Rain City Church



Be sure to subscribe to hear weekly messages from Pastor Jesse Butterworth and the Rain City Church team in Bellevue, WA.For more information, please visit us at www.RainCityChurch.com


  • WEEK 3 | Jesus Doesn't Want You To Go To Church


    We are 100% certain that Jesus does not want you to go to church.  In fact, according to Jesus, it is impossible to go to church.  Pastor Jesse unpacks how Jesus came to turn the Old Testament model of worship inside out and what it means to be the Church Jesus intended us to be.

  • WEEK 2 | Jesus Didn't Come To Build A Subculture


    Christians have their own music, movies, books, clothes, stores, radio stations, conferences and celebrities, but is this sub-culture really what Jesus intended for the His Church?  Pastor Jesse looks at the way that Jesus defines a sub-culture and how He's calling us to join His counter-culture.

  • WEEK 1 | Jesus Doesn't Need More Christians


    Many people say that they are “Christians”, but it seems that what that word actually means changes with each person that you ask. Pastor Jesse looks at how Jesus defines what it means to follow Him and what that means for us today.

  • WEEK 4 | The Right Approach To What's Approaching


    Most of us live every day like heaven can wait. But what if God is preparing a place beyond our wildest dreams for us to spend eternity with him?Pastor Matt shares a message about how the hope of heaven can help us take the right approach to what’s approaching.

  • WEEK 3 | Being Fully Present In The Present


    If anxiety is caused by trying to control things that are out of our control, then how is it possible to live without anxiety and be fully present in the present? Pastor Jesse unpacks 3 strategies Jesus gives to have peace and joy in the present moment.

  • WEEK 2 | Getting Past Your Past


    Like dragging a clunky, overloaded piece of luggage through a long & crowded airport, it’s impossible to get the most out of today when you're dragging the baggage of your past around with you everywhere you go, everyday of your life.

  • WEEK 1 | It's Time For A Change In Time


    No matter who you are, whether you’re rich or poor, young or old, male or female, everybody gets 24 hours in a day.  But not everyone experiences that time with the same amount of fulfillment and satisfaction.

  • WEEK 3 | Feeling Too Far Gone?


    When the Christmas season rings hollow, and comfort and joy are just meaningless words, the birth of Jesus brings a surprising message to those of us who feel that we’re too far gone.

  • WEEK 2 | Homeless For The Holidays?


    There are times in life when you feel like you’re stuck on the outside looking in and wondering if God is punishing you for something you’ve done.  Pastor Jesse takes a fresh look at a familiar Christmas story to show that God has good news for the outsider.



    No matter who you are, or what you believe, everybody’s been through a season where it seems like God Is Nowhere.  Pastor Jesse looks at the great winter of soul and what it means that God Is Now Here.

  • WEEK 6 | #staymarried To Your Man


    R-E-S-P-E-C-T, find out what it means to… your husband. Respect is a core need that every man desires, so we’ve asked 6 husbands to lay out the 6 things that every man needs to hear to feel respected.

  • WEEK 5 | #staymarried To Your Lady


    If you want to #staymarried to your wife, loving her is a great place to start. But, is it enough? Today Michelle shares 6 essential ways to express that love and have a vital, long-lasting marriage.

  • WEEK 4 | #staymarried In the Bedroom


    The horizontal mambo can be a tricky dance for couples to keep up, but Pastor Jesse lays out 3 Biblical strategies to keep the fire alive in the bedroom.

  • WEEK 3 | #staymarried At the Bank


    Arguments about money are by far the top predictor of divorce, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Pastor Jesse shares 4 questions that you’ve got to answer as a couple so you can stop fighting about money and start enjoying financial peace.

  • WEEK 2 | #staymarried To Each Other


    10.05.14 #STAYMARRIED-STAY MARRIED TO EACH OTHER 28:46 Special guests Craig & Rachel Terrill, the former Seahawks Defensive Tackle and his wife the Love Doctor- no seriously, she is a relationship coach with a PhD in Love and Relationship Studies, share the 6 strategies for affair-proofing your marriage.

  • WEEK 3 | Hearing Aids


    Jesus uses the phrase “He who has ears to hear, let him hear” 15 times in the Bible, yet when it comes to conflict, we seem to have lost our ability to actually listen to others and stay present in the conflict. Pastor Jesse and therapist John Sloss unpack what it means to really listen and stay present in tough situations.

  • WEEK 2 | Fight Or Flight?


    When it comes to conflict Jesus says that we need to work toward peace, but how do we do that when we have a natural fight or flight instinct within us? Pastor Jesse and Dr. Marsha Schrage look at ways to identify your conflict style and how to take practical steps to improve it.

  • WEEK 1 | The Ancient Art of Conflict Resolution


    Most of us could teach a class on how to avoid conflict, but if we actually listen and obey Jesus’ teachings, we see that avoiding conflict is not in the cards. Pastor Jesse kicks off this new series by answering 4 key questions about conflict.

  • Step 5- Focus On Their Performance, Not Their Character


    Are we subtly teaching our kids that what they do is more important than who they are? Pastor Jesse looks at the 4 questions we can help our kids answer to deepen their character.

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