The Time Of Harvest By Rick Gioia



This show is temporarily on hold until January of 2012.What I am learning as I study the bible as well as interviews with missionaries active and retired and other people who are actively living their life for Christ.


  • "A Billionaire's Secret"

    18/10/2010 Duration: 10min

    Ever wonder what secrets the wealthy know that we don't. Well in His book "Think and Grow Rich" Napoleon Hill shares what he learned from billionaires and millionaires. In this show I will talk about "The definite Major Purpose" and it's role in personal and business success.

  • Coping With Your Parents Divorce When You're No Longer a Child by Nancy Ellen Kenyon

    15/07/2010 Duration: 33min

    My first experience with any divorce occurred when I was just a child and a beloved family member was murdered during the epitome of a horrible divorce; leaving my niece, a precious four year old child, with no mother and a father in prison. As I matured, I earned a degree in child development and continued to train in the field of relationships. As a married woman, my husband and I not only had six children, but adopted four children whose birth parents had divorced after their birth. For the last fifteen years we have co-instructed the mandatory divorce class in the state of Vermont for the University of Vermont Extension Service. Besides instructing numerous workshops and seminars for parents and children, we are developing a curriculum on divorce recovery for adults and childrn; the pilot program just completed its first run. It was through the mandatory divorce seminar that I first realized the need for a book written for adults whose parents were divorcing. Slowly, over the years, we began to see more a

  • Controlling the Chaos in Your Life (take 2)

    06/07/2010 Duration: 38min

    Vicky Campbell of Chaos County Organizers will be my first guest. Vicky is an expert in helping businesses and people take control of the chaos in their lives. Vicky will be sharing tips and ideas on how you can take control of the Chaos in your life and business. She works with the person or business to see what the "personality" of the person/business is and then she designs a customized system of organization that is practical and comfortable for them to use. This makes it easy to implement and more importantly to sustain so that you do not find yourself not using the system. She will also share a bit about her new venture Soul Motives. Soul Motives is a program Vicky has developed to help women overcome and deal with issues that hinder their life,relationships and business success. It is geared towards woman and the circumstance unique to them.

  • A year of feeding the hungry

    12/06/2010 Duration: 19min

    I am going to be sharing my experienced over the past year of feeding the homeless and poor in Berlin NH. This past year I have served over 1500 meals in a city that has under 10,000 residents.I have learned a lot as I lost my job due to a disabling heart condition. So I had gone from earning a nice living to no income and over 100k in medical bills with no insurance.During that time I committed myself to feeding the poor of which ranks I had joined. I have learned many lessons during this time and I hope to share them with you.