Keeping Democracy Alive With Burt Cohen



Keeping democracy alive Democracy is not a spectator sport, it requires informed participating citizens. On Keeping Democracy Alive, we delve into dynamics that both inhibit democracy and reinvigorate it. looking into issues from: domestic economic issues to foreign, labor, trade, and education policy, NSA spying, the drug war, prison, police, and judicial issues, electoral and protest politics, middle east realities, right and left wing populism, environmental and energy issues, the wealth gap, and internet issues. Including such issues and movements as the Occupy Movement, Citizens United, safe energy, Jewish Voice for Peace, Agent Orange Relief and Responsibility Campaign, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Spiritual Progressives, Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies, Foreign Policy In Focus, Institute for Policy Studies, Wealth for the Common Good, Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, BDS, Campaign for Americas Future, TransPacific Partnership, NORML and MPP, the OffNow Coalition, The World Bank and IMF, The Birch Society, and many more. We talk with authors of important new history books for insight into current dilemmas. The idea is to empower listeners with facts behind current problems and with specific opportunities for them to make positive change to revitalize democracy Guests of note Gore Vidal, George McGovern, Claire Conner, Medea Benjamin, Adam Hochschild, Ben Cohen, Bernie Sanders, Anna Gyorgy, Marjorie Cohn, Elias Isquith, Zaid Jilani, Merle Ratner, Peter Van Buren, Brian Kahn, Allen Brownfeld, Michael Hill, Joyce Horman, Debra Sweet, Ken Gloss, Zephyr Teachout, Rev. Bruce Shipman, Rabbi Michael Lerner, Steven Jonas, Alex Pareene, Michael Kazin, Richard Eskow, Patrick Smith, Jules Feffer, Rabbi Yisroel Dovid Weiss, Eric Zuesse, Guy Saperstein, Richard Rothstein, Chuck Collins, Astra Taylor, Bryan Stephenson, Margaret Flowqers, Kevin Zeese, Roger Hickey, Bob Borosage, Bruce Dancis, Philip Smith, Sean McElwee, Amanda Marcotte, Shane Trejo, Noam Chomsky, MJ Rosenberg, Hedrick Smith, Ellen Brown


  • AntiChoice: In A Hole, Keeps Digging

    28/05/2024 Duration: 55min

    They wanted to stop abortions, instead there were more after the Dobbs decision than before. One the first segment, Mother Jones magazine writer Julianne McShane tells how women are maintaining their reproductive rights despite the attacks. And on the second The post AntiChoice: In A Hole, Keeps Digging appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • When the Supreme Court Was About Fairness to All

    23/05/2024 Duration: 59min

    Imagine a Supreme Court whose only agenda was “equal justice under law.” It was real. Unlike today’s court, which is openly an arm of the MAGA movement, when that court ended legal segregation 70 years ago, the Chief Justice was The post When the Supreme Court Was About Fairness to All appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Wisconsin Rural Voters: Challenge and Opportunity for Democrats

    16/05/2024 Duration: 59min

    Wisconsin is a key swing state in the upcoming election, with traditions of both real right and real left. On today’s show on-the-ground journalist Christina Lieffring tells us about realities in that 90% rural state. She says to win voters, The post Wisconsin Rural Voters: Challenge and Opportunity for Democrats appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Rugged Individualism And The Role of Luck

    14/05/2024 Duration: 57min

    America is an outlier: here it’s commonly accepted that if you succeed or fail you deserve it. We believe we make our own luck. And we blame ourselves for what’s really random bad luck. But that’s counterproductive, according to the The post Rugged Individualism And The Role of Luck appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • A 32 Hour Work Week: The Time is Now

    09/05/2024 Duration: 58min

    CEOs cry that shorter work weeks will bankrupt their companies. The reality is a 4 day work week around the world has already brought results that are “off the charts.” A shorter work week means more jobs. And people lose The post A 32 Hour Work Week: The Time is Now appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Miniforests as a Joyous Part of Class War

    07/05/2024 Duration: 19s

    The environmental movement is often derided as elitist. But as our guest Liza Featherstone of the New Republic and Jacobin magazines tells it, by planting wild miniforests there’s no such polarization. The ultra-rich may have their gated sanctuaries whereas miniforests The post Miniforests as a Joyous Part of Class War appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • The War on Protest Escalates

    02/05/2024 Duration: 58min

    Laws intended to fight mafia crime are being used to crush legitimate protest. We’ve all seen excessive police force on campuses, and many legislators are also doing their part to chill our treasured freedom of speech and assembly. In These The post The War on Protest Escalates appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • The Court Versus the Voters: Who’da Thunk it?!

    30/04/2024 Duration: 59min

    For many decades the Supreme Court was reliably on the side of voting rights. Incrementally, quite steadily, the justices have chipped away at our constitutional rights. On this show Professor Josh Douglas and I discuss his new book: The Court The post The Court Versus the Voters: Who’da Thunk it?! appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • The Earth for Humanity: A How-To

    25/04/2024 Duration: 59min

    Another Earth Day has come and gone, and how are we doing? The 19th and 20th century systems of control of the earth have failed; there’s a connection between famines, global warming  and empire. Especially in the face of climate The post The Earth for Humanity: A How-To appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Yes, Biden Can WIn the Working Class

    23/04/2024 Duration: 01h01min

    Listening to working people’s concerns is key. Democrats have almost always won this constituency. That is until recently. Biden’s shift to the economic left is connecting and can yield electoral success. The New Republic’s Timothy Noah says tangible gains like The post Yes, Biden Can WIn the Working Class appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • The Power of What Appears to be Improvisation

    18/04/2024 Duration: 59min

    Democracy is itself largely improvisation. Pushing back against the powers that be; the mainstream. Our guest Randy Fertel, author of the new book Winging It; Improv’s Power and Peril in the Age of Trump, says rationality alone is not enough; The post The Power of What Appears to be Improvisation appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Should Biden Whistle Stop Campaign Across America?

    16/04/2024 Duration: 58min

    Truman was down and nearly out. Then he did a campaign whistle stop tour of America and beat the odds. TV eye candy is one thing but seeing a president in the flesh connects far better, and connection is needed The post Should Biden Whistle Stop Campaign Across America? appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Nuclear Rebranding as “Green?” Mere Window Dressing.

    09/04/2024 Duration: 58min

    After decades in a coma, the nuclear industry is back. But the truth is nuclear power is not an acceptable stopgap measure, it’s a diversion from real, actually economic, safer solutions. On this show policy analyst Paul Gunter tells the The post Nuclear Rebranding as “Green?” Mere Window Dressing. appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • There’s No Conflict Between Commercialism and Idealism

    02/04/2024 Duration: 57min

    It’s basic to the very essence of America. On this show Constitutional Law Professor John O. McGinnis argues that commerce was the mother’s milk of the American Revolution and that the virtues of commerce and idealism need not conflict. Listen The post There’s No Conflict Between Commercialism and Idealism appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Seek Higher Ground: The Laws of Nature are Not Optional

    28/03/2024 Duration: 58min

    We’ve built all the dams we need and that nature can handle. Development in flood zones is still happening faster than more sustainable locations. In his new book; Seek Higher Ground, The Natural Solution to Our Urgent Flooding Crisis, award The post Seek Higher Ground: The Laws of Nature are Not Optional appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Why Place Supplants Issues in the Heartland

    26/03/2024 Duration: 59min

    Most of us can guess but there’s nothing like serious scientific research when it comes to understanding political change. In her forthcoming book  How the Heartland Went Red, Harvard’s Stephanie Termullo shares her findings from extensive field research in three The post Why Place Supplants Issues in the Heartland appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Shielded: How Did Police Become Untouchable?

    21/03/2024 Duration: 58min

    It’s a systemic problem: what is “reasonable,” what is acting “in good faith” when America’s police violate citizens rights or even kill them? As of now, police are protected, enjoying unique immunity which no one else has. In this show The post Shielded: How Did Police Become Untouchable? appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Gender Identity: Is it Fixed or Changeable?

    19/03/2024 Duration: 58min

    They claim loudly they’re protecting freedom and innocent children, but the truth is the right is oppressing both. On this show psychoanalyst Avgi Saketopoulou, co-author of Gender Without Identity, argues there is not one true and immutable authentic identity with The post Gender Identity: Is it Fixed or Changeable? appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • Is There Journalism That Doesn’t Love A War?

    14/03/2024 Duration: 59min

    It’s gotta be eye catching. Journalism works by way of fear and anxiety. How it gets presented affects how we understand the news. On this show Tufts University lecturer and author Nan Levinson and your host discuss questions about the The post Is There Journalism That Doesn’t Love A War? appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

  • The Irony of Racism in Decrepit MLK Urban Schools

    12/03/2024 Duration: 58min

    If you have cared about equality in education in recent decades, you know of the work of America’s foremost advocate for public schools Jonathan Kozol. In schools named after Martin Luther King Jr, he sees a new punitive autocratic pedagogic The post The Irony of Racism in Decrepit MLK Urban Schools appeared first on Keeping Democracy Alive.

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