Hope Lutheran Church Of Hastings



Hear inspiring Biblical teaching on a weekly basis.


  • Confirmation Faith Statements


    After journeying along the path of confimration for 2 years, our second year students stand before the congregation, family, and God to affirm their baptism in a public profession of faith and what it means to them personally.

  • Born Into A Living Hope


    Peter found assurance in Christ that we have been called to a living hope. In this message we examine Thomas who separated himself from the other disciples and missed Jesus’ first appearance in the upper room. We are reminded that we have been called not just to faith, but to a life of faith that is reflected in how we live.

  • Go and Tell


    The message of Jesus' resurrection is the greatest message and the greatest love we can share with family, friends, and neighbors, for on it rests their hope of everlasting life. The woman who go to the tomb that first Easter morning are twice instructed, first by the angel, then by Jesus Himself to go and tell the disciples that Jesus is risen and will appear to them. Can we do anything less?

  • Having the Mind of Christ


    The Sunday before Resurrection Day, we call “Palm Sunday”. It’s also known as the “Triumphant Entry Of Christ” yet Jesus entered Jerusalem humbly not on a gold chariot but on the back of a donkey. The mind of Christ, among other things, involves a life of humility, obedience, and sacrifice. The crowds were drawn to him as Jesus humbled himself in the form of a slave, he showed his solidarity with the entire human race—sharing in their humanity and in so doing drawing us all to himself.

  • Resurrection and the Life


    Jesus was not immune from the trials of grief mad the loss of people He cared deeply about. In the shortest verse in the Bible we are told simply "Jesus wept." Yet even in the midst of grief, in the midst of trials and tribulations there is hope. Even Lazarus is raised from the dead. We too are given new life through faith in Jesus.

  • God's Work in the Broken


    Have you ever asked the question of God "WHY? when faced with trial or tragedy? In the man born blind God gives us a simple answer, that His Works may be revealed. Our world needs to hear of God's love for our brokenness. May He work through our times of trial, whether we have brought them only ourselves or do not understand them, and used us to share His strengths and power with those around us!

  • Born of the Spirit


    Faith is a gift of God and it is only through the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives through His Word that we believe in Jesus and can live as His disciples. Such a life reflects faith to the world as the Spirit works in us. Each of us as a people born of the Spirit may reflect that faith in different ways depending on our personality and our skills and talents, but reflect we will under the blessing of God.

  • Made Righteous


    For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous. (Romans 5:19)

  • The Paralytic


    Some Christians have a hard time getting up from their “bed”--they remain partially crippled by a "victim" mentality or by memories of their past lifestyles because they haven't fully availed themselves of the strength the Lord provides. Some Christians get up from the bed, but they don't want to shoulder the responsibilities of an active Christian daily life! Christ asks us to to get up off our beds of disability, take up the duties and obligations of a normal lifestyle and move forward in the Christian life--and He will give us the strength!

  • The Other Side of the Mountain


    Today we will have a fantastic experience as we join Jesus, Peter, James and John! Wow! This reminds us of a mountaintop experience - even our life - and like Peter we say, “Let’s stay here it’s so good to be here. - But Jesus tells them - and you and me - that we have to come down from the mountain and live in the valley below.

  • Love is from God


    Let us love one another, for love is from God, and whoever loves has been born of God and knows God. Anyone who does not love does not know God, because God is love. In this the love of God was made manifest among us, that God sent his only Son into the world, so that we might live through him. 1 John 4: 7-9

  • Good News/Bad News


    "i've got good news and I've got bad news"... We've heard that before. The bad news? You are a sinner. “All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). During bad times it's an important to remember that since the fall of mankind there have always been 'times like these.' But the good news? Christ died for you. “God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us” (Rom. 5:8). In the midst of the chaos and confusion of government transition and social change, God's children have an opportunity to point to Christ and the Good News.

  • Follow Me


    The journey of a disciple of Jesus may take many directions. As one of the first men called to discipleship by the Lord, Peter found that his world was turned around and changed forever. Yet, in following the Lord, he found a peace that passed all understanding. Toward the close of his second epistle, he wrote, “So then, dear friends, since you are looking forward to this [our heavenly home], make every effort to be found…at peace with him” (2 Pet. 3:14). The people of God are peaceable people through whom the Spirit works, fashioning them as peacemakers and peace-bringers to a world in need of the peace that is in Christ alone.

  • Crossing the Chasm


    Sin puts a chasm between us that we can’t hope to get across despite our best efforts and schemes. Wealth can’t cross it, power can’t cross it, good works can cross it, morality can’t cross it, Sin by its very nature separates us from God, and since we couldn’t get back to Him, He came back to us. Jesus came into the world to save us from our sin and reconcile us to God – to restore that relationship which was broken. Jesus’ life, death and resurrection, brings us from a place of separation to a state of Grace, in Christ we can now Cross the Chasm

  • A Parting Word from Your Pastor


    Saying “goodbye” is not something people are generally good at. Our emotions are all over the place. And yet, it is possible to be filled with joy, even as the sadness is present. This morning, as we say farewell to Pastor Josh and his family, our desire is that there is a deep sense of joy as we celebrate the partnership in the gospel (Philippians 1:5) we’ve been able to share over these past eight years, being confident that God is going to continue the gospel work (Philippians 1:6) here in Hastings through the people of Hope!

  • Looking Back or Looking Forward


    Happy New Year! This morning we turn the page to a new year. 2016 is in the past. 2017 has arrived. What should our perspective be as we enter into a new year? Some of us are fearful of the future. Some of us are ready to start over. Some of us want to hold onto the past. This morning we’ll talk about what the Bible has to say about looking back and looking forward!

  • #BestChristmasEver


    Maybe you can remember a Christmas that stands out above the rest. There was something special that you received or someone special that you were able to share it with. What if this Christmas became your #BestChristmasEver?

  • It's a Wonderful Life


    It’s a tradition for many families at Christmas to watch some of the classic Christmas movies. Our Advent series this year is “Christmas at the Movies.” Each week we’ll take a classic Christmas movie, and see how God’s Word helps us to more fully celebrate the presence of Christ this year! This evening it’s the 1946 classic "It's a Wonderful Life."

  • A Charlie Brown Christmas


    It’s a tradition for many families at Christmas to watch some of the classic Christmas movies. Our Advent series this year is “Christmas at the Movies.” Each week we’ll take a classic Christmas movie, and see how God’s Word helps us to more fully celebrate the presence of Christ this year! This morning it’s "A Charlie Brown Christmas."

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