Lose The Pain

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 2:59:44
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Although our mission is to help eliminate unnecessary back pain all over the world, you can also learn about other forms of pain, healthy living, weight management and more. Visit our back pain blog to read our latest posts. We truly are here to help. It is our goal to empower you to take control of your own health, and help you regain the life you had before the pain. Take a look around and please click the feedback button in the bottom right hand corner of our website to let us know what you think. - See more at: http://www.losethebackpain.com


  • Chris Kresser Shares Importance of Health Coaching During Interview with Jesse Cannone

    17/01/2018 Duration: 05min

    Chris Kresser Shares Importance of Health Coaching During Interview with Jesse Cannone: Using a health coach takes a more proactive, preventative, and affordable approach to improving your health and wellness than learning alone. As Chris Kresser explains during his recent interview with Jesse Cannone, “Information is not enough to change behavior.” Most people know what they should be doing, Chris explains. They know they should get seven to eight hours of sleep per night, eat healthy, remain physically active, quit smoking, etc. Yet the latest CDC statistics show only 6% of U.S. adults engage in all five key healthy habits. Successful health coaches help their clients tap into their own motivations for change and develop their own strategies for change. When health coaches train people to take responsibility for their own lives in this way, they become empowered to make successful health behavior changes more likely to last over the long term. Jesse adds that his own experience as a health coach taught h

  • Using This Info to Breakthrough & Achieve Your Goals By Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone

    16/11/2017 Duration: 03min

    Using This Info to Breakthrough & Achieve Your Goals By Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone; In the last podcast of this interview the host and guest dare everyone to take the bit in the mouth, put the spurs to action and start setting goals, moving forward to all speed to find a way to achieve the success dreamed of, planned and worked for. Get started by taking the advice contained in these podcasts to change your life, alter your future and at the same time your past as big achievements are just around the corner. Get it done, just start, don't wait, get to planning, get to writing down your big goals, list the small ones that lead to the big ones and start knocking down the benchmarks toward the Big Prize. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his over 21 years of professional exper

  • Sharing Goals with Supportive People, Not Those Who Will Sabotage You Says Rob Berkley

    16/11/2017 Duration: 02min

    Sharing Goals with Supportive People, Not Those Who Will Sabotage You Says Rob Berkley: One of the biggest traps for those with dreams of taking on new ventures to change one's life is that, when they are told family and friends, people are ridiculed, torn down, made fun of and, as Jesse Cannone says, "down right torn to pieces before they even get started." Yes, finding supportive people is vital and Rob Berkley, being interviewed by Jesse Cannone, takes it one step further by saying keeping plans or dreams only from sabotage can make or break the process. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his over 21 years of professional experience, he has been a successful entrepreneur, board director both public and private, corporate leader (CEO, CIO) and executive coach. Prior to establ

  • Jesse Cannone & Rob Berkley on Attaining Big Goals in Small Chunks & Turning Them into Tasks

    15/11/2017 Duration: 02min

    Jesse Cannone & Rob Berkley on Attaining Big Goals in Small Chunks & Turning Them into Tasks: By biting off small chunks of success it can make the big goals seem more attainable and create a rolling confidence in skill required to keep moving upwards. Jesse Cannone, author of The 7-Day Back Pain Cure, finds Rob Berkley in agreement that biting off more than one chew can lead to blow back in the form of feeling defeated before the game really begins. By setting benchmarks that get hit, says Rob Berkley, they turn into tasks for completion rather than burdens to be carried with the weight of the world on one's shoulders. Success breeds success, getting things done means moving on to the next "task" to get that done, and on and on and on. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his o

  • Re-capping Goal Setting Points; Clarity, Writing Down & Organizing with Jesse Cannone & Rob Berkley

    15/11/2017 Duration: 02min

    Re-capping Goal Setting Points; Clarity, Writing Down & Organizing with Jesse Cannone & Rob Berkley: As the interview gets towards a conclusion, Jesse Cannone asks his guest, success coach Rob Berkley, to recap of few of the key points they have covered in goal setting with clarity; first is the act of writing down your goals as if you know they will or that they have already happening, thus giving reality to the quest. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his over 21 years of professional experience, he has been a successful entrepreneur, board director both public and private, corporate leader (CEO, CIO) and executive coach. Prior to establishing his present coaching and consulting practice, Rob served as global CIO for the technology division of Pearson (a British media corpor

  • Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone on Controlling Your Goals, Writing Down So You Don't Have To Remember

    15/11/2017 Duration: 03min

    Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone on Controlling Your Goals, Writing Down So You Don't Have To Remember Them: A key point in this interview comes in the form of how to clear your mind of all your goals by having them written down along with other fears or thoughts which bog down the mind. Jesse Cannone, co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute and author of the 7-Day Back Pain Cure, talks with Rob Berkley about the process of freedom the mind of clutter in the writing of goals so one doesn't have to carry them around in your mind all the time. They call the process liberating and cleansing. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his over 21 years of professional experience, he has been a successful entrepreneur, board director both public and private, corporate leader (CEO, CIO) and execu

  • Setting Small Goals to Start Says Success Coach Rob Berkley in Interview with Jesse Cannone

    15/11/2017 Duration: 01min

    Setting Small Goals to Start Says Success Coach Rob Berkley in Interview with Jesse Cannone: In the seventh podcasts of this interview the topic is how one might reach the big goals by setting a number small benchmarks first and then the momentum starts to take off towards the larger target. Rob Berkley, success coach, is being interviewed by Jesse Cannone, co-founder of The Healthy Back Institute, on about clarity in setting goals. They talk about how, just like in fitness or weight loss, one shoots for a Bridge Too Far and then quits after gains are not piled up fast enough and the grind gets weary without the much wanted Big Goals being met rapidly enough. Small successes can lead to big successes and bring confidence to the process. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his o

  • Rob Berkley on The Time & Intolerable Tax That Makes Goals Harder to Reach with Jesse Cannone

    15/11/2017 Duration: 07min

    Rob Berkley on The Time & Intolerable Tax That Makes Goals Harder to Reach in Interview with Jesse Cannone: When we are rushing around getting things done, while trying to reach cherished goals, we never realize about all the little "Time and Intolerable Taxes" that dissipate the primary efforts. These two concepts came up during an interview with Rob Berkley conducted by Jesse Cannone. For example, we never think about how, when going to the gym for a much needed workout, that getting to the gym, changing and then showering and changing again constitute a time tax that results in lost effort. Jesse Cannone, a fitness expert and trainer, talks about how he breaks up his workouts into small chunks during the day and this also doesn't "ruin" his day or week when one is missed. All day long small time taxes impinge on our energy reserves and take away from important work to get done. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior e

  • Focus on What You Want, Not What You Don't Want with Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone

    15/11/2017 Duration: 02min

    Focus on What You Want, Not What You Don't Want with Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone: Having a plan for getting to reach your goals is vital and Rob Berkley advocates in his success workshops that writing down your goals is key to establishing the framework on which to move forward towards them. But the focus must not be on what you don't want; for example, by focusing on the weight you need to lose instead of how how you will be when you lose the weight puts the emphasis on the negative, and often one ends of getting more of the negative when that is the focus. Jesse Cannone, founder of the Healthy Back Institute, knows this first hand from his business life and from his efforts to maintain a fitness level that gives him the energy to survive in our hectic work-a-day world. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards a

  • Writing Your Goals as if They Already Happened with Rob Berkley Interviewed by Jesse Cannone

    15/11/2017 Duration: 02min

    Writing Your Goals as if They Already Happened with Rob Berkley Interviewed by Jesse Cannone; In the fourth podcasts in this playlist Jesse Cannone and Rob Berkley, the latter a well-known success coach, talk about how writing down your goals will give clarity to where you're headed and free the mind for the task at hand. Berkley pastes his goals on objects around his work station so they are always ever present in his mind but yet don't clutter his mind having to remember them. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his over 21 years of professional experience, he has been a successful entrepreneur, board director both public and private, corporate leader (CEO, CIO) and executive coach. Prior to establishing his present coaching and consulting practice, Rob served as global CIO fo

  • Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone on Trap of Trying to Achieve Someone Else's Goals, They Must Be Your Own

    09/11/2017 Duration: 02min

    Rob Berkley with Jesse Cannone the Trap of Trying to Achieve Someone Else's Goals, They Must Be Your Own in an edited radio show podcast. The topic in part three of this playlist is the warning that one should not fall into the trap of trying to achieve someone else's goals, for the motivation is not pure and the opposite result often occurs. The example used is a real life story about husband encouraging his wife to lose weight, with him claiming it was for her own good but it was actually his goal for and she ended up gaining weight under the pressure from him. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his over 21 years of professional experience, he has been a successful entrepreneur, board director both public and private, corporate leader (CEO, CIO) and executive coach. Prior to

  • Lack Of Clarity In Goal Setting, Write Them Down for Motivation with Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone

    09/11/2017 Duration: 03min

    Lack Of Clarity In Goal Setting, Write Them Down For Motivation & Purpose with Rob Berkley and Jesse Cannone: In the second podcasts of goal setting with Jesse Cannone, founder of The Healthy Back Institute, interviewing Rob Berkley the topic is "clarity in goal setting. The idea is to write them down so that one is clear on what is expected, how soon the goals should be met and how they will effect other areas of your life besides the one targeted. Jesse Cannone has done extensive research on this topic and uses many of the goal setting tactics discussed throughout this edited radio show podcast playlist. Plus he has many clients who are in physical pain that need such ideas applied to overcoming their own maladies. Clarity in goal setting by writing them down is something everyone knows they should do but few actually perform the task.

  • Intro of Rob Berkley on Goal Setting, Why People Achieve or Don't Achieve Their Goals

    13/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Intro of Rob Berkley on Goal Setting, Why People Achieve or Don't Achieve Their Goals: In the second interview of Robert C. Berkley, Executive & Life Coach, by Jesse Cannone, Founder of The Healthy Back Institute and author of The 7-Day Back Pain Cure, the task is the explore the many different ways people do and don't achieve the goals they set for themselves. There are many different elements to be explored in these podcasts in this interview and all are important to professional and personal success. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his over 21 years of professional experience, he has been a successful entrepreneur, board director both public and private, corporate leader (CEO, CIO) and executive coach. Prior to establishing his present coaching and consulting pract

  • Rob Berkley's Questions to Ask for Getting Unstuck & Finding Success, Fulfillment, Happiness & More

    13/04/2016 Duration: 04min

    Rob Berkley's Questions to Ask for Getting Unstuck & Finding Success, Fulfillment, Happiness & More: This is the final segment of the Rob Berkley Strategies for Getting Unstuck in Life with radio talk show host Jesse Cannone, Founder of The Healthy Back Institute and author of The 7-Day Back Pain Cure. Rob Berkley proposes a series of questions that relate back to areas of getting stuck such as clarity, desire, opportunity, knowledge, ability, environment and planning. Jesse Cannone has been a student of Robert Berkley's for years and was actually taking notes during this interview. The questions are: Are you clear about what you want, is it defined, do you have a clear mission, vision and goals. What are your personal values and plans? What are your blocks, beliefs, emotional interferences? What are your resources, raw materials, space, friends, support? Anything beyond your control that will stop you? Anything in environment hold you back; associations, clutter, surroundings, tools, computers?

  • Do Small Experiments in Life, Follow Inspiration To See What Happens, Never Know What Will Transpire

    12/04/2016 Duration: 01min

    Do Small Experiments in Life, Follow Inspiration To See What Happens, Never Know What Will Transpire: In the final segment of the planning area of getting stuck in life, Executive Coach Robert. C. Berkley talks about people having the flexibility and vigor to do small experiments. It doesn't have to be a huge one that might break the bank, but being able to see new possibilities in the midst of the action and taking those chances. Every day we take chances by just walking out the door, so being able to see new opportunities within all the travels of the day can be the difference between failure, getting along and hitting it big. Thomas Alva Edison failed thousands of times before finding solutions that were marketable and he considered those failures successes because h know was aware of how no to do something. Have the vision to see possibilities and have the guts to take those changes. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience co

  • Rob Berkley on Planning, What Do You Want, Get Good Plan, Work It Daily, Be Flexible & Work Hard

    12/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Rob Berkley on Planning, What Do You Want, Get Good Plan, Work It Daily, Be Flexible & Work Hard: Getting stuck in business and life often comes down to planning, lack of it, not having a good plan, failing to execute the plan, failing to work hard enough when one has a good plan. Robert C. Berkley, Executive Coach, is talking with Jesse Cannone, Founder of The Healthy Back Institute and author of The 7-Day Back Pain Cure, about various areas where people get stuck i life and planning is a key area. Berkley emphasizes that one must know the end goals, know what you want in terms of that plan. Work every day to bring about the plan successfully and change it if roadblocks or changes in the world warrant such changes. Many people don't follow instructions and when the time comes to pull the trigger and move forward, don't hesitate and find your way to the promised land. Don't take no for an answer without finding a lesson from that NO and getting YES to your dreams. Have a Good Plan and Execute That Pl

  • Emotional & Intellectual Isolation Causes Stagnation Personally & Professionally, Need Challenging

    12/04/2016 Duration: 36s

    Emotional & Intellectual Isolation Causes Stagnation Personally & Professionally, Need Challenging: In terms of environment, a vital part of that subject is isolation. One can get stuck life by being emotionally and intellectually isolated from support, feedback and encouragement. Loves ones and supportive professional colleagues will not only challenge one to excel but provide a much needed escape valve for feelings, success strategies, business tactics and emotional pain. Isolation from all these can spell the death of a soul and mind, the withering away of a connection needed that God, Church, Family and Friends bring to one's life. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and leadership teams. His practice focuses on corporate leadership, executive teams, corporate boards and corporate evolution. In his over 21 years of professional experience, he has been a successful entrepreneur, board director both

  • Environment & Associations, Find People Who Support, Lift & Inspire You & Change Your Life

    12/04/2016 Duration: 02min

    Environment & Associations, Find People Who Support, Lift & Inspire You & Change Your Life: Remember in Guys and Dolls when Sky Masterson, playing by Marlon Brando in the film version, blames evil companions for his gambling habits, well that is not far from the truth when Rob Berkley and Jesse Cannone talk about getting out of run by altering your environment and associations. Right out of the gate in this segment of the interview by Jesse Cannone, Founder of The Healthy Back Institute, Rob Berkely, an Executive Coach says, "If you want to have a great life you gotta have support, period. People who will lift you up and inspire." On top of being strong mentally with a solid will power, one still has to avoid people who won't help you advance your goals or enhance your to reach for your highest spiritual self, one who is a credit to friends, family and community. But even if you're strong minded, evil companions can drag you down, but the two are mutually exclusive. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is a

  • Ability Area of Getting Stuck, Won't Hone Your Skills, Not Suited for Profession, Lack Proper Tools

    12/04/2016 Duration: 01min

    Ability Area of Getting Stuck, Won't Hone Your Skills, Not Suited for Profession, Lack Proper Tools: Ability is a tricky on to talk about in the areas where people get stuck in their lives or profession, or even personal lives. Robert C. Berkley, talking with Jesse Cannone of The Healthy Back Institute, may not have the patience or skills to master the skill needed for their chosen profession. Or maybe someone was pushed into a profession by family, friends, spouse or teachers and, while good ad their job, are ill-suited for the job and find themselves totally miserable. Maybe they lack the proper tools at the time they are most needed, such as computers, car repair implements, etc. Or could they person be ill suited because of lack of intellectual abilities for what they want to do or don't have the personality to network or make friends in order to expand your business base. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching seni

  • Knowledge, Finding It, Utilizing It & Having Good Advice Key Says Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone

    12/04/2016 Duration: 05min

    Knowledge, Finding It, Utilizing It & Having Good Advice Key Says Rob Berkley & Jesse Cannone: In the fourth area where people get stuck in life it is knowledge that Rob Berkely brings up to the radio talk show host, Jesse Cannone,founder of The Healthy Back Institute and author of The 7-Day Bay Pain Cure. One of the first point was Berkley saying that many people lack the knowledge or vocabulary to communicate their visions and desired outcomes. Going down the line he notes that people often lack success strategies and it urges people to "many things have already been done so try not to re-invent the wheel" in the process. This brought up the subject of mentors and elicited a number of good stories from both Jesse and Rob about seeking mentors, taking their advice and finding the right one at the right time to take you to the next level of success and life. About Robert C. Berkley: Rob is an executive coach and management consultant with over 10-years of experience coaching senior executives and lea

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