Working Parent Resource



The Working Parent Resource is a place where we have thoughtful discussions, share personal stories, and provide practical advice for ambitious working parents who actually want to enjoy being a working parent. Every week we tackle a brand new topic related to working parenthood to help you overcome your biggest obstacles, reach new insights, and make important changes in your life. Topics will include time management and life balance, marriage and relationships, child development and parenting tools, self care, mindfulness, and a whole lot more! Come join us!


  • WPR093: A New Year, A New World

    21/12/2020 Duration: 23min

    So, 2020 has been a crazy year, right? Where do I even begin? A whole lot has shifted in my life and in my business over the last year, which is something I imagine a lot of you have been experiencing as well. So, I just wanted to take this end-of-year opportunity to check in with you and share a little about what’s been going on in my life and business, and how my family and I have been navigating life in quarantine. And I also have a pretty big announcement about the show and our future here at the Working Parent Resource Podcast at the end of this episode too. In the introduction of my book, I write about how all of the changes we’re experiencing with this coronavirus is presenting us with an opportunity to slow down and take stock of where we are in every area of our lives. I know we’re all feeling it right now. I know times are incredibly tough, and for some families this time is shattering literally everything you thought you could rely on in life. It has broken you down to your core. But the longer thi

  • WPR092: Finding Qualified Mental Health Experts for Individuals and Organizations with Amy McKeown

    21/12/2020 Duration: 43min

    Today we’re chatting with Amy McKeown, who is an award-winning health, mental health and wellbeing consultant. She coaches organizations of all sizes to build strategies with are both innovative and measurable, whilst providing unique expertise in implementing said strategies. Amy is also a respected thought-leader within her field, sharing her advice regularly on LinkedIn and at speaker events such as Mad World. Amy is also passionate about women's health and is actively campaigning to change the Equality Act 2010 to provide protection for families experiencing miscarriage or pregnancy loss. As I release this episode, we’re heading into what experts are calling the darkest time of the coronavirus pandemic. Here in the United States and around the world, people of all ages are getting diagnosed, hospitalized, and are dying at unprecedented rates. Families have lost their routines, their childcare, their livelihoods, they’ve lost family members, and their very sense of sanity. Businesses around the world have

  • WPR091: When Selfishness Gets in the Way of Self-Care with Dr. Toni Warner-McIntyre

    21/12/2020 Duration: 54min

    In this episode, we are chatting with Dr. Toni Warner-McIntyre, who is a fellow parenting professional, mental health therapist, life & wellness coach, with over a decade of experience. She earned dual Master’s degrees in Clinical Social Work and Education and her Doctorate in Human Sexuality. Dr. Toni’s approach encompasses both practical and powerful methodologies. She’s trauma & neuroscience informed, with specialized training in and experience with various effective modalities, which collectively support a holistic approach to life enhancement. She is founder of Dr. Toni Coaches. Its mission is to inspire and enact meaningful change in the world by helping impact makers create work, life & relationship balance, enhancing their lives and the lives of others. Dr. Toni is also the founder of Authentically Me Psychotherapy, a private practice in PA. Show Notes: Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode: Dr. Toni’s Website The Wellness Universe Blog Dr. Toni C

  • WPR090: Coping Strategies for Families During COVID-19 with Dr. Lisa Coyne

    21/12/2020 Duration: 53min

    In this episode, I chat with Dr. Lisa Coyne, who is the Founder and Senior Clinical Consultant of the McLean OCD Institute for Children and Adolescents at McLean Hospital and is an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. She is the Founder and Director of the New England Center for OCD and Anxiety (NECOA), she is the President of the Association of Contextual Behavior Science, and is on the Clinical and Scientific Advisory Board of the International OCD Foundation. She is also a licensed psychologist and a peer-reviewed ACT trainer. She has authored multiple articles and chapters on ACT with children and adolescents and is a co-author of the books Acceptance and Commitment Therapy: The Clinician’s Guide for Supporting Parents, and The Joy of Parenting. Her new books, Stuff That’s Loud: A Teen’s Guide to Unspiraling When OCD Gets Noisy and Stop Avoiding Stuff: 25 Microskills to Face your Fears and Do It Anyway. Show Notes: Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode:

  • WPR089: Managing Anxiety: Acceptance and Commitment Therapy with Dr. Jill Stoddard

    21/12/2020 Duration: 58min

    In this episode, we’re chatting with Dr. Jill Stoddard, who is a clinical psychologist and the founder and director of The Center for Stress and Anxiety Management in San Diego, CA. She specializes in acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) for anxiety and related issues. Jill received her PhD in clinical psychology from Boston University in 2007. She is an award-winning teacher, peer-reviewed ACT trainer, and author of Be Mighty: A Woman’s Guide to Liberation from Anxiety, Worry, and Stress Using Mindfulness and Acceptance and also co-author of The Big Book of ACT Metaphors: A Practitioner’s Guide to Experiential Exercises and Metaphors in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. She co-hosts the Psychologists Off The Clock Podcast and writes the Be Mighty blog for Psychology Today. She lives in San Diego with her husband, two kids, and two French bulldogs. Show Notes: Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode: Dr. Jill Stoddard Website D

  • WPR088: Supporting Your Teens and Navigating Mental Health Issues, Addiction and Suicide with Anne Moss Rogers

    23/09/2020 Duration: 01h12min

    In this episode we’re chatting with Anne Moss Rogers, who is TEDx storyteller, the 2019 YWCA Pat Asch Fellow for social justice, author of the award-winning book, Diary of a Broken Mind, and an Emotionally Naked® motivational speaker who helps people foster a culture of connection to prevent suicide, reduce substance misuse, and find life after loss. Despite her family’s best efforts, Anne Moss’s 20-year-old son Charles died by suicide on June 5, 2015, after many years of struggle with anxiety, depression, and ultimately addiction. Anne Moss started a blog,, and chronicled her family’s tragedy in a newspaper article that went viral. After receiving a message from a young lady who wrote that one of her blog posts saved her life, Anne Moss sold her digital marketing business and followed her purpose of preventing suicide and reducing the stigma of addiction and mental illness. She has been featured in the New York Times and was the first suicide loss survivor ever invited to speak at the Na

  • WPR087: Sneak-Peek! The Whole SELF Lifestyle for Working Parents Book and the Positively Living Podcast with Lisa Zawrotny

    01/06/2020 Duration: 59min

    Today’s conversation is a little different than ones I’ve had in the past. First of all, I’m welcoming back my friend Lisa Zawrotny, who owns the company Positively Productive. This is the first time I’ve had a guest on three times, so that alone is exciting. But we both also have some fun news to share! 1) Lisa is launching her new podcast, the Positively Living Podcast! 2) My book, The Whole SELF Lifestyle for Working Parents: A Practical 4-Step Framework to Defeat Burnout and Escape Survival Mode for Good, will be published on June 15, 2020! Learn how to join my Book Launch Team and get an early discounted version of the book. Show Notes: Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode: Lisa Zawrotny Website The Positively Living Podcast The Whole SELF Lifestyle for Working Parents: A Practical 4-Step Framework to Defeat Burnout and Escape Survival Mode for Good by Sarah Argenal Join the Book Launch Team WPR046: The Deeper Purpose of Productivity with Lisa Zawrotny WPR068: T

  • WPR086: The Ringmaster: Shifting Focus between Work, Family, and Self in a Busy World with Jennifer Folsom

    11/03/2020 Duration: 56min

    In this episode we chat with Jenn Folsom, who is the author of a new book called The Ringmaster: Work, Life, and Keeping It All Together, where she helps working parents juggle the most important areas of their lives. She’s a dynamic, high-energy leader with a proven record for growing all sizes of professional services firms while growing a family. She is currently the Vice President of Delivery at RIVA Solutions Inc., a Washington, D.C.- based IT consulting firm. As a human capital expert, she leverages a people-centered approach to drive revenue in organizations from start-up to Big 4. Jennifer is an oft-quoted expert on corporate culture. She promotes the notion that the multiple in firm valuation starts with the people. Her colleagues cite one of her greatest strengths as the “ability to cut through the noise to solve an issue.” She's also the mom of 3 sons, 17 year-old twins and a 12 year-old firecracker. Wife. Daughter. Sister. Friend. Yogi. Old lady soccer team player. Amateur farm-to-table chef. Vege

  • WPR085: Big Things Are Coming in 2020!

    01/01/2020 Duration: 13min

    Happy New Year! This episode is being released on the first day of the year, and the first day of a brand new decade! I thought it would be a perfect opportunity to share all of the exciting things that are happening at the Argenal Institute and the Working Parent Resource Podcast over the coming year. A lot is going to stay the same, but I have a couple of big announcements too. So this will be a quick check-in to get you up to speed on what’s happening behind the scenes here.  Show Notes: Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode: Working Parent Resource Podcast Archives Join the Book List Browse the Press Page Schedule a Free Consultation The Argenal Institute Library Connect on LinkedIn Email me: About The Argenal Institute: The Working Parent Resource Podcast is a place where we explore how to defeat burnout as working parents so we can finally enjoy these precious years of our lives. My name is Sarah Argenal, and I'm the host of this show,

  • WPR084: Raising Resilient and Confident Kids in a Busy World with Rachel Bailey

    25/12/2019 Duration: 52min

    Today we’re chatting with Rachel Bailey, a Parenting Specialist who has been serving families for over a decade. Besides being a mother of two, she also has master's degree in Clinical Psychology, a certification in Positive Discipline, and has provided services as an ADHD Coach, in-home mentor, and psychotherapist. Currently Rachel teaches parents hands-on tools for raising responsible, resilient, confident children while reducing the stress and guilt in parents' lives. Rachel’s approach to parenting is one I really think has gotten lost in our society in recent years, but I also think so many busy working parents are really craving this approach. Her focus on “long-game parenting” is something that I think would be so helpful for working parents to integrate into their parenting style. Being a working parent can be so much fun, it really doesn’t have to be a stressful, awful grind. And the tips Rachel shares in today’s episode I think can really help us get re-aligned with what’s important as parents. Show

  • WPR083: Integrating Emotionally Intelligent Communication into Your Career with Halelly Azulay

    18/12/2019 Duration: 58min

    Today we’re chatting with Halelly Azulay, who is a consultant, facilitator, leadership development strategist, author, and speaker at international conferences and corporate meetings. In 2006, Halelly founded TalentGrow LLC, a consulting company focused on developing leaders and teams, especially for enterprises experiencing explosive growth or expansion that want a more proactive, strategic approach to leadership development. An expert in leadership, communication skills, emotional intelligence, and authentic networking with more than 20 years of experience, Halelly develops leaders that people *want* to follow. She is the author of two books, Employee Development on a Shoestring and Strength to Strength: How Working from Your Strengths Can Help You Lead a More Fulfilling Life. She offers actionable leadership insights and advice on her blog and her leadership podcast, the TalentGrow Show. Halelly and I connected through one of our past podcast guests, Kate Swoboda. I was excited to hear Halelly’s perspectiv

  • WPR082: Should You Start Your Own Business to Escape the Stress with Christine McAlister

    11/12/2019 Duration: 47min

    Today we’re chatting with Christine McAlister, who is a business coach, the founder of Life With Passion, and the bestselling author of The Income Replacement Formula: Seven Simple Steps To Doing What You Love And Making Six Figures From Anywhere. She helps high-achievers all over the world to replace their incomes, so they can quit and stay out of their 9-5 jobs, by building businesses out of their passions.  I’ve mentioned in the past my experience both in the corporate sector as well as my transition into entrepreneurship. I try to stay away from talking much about business-building tactics and strategies. That’s just not the focus of our show, and there are a lot of people out there who are much more knowledgeable about that stuff. So, while Christine does focus on helping women build successful businesses, that’s not what we’re talking about today. Instead, we’re going to focus on how a working parent knows whether they should build a business of their own, or whether they would be happier in a corporate

  • WPR081: Staying Connected to Your Family During Major Life Changes with Katie Rossler

    04/12/2019 Duration: 01h41s

    Today we’re welcoming Katie Rossler to the show. Katie is a licensed professional counselor from the United States living in Munich, Germany. She has over 10 years of experience working with individuals, couples and families on improving their relationships and enjoyment of life. After four years of being a stay at home mom, she created the program, From Stay at Home Mom to Chief Household Officer®, which teaches and empowers moms to run their households like entrepreneurs do a business. Katie has two girls, 4 and 2, and loves to be outside with her family. She is a lover of sushi, yoga, the beach, and laughing.   Today we’re going to talk about a few different aspects of adjusting to a big life change, such as a cross-country or even an international move. What we talk about here would apply to any big life transition though, whether it’s moving or having a new baby or starting a new job or dealing with a family illness. Big life transitions really do have a way of making us feel disoriented and uncertain, l

  • WPR080: Bringing My Marriage Vows to Life

    27/11/2019 Duration: 41min

    Last week my husband, Joey, and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary. So, in honor of our anniversary, I wanted to reflect on the vows I made to Joey on our wedding day, and how those vows look in the daily reality of our life, 7 years and two kids later.  My Marriage Vows: Joey, words cannot express how happy and grateful I am to be standing with you today. You have the most beautiful heart of anyone I know. You have fulfilled my life in ways I never imagined possible, and I couldn’t be happier to become your wife today. I consider it a privilege to be able to share the rest of my life with you.   First and foremost, I promise to be authentic with you, to let you see me exactly as I am without fear or reservation. And in turn, I will encourage you to be yourself, to appreciate your individuality as it changes and grows over time. I will always remind you to be true to yourself, setting aside my own expectations for who I want you to be.  I promise to be trustworthy and loyal to you. I will protect your s

  • WPR079: Creating a Healthy Lifestyle (Mind, Body, and Soul) with Amanda Walker

    20/11/2019 Duration: 51min

    Today we’re chatting with Amanda Walker, who is a Healthstyle Coach who empowers women to feel amazing naked.  She is the creator of the Feel Amazing Naked Program and the Feel Amazing Naked Podcast and the blogger and mastermind behind She has guided thousands of women to conquer the fear and confusion that was once keeping them stuck. Amanda uses a “WHOLE”istic, no B.S., approach to coaching and blends strategy, skill and mindset to help clients unearth the root causes of their struggles with food, body and mind to help them create the life they crave.  Amanda and I were connected by a past podcast guest, Heather Chauvin from episode 74. Amanda and I have gotten to know each other pretty well over the last several months. We’ve both appeared on each other’s podcasts at this point, and then last week I joined one of her groups to talk about burnout with some of the ladies who are in Amanda’s program.  Show Notes: Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode:

  • WPR078: Gentle Business Revolution: A New Way to Work in the Modern World with Sarah Santacroce

    13/11/2019 Duration: 01h04min

    Sarah Santacroce is an internationally recognized LinkedIn Specialist & Online Presence Mentor who has personally coached over 1,900 entrepreneurs. She helps them position themselves as experts on LinkedIn so they get clients with ease. In addition, Sarah is known for helping fellow introverts market their business authentically & anxiety-free, sell their services & make a difference. She’s also the founder of The Gentle Business Revolution movement and host of the podcast with the same name. When she’s not working, she loves adventure & traveling, yoga & nature walks or hanging out with her family. When I heard Sarah Santacroce talking about her Gentle Business Revolution on another podcast, I was really intrigued. Not only because I do see companies becoming more intentional about the way they do business, but I also think as consumers we’re just ready to stop being taken advantage of too. Sarah’s model really is rooted in seeing people as human beings, which as you know is a big message

  • WPR077: Learn with Less: Rejecting Generic Parenting Advice and Connecting with YOUR Child with Ayelet Marinovich

    06/11/2019 Duration: 55min

    Today we’re chatting with Ayelet Marinovich, who helps families feel confident they can raise great humans from day one - without having to buy a single toy. She is a mother of two young boys, a parent educator, singer, author, and pediatric speech-language pathologist gone rogue. She is the host of the Learn With Less Podcast, and creator of the Learn With Less™ Curriculum, supporting parents and caregivers along their journey through early parenthood.  Parenting in modern society can feel impossible at times. We’re constantly bombarded with advice and research and studies and opinions about the “right way” to raise our kids in the modern age. The information is often conflicting or outdated or sets us up for trying to meet impossible standards. I’ve also personally found that most of the advice doesn’t apply to my child or isn’t in alignment with our family’s core values. That’s why I wanted to bring Ayelet onto the show. Her approach really helps parents re-focus on what’s really important in parenting: co

  • WPR076: Reclaiming Your Time, Energy, and Your Life as a Working Parent with Marisa Lonic

    30/10/2019 Duration: 59min

    Today we’re chatting with Marisa Lonic, who is the founder of Mama Work It. Marisa is a married, working mom of four kids, a native New Yorker, and now lives in northern California.  She helps moms find the time they need to do the things they want via a time management course she facilitates called “The Get More Time Project,” and a blog she writes on the regular.  She recently published her first book, Time Momagement, which covers gems like goal setting, prioritizing, and managing your time during the challenging years of raising young kids.  Marisa also does speaking engagements and live events for moms in the San Francisco Bay Area. This was such a fun conversation. Marisa is one of the most straightforward and proactive moms I’ve ever met. I just love her outlook on how to juggle a thriving career and kids and marriage and friendships and taking care of yourself. Her book is so practical and includes some of the most critical things a working parent can do to create a life they actually enjoy. And also

  • WPR075: Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Working Parenthood

    23/10/2019 Duration: 26min

    Back on episode 71 of the show, Rebecca Ching and I talked about a therapeutic approach called Internal Family Systems, and how it can help us re-frame the way we deal with big emotional challenges. One of the things she mentioned in our conversation really resonated with me, and I wanted to dig a little deeper into it a little more today. Rebecca talked about how many people these days are stuck living only in their head, totally cut off from their emotions. We talked more in that episode about the research and the reasons behind WHY that’s happening, which I think is fascinating. If you didn’t listen that to that conversation yet, definitely check that out too. I’ll link our conversation up in the show notes. But this experience of detaching from FEELING our emotions and relying on our heads alone to process what’s going on for us emotionally was something I could really relate to. I’ve spent most of my life INTELLECTUALIZING my emotions. Up until ten years ago or so, I didn’t really FEEL them in my body or

  • WPR074: The Secrets to Creating True Alignment in Your Life with Heather Chauvin

    16/10/2019 Duration: 50min

    Today we’re chatting with Heather Chauvin, who is the creator of the Mom Is In Control Podcast, a mostly solo show where she tells it like it is. She reveals her most vulnerable truths about womanhood, parenting her 3 boys, living through stage 4 cancer, navigating marriage and creating business success without burning out. With new podcast episodes coming out every day, Heather draws on her experience as a social worker, mental health advocate and inspirational speaker to revolutionize how women define themselves. She challenges them to give themselves permission to live more, drop the guilt and ask for what they need. Heather has been featured on The Huffington Post, The OWN Network, CTV, and interviewed by many notable podcasters and radio shows. Her motto is in order to raise happy, calm and confident children, we must become to person we most desire them to be. This was such a fun and inspiring conversation. Heather is so warm and candid about what it really takes to create a life that fills you up, rath

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