Lonely Guru Dialogues With Ryan Spielman

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 34:22:33
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Inspired by many currents developing in the world of spiritual awakening and cultural transformation, I began the podcast as a way to contribute to this evolving dialogue. This podcast is an expression of my own passion for the exploration and realisation of Yoga. It is a way to honor the timeless wisdom that has given me so much in my life and expand our understanding of how to embody these truths in our everyday lives. In these dialogues I want to unearth what a real, transformative Yoga looks like and feels like in our culture. I hope to make you think deeply about who you are and how to live. I hope to inspire you to give yourself fully to the greatest expression of your deepest truth. Wishing you a rich and fruitful journey!


  • LG39 – Nicholas Buxton – Christian Priest Yogi With Buddhist Inclinations

    20/06/2018 Duration: 44min

    My guest is Revd. Dr. Nicholas Buxton. Nicholas is a priest in the Church of England and runs a meditation centre in Newcastle. We discuss christian contemplative practice, the buddhist notion of emptiness and the personal and impersonal nature of the God. He is the author of several books including: Tantalus and the Pelican: Exploring […] The post LG39 – Nicholas Buxton – Christian Priest Yogi With Buddhist Inclinations appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG38 – Genny Wilkinson Priest and Sarai Harvey-Smith – Controversy and Updating Ashtanga Yoga

    21/04/2018 Duration: 42min

    In this episode my guests are Genny Wilkinson Priest and Sarai Harvey-Smith. We discuss two topics, the allegations about Pattabhi Jois’ sexual misconduct and the ambiguity around the qualifications to become and maintain status as a recognised KPJAYI Ashtanga teacher. Genny quit full-time hard news journalism to focus on her yoga studies, becoming a Shri […] The post LG38 – Genny Wilkinson Priest and Sarai Harvey-Smith – Controversy and Updating Ashtanga Yoga appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG37 – Bee Scherer – Queer Bodhisattva

    01/01/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    In this episode with Professor Bee Scherer, PhD we discuss the foundations of Buddhist philosophy, the four noble truths, Bee’s work in queering paradigms as a trans/non-binary activist and the relationship between buddhist practice and activism.   Bee is a long-time practitioner of Buddhism and has been globally teaching as a Buddhist lay teacher. Bee currently […] The post LG37 – Bee Scherer – Queer Bodhisattva appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG36- Sarah Shaw – The Early Teachings of the Buddha

    01/11/2017 Duration: 46min

    My guest is Sarah Shaw. Sarah received her Phd in English from Manchester University. After studying Pali and Sanskrit at Oxford, she began teaching and writing on Buddhist subjects. She has written several books on meditation theory and practice, and jātaka literature. She is the author of several books including Introduction to Buddhist Meditation, The Jātakas: Birth Stories of the Bodhisattaand her most recent […] The post LG36- Sarah Shaw – The Early Teachings of the Buddha appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG35 – Karen O’Brien-Kop – Purusha and Prakriti

    20/11/2016 Duration: 50min

    My guest is Karen O’Brien-Kop. In this episode we discuss two foundational concepts found in the Sankya philosphy, Purusha and Prakriti or pure consciousness and nature, which underpin the main ideas in much of yoga practice including the seminal text, the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali.  Karen has been practising yoga in different forms since 1995. […] The post LG35 – Karen O’Brien-Kop – Purusha and Prakriti appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG34 – Luke Jordan – Sankya the Forgotten Sister

    21/08/2016 Duration: 47min

    Luke Jordan is a direct student of Sri K Pattabhi Jois and one of a handful of teachers worldwide Certified by the Ashtanga Yoga Institute in Mysore to pass on the advanced teachings of this traditional Yoga method. Luke holds a Masters degree in Indian Religion specialising in Yoga philosophy. livingashtanga.com  The post LG34 – Luke Jordan – Sankya the Forgotten Sister appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG33 – Gregor Maehle – From Disappointment to Samadhi

    21/08/2016 Duration: 01h06min

    Gregor Maehle began his yogic practices in the mid-1980s. He’s studied with various yogic and tantric masters, traditional Indian sadhus and ascetics. He spent fourteen months in Mysore, and in 1997 was authorised to teach Ashtanga Yoga by K. Pattabhi Jois. Since then he has branched out into researching the anatomical alignment of postures and […] The post LG33 – Gregor Maehle – From Disappointment to Samadhi appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG32 – Karan Bajaj – Radical Sabbatical

    28/04/2016 Duration: 41min

    I’m speaking with Karan Bajaj, author and striving Yogi. He has written several novels. His newly released novel is called The Yoga of Max’s Discontent. We discuss taking a sabbatical, doing something different with your life and the benefits that come from such a change. He talks about how he integrates the corporate world, family life, travel and […] The post LG32 – Karan Bajaj – Radical Sabbatical appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG31 – Carolyn Cowan – Art, Kundalini and Conscious Sexuality

    26/03/2016 Duration: 01h04min

    In this episode Carolyn Cowan shares her insights on Kundalini Yoga, therapy, addiction, feminism, and more! Carolyn is a Kundalini Yoga teacher, Teacher Trainer and a Psychosexual Therapist specialising in addiction & trauma recovery. She has a huge amount of content online to check out. You can find out more at carolyncowan.com The post LG31 – Carolyn Cowan – Art, Kundalini and Conscious Sexuality appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG30 – The Right Touch – Hands-on Adjustments

    06/03/2016 Duration: 01h02min

    Our guests this episode are Mimi Kuo-Deemer, Kate Ellis and Sarai Harvey Smith. They share their insights and experiences using hands-on adjustments in their classes. We discuss when it’s appropriate to use them, different types of adjustments, what can go wrong and more. I am joined by Liz Frances Hobbs and Genny Wilkinson-Priest who lead two […] The post LG30 – The Right Touch – Hands-on Adjustments appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG29 – Richard Rosen – Yoga For Everyone

    14/12/2015 Duration: 34min

    My guest on this episode is Richard Rosen. Richard has been an emissary for the modern Yoga world from the opening of Piedmont Yoga school with Rodney Yee in 1987 to his many articles in The Yoga Journal to his most recent of three books on early hatha practices, Original Yoga: Rediscovering Traditional Practices of Hatha Yoga. You […] The post LG29 – Richard Rosen – Yoga For Everyone appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG28 – Advice For Starting Teachers

    31/10/2015 Duration: 59min

    In this episode we talk with senior teachers, Anna Ashby, Graham burns and Director of Triyoga, Jonathan Sattin about starting out as a Yoga teacher. I’ve enlisted the help of my two friends and fellow teachers, Genny Wilkinson-Priest and Liz Frances Hobbs for the interviews. Topics include: giving them what they want vs. giving them what […] The post LG28 – Advice For Starting Teachers appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG27 – Matthew Remski – 21st Century Yoga

    18/01/2015 Duration: 51min

    My guest for this episode is Matthew Remski. Matthew teaches yoga philosophy and ayurveda. He is a therapist and the author of several books including Threads of Yoga: A remix of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, Family Wakes Us Up & 21st Century Yoga. In this episode we talk about whether you are personally responsible for your […] The post LG27 – Matthew Remski – 21st Century Yoga appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG26 – John Scott – The Guruji Sutras

    01/09/2014 Duration: 01h08min

    My guest is Ashtanga Vinyasa teacher, John Scott. John elegantly describes how the vinyasa method can be used to achieve deep states of concentration and meditation. He shares wisdom from the Guruji Sutras, and answers questions from you, the listening audience about aging, adjusting and the relationship between mind and body. You can find out more about John’s work at johnscottyoga.com The post LG26 – John Scott – The Guruji Sutras appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG25 – Martin Aylward – Multidimensional Practice

    16/06/2014 Duration: 46min

    My guest is Martin Aylward. Martin has been leading retreats worldwide, teaching meditation and supporting groups and individuals since 1999. He is the founding teacher of Moulin de Chaves, a residential retreat centre in South West France, where he lives. Martin works with students around the world in retreats and in ongoing individual support. He also runs an […] The post LG25 – Martin Aylward – Multidimensional Practice appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG24 – Paul Lowe – Unconditional Awareness

    07/03/2014 Duration: 44min

    For over 50 years Paul has been exploring and sharing his experiences on awakening, human potential and how to be deeply happy. In this episode he points out the most important factor for discovering these qualities, unconditional awareness. Pay attention, be present, see the mechanical nature of the body and mind, stop holding  … and […] The post LG24 – Paul Lowe – Unconditional Awareness appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG23 – Four Mysore Teachers

    28/01/2014 Duration: 01h02min

    I sit down with Mysore-style Ashtanga teachers, Scott Johnson, Joey Miles and Corrie Preece for a lively discussion on all things Ashtanga from how to teach the unteachable, when is it okay to modify the sequence, the misconception that yoga always feels good, waking up early, hyper-focus on alignment and much more. If you are […] The post LG23 – Four Mysore Teachers appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG22 – Ayala Gill – Yoga Baby!

    28/01/2014 Duration: 48min

    My guest is pregnancy Yoga teacher, Ayala Gill. We talk about how to approach your yoga practice during pregnancy, helpful tips, postnatal yoga, modifying for each trimester and more. Ayala has trained in Iyengar, Ashtanga and Anusara methods, as a mindfuleness meditation teacher and is a practicing doula, assiting women during childbirth. www.ayalagill.com Check out Ayala’s […] The post LG22 – Ayala Gill – Yoga Baby! appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG21 – Melanie Cooper – Yoga Teacher Shop Talk

    29/12/2013 Duration: 50min

    My guest is Melanie Cooper. We discuss her new book Teaching Yoga Adjusting Asana and share our experience of what it’s like to be a Yoga teacher. Melanie has been teaching yoga since 1997, and training yoga teachers since 2005. She divides her time between London and Goa practicing and teaching yoga. She currently runs the morning […] The post LG21 – Melanie Cooper – Yoga Teacher Shop Talk appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

  • LG20 – Alan Jacobs – And A Voice Said, “Who Am I?”

    01/12/2013 Duration: 50min

    Alan Jacobs was born in 1929 in London. From an early age, he has been interested in religion and mysticism. He commenced a personal search for truth, and studied comparative religion. He then entered the Gurdjieff Society in 1957 and remained there until the early seventies. He then met Jiddu Krishnamurti, and studied his teachings […] The post LG20 – Alan Jacobs – And A Voice Said, “Who Am I?” appeared first on Ashtanga Yoga with Ryan Spielman.

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