Nite Ev Sermons



Sermons from Nite EV Church focusing on the life changing message of Jesus from the Bible.


  • Messy Families


    Misshaped loves: sex, love, children. Jono McKeown shares from Genesis about God and the only Love that can truly satisfy.

  • Jacob I Loved


    A father's influence can shape a family. Andrew Heard shares with us from Genesis how God reveals what he is like as our good Heavenly Father and his determination to bring blessing on whom he chooses.

  • Faith in the promise


    God asks Abraham to sacrifice Isaac, his son on whom all the promises of God rest. Andrew Heard helps us understand this confronting account which points us to what relationship with God is actually about.

  • The turning point (the promise)


    Jono McKeown takes us on a fly through of the whole Bible, where we see who God is and why we can trust his word.

  • Outside the garden


    Could humanity really be "only evil all the time"? Jez Reynolds speaks on life outside the garden and consequences of sin, and God's overarching plan not just to save Noah from the flood but also us today.

  • The Fall


    Speaking on Genesis 3, Andrew Heard helps us understand original sin and that even in our rebellion, God gives to humanity. God gives to care for us now and makes a promise that will cover our guilt and shame forever.

  • Relationship


    In Chapter 2 we see another perspective on creation - detailing God's creation of man and woman - his good design for our world, for our Good. Andrew Heard discusses the differences between our contemporary culture's message about men and women, and the Bible's message to us.

  • In the beginning, God


    Why are we here? Has science disproved God? Jono McKeown begins the series in Genesis with these questions and more.

  • How do you know you're a Christian?


    Grahame Fuller takes us through the book of 1 John where we see the central work of Jesus death that brings us confidence, alongside the practical evidence in our life of belief, obedience, and love.

  • How do you know you're a Christian?


    We ask ourselves, what does God want from us? How do I know if I've done enough? Dave Jensen helps us wrestle with our rejection of God and the Bible's clear solution, the gift of grace Jesus' death gives us - eternal assurance!

  • Test yourself


    The last episode in this long running drama. Will all the loose ends be tied up? Paul hopes to but yet he has deep fears. What can we learn from what he fears?

  • Spend and be spent


    Messy love for Jesus' Church. Jono McKeown speaks on spending, building up, and caring for the souls of others.

  • Power in weakness


    Dan Ford takes us through one of the great paradoxes of the Christian faith from 2 Corinthians 12:1-10 - only when we are weak can we be strong.

  • EV Night


    Paul says he loves them, so why is he telling them they are wrong? It's loving, because there is a serious danger to our sincere devotion from seductive deception. So we need spiritual discernment.

  • EV Night


    How can we recognise God's power? How do we know when God is at work? We learn from 2 Corinthians 10 that it is possible to look in the wrong places and make the wrong judgements about God's workings in the world. Todd Parry-jones shows us how Paul urges the Corinthians to see God working in the proclamation of gospel truth!

  • The Harvest of Generosity


    Jono McKeown speaks on the good life - the generous life.

  • Honour your mother


    Jesus teaches us to honour our mothers, biological and spiritual. Andrew Hayes looks at what that means and how a mothers love points to Jesus.

  • EV Night


    Dealing honestly with money so often reveals the reality of our sinful human nature. Andrew Heard challenges us from 2 Corinthians to be aware of human sin, to live in a way that minimises risk, and to look forward with hope to the future we have with God - free forever from sin and temptation.

  • EV Night


    Back into 2 Corinthians, Chapter 8 begins with Paul's plea for the Corinthians to be generous in response to the grace given through Jesus. Andrew Heard shows us this is not a 'command' about money but a challenge to the heart attitude of generosity.

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