Dr. Jim Richards

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 218:30:51
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Podcast by ImpactMinistries


  • 4. The Covenant Of Yes

    27/06/2024 Duration: 27min

    God made an eternal Covenant with Jesus, the New Covenant. Jesus fulfilled every requirement of that Covenant, thereby receiving an inheritance that is greater than anything we have ever imagined! When we are born again and baptized into the body of Christ, we get to share in His inheritance. The Bible calls us joint heirs! As joint heirs, we are qualified for every benefit given to Jesus. Join me this week and discover that which was freely given to Jesus, and is already yours, as we discuss the Covenant of Yes!

  • 3. Promises: Prayers Answered

    20/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    So many people are paralyzed. They are afraid they will miss God or experience disappointment. Religion has made knowing God's will complicated and beyond our grasp, but the truth is, God has gone to incredible lengths to make sure we understand Him and know what to expect. The God of “Yes” has made promises assuring us of what is ours in Christ. When an honest, faithful person makes a promise, it is a yes before we have even asked. Join me this week as we discuss the fact that Promises are “Prayers Answered” in advance. This will unravel the mystery where God says, “Before they ask, I will answer!”

  • 2. The Ministry Of Yes

    13/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    Jesus is a priest forever after the order of Melchizedek. One of the things hidden in that name, in the Hebrew, is the priest who reveals the heart of “Yes!” Jesus’ answer for sharing His inheritance is always “yes.” He came to earth partially to reveal the true character and nature of God… the God of yes! Join me this week as we look at the Hebrew that presents Him as the priest that reveals the heart of “yes!” We will also discuss what this looks like in real-life applications.

  • 1. Know Before You Pray

    06/06/2024 Duration: 28min

    The Apostle Paul said that the message he preached was not “yes” and “no!” In other words, God’s answer is always yes. It’s not sometimes yes, and sometimes no. It’s always yes. The key is allowing Him to meet our needs in a biblical way. Join me this week in CyberChurch as I launch a new series entitled “The God of Yes!” This will give you incredible confidence in God while simplifying your prayer life. God’s answer to your needs is “YES!”

  • 8. Heaven Now

    30/05/2024 Duration: 27min

    God designed mankind to live in pleasure. Join me this week to look at the biblical reality of living heaven on earth! Every person has the drive for a better quality of life. Jesus said He had come so that we could have the very best quality of life. The original language defines this to be the quality of life possessed by the One giving it. So, Jesus Himself said we can have God’s quality of life! If that is not heaven on earth I can’t imagine what would be. We can participate in the realm of the Kingdom right now and enjoy safety, protection, provision, peace – all things pertaining to life and godliness!

  • 7. The Kingdom First

    23/05/2024 Duration: 28min

    Jesus taught principles of living by priority. Join me this week to explore the proper order of things in the Kingdom. Priority living can make the difference in how successful your efforts are! When Jesus instructed His listeners to do something first, there was a reason for the priority that directly affected the result. Even obedience can turn out bad if you’ve missed the point for obeying. When first things are truly considered first, your heart is in the best place for receiving the maximum benefit available for whatever you are doing!

  • 6. More Than A State Of Mind

    16/05/2024 Duration: 28min

    Join me this week to hear how you can abide in the realm of the Kingdom rather than survive from miracle to miracle or rescue to rescue. The greatest witness is the person who draws others to God by their joy, peace, and demonstrations of love. The way we become such a witness is by abiding in the realm Jesus said is within. It is the realm where Jesus is fully Lord of our heart, and where all the resources of God are available and accessible. This is truly more than a state of mind; it is a way of living!

  • 5. Heaven On Earth - Fact Or Fiction

    09/05/2024 Duration: 28min

    Join me this week where I will help you enter the realm in which you recognize and know how to access all the resources of God! The New Covenant is a covenant of promise. It has the same promises as the Old Covenant, but the Bible says the New Covenant is better than the old. Why? It is a covenant between God and Jesus, not God and man. Jesus Himself obtained the promises for all and for eternity. Now, everything we need for life is available to us and this covenant can never be broken!

  • 4. God Revealed

    02/05/2024 Duration: 28min

    God has revealed Himself to mankind from the time of creation. Join me this week and let’s explore the abundance of both His existing and intended evidence in the earth. God’s intention has always been for His people to represent Him. He established the nation of Israel as a kingdom to whom He would demonstrate His heart and the other nations of the world could see His goodness and character. King Solomon was filled with the wisdom of God and many kings from other nations came to him for answers. Jesus came as the exact representation of the Father. Jesus said we are the light of the world and as our light shines men will see our good works and glorify God! We are the reason people see God as they do!

  • 3. Perceiving The Kingdom of God

    25/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    It’s difficult to have bold faith if you’re unsure about your perception! Join me this week as I share what Jesus taught about entering and accessing the Kingdom of God. Jesus said becoming born again allowed us to SEE the Kingdom of God; He didn’t say we ENTERED the Kingdom. Seeing the Kingdom of God is more than perceiving that a kingdom exists. It is perceiving the resources and truths of that Kingdom, or realm, being made available to us and operating in our lives! We have to perceive the Kingdom before we can participate in it. Join me this week in CyberChurch for an encore presentation of "Perceiving The Kingdom Of God".

  • 2. The Kingdom Revealed

    18/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    Join me this week to gain greater understanding of how to live in and access the realm of the Kingdom of Heaven right now while living on earth! Jesus taught more about the kingdom of heaven than any other topic. His model prayer demonstrated the need to understand the gospel of the kingdom. It is clearly about far more than just going to heaven after you die; it is intended to be an integral part of our daily lives on earth!

  • 1. Frustrated By The Promises

    11/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    Jesus talked about heaven on earth which when heard by His audience held meaning tied to history that has been mostly lost in our present day. His listeners knew that the reference to heaven on earth was a reference to the Garden of Eden. Well, who doesn’t want to live in the paradise described as Eden? However, many of us have believed the promises, but have been frustrated by not seeing their fulfillment. It might seem as though they are a hidden treasure to which the map is missing. Join me this week as I reveal the map leading directly to the treasures of heaven we should be enjoying on earth now!

  • 8. Forever Settled

    04/04/2024 Duration: 28min

    The first letter of the Hebrew alphabet creates a picture of Heaven and Earth coming into harmony through the faith and authority of mankind, representing God as His ambassadors. Some would argue that we can’t take on such a responsibility, because we don’t know what God wants. Jesus gave us the Keys to the Kingdom of Heaven and said whatever has been declared illegal in Heaven, we should declare illegal on Earth. Likewise, what has been declared legal in heaven must be declared legal on Earth. But how can we know what has been declared legal and illegal in Heaven? This is easier to discover than religion would have us believe. Join me this week as we discover what has been Forever Settled in Heaven.

  • 7. Help My Unbelief

    28/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Everyone struggles with unbelief in certain situations. But in many circles, if you admit your unbelief, you are made to feel carnal or unspiritual. Jesus never condemned anyone for their unbelief without first seeking to help them overcome it. One of the most powerful miracles under His ministry happened with someone whose child struggled with a severe illness. Only when the man admitted his unbelief was he able to break through to see his child set free. Join me this week in CyberChurch as we discover how to move from unbelief to faith and see the power of God manifest.

  • 6. Lack Is Not Limits

    21/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Do you trust God to meet the need in your life or do you feel He will let you down? Lack is a feeling of desperation that leads us to seek an alternative source or not trust God to meet the need in our lives. When we come to God from the perspective that He will let us down, we have moved from lack to limits. Then, even though He floods our heart with His goodness, we judge God as being unfaithful. The only two battles of faith you will ever fight in your whole life are: is God who He says He is and am I who God says I am?

  • 5. Miraculous Probabilities

    14/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Do you believe the miracle you need is simply possible, or highly probable? What moves something from simply being possible to probable is the fact that God proactively initiated the end from the beginning. Jesus’s part is finished. We believe that and receive that. The probability for health, or finances, or whatever you need already exists and you don’t need to get God to do it. It is a matter of removing the limits of doubt and unbelief from your heart and starting to conceive it in your heart.

  • 4. The Power Of A Fixed Heart

    07/03/2024 Duration: 28min

    Take steps to a powerful and steadfast heart which does not waver at the promises of God! The core lie at the root of all religious theology and deception relating to God is this: God is in control of everything; therefore, the horrible condition of the world is the proof that God is not really good and He can't be trusted. Like the children of Israel, when we don’t take steps to experience the power of a fixed heart and immovable trust, we put God on trial and judge Him guilty. But when your heart is persuaded of God’s goodness and trustworthiness, your focus and trust will always be on God and His resources and not on the problem and your own resources.

  • 3. Fix Your Heart First

    29/02/2024 Duration: 29min

    How do I know when my heart is fixed? Please watch this video as we learn the answer. We can know that our heart is fixed when we do not waver, regardless of the bad report that comes. Why? We remain steadfast on the promises of God. We empty our heart of all personal opinions, are humble and open, and build our lives on the foundation of Jesus’ teaching. If the most valuable thing in your life is your relationship with the Lord and you are anchored in Him, your heart will hold firm in the storms of life.

  • 2. Why Isn't God Coming Through

    22/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    Where are you, God? Why am I not seeing the results that God has promised? There is something limiting God in our life situation. When we are not seeing results, we need to sort out what is really going on. Approaching God from a perspective that says we’re not sure if this is true or not, is to put Him on trial. Most of the time when we put God on trial, we have already decided He is not true. Every limitation in our lives is a limitation we unknowingly place upon God. Ask yourself: am I able to find fault in my own life without condemnation, creating excuses, feeling inadequate, or needing someone else to blame? Join me this week in CyberChurch as we explore the question “Why Isn’t God Coming Through?”.

  • 1. Stop Killing Your Dreams

    15/02/2024 Duration: 28min

    The number one limitation we place on God is that we don’t believe how good He is. Living our dreams is not just about getting God to hand us something; He wants us to be the person that can live the kind of life we want. That starts in the heart through biblical transformation. Our life should be about BEING and HAVING, not becoming and getting, which is the ultimate limiting factor. God rules in our lives only to the degree that we allow Him to express Himself. Ask yourself: Do I believe in a God who is better than I ever imagined and has a life for me that is better than anything I have ever imagined?

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