Verity On The Air With Dr. Isaac Montilla, Chiropractor, Verity Health Center In Tallahassee Florida - Family Chiropractic



Each week Dr. Montilla helps people work on the cause of their pain not just the symptoms


  • Finding Your Why

    31/08/2018 Duration: 01h05s

    Here are some things you'll hear on today's show: --Find your why...your calling --Verity's why is to help you find your God-given potential --Pain limits you and can keep you from your why --How can you find your why? --Roadblocks to finding your why, including: --Drift Syndrome --Too Busy for Passion --Cognitive Overload --Distractions Fragment Focus --Bad diets fog your mind --Be intentional wherever you are --Say what you mean and mean what you say --Learn to communicate properly --Don't let anyone steal your happiness - don't give them that power --So many people dwell on their past, then blame their past --The blame game keeps you from moving forward --Learn from the past, but don't live in it --Budget your time --Put your phone down and talk to people --Be honest with yourself about yourself --Don't be distracted by material things --Remind yourself of your why --We are fearfully and wonderfully made --What is your goal? --We are wired for more, but we settle for less https://www.verityhealthcente

  • Where Are You Investing?

    24/08/2018 Duration: 52min

    Where are you investing your time? Your money? Your health? Here are some things you'll hear on today's show: --Be all that you can be --Fail, then learn why you failed --Are you maximizing your time? --Time is a blessing --What does your morning routine look like? --We see a lot of exhausted people --44 percent of people's time is spent looking at a technological device --Are you using that time wisely? --Are you honoring God with your time? --Are you taking mental breaks? --Action step - inventory your time --Fail to prepare - prepare to fail --We want to use some money to make memories --Many diseases can be prevented by the choices you make --What are you doing about your health? --Foods that have a hard cover you don't have to buy organic, such as bananas and avocados --Get your nervous system checked --Don't mask your pain --Stay hydrated --God designed your body to heal

  • What Is Stopping You?

    17/08/2018 Duration: 59min

    Featuring Christian counselor Tracy Bane, LCSW - here are some things you'll hear on today's show: --Verity does food sensitivity testing --Thinking is real medicine --One man's smoking story --Verity works to de-stress your body --Dr. Montilla's principles of life: 1. Always trust in God 2. Remember who you are 3. Always love 4. Always forgive --Just add one vegetable a day to your diet --Change doesn't have to be all or nothing --A habit can't be tossed out the window. It has to be coaxed down the stairs, one step at a time --Take the professional's advice --Has what you've been doing working? --Getting well is a process --You are not your diagnosis --Are you honoring God with your body? --You can use fear as a trampoline

  • Women's Health - An Untraditional Approach

    03/08/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Featuring Dr. Christine Britt, here are some things you'll hear on today's show: --1 in 8 American women will develop breast cancer --30% of newly diagnosed cancers will be breast cancer --How can you reduce your risk of cancer? --Clean up your environment --BPAs mimic estrogen --10 toxic makeup ingredients --Your makeup can affect your future children --What you eat can impact how you smell --Reduce your sugar intake and increase your fats --Poor posture can increase your chances of heart problems --People often ignore their health until it grows into a bigger issue --Hard water can cause heart problems --Weight-bearing exercise can help with bone health --Restless leg syndrome --Depression and mood swings --12 million American women are diagnosed with depression each year --Depression is a symptom of something else --We are living longer, but we aren't as healthy --We care for our patients where they are now, but also where they will be in 20 or 30 years --50 million Americans suffer from autoimmune disease

  • Tough Talks with special guest Colene Rogers

    27/07/2018 Duration: 01h15s

    Things you'll hear on today's show: --The importance of a healthy work environment --How to keep morale high in the workplace while still handling issues that arise --Open communication is a key --Look - Do - Follow Through --When having a tough talk, stick to the facts --The 10-90 rule --If we don't talk it out, we act it out --Share the facts first, then share your story --Say it in love --Employees are looking for a trusted leader --Are you listening to respond or listening to understand? --We are a society living for "likes" and longing for love --Leadership is influence --What employees want most --People don't criticize what they create Colene Rogers website:

  • Eating for Your Health

    20/07/2018 Duration: 01h08s

    Things you'll hear on today's show: --Your diet can cause you to lose weight, but is it making you healthy? --Your body is designed to heal --A handful of almonds has the same number of calories as a Twinkie --Eating junk compromises your immune system --What does health look like to you? --What exactly is food? --Real food is perishable --When you are eating unhealthy, you will gain weight --If you starve yourself, your body wants to store fat --Many people who are overweight are actually eating too few calories --Kombucha Workshop at Verity --Drinking diet sodas can leave your body susceptible to disease --Atkins, Keto, Whole 30 - whatever your diet - is it sustainable? --Is what you are consuming healthy long term? --Dairy is inflammatory --Eat your fats first --Avoid canola oil

  • Are You Deficient in These Supplements?

    13/07/2018 Duration: 59min

    Things you'll hear on today's show: --Are you taking too few or too many? --Are you just following the next trend? --It's not about weight loss. It's about health. --Let's talk about the Fantastic Four --87% of Americans do not consume the proper amount of nutrients --Your immune system is weakened when you don't get enough of the right supplements --Ask your health professional to test your vitamin D levels --There is no "flu season." We are just more vulnerable in the winter due to a lack of vitamin D. --Vitamin D affects bone health --Good sources of Omega 3s include salmom, mackerel, herring and sardines, flax seeds, chia seeds and walnuts --Your brain lives on fats --So no to tilapia - it's a garbage fish --Nordic Naturals --Canola oil is not healthy

  • Is Chiropractic Right for You? - Part 2

    06/07/2018 Duration: 55min

    Things you'll hear on today's show: --You go to the dentist to prevent dental problems. The same is true with your chiropractor. --Be proactive instead of reactive. --Chiropractic treatments can help with digestive problems. --What does a chiropractic adjustment look like? --Your body is designed to heal when the interference is removed. --Joints are meant to move. --Trust the process. --Are you popping your own back? Are you having a loved one walk on your back? Are you having a friend give you a big bear hug to provide back relief? These untargeted home treatments might lead to a condition called hyper-mobility.

  • Is Chiropractic Right for You? - Part 1

    29/06/2018 Duration: 56min

    Things you'll hear on today's show: --Put your supplements in the front and your pain relievers in the back --Are you on pain medications but wonder if there is a better way? There is! --If you've had spinal surgery, can chiropractic still help you? --Let's talk about a patient we had who cancelled his scheduled surgery after being helped by chiropractic --Are you masking your problem with pain medication? --If you step on a tack, do you go straight for the pain meds, or do you address the cause by pulling out the tack? --We have techniques that will help your body heal better --You don't feel pain until you've lost 40 percent of function --Every medication has a side effect --Is your personal trainer making your condition worse?

  • Is Your Workout Killing You?

    22/06/2018 Duration: 01h57s

    Things you'll hear on today's show: --Sitting is the new smoking --Degenerative Desk Disease --Every day can be your January 1 --We are all athletes in the game of life --What should you do AFTER your workout? --Listen to your body --Maximize your movements --How to get a new PR --Your genes aren't your destiny --You cannot out-exercise bad habits --You need recovery days

  • Verity on the Air - June 15, 2018

    15/06/2018 Duration: 56min

    Your Genes Are Not Your Destiny! If your parents passed down some health issues, you don't have to walk in their footsteps. Find out more with Dr. Isaac Montilla and special guest Dr. Christine Britt of Verity Health Center in Tallahassee, FL.

  • Verity on the Air - June 8, 2018

    08/06/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Summer Mistakes! Today we look at the big three mistakes people tend to make going into summer that end up causing them pain and problems. Dr. Isaac Montilla with special guest, Dr. Travis Tillman of Verity Health Center in Tallahassee, FL.

  • Verity on the Air - May 25, 2018

    25/05/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Today we talk about the 3 major sources of pain in Americans and what can be done to help fix the cause of the problem, not just mask the symptoms. Dr. Isaac Montilla with special guest, Dr. Travis Tillman of Verity Health Center in Tallahassee, FL.

  • Verity on the Air - May 18, 2018

    18/05/2018 Duration: 58min

    Dr. Isaac Montilla with special guest, Dr. Travis Tillman of Verity Health Center in Tallahassee, FL.

  • Verity on the Air - May 11, 2018

    11/05/2018 Duration: 56min

    Dr. Isaac Montilla with special guest, Dr. Travis Tillman of Verity Health Center in Tallahassee, FL.