I Am Avatar



Podcast Tiara Kumara assisting your phases of spiritual development and self realization.


  • Module 1: Your Body is a Universe

    02/04/2015 Duration: 06min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to guided audio meditations for this module Your body is an entire ecology that has the ability to bring about accelerated biological evolution. This is done through coherence with your total self, and attuned loving thought given to that 'totality' of self. This is a main key to unlocking the power to self-actualize into anything you want to be. Always remember, your consciousness does not reside inside the body. The body is held within the consciousness!  You are the creator of your physical reality, including your very own bodies. Therefore, you have the ultimate governance over all of the activities that take place in your physical form.

  • Module 1: Group Mind is your Greater Aspect

    02/04/2015 Duration: 12min

     with Tiara Kumara... Go to guided audio meditations for this module Your personality is impermanent; therefore, it is not real. It is only a minuscule reflection of its inclusive nature within another more expansive umbrella. The only real, lasting substance is that part of your consciousness that pristinely vibrates to an all-encompassing group tone. In essence, you are part of a bigger conglomerate comprised of many souls. Through this program of Morphogenesis, you will learn how to connect to and maneuver from your higher mind.  Your higher mind is a group mind, and this group mind is your greater aspect of Self.

  • Module 1: You Exist Now

    02/04/2015 Duration: 03min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to guided audio meditations for this module Perceive and know your self in the purity of presence. When you do, your limitless nature can be discovered. You can free yourself from the mind that wants to define reality through the past or the future.   This is one of the most important keys to strengthening coherence with your whole-listic biological self. Know your self as a vast, multidimensional being who continually recreates itself into timeless realities on many levels of vibration.

  • Module 1: Your Consciousness is Eternal

    02/04/2015 Duration: 03min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to guided audio meditations for this module Remember, your consciousness resides inside the body of God awareness. You are eternal and free. You exist and will always exist, changing forms many times. There is only life. The idea of human death is merely a transition into other forms of consciousness and realities. It is to absolutely know, without any fiber of doubt, that you do not die and neither are you reborn. Your consciousness is vastly interconnected and it is eternal. The body simply falls away when it is no longer needed in a physical reality experience.

  • Module 1: You are God in the Flesh

    02/04/2015 Duration: 04min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to guided audio meditations for this module It is vitally important to remember that you are not separate from God, as Source Consciousness. You never have been and never ever will be. This is impossible. You are an individualized consciousness that resides inside the body of omnipresent awareness. You are within God and God is within you. You are one unified whole. Ponder this deeply. At all times, you are contained inside the body of perfection, of incomprehensible love, and benevolent grace!    

  • Module 1: You are a Microcosm of the Macrocosm

    02/04/2015 Duration: 07min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to guided audio meditations for this module By consciously uniting your microcosmic self with the macrocosmic whole, a supreme union is achieved. It is then that all things are made possible. Through coherence, you learn how to use your connection consciously to tap into the same power that drives the entire universe. When you see yourself as a 'web of awareness', the brain rewires itself to be a more precise receiver of the frequencies that mirror your truer vibration. Your reality becomes more and more crystallized along a particular frequency attunement of coherently connected consciousness. As a result, all other things naturally fall away that are not of that vibration. You shift into a new matrix… with new dreams, new visions and many amazing synchronicities that meet your every emanating thought.

  • Module 1: Welcome to the Seal of Coherence

    02/04/2015 Duration: 09min

      with Tiara Kumara... Go to guided audio meditations for this module This is a very important first module! The Seal of Coherence is the foundational overlay to our biological mutation and the one that, when opened, creates a needed vibrational base for the synergistic unlocking of all of the other Seals.   Again, these seals within us are portals of consciousness that we are activating and expanding through as a pathway to actualize our greater potential. Opening this seal helps you to:   Integrate the Greater Self into your physical expression Recalibrate your entire energy body so that you can embody the vibration of oneness, permanently. Build stronger coherence with your whole-listic self as a vast, multidimensional creator being. Know that YOU are the creator of your reality and all of its reflections. Learn how to tap into the same power that drives the entire universe.

  • What are the Crystalline Seals?

    17/03/2015 Duration: 04min

    with Tiara Kumara...Certain expanded perceptions hold the master key to unshackle the body and by way of the internal 'crystalline seals'. These energetic seals comprise the frequency overlays that give passageway to the dormant DNA programs that are tightly coiled up, lying within the chromosomal strands. These are 'seals of perception' that live in the dynamics of our ever-changing consciousness. When we expand into seeing the bigger picture, a domino effect of activations occurs within the biological body.

  • Program Summary ~ Opening the Seals

    17/03/2015 Duration: 13min

    with Tiara Kumara... MORPHOGENESIS is an educational curriculum designed to accelerate your transition into an evolved blueprint referred to as, the Avatar Consciousness. An Avatar is recognized as a sort of 'superhuman' due to the actualized supernal knowledge and mastery over the human program.   We are opening the biological 'Crystalline Seals' through a series of synergistic unlocking mechanisms purposed to activate dormant DNA encoding. This is an alchemical formula developed around a systematic process of release from the main carnal blocks that keep you bound to the human story.     

  • Introduction to Morphogenesis

    17/03/2015 Duration: 10min

    with Tiara Kumara... Get yourself unlocked! Your physical biology contains a treasure chest of cellular encoding that holds the template to your eternal magnificence. It's time to get your body universe released from the ironclad chains to experience a different reality of a much more colossal measure. Morphogenesis is an experience of sacred alchemy triggered through the elixir of expanded perception!

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