Profitable Farmer



This show is all about increasing the profitability of your farm so you work smarter and not harder. Your host, Andrew Roberts from the Farm Owners Academy reveals the best farming business tips for more leverage in your farm business.


  • Episode 143 - Sam & Jenny Bailey – A Story of True Aussie Grit.

    06/06/2024 Duration: 01h08min

    Imagine losing your arms, legs, body and your entire outlook on life… at age 19.   Imagine being in the prime of your life, only to have it all taken away.   Imagine having to start over, come to terms with that hardship, yet find the determination to get on with life.   Imagine how hard it would be to ‘stand back up’ and turn up to life again.   Then, imagine successfully re-creating yourself, finding the woman of your dreams and excelling in a 35-plus-year career as a successful farm business owner.   Imagine finding a way to farm, ski, drive, fly and so much more again!   Imagine complementing all of this with a 20-plus year career on the speaking and education circuit; dedicating your life to helping and inspiring men & women and children of all ages to face adversity, overcome their hardship and live their best lives.   Ladies & Gentlemen, meet Sam & Jenny Bailey.   For me, this conversation was a genuine privilege.I love the opportunity I have to share great Australian stories.   Sam & J

  • Episode 142 - The Gap And The Gain

    23/05/2024 Duration: 44min

    In this episode, it was great to connect with the impressive Sam Johnsson, CEO of Farm Owners Academy. During our discussion we:   reflected on his 3 years with us, acknowledged the incredible Farm Owners Academy team and community, discussed the importance of the CEO role in any business, explored the power of focusing team members toward ‘their genius’ within a clear and well-documented structure, and the value this can bring to growing teams, explored ‘The Gap and The Gain’, and how this important concept can help us transform team cultures, enhance confidence in individuals, and underpin high-performing teams, and, revisited the value of strong cash flow modelling in farm business management to help stress-test your business model in the current climate. It is always good to connect with Sam on the Profitable Farmer Podcast. He has developed such valuable insights from his time leading Farm Owners Academy’s growth by supporting members of our Platinum Mastermind and Alumni Community in their farm expans

  • Episode 141 - You Are Not Your Bank Balance

    10/05/2024 Duration: 51min

    For so many of us, so often our self-confidence and sense of self go up and down with the seasons. We feel good about ourselves when times are good, and we are intently hard on ourselves, and even think we are failing, when the season, the conditions or the markets go against us.   Before Christmas we saw a shock hit the sheep-meat market, impacting meat producers at that time significantly. In many areas of our country, we see farming families navigating extended flood events, and in others extended dries.   In this podcast I invite Tracy Secombe- Director Well-being & Coaching at FOA- to join me and explore this issue, and how- as a farm business owner- we can overcome it and rise above it.   Ladies & gentlemen, we are not our bank account balance. We are so much more than ‘just farmers’ and ‘just farmers wives’. We are leaders of families and great businesses. We are citizens in communities and valued friends to so many. We are good, hard-working, dependable, capable humans doing very good work and

  • Episode 140 – Leadership lessons with Jim Gall - CEO RB Sellars

    23/04/2024 Duration: 58min

    I have said before that there is so much we can learn from business leaders and entrepreneurs outside of our industry.    In this episode, I interview Jim Gall, now CEO of RB Sellars.    There is no doubt that RB Sellars has been established as an iconic brand across our landscape. Jim reminds us that success in business doesn’t happen overnight and that the strong position they have developed in the market has come from a leadership team with a clear focus. Focusing on a sustainable commitment to a consistent and high-quality product range with outstanding service has led the brand to where they are today.    Jim also reminds us of the importance of creating a culture of trust, creativity and innovation to inspire our teams to be actively in pursuit of continuous improvement.    He emphasises the importance of encouraging a culture of radical candour, where teams feel safe and empowered to speak their truth and contribute fully and openly at every opportunity.    Have you created a culture and focus like thi

  • Episode 139 - How Does The Stress Of Farming Impact Our Mental Well-Being

    11/04/2024 Duration: 51min

    In my last episode introduction I asked - who here has felt real financial duress and overwhelming stress or hardship in this game called farming?   In this episode, I explore this theme further with an in-depth interview with Sarah Crossthwaite. Sarah lives and works with her husband and family on a dairy farm in Northeast Victoria. She has an impressive career as an accredited mental health social worker, actively supporting men and women of our industry through times of hardship.   Recently Sarah made the decision to complete a Nuffield Scholarship, and embark on a global research project exploring the impact that financial duress, market volatility and government interventions can have on the mental health and well-being of farming families.   To say this is an important research piece is an understatement, and I commend Sarah for her dedication and commitment as an advocate for the mental strength and well-being of our industry and rural communities.   In this podcast, we explore what it is Sarah sees,

  • Ep 138 - From Rock-Bottom to Sustained Success

    27/03/2024 Duration: 01h15min

    Who here has felt real financial duress and overwhelming stress and hardship in this game called farming? I feel this is relevant and real for so many - it isn’t always an easy game to play.   In this podcast it gives me great pleasure to interview FOA Alumni Members Cassandra & Andrew (Rusty) Kath.   From start-up to established, from 50 cows to 500 cows, and from financially and personally broken to a professional and lasting success, the Kathleigh Farms story is now just as much one to watch as it is one to appreciate for their achievement so far.   Years ago, Andrew & Cassandra found themselves in a destructive share-farming relationship, placing immense pressure them financially and personally. At rock-bottom, Andrew & Cass dug-deep, focused on themselves and on making meaningful change. They made a massive commitment to join the FOA Community, and with grit, learning and determination have transformed their business and lives.   Over the last 5 years, we have seen Kathleigh Farms grow from h

  • EPISODE 137 It Is Our BUSINESS MODEL That Can Set Us Free

    15/03/2024 Duration: 13min

    So many farming families we meet have businesses that are completely dependent on them. In addition, so many farm owners across Australia’s have business models that are not risk-aware, sufficiently profitable, sustainable, or optimal over time.   Is your business model delivering you the outcomes you want from your farm?   So often we see farmers ‘rinsing and repeating’ business models that have worked in the past, only to find they are not optimal or even relevant in our current economic climate.   To quote Einstein: “Doing the same thing over and again and expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.”   With inflation, increased interest rates and softening commodity prices, it has never been more important to actively stress-test the potential and resilience of the business model you have, then seek to refine, re-engineer and adapt it to ensure it is profitable long-term AND relevant in the current economic climate.   The question is, HOW?   In this podcast, I speak to this, then advocate

  • Episode 136 - Is It My Money Mindset Holding Me Back

    27/02/2024 Duration: 01h14min

    I love the concept that perhaps our subconscious programming is the thing that is holding us back.   I also like the concept that money is just a tool to give us what we want in life.   However, I believe that many of us have a SCARCITY or ABUNDANCE mindset toward money.   I like the idea of visualising money as ‘fun tickets’ to be used and enjoyed for me and others, now and in the future.   Throughout my journey, I have gotten comfortable with the fact that money:   Is not hard to come by Is not beyond my control Is not the ‘root of all evil’ and that it CAN ‘grow on trees!’   How is your mindset toward money serving you?   In this episode, I call on Investment Specialist and Freedom Trader Terry Tran, to explore:   How his attitude toward money has changed. Where the previous money mindset he inherited might have taken him. How to think like an INVESTOR rather than a worker. His beliefs around and approach to making money and investing now. What it means to create a truly abundant, fulfilled and wealthy li

  • Episode 135 - What It Takes To Achieve Greatness - Lessons From A World Champion

    13/02/2024 Duration: 01h15min

    When people succeed at the highest level, often all we see of them is their endeavour and their achievement.   We never really get to hear of the challenge, the hardship or the immense struggle that is behind the enduring success.   There can be so many lessons relevant to how, as farmers, we can better face the challenges that come our way and overcome adversity and change.   In this episode, I feel deeply privileged to interview Anna Meares – 11-time world champion and the greatest female track cyclist of all time.   Throughout Anna’s sporting career, she achieved:   2 gold, 1 silver, 3 bronze over four consecutive Olympics 11 gold, 10 silver, 6 bronze at World Championships 5 gold, 2 silver, 1 bronze at Commonwealth Games   Anna also has many titles including the Institute of Sport’s "Best Of The Best" inductee and is a Hall of Fame recipient, flag-bearer and Captain at our 2016 Olympic Games. She is now a 2024 Chef de Mission, coach, mentor and teacher to our current era of Olympian legends...   What imp

  • Episode 134 - What Is My Purpose In Life?

    06/02/2024 Duration: 37min

    Throughout our lives, and often at this time of year, we can find ourselves reflecting and asking important questions like; Why am I here? What am I doing this for? What is it that is my purpose in life? What do I want for my life? How do I want to be remembered? Over my business journey, I have been lucky enough to study with and learn from one of the great business minds of our time, Marshall Thurber. In his teachings, Marshall emphasises that there are universal laws (laws of nature) that, when applied to our businesses and lives, can offer us so much certainty and confidence and set a robust foundation on which to see our results grow exponentially. In this episode, and in my attempt to answer these questions, I offer an insight into the Law of Precession - how we can apply it to our lives, how to set down major, definite goals, and make a more meaningful impact as leaders, business owners and entrepreneurs.   Linked with this, I share some lessons learned from one of my favourite books, “Think and Grow

  • Episode 133 - Making a farm completely professional, Sam & Carla Armytage

    22/12/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    As farm business owners, we can often be operating at intense and unsustainable levels for extended periods of time. Many times, the farm comes first, and so many other important things take the back seat.   Our farms can be under-resourced, our teams insufficient, our realities out of control and operations completely dependent upon us. Our plans are in our heads, marriages out of alignment - husbands, wives and families missing out on what life and family are truly meant to be about.   That is where Platinum Mastermind members Sam & Carla Armytage found themselves.   Let’s be very real for a minute: the pressures of owning and running a significant farm business can be immense. Even for the super-human, at times, this can all become too much.   In sharing their genuinely inspirational story, in their usual humble and understated ways, Sam & Carla explain where their life was at, consumed by the pressures of putting the farm first. They outline the very real impact this was having on their marriage a

  • Episode 132 - FOA Members Success Story - Martin & Hayley Grosser

    30/11/2023 Duration: 01h19min

    As the finish line to another calendar year arrives, I cherish the opportunity to share the stories of some of our incredible community members - to celebrate their success in all they do as business owners and farmers.   Martin & Hayley Grosser own and operate MHG Farming Enterprises, a mixed sheep and dryland cropping operation at Kaniva in Victoria’s Western Wimmera. Their success in farming over the past 10 years, to say the least, is deeply impressive.     From a standing start to over 5,000 acres under management, Martin & Hayley have been stand-out members and incredible contributors to the Farm Owners Academy community.   In this interview, we share their story and reflect and celebrate:   the courage they have shown to scale in today’s climate successfully; their ability to back themselves and make bold growth decisions; the importance of strong financial acumen AND a positive money mindset; the value of benchmarking and regular farm performance analysis; the power of a concise strategic pla

  • Episode 131 - The Missing Link in Life - Your Breath

    14/11/2023 Duration: 38min

    We can survive 3 weeks without food...   3 days without water…   But only 3 minutes without breathing.   As for parenting, our body, mind and many other critical life functions, we have never been taught HOW TO BREATHE.   As a result, and over time, most of us are immensely inefficient with our breathing, leading us to a long list of health conditions that keep us from living our best lives.   In this episode, I speak with my wonderful wife, mother of four, high-performance physiotherapist, and now breathing re-training specialist, Jane Hutchings -  to explore the importance of LEARNING TO BREATHE WELL.   Anxiety, stress, depression, asthma, hay fever, insomnia, sleep apnoea, restless legs, snoring, excess sweating, brain fog, mental fatigue and burnout are just some of the conditions we face when we breathe poorly.   Rather than medication or physical interventions, focusing on learning to breathe properly can see all these health challenges vastly improved and even overcome for any or all of us.   With a 2

  • Episode 130 - Red Meat Price Collapse - what the hell happened?!

    31/10/2023 Duration: 51min

    Leadership is about giving those around you certainty.    Making strong predictions based on quality information and taking proactive action in tough times is a hallmark of strong leadership.   Many Aussie farmers have experienced a marked drop in meat prices in recent months, impacting their realities and outlook significantly.   As in Episode 121 with Grain & Oilseeds Lead Analyst - Stefan Vogel, I once again call on the elite Rabobank Research team and Senior Analyst – Animal Proteins Angus Gidley-Baird to help us understand what has happened and what to expect in the red meat markets in the near to medium term.   In addition, I call on the experience of Farm Owners Academy Co-founder and Director Greg Johnsson to offer his insights on this important topic and some guidance on where we need to focus as farmers to best navigate this period in our industry strongly and strategically.   In this episode, Angus, Greg & I explore:   what has happened; why it has happened; recent supply chain dynamics; co

  • Episode 129 - Beating farm suicide and lifting rural communities – the Active Farmers Story

    15/10/2023 Duration: 55min

    At Farm Owners Academy, we are big believers that our mental well-being is closely linked to our physical health AND positive social interactions.    I am delighted to interview Active Farmer Founder and Director Ginny Stevens in this episode. Over eight years, Active Farmers has grown from an idea and one weekly fitness class in Mangoplah, NSW, to a significant and important national charity supporting thousands of farmers' physical health and mental well-being across 65 rural communities.    It is an incredible story, and one Ginny Stevens, her family, and her team can feel immensely proud of.    Now, with a team of 40 fitness trainers, an operational unit of 6 supported by a compelling board and a long list of sponsors and partners, Active Farmers is poised for its next growth step and the opportunity to make an even greater impact on the resilience of our great industry.    In this episode, I ask Ginny to share her back story and offer an insight into the Active Farmers journey.    For me, it is a healthy

  • Episode 128 - Perhaps Being TOUGH Isn’t It

    30/09/2023 Duration: 54min

    One of the best bits about being part of Farm Owners Academy is the life-long friendships we see being fostered across our incredible and growing community.   One of the greatest privileges of being a Coach is supporting great people to make meaningful and lasting changes in their personal and business development journeys.   Our members achieve huge amounts in their 3-year Platinum Mastermind journey. Sure, their business profitability grows, their farms expand, their families become more aligned, and they set up teams and more professionally lead their farms.   But what inspires me the most is seeing the personal growth that so many individual members achieve and how this can completely change their lives.   In this episode, I am pleased to introduce you to Peter Moloney, one of our recent Platinum Mastermind graduates. Peter, his wife Kate and their 3 young men own and operate a 50,000 acre property and successful beef operation at Auguthella, north of Charleville in Western Queensland.   In this episode,

  • Episode 127 - Succession or just good business?

    15/09/2023 Duration: 01h10min

    Often, it is my observation that succession is made to be a bigger and more complex issue than it needs to be.   Often, in my opinion, good business practice applied to family business can be the key to aligning a family to a common goal and plan; creating meaningful, regular and proactive communications; providing financial clarity and control for all parties; delivering structures and systems to support all team members in their roles; and helping ensure all expectations relating to succession are understood and clear.   Let me be clear, I am not saying succession is easy. What I am saying, is that the timely and proactive application of good business practices have proven to help farm business families be more effective, and then make succession a more palatable and constructive process.   Four weeks ago I was asked to be part of the Annual Poojinook Client Field Day, and be interviewed alongside succession specialist Isobel Knight, Proagtive on the topic of Business & Succession, by interviewer and jo

  • Episode 126 – Another great Human of Agriculture, Oli Le Lievre

    30/08/2023 Duration: 51min

    Farmers can be a humble bunch, perhaps in part a function of a certain ‘tall poppy syndrome’ that exists across our landscape. As a result, as well as the fact that most of us are production-focused and not necessarily marketing-trained, we are not always great at telling our unique stories or promoting our own business ‘brand.’   Taking this further, globally, there seems to be an ever-increasing gap and misunderstanding between the food consumer and the farmer producer.   Simply, there are so many great Australian agricultural stories that need to be shared and so many good things happening in our industry that our food-consuming society needs to hear, understand, and appreciate.   Farmers, if we don’t tell our story, someone else will be…   In this episode, I am pleased to spend time with the Founder of Humans of Agriculture, Oli Le Lievre. Oli & his team are dedicated to bridging this gap and walking alongside people in our industry to help them uncover and share their unique stories.   Personally, I

  • Episode 125 – What’s Going On In Our World?

    14/08/2023 Duration: 48min

    We find ourselves in an economic environment very different to 12 months ago - now characterised by high inflation, rising interest rates and an uplift in unemployment in most of our trading nations across the globe.    On the back of a compelling quarterly economic review to our Members, I have invited Terry Tran – Freedom Trader – to join me again to make sense of it all. To give us a no BS take on what is happening in our world, what it means, how to play (as an investor), and to understand where the opportunities (in the investment landscape) lay.    Terry now predicts a high chance of global recession, resulting from a marked economic slowdown in the USA, Europe and China. This requires us all to think deeply about our business models and our approach to business and investing in the years to come.    Overnight the US has seen a credit downgrade - it’s first since 2011 following a close call on a debt ceiling default. This follows its 11th consecutive rate rise since March 2022 to a 22-year high, forcing

  • Episode 124 - What does it take to SCALE?

    30/07/2023 Duration: 01h17min

    What does moving from a ‘start-up’ to ‘significance’ as an entrepreneur take? Let’s find out. In this episode, I am delighted to reconnect with my past business coaching client, now successful entrepreneur Steven Mirtschin. Leaving a successful banking career to back himself in business, Steven now leads over 13 businesses and a team of over 150. Over 15 years, Steven has successfully scaled a combination of franchise-based businesses in the fitness and hospitality sectors. He has sought out team members and others to partner with, created immense opportunities for those within his team, established a small business empire that delivers first-class service to those he serves, and proven results for all involved. There are so many insights to come from this discussion. For me, Steven shows us that successfully scaling up in business requires: a shift in mindset from an operator to manager and strong leader; a long-term commitment to a clear and compelling vision; constant adaptation to your business model

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