Caring In The Chaos - Ep1



Caring in the Chaos, sharing tips, talks and raw discussions on being a Special needs parent.


  • Faith Through Uncertainty

    31/10/2018 Duration: 08min

    Is God there when we most need Him? He should be right? But what about when you child is ill? or is challenged...what about then? Today I discuss Faith and special needs parenting

  • Anger And Special Needs Parenting

    05/02/2018 Duration: 07min

    Anger - While parenting a child with special needs - I feel so shameful... An honest look at why special needs parenting can make you angry and what I am doing now...

  • Treat Special Needs Parenting Like A Business

    12/06/2017 Duration: 09min

    Becoming a special needs parent is often a path that was never planned for. You are thrown into a situation where you need to learn information, skills and awareness FAST. You become a strategist, researcher, and changemaker - for your child. You now have someone depending on you to shape and lead them in the right direction. You become their advocate, look after their finances, take care of their physical and mental well-being, you teach them, support them, love them… But have you ever considered that these are exactly the same attributes you need to run a successful business?? Because in effect you…manage them, you are their accountants, their personal human resources, you administer training, you plan their time, you market (or educate others about them) and so much more… This is very much like being at the helm of a successful business. And so the need for clarity, direction, goals and resources is paramount for your success as a parent, the success for your child's future and the success of yo

  • Special Needs Parenting - What is it like being a SEN Parent? #Chromosome 18q-

    15/05/2017 Duration: 14min

    Episode 2 What is it like raising a child with Chromosome 18q-? Life as a full-time Carer? No work...feet up...bills paid...#easy...or not This episode we start to unpick some of the challenges faced by parents on this unique journey Check out latest at Audio

  • Ep1 Meet Caring in the Chaos

    23/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    First, in a series of podcasts by a mother carer raising her child with a rare chromosome condition - welcome to Caring in the Chaos