Second Half Comeback With Dg Gregory

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 15:11:45
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Second Half Comeback is the podcast where we help ordinary, everyday people redesign the second half of their lives to finally create an extraordinary world for themselves and their families.The idea is to study successful transformation stories and then break down that information into a detailed, specific action plan so that you can execute your own Second Half Comeback.


  • Upgrade Your Inner Circle with Geoff Woods

    30/07/2015 Duration: 31min

    If you are the average of the five people you spend the most time with, Geoff Woods can show you how to change those five people to people who are living the life that YOU want to be living. Geoff is host of The Mentee Podcast and is in the middle of his own second half comeback as he goes from full time medical device salesman to entrepreneur. He describes his talent as "helping others accelerate their progress by showing them how they can go out and surround themselves with the right mentors and the right ideas. In our conversation, Geoff shares how his wake call came when a 35 year old coworker had a stroke and the following week his company changed his commission structure which effectively slashed his income by a whopping 40%! Geoff realized he was at a crossroads and needed to start creating passive income to ensure that his family was financially secure in the event something happened to him or the income from his "day job". But how? Geoff goes on to tell the amazing story of how he discovered the "Sec

  • Build a Purposeful Business, Get Rich and Make Your Money Matter with Cole Hatter

    15/06/2015 Duration: 01h10min

    Cole Hatter wanted to make a difference in the world so he pursued becoming a firefighter until a terrible accident stole his health and his dreams. In our conversation Cole tells us about his struggle to overcome this serious injury and the loss of his firefighter dreams by starting a highly lucrative real estate investment business with his dad. Thanks to perfect timing, a smoking hot California real estate market and a ton of hard work, he was crushing it to the tune of six figures per month as a 22 year old! But then Cole had to face his second major setback as the global financial crisis of 2008 crushed his real estate business. He was struggling to keep his family business above water and became so stressed out and disenchanted that he had to quit the family business and vanish to Mexico to regroup. It was while in Mexico that he started working for a non-profit building houses for homeless Mexican families. This gave Cole his first taste of working for a purpose. Cole soon had a life changing revelatio

  • Health, Fitness and Creating Your Best Life with Mike Goncalves

    07/05/2015 Duration: 56min

    Today's episode isn't so much an interview as it is a conversation between two friends, two entrepreneurs, who are busting their ass everyday to build businesses and better lives for themselves, their families and their audiences. Mike Goncalves and I met online and are in a small group mastermind together. He has become a friend, my go to fitness expert and someone who holds me accountable and puts a boot in my ass when I need it. I thought you guys would enjoy and benefit from ease dropping on our conversation about the daily challenges of staying healthy and building a business from scratch, little by little, while juggling the challenges of everyday life. No sugar coating here! Just an inside look at two second half comebacks in progress. It's not always pretty, It's often just hard fucking work but hopefully this conversation will give you a few ideas how to battle through and keep taking daily action towards your goal of a better life. Mike has a background running a brick and mortar health and fitness

  • Transforming Your Habits with James Clear

    30/04/2015 Duration: 45min

    This week’s podcast features my interview with James Clear from It’s basically a mini course on transforming your habits and self improvement for entrepreneurs, athletes and creatives. James is one of my favorite online personalities and his blog is one of the few that I read religiously. He is a entrepreneur, weight lifter, photographer and an expert on transforming your habits. He writes about psychology and habit formation as it applies to business, entrepreneurship, health and fitness, and creativity. I was actually pretty nervous about interviewing James. In fact, immediately following the interview, I was pretty disappointed in myself because I wasn’t sure I had crushed the interview. I beat myself up pretty bad! I felt like I had blown my big chance to interview one of my online idols. I didn’t even listen back to the interview for weeks. I sat on it because I was embarrassed that I had fucked it up. But recently I forced myself to sit down and listen to it. Guess what I found?

  • Monday Motivation: Overcoming "Comfortable"

    09/03/2015 Duration: 06min

    This Monday Motivation podcast episode is about overcoming the "C" Word...Comfortable. Let's face it, Change is easy when you are miserable and your back is against the wall. The challenge of the second half comeback is that most of us are fairly comfortable. You've spent the past 15-20+ years of our lives building a decent life for yourself and your family. Your back isn't against the wall. It's against a comfortable couch! As a result, you quickly lose the desire and ability to step out of your comfort zone. you're afraid to risk your comfortable life. Your risk muscle gets weak. You get soft. You're comfortable. Stuck. Hopes and dreams on the back burner. [shadowbox]You're fucking wasting your life sitting on a couch in a subdivision watching t.v.![/shadowbox] I hope that scares the shit out of you! Let's do something about it. It's time to bust out of this life sucking comfort zone! Here are a few of the key takeaways and lessons from this episode: The best way to escape the comfort zone is to simply sta

  • Team Building Tuesday Intro: Why Surround Yourself with Excellence

    24/02/2015 Duration: 15min

    Today's episode of Second Half Comeback is the very first episode of Team Building Tuesday. It's basically just an introduction to the concept and an explanation as to why you should strive to surround yourself with excellence. The episode is pretty much self explanatory and doesn't really require show notes so let's just go with a brief overview of the concept. Every Tuesday, Second Half Comeback will feature a short 10-15 minute episode that is focused entirely on the concept of building yourself an "Inner Circle" or a Comeback Team if you prefer. The episode will features cutting edge strategies and tactics for finding, connecting and teaming with extraordinary, like minded rockstars using all the amazing modern day tools at our disposal. Many of the episodes will be solo episodes but I will also feature some interviews with Super Connectors and utilize excerpts from previous interviews. This is not old school "networking". This is "Connecting for Success" in the online era. [shadowbox]"If you are the aver

  • How Not to Launch a Podcast and Other Lessons From My First Six Months in Business

    23/02/2015 Duration: 37min

    On This Solo Episode of Second Half Comeback, I talk about the mistakes I made and lessons I learned during my first six months in business. My hope is that you'll learn from my silly mistakes and achieve your Second Half Comeback in record time! Here are a few of the key takeaway lessons from this episode: Have a Plan. An imperfect plan, well executed, is still better than no plan. Have a start plan. stop wasting time trying to find the perfect plan. Just have a plan and get started. Now, practice the habit of just sitting your ass in a chair and doing the after day, week after week. Execute your plan. Consistency Counts. Having a consistent publishing schedule matters. Honestly, I don't know why but it does. I was inconsistent and my growth suffered. Consistency of effort, work, focus is EVERYTHING! Taking action only leads to success if you do it consistently and if you're able to force yourself to do it even when you're not feeling it. So the magic happens when you combine the two lessons

  • Ian Usher: The Man Who Sold His "Entire Life" on Ebay

    29/01/2015 Duration: 38min

    On the latest episode of Second Half Comeback, I have a conversation with adventurer and author, Ian Usher from In 2008, Ian Usher sold his "entire life" on Ebay to tackle his bucket list of lifetime goals. He now inspires other people to achieve their goals. Ian set a goal to accomplish a 100 item "bucket list" in 100 weeks! In the following years Ian managed to accomplish 93 Items from his 100 item list. Here's a quick video compilation of some of his adventures:       Ian has written a great book about his journey called A Life Sold. In 2011 Ian even went on to buy his own island in the Caribbean. He later wrote a book about that experience called Paradise Delayed. In our conversation, we discuss the background and details of his story and highlight several super valuable takeaway lessons that we can incorporate into our own second half comeback's. Here are a few quotes and key lessons learned: Embrace "plan B". It's the end goal that matters. How you get there doesn't truly matter. "

  • Smashing Boards, Destroying Fears and Reviving Our Dreams

    30/12/2014 Duration: 34min

    In this solo episode of Second Half Comeback I recap some of my favorite moments and takeaway lessons from my recent trip to Nick Unsworth's Ignite Conference. In the episode I talk about what a great job Nick and his team did with the conference but instead of rambling on about it here, I'll just let you listen to the episode. I'm going to use these show notes to just dive right into the takeaway lessons and to provide a few of the links mentioned in the let's get right to it! Actually , first let me direct you to Nick's website in case you aren't familiar with him and his brand: Nick Unsworth: Life on fire Here's the website for the Ignite conference: Ignite Conference Ok, back to my takeaways from the conference. The conference itself was a three day event that was basically divided so that Day 1 was about "Mindset", Day 2 was about "Marketing" and Day 3 was about "Relationships/Love". Most of my big breakthroughs came on day 1 which is good because somehow I rambled for 30+ minutes just talki

  • Sucker Punch Your Day by Getting Up Early with Andy Traub

    12/12/2014 Duration: 37min

    On today’s episode of Second Half Comeback, I interview author, blogger and speaker, Andy Traub from and author of The Early to Rise Experience (learn to rise early in 30 days). I’ve been a fan of Andy’s work ever since I watched an interview with him from Deacon Bradley’s Life Stoked. I totally relate to Andy’s blunt style and to how he seems to focus on taking care of his family first. I’m a huge fan of The Early to Rise Experience and have successfully implemented a number of his strategies to help take charge of my life by getting up early. Here are some of the key points and lessons from the Interview: Andy talks about how the book was inspired by one of his favorite books called “The Traveler’s Gift” by Andy Andrews and by his participation in Jeff Goins’ Tribe Writers course. Andy and I discuss how he actually hates getting up early but loves “being up early”. Andy emphasizes the key point that “victory begins at night”. He’s not telling us to get less sleep. He’s saying that th

  • How to Use Daily Rituals and Systems to Get Your Most Important Shit Done with Greg Hickman

    19/10/2014 Duration: 37min

    On today's episode of Second Half Comeback, Greg Hickman tells us how to use daily rituals and systems to make sure we get our most important shit done everyday. Greg is best known as The mobile marketing expert and for his brand Mobile Mixed. He is host of the Mobile Mixed podcast and formally of the Leaving Corporate podcast. He also blogs about his journey at He is also a speaker and business coach. He was my business coach for a few months and was instrumental in helping me finally launch the Second Half Comeback podcast. We began today's interview with a quick overview of his story and background which included some mobile marketing consulting, starting a text messaging marketing company and even returning to the corporate world to work for a large national outdoor retailer while working on building Mobile Mixed on the side. Mobile Mixed is a blog, podcast and training company that teaches small businesses and entrepreneurs how to use mobile marketing to generate leads and sales. Mobile M

  • 14 How to Finish Strong and Make This the Year That Changed Everything

    26/09/2014 Duration: 21min

    Welcome Back to Second Half Comeback and the much belated Episode 14! In this solo episode I take some time to explain why It's been a couple weeks since my last episode.  More importantly I talk about the big plans I have for you and the show for the rest of the year. I spend the first part of the show doing my best to be honest about some personal challenges and transparent about some struggles with the direction, purpose and growth of the show. I caught myself falling into a negative mindset where I was giving up on this year already and starting to think about next year! "Next year I'm really going to get my shit together. Next year I'm going to buckle down and give this podcast everything I've got….." Ridiculous! Thankfully I caught myself! I realized there was still 100 days left in the year. Essentially, we were just getting ready to enter the fourth quarter. It's not time to quit on this year. It's time to adopt a "fourth quarter mentality" and finish strong! I spend the rest of this brief episode tal

  • 13 A Thin Fucking Thread: Death and Overcoming Procrastination

    03/09/2014 Duration: 30min

    In Episode 13, I share the earth shattering news that....You are going to die! I explain why your life hangs by a thin fucking thread and how incorporating this "deathbed" mentality into your mindset can put an end to procrastination. I start the episode with a blunt disclaimer that I am no guru or role model. I'm just a regular guy struggling to improve my life and fighting for my own Second Half Comeback. I've been thinking about this "thin thread" lesson for several years now and still struggle to incorporate it into my daily life on a consistent basis. Full disclosure: I lived this lesson. I believe and understand that my life hangs by a thin fucking thread and I still struggle with procrastination, fear, uncertainty and just general laziness. This doesn't make the lesson less valuable. It just means that redesigning your life can be difficult and we need to figure out a way to incorporate this mindset along with other key lessons into a well rounded game plan for executing our own Second Half Comeback. S

  • 12 Akshay Nanavati Pt.2: Focusing on Clarity, Using Milestones, Meditating on Death and Finding "Fearvana"

    27/08/2014 Duration: 20min

    On this episode of Second Half Comeback, I bring you part 2 of my conversation with Akshay Nanavati from Existing 2 Living. As a reminder, Akshay is a U.S. Marine and war veteran as well as an explorer and outdoor adventurer who is on a mission to run across every country in the world! We pick up the conversation as Akshay is telling us about a few of his daily rituals. His rituals tend focus on health and energy. He likes to incorporate green smoothies and daily exercise. He also journals and uses a few different reminder and to-do apps to help him find clarity in his day. He goes on to talk about “priming” your subconscious and truly striving towards clarity of lifestyle. My favorite tip from Akshay was to focus first on having true clarity of lifestyle. What kind of life do you ultimately want to live? What kind of adventures do you want to have? What kind of legacy do you want to leave? Then work backward from that primary goal and create milestones towards that goal. Now, plan and execute only the action

  • 11 Akshay Nanavati Pt. 1: A Marine and Outdoor Adventurer is on a Mission to Run Across Every Country in the World

    22/08/2014 Duration: 36min

      On Episode 11, We have a great conversation with Akshay Nanavati of Existing 2 Living. Akshay is a Marine and a war veteran who is now also an explorer and adventurer. He is on a mission to run across every country in the world to promote world unity and spread a message of good will. I first became familiar with him when I saw him give a quick talk at World Domination Summit and immediately thought he is a great example of someone making an incredible Second Half Comeback. He begins by telling us about a time in his teens when he became heavily involved with drugs and alcohol and even lost two friends to that destructive lifestyle. Akshay was able to pull himself out of that world and it was actually a scene from the movie “Black Hawk Down” that triggered his desire for self improvement and a life of service. He embarked on a journey of self improvement, joined the Marines and immersed himself in the world of outdoor sports. He served his country in  Iraq in 2007-2008 and then returned to the corporate wor

  • 10 Wes Chapman Pt. 2 on Self Reflection, Keeping it Simple and Building a Self Sustaining Community of Empowered Youth

    15/08/2014 Duration: 23min

    10 Wes Chapman Pt. 2 on Self Reflection, Keeping it Simple and Building a Self Sustaining Community of Empowered Youth   In part 2 of my conversation with Wes Chapman, founder of A Human Project, We discuss a few more of the lessons he has learned as he transformed himself from victim to hero.   We talk about the importance of daily rituals and he discusses a few of his favorites including the importance of solitude and self reflection.   He emphasizes the benefits of daily simple meditation. The role of writing to stimulate creativity and help you find clarity in your life. The importance of disconnecting. He suggests turning off all technology and simply writing by hand with a pen and paper. This strategy helps you slow down and activates different parts of your brain.   He suggests a super unique, ninja trick for shaking up your writing routine...Try writing with your off hand! If you are right handed, try starting with your right hand but then when you get stuck or are trying to drill down deep s

  • 09 A Conversation with Wes Chapman From A Human Project, Part 1: Victim or Hero, The Most Important Decision You Will Make in Your Life

    13/08/2014 Duration: 34min

    Wes Chapman is the founder of A Human Project at   A HUMAN PROJECT is a for-purpose organization with the mission to create a community of empowered youth. Giving youth the tools they need to create long lasting and positive habits. By doing this they give youth the opportunity to break the cycle of hopelessness many of them have endured. They believe that every child is created for a purpose and that each child deserves to experience ultimate joy. Wes’s personal story includes being abandoned at one year old by his father and at six and a half years old by his mother. He tried to commit suicide twelve times before his sixteenth birthday. He was to subjected to terrible physical and sexual abuse throughout his childhood but he survived! He tells his personal story in powerful detail in his founders story on the A Human Project website. I’ve included the audio in the beginning of this podcast episode and you can see the video here Founder's Story Video. I can’t recommend highly e

  • 08 Systematizing Your Work/Life Balance, People Fuel and The Bravery Muscle: Lessons Learned from an Outlier. A Conversation with Melinda Yeaman

    04/08/2014 Duration: 54min

    Who is Melinda Yeaman and What is Outlier Magazine   Melinda Yeaman is an online marketing veteran of 15 years who unplugged from her corporate career path to become an entrepreneur and to live an authentic, passionate life. Her experience in graphic & web design, e-commerce, social and tech enables her to fuel success in her own brands as well as those of her clients and associates. As an Outlier herself, Melinda co-hosts the Outlier On Air podcast, and assists in the growth of Outlier Labs, Magazine and Conferences to provide a springboard for startups. Outlier is a entrepreneurial company that helps people start, grow and scale their business. The Outlier brand not only includes Outlier Magazine but also a co-working space and destination conferences. Melinda's Story She started working a corporate job in college to help pay for college but it ended up pulling her away from college and she never finished college. So she went on to get married and have kids. She first ventured into the entrepreneurial s

  • 07 The Forgotten Promise

    28/07/2014 Duration: 22min

    In this solo episode, I talk about a long forgotten promise. A promise that you made and broke. It is the unspoken promise that you made to yourself and your family that someday you will become the man you were meant to be. Have you noticed lately when you tell your family and friends about your “Comeback”, your dreams and aspirations, they seem unimpressed maybe even skeptical? It almost seems like they don’t believe you or don't care. Well, the reason your family, your wife or girlfriend, your close friends don’t fully buy into your dreams is that they don’t trust you. They don’t believe you anymore.You made an unspoken promiseto your young family. You made an unspoken promise to yourself...and you broke that promise. You promised them a certain kind of life, certain dreams. You promised them that you would become the “Man” that you were meant to be! When you were first starting out, you made an unspoken promise to your family. “Stick with me through these hard times and I promise that I will become the man

  • 06 The "Secret Sauce" To Building Your Winning Team.

    23/07/2014 Duration: 30min

    Episode 06 The Secret Sauce of Building Your Winning Team is basically a part 2 to the previous episode The Biggest and Worst Kept Secret to Transforming Your Life and Business. In this episode I recap the importance of surrounding yourself with amazing, supportive, like minded people who are doing the things that you dream of doing.   I also emphasize again the importance of finding online communities in your “Niche” to make initial connections and then attending live conferences, seminars and meet-ups to cement these relationships through shared experiences. This is what I call the “Secret Sauce of building your winning team.   After this short recap, I spend most of the episode giving you actionable tips to help you accomplish both of these steps. Topics discussed include   Finding your online tribe   How and where to search for online communities in your area of interest.   Should you fork out your hard earned money to join paid courses and communities?   I share numerous tips for engaging with

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