Rain City Church



Be sure to subscribe to hear weekly messages from Pastor Jesse Butterworth and the Rain City Church team in Bellevue, WA.For more information, please visit us at www.RainCityChurch.com


  • Step 4- Only Teach Them What To Think, Not How To Think


    Questions and doubts about our faith are inevitable and can actually be quite healthy for our spiritual growth. As parents, are we teaching our kids to lean into these questions and doubts, or are we only giving them a list of rules to thoughtlessly conform to?

  • Step 3- Be Their Best Friend, Not Their Parent


    In a ME generation, it is far too easy to get so focused on ourselves that we end up making parenting all about us, ignoring what’s best for our kids. Pastor Jesse looks at the A,B,C’s of narcissistic parenting and what the Bible says about correcting the problem.

  • Step 2- Be Mute About Money


    Pastor Jesse presents a Biblical stewardship system to take all of the stress out of teaching your kids about money.

  • Step 1- Don't Teach Them About God


    Pastor Jesse launches the series by encouraging us to look for ways to teach our kids to connect with God outside of just an hour on Sunday. Whether you’re a parent, a teacher, a leader, or someone who works with kids, this series is full of practical, Biblical principles to help build kid’s character and help them grow closer to God and others.

  • WEEK 4 | What's It Like?


    Bill Butterworth concludes our series about Heaven by looking at what the Bible has to say about our current earthly struggles and how they contrast to the eternal completeness we’ll have in Heaven.

  • WEEK 3 | Where Is It?


    Is it only a destination in the afterlife? Or is it something we can experience in this life? Kyle Hamar looks at Jesus’ teaching on Heaven and how it is closer than you think.”

  • WEEK 2 | Am I Going There?


    Pastor Jesse looks at the 3 traditional views of hell and what Jesus had to say about it.

  • WEEK 1 | Is It Real?


    Everyone has questions about heaven. Is it real? Am I going there? Will we be living on clouds, strumming harps? Will my dog be there? Is there sex in heaven? Pastor Jesse opens this series by talking about how God is preparing us for a place and preparing a place for us.

  • WEEK 7 | Hooked On Having More


    Feel like you’re stuck in the cycle of never having enough? Jesus gives us clear direction on how to punch consumerism & materialism in the face and live a truly blessed life.

  • WEEK 6 | Hooked On Being Busy


    When did being busy become a badge of honor in our society? If you’re sick of the crazy pace of your life and are ready to de-clutter, make time to listen to this message and put Jesus’ words into practice.

  • WEEK 5 | Hooked On Work


    In a culture that encourages and rewards Workaholics, it’s difficult to draw healthy boundaries and still maintain productivity. Pastor Jesse talks about escaping the exhausting Cycle of Work and embracing the Cycle of Grace.

  • WEEK 4 | Hooked On Porn


    Porn is one of the fastest growing industries in the world and is aggressively getting thousands of people addicted each month. But that doesn’t have to be you! Pastor Jesse shares spiritual and practical ways that you can find hope and healing from this powerful addiction.

  • WEEK 3 | Hooked On My Apps


    Ever feel like you’re constant tech surfing is actually drowning you? Pastor Jesse looks at 5 questions from scripture and helps us take practical next steps to find a healthy balance with our technology.

  • WEEK 2 | Hooked On Food


    Does your relationship with food make Kanye & Kim’s relationship look healthy? No matter where you’re at on the health spectrum, Pastor Jesse & Licensed Therapist Rachel Lund give us some tools to better understand what we’re really craving.

  • WEEK 1 | Hooked On Fairytale Romance


    Everybody hopes for happily ever after with someone else. The only problem is, it doesn’t happen on this side of heaven. Pastor Jesse talks about how we can liberate ourselves from this common myth.

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