Biz Women Rock! With Katie Krimitsos

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 281:13:12
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Biz Women Rock: Inspiring interviews with the world's most incredible Business Women! Our guests share how they started their businesses, how they've grown them, lessons they've learned, failures and successes they've had, business practices they implement, how they stay motivated and ultimately what makes that fire inside of them burn!


  • Kate Northrup Says Do Less and Stop Trying to Rush

    12/08/2019 Duration: 35min

    Oh girl, you are in for a dose of feel good wisdom here.  Kate Northrup joins me today and we’re having a conversation about what it means to DO LESS in your business and your life.   Kate’s the New York Times Bestselling Author of Money: A Love Story and Do Less: A Revolutionary Approach to Time and Energy Management for Busy Mamas.   Kate embodies what I love so much about women...she is ambitious, vulnerable, driven, honest and wants to help women transcend into our next phase of joyful living.   During our conversation, Kate talks very openly about… Why doing less is so important for women today How to discover what YOU really want vs. what others want for you or what your past self would have wanted. to cultivate a stillness practice that allows you to stay in tune with your inner voice.  How she implements the 80/20 rule in business so she only does the 20% of things that bring her the biggest results...and ONLY those things! A massively challenging season she had last year with her husband

  • What Is Your End Game? With Rochelle Walk

    05/08/2019 Duration: 36min

    I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Rochelle Walk (whom we call Shelly) since 2010.  At that time, she had just quit her high level corporate job the Chief Administrative Officer & General Council for a very big company and was in her first phase of starting her own law firm.   Since then, Shelly has gone through multiple phases of her business, constantly building her company into the next phase of growth.   As of the recording of this podcast, Shelly recently merged with Aegis Law, a firm that she hired a headhunter to find so she could implement her succession plan.  This was after 6 years of successfully growing the Walk Law Firm. During this conversation, Shelly shares… Why she hired young attorneys who were right out of law school and why this added so much value to her business. How she made big pivots in her business when things didn’t feel right or weren’t in line with her vision. How she doubled down servicing a very special niche of business, focusing on tech and ecommerce businesses and how that

  • A New Approach to Getting Things Done

    29/07/2019 Duration: 17min

    For many, many years now, I have talked about a few foundational practices that I have used to get things done.  To be productive and efficient.   Time blocking, batching, focusing your energy, prioritizing your tasks, etc.   And they’re all really smart strategies and have worked in a nice combination for me over the years.  Until recently.   Blocking out time, dedicating certain times and days for certain activities, batching content creation...none of it’s working for me right now. With an 8 month old baby and a 3 ½ year old daughter, mommying has taken up more of my time than usual.  More times than I can count, my perfectly planned blocked times have been pushed aside to accommodate sick kids, changing schedules or have even been exchanged for “catch up” time for me to chill and recover before I can shift my energy into business.  My ideas to batch content and create 4 podcast episodes at once are thrown out the window because I am exhausted after just one interview or writing just one meditation for the

  • Your First Big Live Event: Behind the Scenes of She Podcasts Live with Jessica Kupferman

    22/07/2019 Duration: 30min

    In 2014 Jessica Kupferman and Elsie Escobar started a Facebook Group called She Podcasts.  They did it because they both knew so many amazing women podcasters and wanted to create a place where they could all help each other.  As the group grew and grew, the community continued to ask for one thing: an event to bring them together.   And although they attempted to a few times, nothing really ever took off.   Until this year.   The first ever She Podcasts Live is happening on October 10-13, 2019 in Atlanta, Georgia.  Check out for more information.  During our conversation, Jessica is talking very openly about what that process of getting her first live event off the ground has looked like.   She shares… What the first few attempts at live events have been and why they just didn’t seem right.  The tough conversations she and Elsie had to have as business partners to figure out how they were going to create this event.  Why Jess decided to launch a Kickstarter campaign for She Podcas

  • Money & Marketing - Creative Ways to Grow Your Audience & Make Money with Your Podcast

    15/07/2019 Duration: 25min

    Today’s episode is a bit out of the box...I’m sharing a live presentation I did recently for the Florida Podcaster’s Association.  It’s called MONEY & MARKETING: CREATIVE WAYS TO GROW YOUR AUDIENCE AND MAKE MONEY WITH YOUR PODCAST. If you’re a podcaster, or want to start a podcast, it will definitely be worth listening to.  But even if you’re not a podcaster and you’re creating content...all of these principles can be adjusted to fit your particular experience.   Money and Marketing are the TWO sexiest topics in podcasting...and in business in general.  So my intention is that these tips will either be a little outside of the box for you, or if you already have heard these concepts, that I will be approaching them from a different angle or getting you to think about them a bit differently than usual.   Ultimately, I want you to walk away from this episode with a desire to focus on JUST ONE of these and commit to trying it out!

  • The REAL Power of Automation

    08/07/2019 Duration: 26min

    I’ve been marinating on this topic for a loooong time, my friend.   This conversation is heavily influenced by my friend Cate Stillman’s book Body Thrive (which I highly recommend!).  You can check it out here:   This is about more than an email autoresponder series.  This is about managing your energy so you can show up as the best CEO you can be.  I’m talking today about the true power of automating habits and tasks in your business and your life.   Automating habits relinquish your energy from having to worry about certain activities over and over again.  Which then frees up energy for you to do the things you LOVE and that move your business (and your life) forward! Here are 10 things you can automate: Cleaning the house - who’s in charge of what chores?  Kendra Hennessey’s Mother Like a Boss podcast is perfect for getting more efficient with how you run your home!  Meal Prepping - spend 1-2 days each week making your food for the week Check out my

  • How to Prioritize the REALLY Important Tasks

    01/07/2019 Duration: 13min

    During this solo episode, I’m going over 3 questions you can ask yourself to determine where your time is best spent in your business! Because when you get REALLY clear about your top priorities, you know exactly how to spend your precious time: on the tasks that move your business forward fast! I recommend writing down ALL THE THINGS you have on your plate...all those tasks and to-do’s that are swirling around in your head.  Then...ask yourself these 3 questions... Do I LOVE doing this? Does it bring me joy?  Does this light me up? Is it profitable? Does it bring money into my business? Is this contributing to the future vision of my company and life?  Is this work that lends itself to the future vision I have of my business? The tasks that have YESES to ALL of these questions are your top priorities.   Now...go get busy blocking out time in your calendar to work on them! The ones that got even 1 NO? Those are the ones you need to de-prioritize.   Take a look at them and decide if you can delegate them,

  • How She Recovered From the Worst Case Scenario and Created a Business She Loves in the Aftermath with Christine McAlister

    17/06/2019 Duration: 42min

    I often use the strategy with clients called “what’s the worst case scenario?” It’s an exercise for them to play out the absolute worst possible outcome to something they’re go all the way down that worm hole so they can ultimately see that the worst case scenario actually isn’t that bad.  It powerfully removes fear so they can start taking intentional action. But sometimes in business and in life...the worst case scenario actually happens.  And it actually is horrific and scary.  And changes everything.   Christine McAlister had the worst case scenario happen to her back in 2015.  At that point, she had grown a very successful business and was pregnant with her first baby, Mave.  At 37 weeks, she went in for her routine checkup and was hit with news that would forever change her life.   The worst case scenario had happened...and she...and her business would never be the same.   During our conversation, Christine shares the very personal and touching story about what happened with Mave and wh

  • Manifest What You Want

    10/06/2019 Duration: 14min

    In January 2019, I did a Facebook Live series inside our private Facebook Community called Plan Your Big 2019.  Over 5 days, I talked about simple steps you could take to do ensure you had your biggest year yet in business. I’m bringing those videos out of the privacy of our group and onto the podcast for two big reasons: Because each of these concepts I’ll be going over in the next 5 weeks are truly timeless.  It doesn’t matter what month or year it can easily come back to these steps and get yourself re-focused and moving towards what you want in an intentional and productive way. Because this is typically the time of year when we realize that life has just sorta “happened” over the past few months.  We’re far away from the days when our heads and hearts were in the juice of envisioning what we really wanted to create. Whether we find ourselves a few degrees off of the course we want to be on, completely off track, or maybe even totally clueless as to what the hell we even wanted all those months

  • Create Your Purposeful Marketing & Action Plan

    03/06/2019 Duration: 27min

    In January 2019, I did a Facebook Live series inside our private Facebook Community called Plan Your Big 2019.  Over 5 days, I talked about simple steps you could take to do ensure you had your biggest year yet in business. I’m bringing those videos out of the privacy of our group and onto the podcast for two big reasons: Because each of these concepts I’ll be going over in the next 5 weeks are truly timeless.  It doesn’t matter what month or year it can easily come back to these steps and get yourself re-focused and moving towards what you want in an intentional and productive way. Because this is typically the time of year when we realize that life has just sorta “happened” over the past few months.  We’re far away from the days when our heads and hearts were in the juice of envisioning what we really wanted to create. Whether we find ourselves a few degrees off of the course we want to be on, completely off track, or maybe even totally clueless as to what the hell we even wanted all those months

  • Design Your Dream Schedule

    27/05/2019 Duration: 22min

    In January 2019, I did a Facebook Live series inside our private Facebook Community called Plan Your Big 2019.  Over 5 days, I talked about simple steps you could take to do ensure you had your biggest year yet in business. I’m bringing those videos out of the privacy of our group and onto the podcast for two big reasons: Because each of these concepts I’ll be going over in the next 5 weeks are truly timeless.  It doesn’t matter what month or year it can easily come back to these steps and get yourself re-focused and moving towards what you want in an intentional and productive way. Because this is typically the time of year when we realize that life has just sorta “happened” over the past few months.  We’re far away from the days when our heads and hearts were in the juice of envisioning what we really wanted to create. Whether we find ourselves a few degrees off of the course we want to be on, completely off track, or maybe even totally clueless as to what the hell we even wanted all those months

  • What Are You Selling?

    20/05/2019 Duration: 17min

    In January 2019, I did a Facebook Live series inside our private Facebook Community called Plan Your Big 2019.  Over 5 days, I talked about simple steps you could take to do ensure you had your biggest year yet in business. I’m bringing those videos out of the privacy of our group and onto the podcast for two big reasons: Because each of these concepts I’ll be going over in the next 5 weeks are truly timeless.  It doesn’t matter what month or year it can easily come back to these steps and get yourself re-focused and moving towards what you want in an intentional and productive way. Because this is typically the time of year when we realize that life has just sorta “happened” over the past few months.  We’re far away from the days when our heads and hearts were in the juice of envisioning what we really wanted to create. Whether we find ourselves a few degrees off of the course we want to be on, completely off track, or maybe even totally clueless as to what the hell we even wanted all those months

  • Simple Ways to Get Clear on Your Goals

    13/05/2019 Duration: 15min

    In January 2019, I did a Facebook Live series inside our private Facebook Community called Plan Your Big 2019.  Over 5 days, I talked about simple steps you could take to do ensure you had your biggest year yet in business.   I’m bringing those videos out of the privacy of our group and onto the podcast for two big reasons:   Because each of these concepts I’ll be going over in the next 5 weeks are truly timeless.  It doesn’t matter what month or year it can easily come back to these steps and get yourself re-focused and moving towards what you want in an intentional and productive way. Because this is typically the time of year when we realize that life has just sorta “happened” over the past few months.  We’re far away from the days when our heads and hearts were in the juice of envisioning what we really wanted to create. Whether we find ourselves a few degrees off of the course we want to be on, completely off track, or maybe even totally clueless as to what the hell we even wanted all those mo

  • 8 Productivity Hacks to Speed Up Business Growth with Nicole Carver

    06/05/2019 Duration: 31min

    I know we hear about productivity so much and how being more productive is how we will ultimately be successful in business. But sometimes, all that lip service about productivity can detach us from what it actually looks like to be productive in your business! That’s why I’m bringing the amazing Nicole Carver on the show today. She’s sharing a total of 8 productivity hacks that she has intentionally implemented over the past year that have helped her grow significantly! Not only is she identifying the hacks, but how they actually look in her business. It’s a true case study for business growth told through the lens of productivity! Nicole is the CEO of Carver Concierge, an agency that provides personal concierge and lifestyle management services to clients such as managing the laundry, household tasks, organizational projects (like moving or Holiday decorating). They entrust Nicole and her team to still get these necessary things done and done well! I’ve had the pleasure of being Nicole’s coach and business

  • How to Transition into a New Phase of Business with Luann Nigara of Window Works - The Great 8

    29/04/2019 Duration: 40min

    It’s going to take you all of 5 seconds to fall in love with Luann Nigara.  She’s a brilliant woman entrepreneur who’s been running Window Works, a company that provides custom window and awning treatments, for over 30 years.  In that time, she and her two partners - her husband and her cousin - have grown to 3 locations in New Jersey (and then retracted back into their one hub store), managed a growing team and dealt with just about every entrepreneurial experience along the way.   Back in 2015, Luann launched her podcast, A Well Designed Business, a show where she marries her love of business and interior design and talks to folks in her industry.  And from the podcast, an entirely new business has emerged...private coaching, masterminds and live events.   And even though this type of business model is all new to Luann, her strategy behind all of it is incredibly INTENTIONAL.   During this incredible conversation, Luann and I discuss why she started her podcast as a TRANSITIONAL PLATFORM and how she saw it

  • The Power of Storytelling and The Biz Results It Brings with Dawn Fraser - The Great 8

    22/04/2019 Duration: 45min

    Dawn Fraser blew my mind on today’s episode and I know you’ll feel the same way after listening.  Because we’re not just talking about “how to be a better speaker” or “how to build a speaking business,” we’re talking about storytelling.  The art of a story...of your story...and how infusing your marketing, your website, your talks and your conversations with YOUR STORY is a seriously powerful way to grow your business. Why?  Because sharing our stories gives us an opportunity to deepen CONNECTION.  And it’s that connection that drives the “know, love and trust” factor through the roof!   And it won’t take you very long to see why Dawn is such a genius at storytelling.  She’s been teaching and coaching others on the power of storytelling for a long time, works with The Moth, has a show and upcoming podcast Barbershop Stories, has given a tremendous TED talk and works with so many entrepreneurs who want to better infuse storytelling into their business so they can have better results. During our conversation, D

  • The Anatomy of a Successful Sales Funnel with Dana Malstaff of Boss Mom - The Great 8

    15/04/2019 Duration: 40min

    I’ve been a fan of the Boss-Mom podcast for awhile now and I knew I had to get its host and Founder of the Boss Mom Movement, Dana Malstaff on my podcast to share her wisdom with you.  Truthfully, we could have just recorded our pre-interview bantering about all things business and it would have given you a fly-on-the-wall view of how passionate, serious and strategic we both are at growing our businesses (and perhaps at some point I’ll take my recorder with me to a happy hour with some of my fellow women entrepreneurs!). But for the sake of today’s episode, I wanted to give you access to Dana’s brilliant knowledge on SALES FUNNELS. To some, they’re scary.  To some, they’re overwhelming.  To some, they’re the lifeblood of their business!  Whatever a funnel is for you, I promise you that today’s episode will give you a ton of information about how to create a funnel that works FOR your business - i.e. brings in more revenue, builds deeper relationships with your potential customers and more!   During this inte

  • Being True to Yourself on the Business Journey with Vegan Chef Leslie Durso - The Great 8

    08/04/2019 Duration: 44min

    After spending a week in Italy with Vegan Chef Leslie Durso, there was no way I could NOT bring her on the podcast!  Leslie describes herself as a “level 5 Vegan,” meaning that she’s intense about all things vegan - no meat, no dairy, no animal byproducts, plant based...the whole package.   But I would expand her description and tell you that she is a Level 5 Human Being. She shows up in her life and in her business so powerfully and gracefully that I wanted to make sure you got the chance to know a bit more about her and her philosophies.   When Leslie started her blog in 2010, she had no credentials.  She was not a trained chef. She was not a nutritionist. She had not gone to culinary school.  But she did have the desire to establish herself as an expert in her field and an insane drive to bring plant based eating to the world.  A few months later, and with the realization that tens of thousands of people were coming to her site, she got serious and creative and started her career as a Vegan Chef.   Now, Le

  • How to Scale from Just You to a 7 Figure Agency with Lauren Davenport of Symphony Agency - The Great 8

    01/04/2019 Duration: 35min

    I’ve had the pleasure of watching the incredible growth of my friend Lauren Davenport for years now.  Her company Symphony Agency is in my backyard (Tampa/St. Petersburg) and I’ve seen her go from a solo service provider to running a multi 7 figure business with 20+ employees.  Symphony Agency ( is a full service marketing company that provides innovative strategies and implementation for their clients, both digitally and traditionally.  But it didn’t start that way.    During this incredible interview with Lauren, we get deep into her journey as an entrepreneur.  How she started in 2010 as a social media strategist and manager (that’s what we would call it now...back then it didn’t have quite that sophisticated of a title) and why she uprooted her entire business and moved to a city where she knew NO ONE (there was a very strategic business reason behind this!).  She shares about what she did to establish herself and her brand in a new market and how she eventually learned how to su

  • The Journey of Finding Your Purpose with Cathy Heller - The Great 8

    25/03/2019 Duration: 43min

    This episode will be soul food for you.  Cathy Heller and I are discussing the truth about the business journey not from the vantage point of strategy or how-to.  But from the heart. From the space of knowing that you are unique and have a purpose here in this world unlike anyone else’s and how to be on that journey of discovery in the most beautiful way.  Oh yeah...we’re going deep. Cathy is the creator of the popular podcast Don’t Keep Your Day Job.  She interviews very well known people like Seth Godin, Martha Beck and Jenn Sincero (You Are a Badass) who discuss openly about their lives, their creativity and their journeys.  She is a musician and writes music for TV, ads and film, has an agency to help other musicians do the same and also has a course to help even more musicians it as well. She’s a mom of 3 and full of love. Her 7 figure business was not created overnight, though.  And during this incredible conversation, you’ll hear all about her continuing journey and why it’s been a spiritually motivate

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