, IL. Starting with the basics of permaculture, Bill shares why he co-founded Midwest Permaculture with Becky and relates stories of his transformative direct experiences and spiritual insights on greening and transforming our world. Bill offers a philosophy and practical examples for co creating a culture that cares for people and the planet as one in the same. Learn from Bill, his staff and students who have been willing to look into alternatives to the status quo, ask difficult questions and pursue unpopular solutions that worked. Discover how to create sustainable gardens, homes, landscapes, farms, relationships, and communities in essence how to develop a more permanent-culture.

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