Tools For Every Day Leaders & Managers With Leadership Coach Kris Plachy



Tools for Every Day Leaders and Managers is a podcast for people who lead and manage people. Your host, Kris Plachy, a seasoned leadership coach, has created this show for managers, leaders, human resources and learning professionals to offer ideas that challenge your mind as well as equip you with useful tools that you can use right away for dealing with difficult decisions and people. After every episode you will walk away feeling more empowered, more in control and another step closer to the best leader and manager you can be! If you want to learn more about Kris Plachy's work and how you can partner with her, visit


  • Solving Difficult Leadership Issues Through Your Own Growth | E166

    17/06/2024 Duration: 23min

    You have built a successful business. You have a team and you’re making money, but something is just not right. It doesn’t feel the way it’s supposed to. Those are the gaps. And while they may be easy to recognize, it might not feel as easy to solve them. In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy explores the idea that leadership isn’t a skill, but an outcome resulting from a collection of behaviors, abilities, and most importantly, human behavior. She emphasizes that a gap exists in every leader’s capability, often resulting from internalised beliefs and insecurities. And while that may feel like a lot, Kris shares the reminder that all of it is fixable. A lot of women come to coaching with the hope of getting the specific issues addressed. When really, Kris acknowledges, these leaders know how to solve the problems, they just don’t trust themselves to do it. Kris shares that the work then is to then look at what you believe about yourself, and to overcome insecurities and internalized beli

  • Embracing Challenges: Clotilde Dusoulier's Perspective on Living an Extraordinary Life | E165

    10/06/2024 Duration: 31min

    You’ve checked all the boxes and you’ve reached a point where many other people would be satisfied, but you know you are ready for more. Do you know what life looks like when you get ‘there’?And do you know how to get from here to there? In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy talks with guest and former client, Clotilde Dusoulier. Clotilde is a food writer and coach, helping men and women better the relationships with themselves and define success on their own terms. Clotilde's podcast "Change Ma Vie" and her new book "La Methode Change Ma Vie" are all about defining your personal success and avoiding the trap of toxic positivity. It's not about avoiding difficulties, but rather learning how to negotiate them. Ever felt that unsettling feeling or like something is missing? Clotilde explains that for many, they choose to push away those feelings with temporary relief in the form of buying more or eating more. Instead, she recommends sitting with the discomfort and being inquisitive in orde

  • Where Are You Following More Than You Are Leading? | E164

    03/06/2024 Duration: 25min

    Are you abiding by someone else's model of success or are you forging your own path? There’s a lot of noise when it comes to what it means to be a leader and we often find ourselves following the advice of others instead of listening to our own instincts. In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy invites listeners to ask themselves where are you following instead of leading? For many leaders, there’s a point where you start to defer to the people you bring in to your business, your queendom. And slowly, you find yourself being less of a leader and more of a follower. Kris reminds the audience that even though it’s not easy, it is important to not acquiesce to those ideas. Instead of finding someone with the answers, seek out those who ask you questions. Kris opens up about her own personal journey with social media, revealing her struggle to find a fulfilling and authentic relationship with the platform. She describes the journey she has taken in order quiet the noise, and be able to use the

  • Nurturing Future Leaders with Intent and Grace from Dr. Camysha Wright

    27/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    Are you building a business with intention? Have you thought about the kind of culture you want to cultivate in the workplace? This week on Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy, talks with her guest, Dr. Camysha Wright about what it looks like to be a practicing physician and how to thoughtfully create a workplace with grace and empathy. Dr. Wright is a board certified otorhinolaryngologist, otherwise known as an ENT. She serves on the board of governors for the Florida Society of Otolaryngologists, and operates her own practice for going on 10 years. She is also a published author who recently released Breathe Easy: An Overview of Allergies and the Unified Airway. In their discussion, Dr. Wright discusses the importance of meeting patients where they’re at and how her book aims to provide a simple resource for patients to be able to identify what they are experiencing when it comes to allergy and inflamation-related illnesses. Dr. Wright also details her experience of what it was like to build a business

  • The Path to More: How to Create an Exceptional Life After Success | E162

    20/05/2024 Duration: 23min

    You’ve worked hard to build a successful and thriving business and you feel like you’ve reached the top that everyone talks about. And yet, you look around and think, “I’m ready for more”. You are a visionary, ready to create a full life alongside your business, and you want to know how to get there. In this episode, host Kris Plachy shares what it means to be a Sage, to be that woman who feels compelled to ask even more questions. In this honest conversation, Kris defines the qualities of a Sage and illustrates the journey these women have in their business and in their lives. The path of a Sage is an exploration of your purpose, your growth, and your coming into your own. The Sage CEO, as explained by Kris, isn't a playbook or a how-to guide. It's an idea, a mindset, a state of being that transcends being merely a program. This episode is highly recommended for those women feeling the restless stirrings of curiosity, those women who are never quite satisfied, who are always asking, ever evolving, always wan

  • Who Are You Without Distractions: The Value of Original Thinking for Female Entrepreneurs | E161

    13/05/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy invites you to ponder a compelling question: What would your thoughts be if they weren't constantly shaped by external stimuli? She challenges you to reflect on the nature of your thinking—how much of it is truly original, and how much is reactive to your daily interactions, from conversations to the media you consume. Kris encourages you to embark on a journey of self-awareness and self-exploration, emphasizing the importance of understanding and reflecting on your own thought processes. This exploration isn't just about identifying what you think, but why and how your environment influences those thoughts. She suggests that true leadership requires a keen self-awareness that allows you to critically assess and navigate your thoughts, which in turn shapes your actions and leadership style. Kris's conversation is a call to action for you to cultivate a more mindful approach to your thoughts and leadership, freeing yourself from automatic responses to crea

  • Overcoming Internal Obstacles for Effective Leadership | E160

    06/05/2024 Duration: 14min

    In this thought-provoking episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy dives deep into how we view and face leadership challenges within ourselves. Instead of assigning blame to external influences or people, Kris encourages us to turn inward and explore how our own behaviors, attitudes, and thoughts inform the way we lead. She shares from her list of 30 truths, derived from years of working closely with female entrepreneurs. As she goes through each statement, Kris urges listeners to reflect and ponder on their truthfulness and examine the parallels between personal habits and management styles, handling 'difficult' people, the importance of understanding your business's numbers, and so on. Wherever you find yourself, Kris assures that it's okay to feel uncomfortable, upset or even disagree with some of her insights. In fact, it may just be the signal indicating there's something to explore further. As leaders, the ability to objectively assess oneself, one's team, and the business needs is invaluable

  • People Pleasing Leaders | E159

    29/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    In today's episode, we dive deep into the realm of people-pleasing, a topic that many of us can relate to. Host, Kris Plachy, self-proclaimed people-pleaser, shares personal insights and experiences, detailing the good, the bad, and the complexities that come with constant people-pleasing. As leaders, we may often find ourselves bending over backwards to accommodate everyone's needs and avoid conflict. Kris asserts that while this can be a nurturing trait, it often also means ignoring the core needs of our business and, more importantly, ourselves. She warns of the perils of slipping into the people-pleasing vortex and the challenges that come with emerging from it. But it isn't all doom and gloom. Kris also discusses the hidden strength in being a people-pleaser. The ability to empathize deeply, foresee potential conflicts, and manage tricky situations are all part of this power. But, as we know, even superpowers require balance and our host dives into ways we can harness our people-pleasing tactfully withou

  • The Power of Empathetic Leadership with Pets Are Family Author, Erika Sinner | E158

    22/04/2024 Duration: 47min

    This week on Leadership is Feminine, we're diving deep into a subject matter that isn't often discussed - the emotional toll of pet bereavement, and how that affects our businesses. Our guest, Erika Sinner, shares her personal journey of dealing with the loss of her beloved pets and how this sparked her to author a book, Pets Are Family. This episode unravels the societal discomfort around discussing pet grief and the need for empathy-driven leadership to manage such situations. Erika talks about moving beyond traditional norms and choosing to be a dog parent with her husband to four beloved shar pei dogs. She shares her journey of health issues and loss she has experienced with her dogs. And it is through these experiences that she saw the need for pet bereavement leave and which also gave her a new perspective to see the emotional dynamics prevalent in our work cultures. Kris Plachy emphasizes the importance of clear agreements and expectations within organizations, alongside acknowledging and validating em

  • How to Say What Needs to Be Said | E157

    15/04/2024 Duration: 19min

    In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, host Kris Plachy dives into the essential topic of expressing assertiveness and setting boundaries in professional settings. Kris illuminates the difference between what people say when they don't feel the need to guard what they say, versus what they convey in less clear ways when they feel protective. Kris emphasizes that the majority of women she coaches need guidance to articulate what needs to be said fearlessly and in clear terms. She candidly explores her own journey of setting stronger expectations during her info sessions, transforming them into active, participative experiences rather than passive webinars. A significant theme that emerges is how essential it is to set clear expectations, whether that's in team interactions, client meetings, or personal relationships. Kris candidly discusses her own experiences navigating this and shares how she boldly updated her expectations for those attending her sessions. This episode is an eye-opener for leaders who s

  • The Best Question for Leaders to Ask | E156

    08/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    In another episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy delivers powerful insights and thoughtful musings about a favorite topic: goals. Showcasing her natural finesse for leadership coaching, Kris frames a magic question that serves as an effective tool to realign our focus - "What is the goal?" In a world where our minds are cluttered with to-do lists, divergent ideas, and unexpected plans, Kris argues that this seemingly simple question can guide us back to the heart of our intentions. This episode delves into the importance of a goal-oriented approach in leadership and decision-making processes. Moreover, Kris shares an ambitious goal of her own. She hopes to inspire and influence 20 million women in leadership globally through her podcast. With this target, she highlights the underlying tenet of Leadership is Feminine - that one thriving woman can make a significant difference. She gives a call-to-action, inviting listeners to share the podcast and empower more women leaders worldwide. In her discussio

  • Do You Really Want To Be a Leader? | E155

    01/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy gets real about the journey of entrepreneurship, asking the crucial question: what kind of business do you want? She draws on her years as an entrepreneur to explore the pivotal moments that arise as businesses grow, particularly when revenue hits the million-dollar mark. Kris discusses the decision-making process and the challenges women face when scaling their businesses, emphasizing the importance of aligning business goals with personal aspirations. Kris candidly shares her insights on the need for women to consider the life they want in the future and how it intersects with their business decisions. She challenges the traditional focus on revenue and growth, encouraging listeners to think about the type of business they truly want, and if they are willing to do what it takes to achieve it. Kris questions whether building a bigger business is always the right choice and highlights the necessity of being intentional about the future. Throughout the epi

  • Abdicating is a Founder's Kryptonite | E154

    25/03/2024 Duration: 18min

    Welcome back to Leadership is Feminine! In this engaging episode, Kris Plachy sheds light on a crucial yet often overlooked aspect of running a business: the pitfalls of abdicating responsibilities as a founder. With candor and insight, Kris addresses the vulnerability that arises from handing over crucial aspects of the business and not being actively involved in their management. Kris highlights the tendency to delegate tasks to others and then disengage, whether it's bookkeeping, graphic design, or other operational functions. She emphasizes the vital role of the founder in maintaining strategic involvement and a clear line of sight into all areas of the business, even when delegating to experts. Kris delves into the potential consequences of complete abdication, such as financial mismanagement, loss of control, and the challenge of replacing key team members who hold all the knowledge. The episode explores the common tendencies of female founders, especially those from a bootstrapped background, to defer

  • Stop Giving People Jobs! | E153

    18/03/2024 Duration: 17min

    Today's episode of Leadership is Feminine dives into the concept of designing roles within a business as assets, rather than thinking of them as employee possessions. Host, Kris Plachy emphasizes the importance of creating roles that contribute to the business's objectives and results. She highlights the need to think about roles in the company as assets and how this mindset can change the way we create and hire for roles. Kris shares insights into the responsibility of leaders to hold individuals in these roles accountable for their performance and results. She discusses the need to separate the person from the position, emphasizing that roles belong to the business, not to the individuals. Throughout the episode, Kris stresses the importance of making decisions about roles and people based on clear evidence and expectations. The episode provides valuable insights into the relationship between businesses and their employees, underlining the importance of creating a culture of accountability and contribution.

  • When Your Team Doesn't Like the Manager You Hired | E152

    11/03/2024 Duration: 24min

    In this episode, Kris Plachy dives into the complex dynamic of promoting employees into management positions and the resulting challenges. Kris unpacks common issues faced by businesses as they transition from small teams to larger management structures. She candidly explores the struggles of transitioning from being an individual contributor to a manager, and details how new managers can unknowingly cause discomfort among their former peers. Kris emphasizes the importance of investing in management training and the significance of developing leadership skills. With real-life examples, she highlights the impact of mismanaged leadership on employee retention and the overall health of the organization. Kris also offers a thought-provoking perspective on the need for clear communication and leadership frameworks to navigate these transitions effectively. The episode provides an insightful look at the complexities of leadership transitions and emphasizes the need for intentional development and support for manage

  • When Your Best Team Member Quits | E151

    04/03/2024 Duration: 14min

    In this week's episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy dives into the tough reality of losing key team members unexpectedly in your growing business. She acknowledges the emotional toll it takes and provides insightful guidance on how to navigate these challenging moments. Throughout the episode, Kris emphasizes the inevitability of change in business and the importance of being prepared for it. She encourages listeners to maintain a proactive hiring strategy and always be on the lookout for new talent, even during periods of stability. Kris also urges her audience not to take departures personally, emphasizing that employees won't have the same level of attachment to the business as the founder or CEO. Kris skillfully addresses the emotional reactions that may arise when faced with unexpected turnover, reminding her audience that they possess the knowledge and capability to handle these challenges. She highlights the need for developing systems and infrastructure to support the hiring process. An impo

  • Should You Have An Open Door Policy? | E150

    26/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy challenges the notion of open door policies and their effectiveness in leadership. With her signature wisdom, Kris dives into why simply declaring an open door policy isn't enough to make team members feel truly comfortable approaching you. She emphasizes the importance of being intentional and prescriptive in creating opportunities for engagement with your team. Kris illustrates the concept by likening an open door policy to inviting someone into your home and how you can best make someone feel welcomed. She urges leaders to provide specific avenues for communication, such as scheduled one-on-one meetings, team lunches, or virtual office hours. Emphasizing the need for proactive engagement, Kris encourages leaders to initiate interactions, particularly with team members they might not know well. The episode emphasizes that the responsibility of creating a welcoming and approachable environment falls on the leader. Kris discusses the need for leaders to s

  • When Venting Between Managers and Their Employees Is an Issue In Your Business

    19/02/2024 Duration: 24min

    In this episode of Leadership is Feminine, Kris Plachy addresses the challenges and dynamics that arise when a manager becomes the go-to person for complaints and venting within a company. She shares her perspective on the role of managers in extending culture, expectations, and values into the organization, while also emphasizing the importance of effective communication and translating the founder's vision to the team. Kris explores the issue of things getting lost in translation when communicating with managers, emphasizing the need for clear expectations and a strong emphasis on the organization's vision. She also discusses the importance of managers taking ownership of their role and responsibilities, particularly when it comes to addressing tough situations and holding employees accountable. Kris shares insights on empowering managers to be effective leaders rather than just messengers for the founder's directives. Join Kris as she delves into the intricate world of leadership, offering practical insigh

  • The Impact of Gossip on Team Dynamics and Productivity | E148

    12/02/2024 Duration: 16min

    In this episode, Kris Plachy is tackling the intriguing topic of team gossip – you know, that thing that has a way of sneaking its way into our business and team conversations? In Kris fashion, she cuts to the chase, sharing insights on how gossip can impact small businesses, leadership dynamics, and even our personal relationships. She dives into the different shades of venting, complaining, and gossiping, shedding light on the underlying reasons why we humans engage in these behaviors. Kris opens up about her own encounters with gossip and stresses why leaders must confront it directly within their organizations. Get ready for some practical tips on dealing with workplace gossip – Kris emphasizes the importance of setting clear expectations and values as a leader. She also discusses how leaders can either contribute to or combat gossip, highlighting the significant role their attitude plays in shaping the team culture. Plus, she shares a compelling real-life story about navigating gossip within her own team

  • Leading a Business While Honoring Self-Care with Brett Larkin

    05/02/2024 Duration: 43min

    In today’s enlightening episode of Leadership is Feminine, we delve into the exciting world of yoga, self-care, and leadership with our amazing guest, Brett Larkin, a yoga entrepreneur and new author of Yoga Life: Habits, Poses, and Breathwork to Channel Joy Amidst the Chaos. Brett credits mindset shifts that host, Kris Plachy, coached her through as crucial in her journey of managing her company and writing her book, all while navigating personal challenges. During their chat, Brett shines a light on the importance of making your yoga practice truly your own, emphasizing the critical role of awareness and breath work over prescribed poses. Kris and Brett's conversation touches on how important it is for female founders to integrate yoga into daily life, emphasizing how the practice of yoga fosters a deep connection with oneself, significantly benefiting physical and emotional health. This inspiring conversation serves as a gentle reminder to prioritize self-care, be mindful of our bodies, and understand thei

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