Your Next Million With Frank Kern

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 165:07:30
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Transforming Your Business Isn't About Doing A Million Different Things. It's About Finding ONE BIG THING And Then Leveraging That.Frank Kern has been advising entrepreneurs like you all day, every day, to do just that since 1999.This is his podcast.


  • In my ads, do I always have to ask for the email to make a follow up sequence?

    16/09/2024 Duration: 07min

    So my question is I have my ads, but in those ads, do I always have to ask for the email to make a follow up sequence or something like that?  Yeah...

  • How should we expand our target interest when many of the related interests and audience insights are not targetable?

    09/09/2024 Duration: 04min

    How should we expand our target interests when many of the related interests and audience insights are not targetable?

  • What's it cost to get a qualified application filled out?

    02/09/2024 Duration: 02min

    What do you think it would cost on average to get an application filled out, if I were to use intent-based branding? I know it's a difficult question, cheers. So the real question is, and I'm translating again...Hey man, I'm selling something expensive and I want people to fill out an application before I agree to talk to them. What's it cost to get a qualified application filled out?

  • When I set up lead ads recently, the share option was not there. Did I do something wrong or did that change, and are the shares important?

    26/08/2024 Duration: 02min

    I've run lead ads before and I noticed that sometimes they are shareable. In other words, people can click share and when the program started, they shared amongst friends. They shared and we were able to get more leads that way, just from the shares. I noticed this time when I set up the lead ads, the share option was not there...

  • Do you have a solution or any best practices to make ads work for clients in small cities with small audiences?

    19/08/2024 Duration: 09min

    I do marketing services. I run ads for people. I have copy I know works, I used it on several clients. What happens is when I get a client from a small city, it has a very small audience. So the lead ad usually doesn't work. I tried a bunch of stuff and I never actually could get it to work, so I'm wondering if you have any solution for that...

  • What type of lead magnet do you suggest for a high-end video production company?

    12/08/2024 Duration: 02min

    I'm kind of at the beginning, so I was wondering what type of a lead magnet you would suggest for my business, which is a high-end video production company...

  • How do you ease up your workload to focus more on the sales side than the deliverables side?

    05/08/2024 Duration: 03min

    I'm just trying to figure out how to ease up the workload that I have for myself, so I can focus more on the sales side instead of the constant deliverables...which are bananas. Well, which is your strong point? I mean, I've run ads for years, so that's, I mean, I've always, essentially created a new job for myself. I'm going to be the business owner, except I just keep then creating new jobs for myself...

  • Any recommendations for the hiring process when basically looking for a clone of yourself?

    29/07/2024 Duration: 03min

    Do you have any recommendations whenever you were going through that hiring process, what you were looking for? I've never hired that person, 'cause I am that person. So I don't know what necessarily... I'm looking for a clone of myself...

  • Why Marketing Quit Working (And What To Do Instead)

    22/07/2024 Duration: 14min

    We're going to talk about the fact that marketing as we know it has gotten way less effective and what we can do about it, and how to remedy this problem. In other words, how to make marketing stuff work better. This is a big deal, I think, because of a lot of reasons...

  • We've applied your advice in the past to our brick and mortar, and now we'd like to get your advice on the best way to sell this thing in this day and age.

    15/07/2024 Duration: 10min

    What I'm trying to get done now is all of the pieces for this puzzle, and through the years we gathered lots and lots of things. So I'd just like to get your what twos and why fours on the best way to sell this thing now, in this day and age? So, it's been a long time since I've worked with any ass-kickers (that is what I call self defense people). What worked in the past and what probably still works is...

  • How do I go about differentiating myself from the competition?

    08/07/2024 Duration: 02min

    I want to be seen as different, partially because I'm more expensive than other videographers they may have experienced in the past. So how would you go about that, would you want to educate them about that in maybe that first free video?

  • Can you recommend the best online sites for creatives to use to create videos and assets?

    01/07/2024 Duration: 04min

    What is the best place you would recommend to create online assets? So they don't have to develop them over? Like making stuff? Yeah, so you want to make videos? All right, let's see here.

  • Any tips to get people really engaged from the get-go? Should there be a warm-up period?

    24/06/2024 Duration: 01min

    Is there any tips that you can get people really engaged from the get-go? Like I was thinking about starting to bring people in a week or two weeks prior to my challenge to kind of just warm them up. Cause this last time Facebook ads got hung up and basically that day, I did it the day before people got in. Facebook ads got approved. I had 400 people in the group and then I started the program. So I think there's maybe a warm up period?

  • You’ve lost everything and you’re starting from scratch. Your goal is to make $100K as quickly as possible. You’ve got $10K to your name. How would you do it?

    17/06/2024 Duration: 02min

    Here's the question I get all the time... You've lost everything and you're starting from scratch. Your goal is to make $100K as quickly as possible. You've got $10K to your name. How would you do it? Alright. I would, and I advise everyone to do this...

  • Is there an email sequence or best practice to get more people to say yes to a live offer by a deadline?

    10/06/2024 Duration: 03min

    I have that program where it's basically a three month program 5k to a cold audience. I take them through a five day workshop and the people that don't buy within that 24 hour period, I do the expiring bonuses and all that stuff. Is there a mapped out email sequence that you recommend or is there any other way to get more people to say yes, either in my live offer or through emails that you recommend? Just best practices?

  • When creating Facebook video and image ads, should I create regular posts or build them in the ads manager?

    03/06/2024 Duration: 02min

    Should you always create video and image ads as regular posts on your page and then when you create your ad, just select them as an existing post or are there certain times when you don't need to do that? You can just create, upload an image and write the ad copy, right from the ads manager? And is there like a good rule of thumb to know, you know, when to do what? So the only time you want to do it right from the ads manager is always...

  • Do you recommend collecting lead forms directly from Facebook? How do you utilize important but questionable photos within Facebook ads?

    27/05/2024 Duration: 06min

    I've got a client who is doing this diabetes treatment that is unlike any other. It's been around for 20 years, but it hasn't been promoted very well. And, when you're promoting stuff on Facebook, especially in the medical world, the ad got rejected. A number of times I kept kicking back and it finally got approved and this client, they don't really want emails. They want phone calls...

  • Do NOT try to out-work me. (Out-smart me instead.)

    20/05/2024 Duration: 14min

    Do not try to out-work me, out-smart me instead. Over the holiday, I got a message from someone very important to me, and they're going through a good rebirth of business. This individual is experiencing some focus issues and said that one of their ambitions was to out-work me. My immediate response, because I care very much about this person, was "please don't do that. Instead out-smart me." So I say to you, don't try to out-work me. Definitely not from a place of ego...

  • If you were doing a State of the Union today, how would you structure it towards more of an agency application funnel rather than an info product or lower-end product?

    13/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    If you were doing a State of the Union today with a topic like podcasting, or really any, any topic cuz I know so many of the people in this group, how would you structure it if you were looking for, you know, pointing them to more of an agency application type of funnel, rather than like a info product or a lower end product? Or would you strictly do it for a positioning standpoint of kind of putting the entire industry, niche on notice from that perspective?

  • Do you have any tips on how I can engage a beta group that is testing my product to extract the most valid information?

    06/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    I'm trying to find out if you have any tips on how I can engage this beta group and extract as much information as possible so I can really hone in on that viable, what that minimum viable product is. I don't know if I big is the beta group? So there's 30 families now, so 60 individuals...

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