Opare "quotes"



Opare Quotes are inspirational snippets that will help you to lead a successful life. So update often so you can get the advantage of wisdom to propel you into a destiny full of opportunities that you will not miss!


  • [BLOCKED] Suffering to make it

    09/06/2010 Duration: 32s

    I've heard complaints from lazy and complacent people concerning immigrants who started off poor then they amassed great wealth. When you come from a place with few opportunities and have suffered you don't mind suffering to make it in a land of opportunity. Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Being right is nice

    08/06/2010 Duration: 31s

    Being right is a nice feeling. But sometimes it's wrong. Why you may ask? The answer is simple, making a right point with the wrong attitudes of anger and pride will often lead to debate and strife. Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] When the battle is on!

    07/06/2010 Duration: 31s

    Life has times of challenges that seem like a battle. When the battle is on you can either, whimper and cave in to defeat, complain about where you should have been, or get a battle strategy and win the fight. Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Keeping one

    01/06/2010 Duration: 31s

    "I've heard the stories of men who have had many women. But because women can be complex, I'm rather impressed with the men who know how to keep one." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Dreamer's suicide

    01/06/2010 Duration: 31s

    "There’s a fate worse than the calamities of life. Giving up is a dreamer’s suicide and the beginning of a purposeless life. Get up, don’t give up too many people in the future are dependent on the birth of your dream." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Foolish comparisons

    01/06/2010 Duration: 31s

    "Learn how to celebrate when others make it. Jealousy fills the mind with foolish comparisons. If every day were your day of breakthrough, what a boring life you’d have with no goals to work towards and nothing to look forward to." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Balance the equation

    01/06/2010 Duration: 31s

    "Many strive to attain power, but when they get it they realize they can’t handle it, then some attain great morals and are powerless. Balance the equation, get the morals to keep you where power can take you." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Spoiled people

    01/06/2010 Duration: 31s

    "The corruption of spoiled people is ungratefulness. This reminds me of Marie Antoinette. They complain that there’s no cake and forget that the poor are grateful for their daily bread." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Memoirs of actions

    31/05/2010 Duration: 31s

    "Good intentions are wonderful things to cherish. However the world has had multitudes filled with these. History will only record the memoirs those who translated those intentions into actions." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] It doesn't come by accident

    31/05/2010 Duration: 31s

    "The skill of listening and watching will oftentimes help you win with people instead of the ability to dominate every conversation. Understanding doesn't come by accident, it’s the product of keen observation and attention." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Liquid healing

    31/05/2010 Duration: 31s

    "Genuine tears are not reserved to gender. They’re given as earthly droplets of liquid healing to wash away sorrow, to cleanse the wounds of a soul and to bathe in the delightful sensation of extreme laughter." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Not taken to heart

    31/05/2010 Duration: 32s

    "Never trivialize the harmless things your friend considers as important. Many a wound has been created and relationships drifted apart when things considered by one as important were by the other not taken to heart." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Man in the mirror

    31/05/2010 Duration: 31s

    "To some minds running away from a place will solve all their problems. If you’ve been running away most of your life and have still not seen a change, the problem might not be your environment, it might be that you keep bringing man in the mirror." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Needed relationships

    31/05/2010 Duration: 32s

    "By the difficulty some people create, they cause us to mature in character. Others come as answers to prayer and solutions to problems. When you break needed relationships, you retard the development of your character and hinder your prosperity." Rev. joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Diamond of destiny

    31/05/2010 Duration: 31s

    "Fault finding is easy, and flattery just needs the wrong motive. But encouragement looks for potential by seeing the diamond of destiny that needs excavating from the dirt of right now." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] Wanting to know more

    31/05/2010 Duration: 31s

    "The looks and packaging of a person may draw your attention. But it's the substance of their communicated character and ability that keeps you wanting to know more." Rev. Joseph Opare

  • [BLOCKED] World of gloom

    31/05/2010 Duration: 32s

    "Comfort those that grieve, but learn when to correct them. To encourage perpetual self pity is to encourage people to dwell on the woes of their past. The result may be negative thinking and speech that sealing them in a world of gloom." Rev. Joseph Opare