Trinity Alliance Church Rochester Ny



Trinity Alliance church strives to connect people to Jesus Christ and help them grow in a caring community! Catch up on recent messages by subscribing here!


  • Eye On The Prize - Thrive


    What are your short term plans? Your long term plans? What is your lifetime plan? For followers of Jesus, this is crucial to know. In this message, Brian French shares why we must know God's plan for our lives, and why we should dedicate our entire life to accomplishing the work He has for us to do.

  • It's Only The Beginning - Thrive


    What is it that people need the most? If we are to give people what they need even if we need it too, how do we know what is needed most? In this message, Brian French shows from the letter to the Philippians how Christ followers can help each other have what they need the most.

  • How To Help Others Thrive - Thrive


    What is necessary for Christians if they are to put the interests of others ahead of their own? In this message, Brian French shares what Paul did to assist the Philippian church despite his own desperate situation, and how believers (especially Christian leaders) can help others thrive.

  • Maintaining Joy - Thrive


    Have you ever wondered why God would allow you to experience hurt or pain or even persecution? In this message, Dr. Brian French shares the important perspective that Christians need to have in order to thrive in difficult circumstances.

  • Moving Forward - Thrive


    What can churches and Christians do to thrive? In the first message of this new series from the letter to the Philippians, Dr. Brian French describes how we can follow the example of these persecuted believers to thrive even in the worst of circumstances.

  • Thriving In Adversity - Standalone Messages


    Rev. Dave Murphy wraps up our special summer series of guest preachers by sharing how God's people can thrive in adversity.

  • A Change of Heart - Where Ya Headed?


    In this message, Brian French shares why outward obedience alone is not the way of Jesus, and why it's critical that we don't just act like Jesus, but we reflect the love of Jesus as we live like Him.

  • Let's Get Down To Business - Where Ya Headed?


    In order to get to where we want to be in the next life, we need to regularly make sure we are headed in the right direction. In this message, Brian French shares how using God's priorities to set our priorities is essential to following Jesus, and the consequences if we ignore those priorities.

  • Rising Above Your Circumstances - Hope in the Dark


    The danger of self-care is that it's possible to focus too much on yourself. In this message, Brian French shows self care has to include caring for others, because of the good it can do for those you serve and for your own character.