Max Talks Ai

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 12:21:20
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Welcome to my personal pursuit of understanding Artificial Intelligence. Here I document what I learn about AI from books, course and interviews with experts in the field. I am an individual of average (at best) intelligence, height and weight so whatever I can do - you can too. I invite you to see what the future has to offer and what we should know to make the most of it!


  • How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality - Katharina Pistor

    12/09/2019 Duration: 01h25min

    In this episode, Katharina and I discuss the ways in which laws facilitate structural inequalities and how to change the existing system. Katharina Pistor is Professor of Comparative Law at Columbia Law School and Director of the Law School’s Center on Global Legal Transformation. Her research and teaching spans corporate law, corporate governance, money and finance, property rights, comparative law and law and development. She has published widely in legal and interdisciplinary journals and is the author and co-author of several books. She is the recipient of the Max Planck Research Award (2012) and of several grants from the Institute for New Economic Thinking (INET) and the National Science Foundation. Her latest book is The Code of Capital: How the Law Creates Wealth and Inequality. Twitter: @KatharinaPistor --- Send in a voice message:

  • Global Inequality and Capitalism - Branko Milanovic

    14/05/2019 Duration: 58min

    This episode is a must listen for those that care about where the global economy is really headed. Branko and I talk about global inequality, rise of socialism, dominance of capitalism, Uber IPO, climate change protests, and many more fascinating topics. Branko Milanovic is a leading scholar on income inequality. In 2014, he joined the Graduate Center as Visiting Presidential Professor and LIS Senior Scholar. Before coming to the Graduate Center, he was Lead Economist in the World Bank's research department. He is author of The Haves and the Have-Nots: A Brief and Idiosyncratic History of Global Inequality and numerous articles on the global income distribution. His most recent book is Global Inequality: A New Approach for the Age of Globalization (Harvard University Press 2016). Branko's twitter handle: @BrankoMilan Branko's blog: Capitalism, Alone pre-order: --- Send in a voice message: https://anchor.

  • Things You Must Know Today About Our Future - Lasse Rouhiainen

    11/03/2019 Duration: 01h10min

    In this episode, Lasse and I discuss the future of school education, skills needed in the age of automation, and how artificial intelligence transforms the way we think about privacy. Lasse Rouhiainen is a best-selling author and international expert on artificial intelligence, disruptive technologies and digital marketing.He has also provided training to thousands of students and businesses through online e-learning courses. Lasse has been a speaker at renowned seminars such as Mobile World Capital and TEDx, and has worked with top brands and institutions such as Michelin, Össur and the European Union Intellectual Property Office. He is also a supporter of the Human Centered AI initiative. Lasse has written several books that have been published on Amazon in both English and Spanish. His latest work on artificial intelligence, called Artificial Intelligence: 101 Things You Must Know Today About Our Future, which is currently being translated into several other languages, was selected by Book Authority as one

  • How Technology and Data are Transforming Sports - Sam Seddon (IBM Executive for Wimbledon)

    13/10/2018 Duration: 01h31min

    Sam is the IBM Sports and Entertainment Sponsorship lead for the UK. This currently covers IBM's partnerships with Wimbledon and England Rugby. Sam showcases IBM's industry leading technology and also the marketing activation around the partnerships. Sam works in collaboration with his clients to deliver innovative technical solutions to support their business objectives and marketing campaigns. At Wimbledon Sam has responsibility for managing the client relationship for all the services that IBM provides to The Championships as part of their role as the official IT provider to the AELTC. This includes a team of 180 at peak during the fortnight from capturing data from the courtside, to media services, security systems and all digital platforms. Sam was recognised in 2015 by Information Age as being one of the UK's top 50 data leaders and influencers. 2017 awards include: DMA Gold - Best Digital Experience DADI - Use of AI / Machine Learning Cannes Lion Silver - #WhatMakesGreat campaign Campaign Mag

  • Humans 3.0, Voice Tech, and Burgers - Peter Nowak

    20/08/2018 Duration: 45min

    The first ever episode of Max Talks AI was a book review of Humans 3.0 written by Peter Nowak. It has been a great pleasure to have him on my podcast. Peter and I talked about burgers, the future of voice technology, privacy, and the skill of staying positive and optimistic. Peter Nowak has been writing about technology since 1997. He is a former staff reporter and editor at The Globe and Mail, National Post and Canadian Broadcasting Corporation in Toronto, and the New Zealand Herald in Auckland. In 2006, he was named Journalist of the Year by the Telecommunications Users Association of New Zealand and in 2009, he won the Canadian Advanced Technology Alliance award for Excellence in Science and Technology Reporting. Peter’s first book, Sex, Bombs and Burgers: How War, Porn and Fast Food Created Modern Technology As We Know It, spent several weeks on the Maclean’s best-seller list in Canada. His second book, Humans 3.0: The Upgrading of the Species, has been published in five countries. --- Send in a voice

  • Artificial Intelligence Is Not a Species - Joanna Bryson

    23/07/2018 Duration: 41min

    The recording took place at the University of Cambridge and was made possible by Leverhulme Centre for the Future of Intelligence. In the episode, Joanna and I talk about the meaning of intelligence and mind, when AI started being taken seriously by media, Europe’s place in the global AI landscape, and a lot more. Joanna Bryson is a widely recognised academic expert in intelligence, from the perspectives of computer science, psychology, and biology. She is employed at the University of Bath, where she teaches Intelligent Control and Cognitive Systems. Joanna is also fellow at Princeton’s Centre for Information Technology Policy. Joanna’s main focus and expertise lies in researching natural and artificial intelligence. Current projects include building accountable and transparent AI, and understanding cultural variation in human cooperation and economic behaviour. To explore Joanna’s work please go to and @j2bryson on Twitter. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Calum Chace - Artificial Intelligence and The Two Singularities

    22/06/2018 Duration: 35min

    In this episode, I have a great pleasure of being joined by Calum Chace. Calum studied Philosophy at Oxford, where he initially developed his interest in AI. After a 30 year career in business, he started sharing his thoughts on AI with the world. Now, he is a distinguished author and sought-after speaker about artificial intelligence, and its likely future impact on society. His books include a novel Pandora’s Brain, and 3 non-fiction books: Surviving AI, The Economic Singularity, and Artificial Intelligence and The Two Singularities. Calum argues that superintelligence is closer than we think, and that humanity is on track to become second smartest species on the planet. Even a more pressing concern in his mind, is AI’s impact on employment and what can be done to ensure a smoother transition to a potentially jobless society. --- Send in a voice message:

  • Yessi Bello-Perez (Editor at UK Tech News): 'AI Start Ups, Tech Journalism, and Elon Musk'

    02/06/2018 Duration: 59min

    In this episode, Yessi and I talk about her switch from lifestyle to tech journalism, AI start ups in London, self-driving cars, blockchain, and how graduates can break into her profession. Yessi is an editor of UK Tech News (, the leading publication inspiring and connecting UK tech businesses with breaking news, data-led industry analysis, profiles and events. Her interests and expertise lie in technology journalism, B2B sector, venture capital and blockchain. Yessi and I met at an event called “AI in Business: Joining the Dots”, which was organised by Prospex and held at Orrick LLP office in London. Yessi was moderating the panel and impressed me with her knowledge of the AI ‘scene’ in London and strikingly clear articulation of her thoughts and ideas on what the future might hold. After the event we kept in touch and it is now my great pleasure to have her on the podcast.  Please enjoy! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Paul Hornsey-Pennell - Death, Technology, and Orange Blossom

    24/05/2018 Duration: 01h39min

    In this episode, Paul and I talk about the fear of death, possibility of technology prolonging our lives, depression, social media usage, and universal basic income. I find Paul's insights fascinating in terms of their depth and context, and I am sure you will do too! I have a pleasure of knowing Paul on a personal level. We connected at a conference in London called Expert Empires. I joined Paul at his table and asked what he was so actively typing out on his MacBook. Turned out, it was that book that we are talking about in this episode - 'Surfing the Techno-Tsunami'. After the conference, Paul and I kept in touch. Apart from writing and running businesses, Paul has had a very accomplished career in personal coaching, working with top athletes, notably with the stars of British Premier League. Also, Paul has worked with Olympians, business executives, and spoke to thousands of people about becoming self-employed. Please enjoy this episode! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Luke Dormehl - Machine Learning, Elon Musk, and Typewriters

    16/05/2018 Duration: 50min

    In this episode, I visit Luke Dormehl in Bristol!. We talk about Artificial Intelligence as a term, machine learning algorithms, AI in popular culture, and the outspoken celebrities in AI such as Elon Musk and Bill Gates. Luke Dormehl is a freelance journalist, author and public speaker, based in the UK. He writes primarily on the subject of technology, particularly emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence, VR and 3D printing. Luke has written for Digital Trends, Fast Company, The Guardian, The Sunday Times, Wired, Politico, Huffington Post, Empire. Two of Luke's most recent books are 'Thinking Machine' and 'The Formula'. They have been reviewed in places like the New York Times, Kirkus Review of Books, Forbes, and the Los Angeles Review of Books, as well as cited in Yuval Noah Harari's excellent Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow. Thinking machines was also praised by Ray Kurzweil in NYT. Please enjoy the episode! --- Send in a voice message:

  • AI will not be the end of us? Humans 3.0 Book Review

    12/05/2018 Duration: 41min

    Artificial Intelligence will make us better, not kill us. My take on the topics raised in a brilliant book 'Humans 3.0: The Upgrading of the Species' by Peter Nowak. Our species is entering a new era. Millions of years ago, we created tools to change our environment: caves became huts, fires became ovens, and clubs became swords. Now, we're applying the latest advancements to our own biology, and technology is becoming part of the process. But is that a good thing? Veteran jounalist and bestselling author Peter Nowak looks at what it means to be human - from the relationships we form and beliefs we hold to the jobs we do and the objects we create - and measures the impact that those innovations have had and will have in the future. Please enjoy! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Mark Purdy - The Future of Jobs (MD at Accenture Research)

    07/05/2018 Duration: 40min

    Mark Purdy is a managing director and chief economist at Accenture Research. His research examines issues at the intersection of macroeconomics and business, such as globalization, international competitiveness, economic growth and jobs. Before joining Accenture, he was an economic advisor at the U.K. Competition Commission, the Consumers’ Association and Ireland’s National Economic and Social Council. He has a Bachelor’s and a master’s degree in economics from Trinity College, Dublin. I came across Mark’s work when looking at the list of the speakers at the Warwick Economics Summit 2017. I enjoyed his keynote at the event and invited him to be on my podcast. We talk about what countries can do to reap the benefits of AI, its impact on productivity and what skills will be in demand in the future. Enjoy! --- Send in a voice message:

  • Max Talks AI - 3 Excuses to ignore Artificial Intelligence

    06/02/2018 Duration: 22min

    Technology is touching every single sector you can possibly think of and challenging every established school of thought. That said, as human beings, we are extremely good at giving ourselves excuses not to dive into the unexplored fields. Here are the 3 excuses not to care about AI that I have encountered and certainly am guilty of myself. 1) ‘Ahhh, I am way too old for this. I probably should leave all this AI stuff for the youngsters’ 2) 'This is all moving too fast, I can’t keep up - I will just, let the really smart people figure it out…' 3) 'I am not really a 'techy' type, I love humans so I will stick to them' Enjoy! --- Send in a voice message: