Ted In Your Head



Ted in Your Head is hosted by Ted Moreno, hypnotherapist, coach and explorer of what is possible. Designed for seekers on the path of personal transformation, Ted ponders the questions: What is my mind? How does it work? and How can I use it to create what I want in my life? Join Ted for insights and helpful tips about how to drive your mind.


  • How I Became a Hypnotherapist and What is Hypnosis? - Episode 448

    28/05/2024 Duration: 29min

    After 20 years in private practice as a hypnotherapist, Ted reflects on his journey and what it took for him to find his path. Ted also discusses the truth about what hypnosis really is, and what a typical session with a client looks like. TedinYourHead.com

  • Step by Step: How to Start Exercising Regularly - Episode 447

    21/05/2024 Duration: 16min

    Getting regular exercise is good for your body and good for your brain. It helps to release stress and tension, gives you a feeling of accomplishment, and gives you greater energy. Getting regular exercise will help you to have more energy, be happier, more focused and effective, less stressed, more confident, look better and live longer. But, if you’re not in the habit of regular exercise, it can be difficult to go from not doing anything to getting regular and consistent exercise. In this episode. Ted shares practical step by step directions to help you begin and maintain a consistent exercise program. It doesn’t have to be hard and it’s probably not as hard as you think. If you have been trying to get more exercise more often, listen to this episode! TedinYourHead.com

  • Test Anxiety? 7 Tips to Prepare and Pass - Episode 446

    14/05/2024 Duration: 19min

    According to the American Test Anxiety Association, 38 percent of students have high or moderately high test anxiety. Test anxiety is where the test taker feels severe distress before, during and after the test. Test anxiety can not only interfere with information recall but may also cause some people to give up taking the text entirely or to keep putting it off, even though their career success depends on it. In this episode, Ted discusses test anxiety and offers 7 valuable tips for preparing for tests and taking tests while remaining calm, in control and able to recall the information needed to pass. It’s test time so if you know someone who can benefit from listening to this podcast, please pass this along to them. TedinYourHead.com

  • Top 10 Reasons Why Walking Can Change Your Life - Episode 445

    23/04/2024 Duration: 16min

    Walking. So simple and so easy. Humans and their ancestors have been doing it for a million years. We are meant to walk. Our bodies are designed for upright, bipedal locomotion. Walking is a complex behavior that exercises our brains as well as our skeletal system. It is a harmonious integration of various body systems including the inner ear, eyes, touch receptors, muscles, tendons, and joints. The good news is that walking is really good for you and many physicians consider it the best form of exercise. In this episode, Ted, a dedicated walker, shares the top 10 reasons why starting a habit of daily walking can change you life. Are you trying to get some exercise but don’t want to go to a gym or walk on a boring treadmill? Check out this episode of the Ted in Your Head podcast. TedinYourHead.com

  • Anticipatory Anxiety: How to Stop Fearing What Hasn’t Happened - Episode 444

    17/04/2024 Duration: 15min

    Anticipatory anxiety is the anxiety we experience in anticipation of doing things that frighten us. Call it the fear of being afraid. If we perceive something will be fearful for us, or if we have found that situation fearful in the past, we can become so unwilling to go through that fear again that we start making ourselves afraid or anxious even before anything’s happened. Anticipatory anxiety can shut us down and stop us cold. So, what can we do to keep anticipatory anxiety at bay? In this episode, Ted talks about how to stop creating fear and anxiety for yourself about something that has not happened. If you have driving anxiety, social anxiety or any kind of anxiety, check out this episode. TedinYourHead.com

  • 7 Steps to Change Scarcity Consciousness to an Abundance Mindset

    10/04/2024 Duration: 17min

    Scarcity consciousness or a “lack” mentality is often the result of childhood programming and decisions that we make subconsciously. To shift into an abundance mindset requires an awareness of this programming and taking steps to counteract it and create a new way of looking at prosperity. In this episode, Ted shares his experience with having years of scarcity consciousness and how he managed to break out of it. He discusses the 7 steps he took to make it happen. If he can do it, you so can you. TedinYourHead.com

  • The Privilege of Growing Older– Episode 442

    02/04/2024 Duration: 14min

    There come a point, somewhere in your late 40’s or early 50’s, where you look in the mirror and I becomes clear to you that you are not a kid anymore. What happened? Life happened the way it should. The only powerful choice we can make in the face of aging is to accept our ongoing journey with grace and dignity. If we can do that, we will find what it takes to continue growing, exploring and living in a way that is always inspiring. TedinYourHead.com

  • 5 Ways to Get Free from a Funk– Episode 441

    20/03/2024 Duration: 17min

    Have you ever been in a funk? You know: unmotivated, lethargic, something’s off, feeling deflated, sad and not right? We all have, and it’s not fun, so we want to get out of the funk as soon as possible. Ted Moreno, the Funkmeister himself, has spent more time in funks than you can imagine. In this episode, Ted shares from his own experience, 5 ways to free yourself from the funk and get unstuck from the muck so you can move forward and get stuff done and have some fun. Don’t beat yourself up for being a funker, instead, listen to this episode! TedinYourHead.com

  • The Link Between Pain and Anxiety– Episode 440

    12/03/2024 Duration: 13min

    Chronic pain and anxiety have a strong relationship to each other. Anxiety can cause or increase pain and pain can cause anxiety. This can cause a “negative feedback loop” making life increasingly unbearable for those that suffer from pain and anxiety. Understanding the possibility of anxiety as the cause of unexplainable pain is the first step to healing. In addition, addressing the anxiety caused by chronic pain make pain more manageable. In this episode, Ted discusses the link between anxiety and pain as well as what you can do to feel better. TedinYourHead.com

  • The Power of Asking for What You Want– Episode 439

    06/03/2024 Duration: 15min

    Why are so many of us afraid to ask for what we want and what we need? As children we ask incessantly for what we want. Then we grow up, learn how we think the world really works, and stop asking because of resignation, cynicism, fear of rejection and fear of disappointment. Maybe it's all true: Ask and you will receive. Knock and the door will be opened. Think and grow rich. In this episode, Ted tells an amazing and true story about how he got exactly what he wanted, but had to give it back. TedinYourHead.com

  • 5 Hidden Costs of Living with Chronic Anxiety – Episode 438

    28/02/2024 Duration: 15min

    Anxiety, especially if its chronic, can show up as many different symptoms that may not be recognizable as anxiety. Ten percent of the population has symptoms of anxiety but doesn’t even know that’s what they are experiencing. In this important episode, Ted talks about the 5 costs of living with chronic anxiety that are often hidden, leading those who have anxiety to avoid addressing their challenge or to try to power though and “deal” with it, not understanding the price that they and their loved ones pay. If you or someone you know is suffering from chronic anxiety and its cost, please listen to this episode or share it. TedinYourHead.com

  • Creating a Morning Ritual: 25 Awesome Things to Do – Episode 437

    21/02/2024 Duration: 18min

    What you do first thing in the morning has a tremendous impact on how the rest of the day goes. Creating the habit of a morning ritual can energize you, empower you, and put you in the right headspace to take on the day in a powerful way. In this episode, Ted gives you 25 awesome things that you can pick and choose to create an morning ritual that can become the best part of your day! TedinYourHead.com

  • The Top 5 Subconscious Blocks That Are Holding You Back – Episode 436

    13/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    We all have things we want. Consciously, we have goals, desires, and outcomes we want to achieve. However, our subconscious mind, which is more than 75% of our mind, might have “programming” that is in conflict with what we are trying to achieve. If that is the case, our subconscious mind will do what it can to stop us. That’s when we feel blocked. It’s that feeling that now matter how hard we try, we always seem to stop ourselves through self-sabotage, procrastination and giving up too soon. In this episode, Ted reveals the top 5 subconscious blocks that could be working against you and holding you back from success, happiness and health. Be sure to check this one out! TedinYourHead.com

  • How to Deal with the Winds of Change – Episode 435

    23/01/2024 Duration: 11min

    Everything about us as humans is wired to avoid change. Change represents the unknown and the unknown represents danger to our minds. However, the only constant is change and change will come. We welcome positive changes but how do we navigate the rough waters of unexpected or unwanted change? In this episode Ted discusses change, the nature of change and how to be someone who is not only ok with change, but powerful in the face of it. TedinYourHead.com

  • How to Heal a Broken Heart Episode 434

    12/12/2023 Duration: 15min

    Having a broken heart from the loss of a love relationship can be one of the most devastating and painful experiences that one can endure. If you have not experienced it yet, there is a good chance that you will, and more than once. Yet, healing is always possible if we have the intention, Not only healing but transformation. In this episode Ted speaks with compassion and experience about what we can do to feel better, make sense of our loss, and move forward powerfully with wisdom and strength. TedinYourHead.com

  • Are You Being a Nasty Witch or a Freaking Ogre?– Episode 433

    25/10/2023 Duration: 17min

    Ever had one of those days when you are irritable, crabby, unhappy and downright nasty? That’s a sign that it’s time give yourself some time to yourself. Taking time for you, and being with yourself, can be one of the greatest gifts you can give to yourself because it results in self knowledge: the ability to know what you need and want and getting those needs and wants met in a healthy way. TedinYourHead.com

  • Top 10 Signs of Self Sabotage – Episode 432

    10/10/2023 Duration: 13min

    Self-sabotage is when we consciously or subconsciously stop ourselves from getting what we want. There are many reasons why we sabotage our progress and there are many ways that we keep ourselves from health, happiness and success. In this episode, Ted examines the top 10 signs that you are holding yourself back from the life that you want. If you are not moving forward to your goals as quickly as you would like, you might find this episode insightful, illuminating and helpful. TedinYourHead.com

  • The State of Men, a discussion with Sammy Villanueva – Episode 431

    03/10/2023 Duration: 50min

    By all indications, many men, especially young men, are struggling and falling behind in the quest for health, happiness and success. In this episode, Ted and Sammy Villanueva, the founder of the HeRose Men’s Mastermind Community, have an in depth discussion about the challenges many young men face, how those challenges impact them, and what can be done about it. If you are a man, or know a young man that is struggling, please take some time to listen to this important episode of the Ted in Your Head podcast. TedinYourHead.com

  • Stop the Inner Critic so You Can Speak Publicly (and Shine) – Episode 430

    29/09/2023 Duration: 16min

    Are you required by your job to make presentations but there is a voice that says you suck as a speaker? Do you have a desire to share your wisdom, experience and knowledge with the world through public speaking but the voice in your head says, “They will laugh at you”? That’s your inner critic stopping you and not allowing you to shine in the way that you know you can. We each have something to share that is valuable and beneficial to others. Public speaking and giving presentations are ways that allow us to be seen and create opportunities for career advancement and great financial abundance. But we need to stop the inner critic first. In this episode of the Ted in Your Head podcast, Ted shares valuable insights to help you stop your inner critic, release fear and anxiety, and step up and shine. Start pushing out the inner critic today and put Ted in Your Head instead! TedinYourHead.com

  • 8 Easy Tips for Dealing with Social Anxiety– Episode 429

    20/09/2023 Duration: 15min

    Social Anxiety is the feeling of discomfort or fear in situations where a person is concerned about feeling judged or evaluated. The fear of or inability to feel comfortable and at ease in social or business situations can be a huge obstacle to connection, opportunities and success. The good news is that the challenge of social anxiety can be overcome by learning new skills and strategies that allow you to feel safe, secure, comfortable and confident. Take a listen to this episode if you have the desire to connect with people in business or social events but you have resistance to getting out there and showing up as your best self. TedinYourHead.com

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