Taylor Made

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 8:35:52
  • More information



Join Sam, Robert and Laurence Taylor; three handsome brothers, on Taylor Made


  • Taylor Made 13 - Brian Johnson's Sick Burn

    10/09/2012 Duration: 59min

    It's been a long time coming but we're here with our first international edition of Taylor Made. Bringing you nonsense from both sides of the Atlantic, the time zone difference only makes it more confusing. It's a doozey of an episode which is clocking in at just under an hour but it's filled to the brim with giggles and snorts. We also swore quite a lot this time round and I'm not quite sure why. As we haven't had a catch-up in a while, we talked to great lengths about Sam's experiences from working at the Olympics and how he managed to combine the names of an astronomer and the Mayor of London and then humiliate himself in front of one of them. Lemurs and Pagans are also discussed at one point. Talking points: Brian Johnson, Brian Cox, Boris Johnson, Pagans, lemurs, Canada, Guild Wars 2 and the Olympics.

  • Taylor Made 12 - Louis Armstrong in a Favella

    17/07/2012 Duration: 36min

    Oh my hasn't the time flown?! We're finally back after what could be described as an unprecedented break from our usual schedule. We have plenty of excus....I mean reasons why we haven't but you'll just have to take this podcast and our apology as enough. This week we talked a lot about Counter-strike, Minecraft and also a little bit about how we probably should have gone into social care as children. That last part isn't true. Well, we did talk about it but I don't think we should have. Sam also manages to use the word 'favella' and then mispronounce 'canal'. A man of many talents. Talking points: Counter-strike, Minecraft, Canada, social services, superpowers and HELLFIRE BREATH!

  • Taylor Made 11 - Lady Juicehandle and the Minty Butthole

    16/05/2012 Duration: 37min

    A strange title for the new Harry Potter series I know, but bear with us. After a brief hiatus we thought we'd bring it up the rear and, oh boy, are you in for a treat. We've brought it back hard and minty and right in the butthole! I fear this may not be our proudest episode due to the constant use of 'that' word, but we're sure you'll enjoy the results. We talk about Sam's hatred of the American viewing public, cockroaches on the world's most ghetto bouncy castle and a circumcision machine disguised as a trampoline. We also mention something important like Nagasaki but then swiftly move on to minty buttholes. Keep it fresh. Keep it minty. Talking points: minty buttholes, Zooey Deschanel, cockroaches, wassssuuuppp, Plato and vaccinations.

  • Taylor Made 10 - The One That Stopped Recording

    30/04/2012 Duration: 37min

    Afternoon listeners! This week's episode is our special 10th Episode extravaganza which we have celebrated by recording an episode that subsequently deleted itself. Don't worry, we went back into the recording booth and put down another 45 minutes of our time and cobbled together what can only be described as a truly special episode. With a lack of cohesion and an over-reliance on jelly-based metaphors we bring unto you, our 10th Episode Spectacular. We promise we will make it up to you guys next week. Talking points: garageband (and it's shittiness), Big Bob's Radio Show, Rakishi and the Bottom-Feeder, jelly daleks, the avengers and magic the gathering. P.S. We don't make promises.

  • Taylor Made 09 - Boom! Bangladesh

    22/04/2012 Duration: 45min

    Another pulse-pounding, rip-roaring adventure this week starring your three favourite action heroes: Sam, Robert and Laurence Taylor. We're in a rhythm and routine now so don't clap your hands out of time or you'll throw us right off. This week we take you on a trip through Sam's mind and far, far beyond. We decided on something different this week and settled on a Mr and Mrs type quiz in order to test our knowledge of one another. Let's just say Laurence doesn't know too much about Sam. Topics covered: Sam's singing prowess, superpowers, difference between fruit and vegetables, Storm from X:Men and condiments.

  • Taylor Made 08 - Celador Caber

    15/04/2012 Duration: 43min

    Fighting against the forces of nature and time itself, we bring to you an extended episode of TaylorMade. I say extended but we talked for too long so it just ended up being longer than normal. We're also only a day behind on this one so we're back on track for next week. Let's hope we don't mess it up and/or get ill again. This week we have various talking points including: Charles Dickens and the Muppets, caber tossing, favourite words/mispronunciations, spectral sex and Sam's misconception of Heaven.

  • Taylor Made 07 - Lion King 3: d$unk!

    12/04/2012 Duration: 31min

    Easter came and went and looks like it made us later than expected. Rob also started a new job so that probably had something to do with it. Hey, better late than never but we'll be sure to get the next one out in a timely fashion. No promises though. Join us for a rip-roaring show through the time-vortex to the dark timeline where Timone and Puumba run amok with goatees and bug-juice. Yes, that is really what we discussed. We also talk about: Sam getting into fights, eating chocolate and how our Nan may or may not be listening.

  • Taylor Made 06 - Hip and Sexy

    31/03/2012 Duration: 35min

    We're back and we're on time! Hurrah! Cause for celebration for one and all. We took an hour out of our day to sit down and talk about some truly world-changing topics. Let's hope our pasty eating government are listening! This week we discussed the merits of Nando's (of which there are many), who Laurence's ideal teenage heart-throb is and the pitfalls of playing Draw Something in public. What's that? You want to give us a Nobel Prize? Sorry, our trophy cabinet is full.

  • Taylor Made 05 - Vampyre

    26/03/2012 Duration: 33min

    Another jam-packed show this week featuring your three favourite brothers Sam, Robert and Laurence Taylor. We worked around the clock to get this episode out despite just putting episode 4 online only 3 days ago. We're playing catch-up here and we're doing it well. This week we discuss the biological restrictions of astronauts, find out Sam's vampiric origins and have a very brief visit from a zombie soul-legend. You'd be dumb to miss out on this week's show.

  • Taylor Made 04 - Nob Out, Nob Out, Nob Out

    23/03/2012 Duration: 36min

    In this week's Taylor Made, Sam, Robert and Laurence Taylor talk about singing in the gym, which Pokémon Rob is, as well as a brief visit by David Bowie!

  • Taylor Made 03 - Steam Powered

    10/03/2012 Duration: 36min

    This week, Sam, Robert and Laurence talk about the power of steam, give Laurence a quiz, and they even had time to have a quick chat with Sly.

  • Taylor Made 02 - Arrevous!

    03/03/2012 Duration: 42min

    In this week's episode, Sam, Robert and Laurence Taylor enjoy Sam's rendition of Walk this Way, a conversation with an A-List celebrity and Pokémon... again. They also talk about Sam's French adventure! ARREVOUS! -No copyright infringement intended. All song credits to The Vines-

  • Episode 01 - Havin' a Walken

    19/02/2012 Duration: 41min

    In our debut episode, Laurence, Robert and Sam Taylor spend some time talking about Sam's friend -BEEP-, enjoy some of Robin Gibb's company and talk about Pokémon. -No copyright infringement intended. All song credits to The Vines-