The Change Agents Podcast With Dr. James Rouse



Be on fire with purpose and passion, fully awakened physiologically, emotionally, and spiritually that the truth of who you are is pure light. A living expression of how love gets a chance to show up right here, right now, inside of us together. You can be a Change Agent. Join us.


  • The Helper's High: The Science and Joy of Giving

    07/06/2024 Duration: 06min

    Take a moment and think about what you love to give and how you love to serve. By integrating acts of kindness into your life, you not only contribute to the well-being of others but also enhance your own physical and emotional health. The helper's high is a beautiful reminder of our interconnectedness and the profound impact we can have on the world, one kind act at a time. Embrace the joy of giving, and let the ripple effect of your kindness spread far and wide.

  • Overcoming Barriers to Personal Growth

    05/06/2024 Duration: 05min

    We often find ourselves hindered by the invisible walls we build over a lifetime—walls constructed from childhood experiences, past traumas, self-doubt, and limiting beliefs. These barriers, while initially formed as protective mechanisms, can become the very things that stifle our growth and keep us from realizing our true potential. Childhood experiences, both positive and negative, shape our self-perception and can plant the seeds of limiting beliefs. Trauma, whether acknowledged or buried, can create deep-seated fears and anxieties that manifest as self-doubt, keeping us trapped in a cycle of inaction and stagnation. To break free from these self-imposed barriers, we must first acknowledge their existence and understand their origins. This process often begins with self-reflection and a willingness to confront our fears and insecurities. Practices such as mindfulness, therapy, and journaling can help us uncover and address the root causes of our limitations. Embracing vulnerability and allowing ourselves

  • Embracing Authenticity- The Path to True Belonging

    03/06/2024 Duration: 05min

    When we strive to fit in, we sacrifice our uniqueness, camouflaging our true essence to gain acceptance. Yet, it is only when we have the courage to be vulnerable and showcase our imperfections that we forge genuine connections and find our tribe. Authentic belonging beckons us to honor our truths, celebrate our quirks, and stand confidently in our own skin, knowing that our worthiness is not contingent upon conformity but rooted in our inherent authenticity. So, let us embark on a journey of self-discovery, shedding the armor of conformity and embracing the liberating power of authenticity as we uncover the true meaning of belonging. In Brene Brown's insightful exploration of belonging in "The Gifts of Imperfection," she illuminates the profound distinction between fitting in and belonging. True belonging, she suggests, necessitates embracing our authentic selves rather than conforming to societal norms or expectations.

  • The Ripple Effect of Celebrating Yourself

    29/05/2024 Duration: 03min

    When we take the time to recognize and appreciate the good within ourselves, we unlock a multitude of benefits that enrich our lives. This practice, known as self-recognition, involves acknowledging our strengths, achievements, and inherent worth. By doing so, we increase feelings of worthiness and build resilience, helping us navigate life's challenges with greater ease. Self-recognition reduces stress and anxiety, promoting better mind-body well-being. Moreover, the positivity we cultivate through this practice is contagious, uplifting those around us. Embracing the good within allows us to enjoy a healthier, more fulfilling existence, enhancing our self-confidence, focus, and creativity.

  • Intervulnerability- A Path to Deeper Connections and Healing

    27/05/2024 Duration: 06min

    Intervulnerability is the beautiful concept of shared vulnerability within a community. It emphasizes creating a safe space where individuals can openly share their experiences, feelings, and truths without fear of judgment. This concept is foundational in fostering deep connections and genuine understanding among members of a community, like our treehouse community. Everyone has a story. Everyone has work to do. It's an honor to do the work along side of you.

  • Lessons in Transformation from the Heros Path

    24/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Reflecting on the hero inside each of us offers profound insights into our emotional resilience, neurochemical dynamics, and physiological responses. This exploration not only helps us understand our personal growth and transformations but also connects us to a broader narrative.

  • Engaging the Vagus Nerve to Help Equalize Emotions

    22/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Understanding the vagus nerve and its impact on our emotional well-being can be transformative. The vagus nerve, the longest cranial nerve in the body, plays a crucial role in regulating our parasympathetic nervous system, which helps us relax and unwind. Engaging and stimulating this nerve can help balance our emotions, reduce stress, and promote overall healing.

  • Empower Your Mind - The Role of Self-Recognition

    20/05/2024 Duration: 04min

    Recognizing our daily achievements can be a powerful catalyst. This simple practice not only enhances our mental health but also activates the reward circuitry in our brains, boosting levels of oxytocin—the hormone linked to happiness and social bonding. By writing down three achievements each day, we engage a process that supports our mental and emotional well-being, strengthens our mitochondria, and bolsters our ability to navigate life's stresses. This act of intentional self-recognition not only reinforces our resilience but also fosters a deeper sense of confidence and self-worth. It's a soulful practice that not only celebrates our progress but also illuminates the path forward, helping us to see and believe in our own capacity to thrive even in challenging times.

  • Living Beyond Limits

    17/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    For decades, the four-minute mile was deemed an unreachable peak, a boundary beyond human capability. That was until May 6, 1954, when Roger Bannister, a British runner, shattered this myth by clocking a mile in 3 minutes 59.4 seconds. His achievement didn’t just redefine athletic standards; it transformed our understanding of the possible and the impossible. What made Bannister’s feat so extraordinary was not just physical but deeply psychological. Before him, the four-minute barrier was not just a measure of time but a mental fortress, guarded by the unanimous belief in its invincibility. It took one man’s courage to challenge this collective conviction, to prove that the barriers we assume as absolute are often constructs of our beliefs and fears. Inspired by this pivotal moment in sports history, what if we decided to live our lives by the metaphor of the four-minute mile? What if we challenged our deepest doubts and the invisible barriers that confine our potential?

  • Cultivating Euthymia and Equanimity

    13/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    I have been a student of stoicism for a long time. Ancient stoic philosophy highlights euthymia, inner serenity, and cheerfulness, as pivotal for a purposeful life. According to Democritus, it entails a calm soul, untouched by fear or passions. Seneca expands on this, framing euthymia as belief in oneself and trust in the chosen path, shielding against doubt and distractions. Equally important is equanimity, a state of mental balance amidst life's fluctuations. Cultivating both virtues fosters resilience, clarity, and inner peace. By embracing euthymia and equanimity, we navigate challenges with steadfast determination, paving the way for a fulfilling and purpose-driven life.

  • Confidence in Action- Conquering Procrastination

    10/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Rumination and procrastination often go hand in hand, impacting our self-esteem and mental well-being. Rumination keeps us stuck in thoughts of failure and doubt, while procrastination leads to anxiety and stress as tasks pile up. This cycle undermines our confidence and ability to cope with life's challenges. Procrastination, with its sly allure of momentary relief, leads us down a path of avoidance, where tasks pile up and deadlines loom ominously, fueling anxiety and stress. This toxic duo forms a vicious cycle, each feeding off the other, gradually chipping away at our mental health. To break free, we must first recognize these patterns and practice mindfulness to bring ourselves back to the present. Tackling difficult tasks early can counteract procrastination, boosting our sense of accomplishment and reducing stress. Self-compassion is also crucial, helping us be kinder to ourselves in moments of struggle.

  • From Chaos to Calm- Finding Harmony Through Ultradian Rhythms

    08/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Ultradian rhythms, recurring cycles that occur multiple times within a 24-hour period, regulate various physiological and psychological processes, such as sleep stages, hormone release, and cognitive function. As a coach, I help clients understand and synchronize with these rhythms to optimize their performance, recovery, and work-life balance. Together, we identify peak energy periods and strategically schedule tasks to leverage natural highs and lows.

  • Artistry in Action- Curating Your Best Life Daily

    05/05/2024 Duration: 05min

    Each day is a canvas awaiting our creative touch, inviting us to infuse it with passion, purpose, and authenticity. It's about recognizing that life is not merely lived but crafted—a continuous process of self-expression and transformation. Through mindful choices and deliberate actions, we shape our reality, weaving together the vibrant threads of experience, relationships, and personal growth.

  • Dr. James and Sarah Gilks Change Agents Podcast

    03/05/2024 Duration: 40min

    Sarah Gilks is a well-respected advocate for healthy living and a creator of positive role models in the wellness community. Her work focuses on empowering individuals to embrace healthier lifestyles through practical guidance and inspirational leadership. Join us as we discuss strategies for personal wellness, the importance of mental health, and how to be a transformative influence in one's own life and community.

  • More Than Just a Kiss

    29/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    Integrating simple acts of affection like a six-second kiss and a twenty-second hug into your daily routine can have remarkable benefits for your relationships and overall well-being. A six-second kiss not only strengthens emotional bonds by boosting oxytocin levels but also reduces stress and enhances mood through the release of endorphins. Similarly, a twenty-second hug can calm, connect, and reduce anxiety by increasing oxytocin, lowering blood pressure, and even strengthening the immune system. These brief moments of connection foster intimacy, improve relationship satisfaction, and contribute to physical health, showcasing how small gestures can lead to significant, positive changes in both emotional and physical states.

  • The Eccentrics Path- Believing in the Boundless Possibilities

    26/04/2024 Duration: 06min

    Being labeled as "eccentric" or "outside of the box" is often seen as a badge of honor among creatives and innovators. Adam Grant, in his exploration of non-conformity, highlights the invaluable role these individuals play in society. Eccentrics often pave the way for new ideas and transformations by daring to think differently and challenge the status quo. They don't just march to the beat of their own drum—they create entirely new rhythms that can change the course of industries, arts, and even daily life. These outside-of-the-center thinkers embody the essence of believing in the possible. They see beyond the limitations and norms that confine conventional thinking. To them, the world is a canvas of potentialities. This mindset doesn't just apply to grandiose innovations or artistic endeavors; it also influences everyday interactions and personal challenges. It’s about viewing each moment as an opportunity to enact change, whether in one’s life or in a broader context. Eccentric individuals inspire by show

  • Rituals and Resilience- Insights from the Awakened Brain

    24/04/2024 Duration: 06min

    0In the realm of personal growth and mental health, Lisa Miller's work on the "awakened brain" offers fascinating insights into the role of spirituality and connectedness in our well-being. Central to her discourse is the profound impact of rituals in enriching our lives. Rituals, whether they are daily meditations, weekly gatherings, or seasonal celebrations, serve as anchors, providing structure and meaning to our existence. These practices not only foster a sense of belonging and identity but also enhance our mental resilience. 

  • Becoming an Expert in What Matters

    22/04/2024 Duration: 03min

    What really matters is the life we live right now.

  • Transforming Possibilities into Realities

    19/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    Recognizing unrealized potential is not just about acknowledging what we can become—it’s about actively engaging in the transformative work required to realize those possibilities. As we commit to the necessary efforts to evolve, we open ourselves to the full spectrum of personal development. This journey is not about a frantic scramble to meet external expectations but a deliberate process of aligning our actions with our deepest aspirations. When we accept the challenge to transform potential into reality, we step into a dynamic cycle of growth—where what we can be, we must be, not out of obligation, but out of a desire to fulfill our true capabilities.

  • Embracing the Unknown- Overcoming Fear to Welcome Change

    17/04/2024 Duration: 05min

    When we contemplate change, the amygdala—the brain's fear center—often activates, fueled by memories of past failures and negative experiences. This activation can paralyze us with fear, overshadowing our thoughts with doubts about potential outcomes. However, once we take the initial steps toward change, these fear centers begin to dim. By actively moving forward and facing our fears, we can clear the path for our brains to overcome these anxieties. This shift not only diminishes the power of fear but also empowers us to embrace new challenges with a clearer, more confident mindset.

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