Genetic Jackpot



The keys to our past, present and future.


  • Episode 11: A further discussion about genetics and weight loss

    01/09/2018 Duration: 23min

    In this week’s episode, Shannon and Nick have a follow-up discussion concerning genetics, diet and weight loss. Included in the discussion is the role genes can have in weight loss, but why it’s not the only factor. Plus, Nick elaborates more on his 300-pound weight loss journey over the past six years.

  • Episode 10: How secure is your genetic information online?

    17/08/2018 Duration: 21min

    Data breaches are all too common today, ranging from retails to credit companies. In June, we learned that MyHeritage had a data breach that impacted 92 million users. How serious was the database breach and how can you fight back and prevent the damage? In this episode, we talk to Burton Kelso, a cyber-security and technology expert out of Kansas City to discuss data breaches and possible solutions.

  • Episode 9: Exploring the link between weight loss, diet and genetics

    05/08/2018 Duration: 37min

    How important are your genes when it comes to fitting in your jeans? In this week’s episode of Genetic Jackpot, we explore how genes can impact obesity and the food you like. We speak to Emily Brown of Genetic Garden about how your genes, diet and overall health can be connected. We also have a discussion about the obesity gene and while it may exist, it doesn’t serve as a permanent road map to your life and Nick shares his story of his 320-pound weight loss journey.

  • Episode 8: The backlog of thousands of untested rape kits

    23/07/2018 Duration: 24min

    Statistics show that one-in-six women will be raped or sexually assaulted in their life. On average, there are over 300,000 rape cases annually in the United States. A "rape kit" is one of the first steps a victim can take in helping authorities find justice in their case. Unfortunately, there have been over 225,000 untested rape kits discovered across the country, most recently nearly 5,000 found in Missouri. Victoria Pickering from the Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault organization in Kansas City joins us to discuss the importance of the kits and how so many of them have been untested.

  • Episode 7: Chicago news anchor's journey to Africa for answers

    23/05/2018 Duration: 36min

    For many, online records and databases can serve as our primary source of research into our families following a DNA tests. Many others, unfortunately, do not have that option. WGN anchor Cortney Hall spoke to us about her journey to Senegal after a DNA test revealed she was of Senegalese Mandinka ancestry. She shares her story with us, then we chat about the unique difficulty African-Americans can face when researching their own history.

  • Episode 6: Helping younger generations become aware of DNA

    08/05/2018 Duration: 23min

    Back when we were in high school, we learned what was known about DNA through boring textbooks and lectures. Thankfully for today’s high school students, there’s a new way to become aware of DNA. Throughout the nation, undergraduate students are traveling to high schools to help students learn and become aware of the power of DNA. They’re using interactive modules in their efforts. We spoke with Lynn Villafuerte, Assistant Director of Graduate Program Services at the University of Kansas, about this and the future of DNA.