Trans Resister Radio



Author and digital filmmaker Aaron Franz hosts this podcast about transhumanism, social manipulation, the occult, and much more.


  • Marc Andreessen Techno-Optimist Manifesto, AoT#403

    26/10/2023 Duration: 01h03min

    Marc Andreessen isn’t just some stuck up old one percenter. He’s a lot like you and me, hatin’ on the Malthusian globalists who want to control the world with population reducing environmentalism. Jump on board the Techno-Optimist train today to arrive in Abundance Town tomorrow! Topics include: Dallas trip, taking stock, Revolve book, transhumanism, converging technologies, esoteric side of technology, alchemy, religion, occult, alternative and fringe groups, conspiracy minded billionaires, Marc Andreessen, Silicon Valley, tech industry, Techno-Optimist Manifesto, one percenters, contrarian thinking, link between tangible and intangible, leisure time afforded by wealth, population levels, Libertarian ideology, Accelerationism, Philosopher’s Stone, abundance, dominant minority, market structures suit those in power, CEOs and politicians are lackeys, insider trading, artists, philosophy, technological supermen, Nietzsche, sustainable development, Limits of Growth, Club of Rome, Agenda 21, climate change, globa

  • Wasting Away the American Way, AoT#402

    20/10/2023 Duration: 55min

    We are too slow to catch up to the world now that it has begun learning how to run itself.  Topics include: American foreign policy, propaganda from multiple sources, influence operations, technology, drone warfare, inexpensive weapons, old songs, meme culture, intellectual property, virtual worlds, convergence of all media, AI imagery, artificial intelligence, prompts, social media, YouTube houses, shock jock TV shows, Subway franchising, entrenched establishments won’t adapt fast enough, F35, Silicon Valley, waste became the establishment, pollution, lack of efficiency, defense budget woes, machine automation, economy, impossibility of eliminating debt, brokering debt dissolution deals, computer hacking cyber attacks, economic information deleted

  • The Future of Retail, AoT#401

    12/10/2023 Duration: 54min

    Retail crime is making headlines these days. Are retail stores doomed, or is the future of retail just around the corner?  Topics include: live show, anti-trust lawsuits against tech companies, retail theft, fear of crime, future retail store, brick and mortar vs online retail, warehouse, interactive displays, augmented reality, AI customer service, Game Theory, autonomous machines, surveillance, privacy, MAGA, Hillary Clinton, presidential election, violent rhetoric

  • Super Four Hundred Party Supreme, AoT#400

    05/10/2023 Duration: 01h04min

    It’s the four hundredth episode of The Age of Transitions podcast. Topics include: Newt Gingrich, Age of Transitions essay, America, politicking, media, dueling narratives, civil rights movement history, BLM, scapegoats, crime, racism, alternative media, perceptions as reality

  • Influence Ops Prop Shop, AoT#399

    01/10/2023 Duration: 59min

    Influence operations have made us go to war with ourselves.  Topics include: cyber security, national security, digital terror attack, war propaganda, torture, Guantanamo Bay, 9/11 trials, Saudi Arabia, New World Order, technology, weapons, AI, influence operations, China, civil war, no ideological cohesion, gates, meta verse, virtual reality, converging media, entertainment, brutal justice

  • Truth In Reverse, AoT#398

    17/09/2023 Duration: 56min

    Who wants to help trample truth into the ground, and replace it with a hideous imposter? Join the party, everyone’s doing it.  Topics include: Ochelli Radio Network, other networks, conformity, censorship, freedom of speech, phone lines in jeopardy, JFK Lancer, misfit among misfits, no regrets, odd choices, success, day job allows freedom on the microphone, give audience benefit of knowledge from the other side of the speakers, shrewd business masked in virtue signaling, alternative media, 9/11 Truth Movement, attention for its own sake, confrontation videos, out of context and unprompted 9/11 questions, transhumanism now popular to comment on, happy on the sidelines, frauds, talking vs listening, inertia behind bad narratives, BS sells, religious devotion, tech overlords being horrible believing themselves to be benevolent, self actualization, individuality, complete reversal on certain talking points, hatred of Islam, martial law is great if it keeps the right person in power, police state, many actually wa

  • Narrative Fandom, AoT#397

    09/09/2023 Duration: 55min

    Law and order for the people, and total criminality for their leaders. Fair is fair.  Topics include: alternative media, Truth Movement, narrative fandom, guest spots, 2024 presidential election

  • Politics Is Radical Dude AoT#396

    23/08/2023 Duration: 57min

    Freedom means throwing your neighbor in a gulag if they go against the will of “our president”. The Constitution is a Christian document written by Jesus, and predators will be herbivorized. Yes, it’s true, Heaven on Earth is upon us.  Topics include: hurricane, climate change, The Storm, QAnon, Trump indictments, 2024 election, Georgia, threats against judge, Grand Jury doxxed, 18 codefendants, Hunter Biden, Joe Biden, indictments help Trump gain popularity, entrenched political establishment two parties, Russian moon mission, grand narrative, serial killer, Trump fans radicalizing themselves, what even is alternative media, meaningless labels, Herbivorize Predators, paradise engineering

  • Ike Warned Us, AoT#395

    17/08/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    Dwitght D. Eisenhower’s famous farewell address to the American people is played here. Aaron, Chuck and Jimmy give some commentary on it.  Topics include: call in to the live show, AI, LLMs, microphone, URLs, X, Meta, Eisenhower farewell speech, MIC, technology, inventors vs massive grant funded labs, classic Republican, more cohesive public sentiment in the past, democracy, informed citizenry, upward mobility used to be possible, performance

  • Sam Aydlette interview, American Values, AoT#394

    09/08/2023 Duration: 59min

    Author, Sam Aydlette returns to the show to talk about his new book, “American Values.” Take a road trip deep into the undercurrent of the American psyche, and see what may emerge from the shadows.  Topics include: Sam Aydlette author, writing, brevity, blurring lines between metaphor and reality, Stratosphere casino and hotel, Las Vegas, Big League Chew, Curt Schilling, coming to terms about dangers in world, perception vs reality of Iraq war, admitting when you are wrong, road trip narrative, synchronicity, media talking points, intelligence community, connecting with readers

  • The New Old Guys In Town, AoT#393

    02/08/2023 Duration: 01h18s

    As technological capacity keeps building we are being reminded of the many new possible threats to national security. Where is this all leading and who is profiting?  Topics include: global tension, Cold War 2.0 term, American foreign policy, Eric Schmidt, Silicon Valley becoming new MIC, DIU, profiting off of government contracts, Doug Beck DIU director fomerly Apple executive, emerging technology, new arms race, defense budget, Ike MIC speech, Ellul, technique requires funded big laboratories, cyber version of 9/11, reactionary media a problem, possibility of homegrown open source tech, communication breakdown, idolotry, STEM vs the humanities, college attendance down, online interactions, research into life extension, aliens and UFOs, congressional hearing

  • Talking Shop with Chuck and Chris Graves, AoT#392

    27/07/2023 Duration: 01h31s

    Chuck, Chris Graves and Aaron discuss podcast production, and news at the Ochelli Radio Network. This gig isn’t as economical as it once was, and it isn’t even the gig economy, or is it? We may have missed that when it happened.  Topics include: Ochelli Radio Network, broken microphone, using the knobs, audio equipment, dollar store microphone, Disney video game microphone, promo products made in Asian countries, polka dot design idea, new Uncle IG videos, new shows coming to network, Chris Graves, guests charging appearance fees, Stuttering John, Sgt Slaughter, RFK Jr speaking fee, Dallas JFK conference trip, big budget podcast producers, over-saturation of podcast market, Cameo show bumpers, Jerky Boys, Captain Janx

  • Podcasts EXPOSED, AoT#391

    12/07/2023 Duration: 58min

    The facts have been thoroughly checked, and podcasting has been exposed. Learn the real truth here on this show, and not on any other shows. This show isn’t a podcast, it is an expose of podcasts.  topics include: internet could change, semiconductor manufacturing, Taiwan, TSMC, US military buildup in South China Sea, 2024 election, desire to use US military against Mexican drug cartels, defense budget, technology at center of global conflict, possible new hardware for computing, training AI, possibility of incredibly boring future optimized by AI and surveillance tech, group psychology, Soros replica son, celebrities with fertility issues, artificial wombs, AI prompts, fact checking, podcasting exposed

  • Eternal Life Right Around the Corner, AoT#390

    07/07/2023 Duration: 58min

    Zardoz was a cool vision of the future. Let’s do that one.  Topics include: transhumanism, technology, continuum of the present, life extension, basic healthcare incredibly difficult to attain, dominant minority beneficiaries of high tech healthcare, cost of living, artificial meat, Zuckerberg and Musk cage fight, Wagner Group head run out of Russia, Myanmar, cobalt, Saudi Arabia purchase of pro sports, Chinese entertainment approval, attention as an asset, extreme tedium of AI training, Wizard of Oz

  • Splitting the Atomized, AoT#389

    22/06/2023 Duration: 01h04s

    You can fool most of the people all the time. That’s it.  Topics include: Ochelli Radio Network swag bags, camping in Sequoia National Forest, power of nature, natural and artificial worlds, transience of life, metaphysics, matter and energy, void, subjective life, creation coming to life, echo chambers, atomized society, digital life, Cult 45, ease of conning masses, conscious vs subconscious, autonomous wheel, computers, algorithms, machine learning systems, dread of future, remixing remaking and rehashing everything, physical and virtual immortality, psychedelic world, alchemy, possibility of authoritarian government, political order

  • Abundantly Clear, AoT#388

    08/06/2023 Duration: 01h58s

    The Venus Project might bring an abundance of something, but first let’s talk politics.  Topics include: Neuralink, competing with AI, brain implants, transhumanism, F35 spare parts missing, MIC, Red Team complains about government spending except for defense budget, politics don’t make sense, drone simulation kill operator, out of context, AGI a smokescreen, Peter Diamandis, techno utopian stance harder to promote today, Zeitgeist Movement, Venus Project, abundance nonsense, creativity allows you to realize there are other approaches, depression, infinite possibility, philosophy of society, optimism, life extension, food preservatives, oil, scary Democrats, politics of division, media

  • AI Gold Rush, AoT#387

    30/05/2023 Duration: 59min

    Red Pilling ourselves to the point where Social Security numbers are mere zeros and ones for us to bullet time jump through.  Topics include: Ochelli Radio Network donation swag, big things happening right now, LLMs, deep fakes, AI generated imagery, motion pictures, legislation to halt AI development, Promethean Fire, Social Security numbers, identification, AGI, Ellul, the system molds us, mass man, mass confusion, ubiquitous propaganda and misinformation, social media, internet of the past, AI Gold Rush, gold symbolism, metaphor equal to or greater than reality, Stewart Rhodes and other false prophets

  • Particle Ion Interview, AI Art Just the Start, AoT#386

    11/05/2023 Duration: 59min

    Particle Ion was Aaron’s collaborator on the TransAlchemy blog/website. It has been over a decade since then, but some of the topics discussed on TA are only just now becoming big news stories.  Topics include: TransAlchemy, making videos, Singularity Summit 2009, Ai art, Midjourney, intellectual property, ChatGPT, LLMs, writer’s strike, actors, deep fakes, Ai generated movies, music, impossible to trust imagery now, internet, metaverse, VR headsets, virtual reality, transhumanism, social media, Twitter, Elon Musk, AGI vs narrow Ai, machine learning, intelligence, consciousness, scientific method, software, AI writing code, hacking, intangibles, occult side of tech, existential threat

  • The Philosopher's Theory, AoT#385

    03/05/2023 Duration: 01h17s

    The practice of science requires philosophical impetus. Every meaningful action we take is predicated by an idea. This is how the intangible alters the physical.  topics include: science, alchemy, scientific theories, ideas, mysticism, Great Work, Philosopher's Stone, Tucker Carlson

  • A Machine's World, AoT#384

    26/04/2023 Duration: 01h05s

    Living in a machine’s world makes an obsolete man out of all of us.  Topics include: Columbus 9/11 Truth Group, truthing, film fest, Wind Storm 08, drive to California, Google Video views, interview requests, The Obsolete Man, burning DVDs, computer programming languages, Tandy, early PCs, Windows OS, knowledge limited to using app interfaces, machine world, Battlestar Galactica, training algorithmic systems, AI bias, Elon Musk, internet troll ethos, 3D printing, sculpture, 3D modeling, Fusion 360, art, JFK, martial law for freedom, military dictatorship, Smedley Butler

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