


Now you know what we do after school


  • Randomess Episode #6- Oh mega hungry!

    03/11/2008 Duration: 23min

    Me and clare. Emmas gone for the week 'cause she had to get a flu shot!! (ooowwww-i hate needles!) So me and clare decided to take over for the week, hehe. We talk about random stuff (like always!!) And we have a few of listiner challenges so email them into randomnesspodcast@hotmail.com !!!!!!! Anika

  • Randomness Episode #5- The Meghan show (lol)

    27/10/2008 Duration: 32min

    Heyy guys hope you like podcast #5!! It's awsome!! Meghan came over to my "sudio" and we made this podcast! Isn't it exciting?? Oh and meghan wanted me 2 let u know that her website is www.amanda-the-panda-loves-ya.piczo.com Well anyways meghan just realized that she talked through the WHOLE podcast (lol) Umm also the listener challenge: GREEN EGGS AND HAM READ FAST CHALLENGE: Read: i am sam, sam i am, That sam i am, that sam i am, i do not like that sam i am, do you like green eggs and ham? i do not like them, sam i am, i do not like green eggs and ham. Would you lke them her or there? I would not like them here or there i would not like them anywere, i do not like them anywhere.I do not like green eggs and ham.I do not like them sam I am. And the meghanchallenge is: PART 1:go to my website and look around                                               PART 2:Google Gavin Rossdale and get some info about him and his song love remains the same.(available on youtube)                                       

  • Randomness Episode #4- HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMMA!


    Its emmas bday and i called her so listen!!! Anika

  • Randomness Episode #3- Thats how you spell it!

    21/10/2008 Duration: 20min

    Heyy guys, Anika here ( clare says thats really gay and i agree!) Anyways this is the third podcast!! OMG isn't that exciting?! Well in this Episode we announce some listener challenges. (as challenging as they are!) Also Clare and Emma teach you how 2 spell (if your stupid enough not to know how to spell-like me!) Then Emma plays piano and then gets rudly interuped by my MOM! (THANKS MOM!! your a lifesaver from emma's horrible song!) OH and Emma says don't 4get my B-Day send LOTS of mail! Love, Anika☼, clare♥ annnnndddd EMMA!!!!!!  

  • Randomness Episode #2- Emma hung up on us!

    20/10/2008 Duration: 01min

    Heyy friends extra good news! This is the second podcast!! WhOOOHOOO soo exciting I know!! In this podcast me and my friend clare are trying to get our other friend emma to laugh her hideous laugh its sooo funny 'cause she accually says hahahaha when she laughs!! Then she ends up fartin or something i'm not quite sur. I need a new mic 'cause this on is junk anyways. And we recorded the whole convorsation!! Anyways its really funny so listen!!! Enjoy! Anika

  • Randomness Episode #1- Helloooo

    18/10/2008 Duration: 04min

     Heyy welcome to randomness.podbean.com! Thanks for visiting. Exciting news, this is our first podcast!! Its more of an introducion really but hope you enjoy it. Soon you'll be able to subcrive of iTunes so keep looking out for that! Enjoy the podcast!