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Podcast Tiara Kumara assisting your phases of spiritual development and self realization.


  • Module 4: Upgrading Biological Feedback

    17/07/2015 Duration: 08min

        with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     The body is a divine instrument, it knows how to evolve, it knows how to convert sunlight to power up the body. We just have to give it tiptop energetic support and clear messages of where you are directing it to go. We also have to listen to the body. Keep in mind that your etheric body is working closely with the physical body. Everything is happening first in the etheric. Keep programming your intentions and desired resonance into your spiritual self. It will eventually manifest into the physical much quicker than you may think!  

  • Module 4: Practical Ways to Shift Resonance

    17/07/2015 Duration: 13min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     Our bodies are a microcosm of the planetary fields, and so, in order for this incoming encodement to happen smoothly and with as little upheaval as possible within us, this new energy requires an expanded and stronger communication feedback system so that it can encode and transfer the new information harmoniously and without interference. It seems that in order make this transition into a new energetic life matrix, our memory fields have to shift to such a degree that we are no longer living in the patterns that define us as cultural, or, control us through a rigid linear reality.

  • Module 4: Morphic Resonance Challenges

    17/07/2015 Duration: 15min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     Within the human body, this shifting of systems presents some very sensitive challenges. Mixing 'new patterns of organization' with old memory fields can create some disorder especially if we are dealing with corrupted scripts that are cemented into place by the genetic code. The body's communication systems can get confused as to where to read the code and what string of information contains the correct sequence...

  • Module 4: Morphogenetic Fields and Morphic Resonance

    17/07/2015 Duration: 08min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     The big question to ponder is… which morphogenetic field is sustaining you? What and where is your vibrational resonance?  Resonance is a quality that makes something personally meaningful or important to you, so much, that you vibrate in alignment with it… thereby "filtering out" all other frequencies that are also present. Everything is here and now, all dimensions are simultaneously present. Your vibrational resonance determines what dimensional matrix you choose to place yourself into.

  • Module 4: Welcome to the Seal of Resonance

    17/07/2015 Duration: 04min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module   This module is packed with juicy information and its overall purpose is to give you very practical ways to put yourself through a genuine dimensional consciousness shift, on all levels. This is not just in your awareness, but also in your entire energetic bio-field and physical reality. You are shifting now into immortal morphic resonance and a completely different matrix of sustainable living. Get ready, because this greater shift is upon you.

  • Module 3: Live According to your Preferences

    13/06/2015 Duration: 10min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     Live according to your preferences and what gives you joy. Any direction that excites you the most, and that gives you that full body YES, is the pathway to your next step.  Just walk through that door of excitement, without any hesitation.    When you act upon this inner feeling state, you actually ground and center in the alchemical field of "now". This instantly opens the door for more information to reveal. Simply by acting only upon whatever it is that YOU prefer, and what gives you inner jubilation… you can master the game of life. 

  • Module 3: Activate your Bliss Blueprint

    13/06/2015 Duration: 09min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     Bliss is the prime fundamental vibration of creation. It is the eternal, forever unchanging reality that permeates the universe. Bliss is your birthright. This equates to the highest level of natural ecstasy, a sense of total connectedness. It is the most central of all truths. Bliss illumines a clear path back to the totality of your God Self. One could say that the idea of enlightenment is simply to vibrate yourself as a bliss driven blueprint. If you can do this, you are in union with the vibration of All That Is.

  • Module 3: Self-Empowered DNA Activation

    13/06/2015 Duration: 05min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     DNA Activation helps you to actualize more of the Greater Self into the physical form. You are advancing into a pristine attunement with all different levels of dimensionality… of yourself! This is done by consciously tapping into the templates that will allow the DNA strands that exist physically within you, to become more fully aligned. This will assist the body to build stronger neurological circuitry with ability to translate higher dimensional etheric energy into physical expression.

  • Module 3: Recoding the DNA

    13/06/2015 Duration: 10min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module   Positive shifts of perception and new feeling states trigger DNA activation. Moreover, when we consciously engage with the living intelligence of DNA, it gets majorly stimulated and starts pushing out the greater potential that is held within the latent code. Just as we are merely sequences of a four-letter code, the basis of life is very simple.  We change and transform all the time. We are constantly redefining ourselves. From every one of these consciousness shifts, we are literally changing our code. As we shift our perceptions, cell biology changes. Our vibration increases. DNA base letters rearrange.

  • Module 3: Building your Crystalline Matrix

    13/06/2015 Duration: 09min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     The next rung for all of us on the evolutionary ladder is to make transition into multidimensionality, which means that we can perceive beyond the veil of the physical world. To do this, we have to be supported through a different type of energy body makeup, that is, shall we say… less dense and one that can hold the more subtle and finer vibrations. Many people on the spiritual path call this the light body. This type of blueprint refers to an energetic biochemistry that supports expanded DNA structure. It is a crystalline or silica-based, spirit body that electromagnetically links your human self with your higher, etheric counterpart.

  • Module 3: The Emerging Crystalline Harmonic

    13/06/2015 Duration: 09min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     Like the caterpillar in a chrysalis, crystallization is a vibration achieved through a very personal metamorphic process. I am sharing about a transition into fearless living… one that is held in the arms of love at all time. This brings us into heighten states of clarity and impeccability. As clarity increases, we are able to more fully access the spectrum of DNA encodement to expand into a vaster expression of beingness.

  • Module 3: Welcome to the Seal of Encodement

    13/06/2015 Duration: 08min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module...     The purpose of this module is to get you moved beyond the body's 'memory fields' that keep you bound to a limited blueprint, one that has been programmed by hereditary traits, belief systems and human habits. Through this third module, you will: * Recode, repattern and reprogram your energetic matrix. * Self-empower the activation of your body of light. * Install your higher dimensional energy system. * Connect more of your crystalline circuitry.  * Recode the DNA and activate dormant DNA substance. * Build a stronger life force energy field.

  • Module 2: Developing Expanded Sense Perception

    12/05/2015 Duration: 15min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     Through the program of Morphogenesis, we are learning how to gracefully evolve our consciousness through the higher senses, those that open as we embrace more expansive views. As 'Divine Humans'; we function through both the human senses and a more refined sensory mechanism that develops as a result of the opening crystalline seals. Inherent within us are certain mental faculties designed to bridge our human consciousness into the expanded realms of the multi-dimension. These divinely attuned instruments assist us to see beyond the form and to interpret our environment from a completely different feedback mechanism.

  • Module 2: How to Thrive with your Higher Mind

    12/05/2015 Duration: 15min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module     Through the program of Morphogenesis, we are learning how to gracefully evolve our consciousness through the higher senses, those that open as we embrace more expansive views. As 'Divine Humans'; we function through both the human senses and a more refined sensory mechanism that develops as a result of the opening crystalline seals. Inherent within us are certain mental faculties designed to bridge our human consciousness into the expanded realms of the multi-dimension. These divinely attuned instruments assist us to see beyond the form and to interpret our environment from a completely different feedback mechanism.

  • Module 2: Your Real Mind is not located in the Brain

    12/05/2015 Duration: 05min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module   Our consciousness has been trained to perceive through the five human senses. This has prevented us from tapping into other worlds or dimensions that exist just beyond the range of our normal perception. We are unaware of them because our minds are not consciously vibrating at these higher levels. To open the seal of perception, the one belief that must disintegrate concerns how we view the consciousness as something that is inside our body, perhaps located somewhere in the brain. We are multidimensional beings! Our consciousness exists outside of the physical body, even outside of the physicalized world. It transcends time and space as part of the one quantum mind.

  • Module 2: You are a Creator God in Training

    12/05/2015 Duration: 05min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module   Physical reality reflects of the strongest idea that you have of yourself. This is why it is said that all realities lie within you. You do not exist in physical reality. It exists within you. Belief, emotion and thoughts form the ego structure that allows you to function as a physicalized representation of your vast consciousness.  

  • Module 2: Life is made up from Projections of Consciousness

    12/05/2015 Duration: 03min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module   Consider that we exist inside a program that we believe is real because our brains tell us it is. As the main viewer, we are essentially living out our own version of a virtual reality game. This experience is being played out within a matter bubble that is constantly reflecting back to us, our thought vibration. Everything around us represents the thoughts that we have emanated into this creation field. You are really just a miniscule extension of your higher vibratory self, expressing itself in a slower vibrational state. Face it, you are only a projection of consciousness. So, have fun with this and see how far you can go with the highest thoughts that you can imagine!       

  • Module 2: Physical Reality is a Frequency of Vibration

    12/05/2015 Duration: 06min

        with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module While it seems to appear impenetrable, physical reality is not real. It is purely a frequency of vibration. We are now removing the convincing perceptual lens that locks us into the loops of conditioned belief. Most limitations in life are created based upon all of the materialized appearances that we see and regard as real. Physical reality is only what you make of it. Everything is energy; everything is malleable; everything is you. Outer reality always reflects the inner reality and the perceptions that are held within the consciousness. We are only projecting this experience called physical reality. It is not happening “to” us but through us.

  • Module 2: Welcome to the Seal of Perception

    10/05/2015 Duration: 05min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to Guided Audio Meditations for this module   The purpose of this next module is to help you break free from the prison of perception that keeps you confined to self-limiting thought programs.  We keep ourselves bound up by what we see with our eyes and by what we can touch, smell and hear. We have been greatly limited by what is rationalized and logically understood. Through this second module, you will learn how to: Break free from the mold of the polarized perception. Move beyond the boundaries of the five human senses. Bridge the brain with the knowing mind Attune to you multidimensional energy hologram. Make transition into a new thought structure. Self-actualize expanded sense perception  

  • Module 1: Reality is a Reflection of Your Beliefs

    02/04/2015 Duration: 12min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to guided audio meditations for this module  The meaning that you choose to give life, completely determines what kind of a story you will experience. Life is a direct product of your definitions about it! YOU are in control of its mirror by what you perceive to be true. As a powerful creator, to change any pictures in your manifesting reality, simply shift the thought that holds the belief in place. Reality reflects your state of mind. State of mind is the fuel to manifestation.  As you perceive, life expresses.

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