Eternal Leadership



Our mission is to equip and inspire leaders to accomplish what God has inspired in them. There comes a point in life where one desires to live a life of significance. The Eternal Leadership podcast brings you expert thought leaders on life, business, relationships and faith to provide clarity and solutions to the complex issues leaders face every day!


  • 016 Judy Robinett | How to Be a Power Connector

    29/01/2015 Duration: 41min

    There is deep value in creating meaningful relationships. It is through building relationships that we can truly be servant leaders and add value to others. Our guest Judy Robinett shares how she went from a shy small-town girl to the pinnacles of the business world by doing just that. Judy shares practical steps on what it means to give before you get! Judy Robinett shares how to build a network based on serving others. This is a critical factor for success in business, ministry and in life. She grew up in a small town in Idaho of less than 300 people, so she has had to put in the time, effort and energy to build her network.  In addition, Judy had to overcome her shyness and emotional scars from years of being bullied in school.  Judy shares the turning point that created a shift in how she viewed relationships that changed the trajectory of her life. The key is knowing the value of relationships and how to connect with people to build and solidify those relationships. She says it boils down to a few things

  • 013 Jeff Spadafora - From Smoldering Discontent to Lasting Joy!

    10/01/2015 Duration: 49min

    Click here for a copy of the book Halftime for FREE A Halftime Journey From Success to Significance  “There was this giant dissonance between the life I was living, which was joyless, and this pathway of joy so clearly outlined in the Bible. And I said, “How am I going to bridge this gap? How am I going to reconcile this?”-Jeff Spadafora So many people “have been brainwashed into thinking that the key to happiness is to make as much money as you can as fast as you can,” begins Jeff Spadafora in this inspiring and enlightening message of how to integrate your career with your God-given gifts and purpose. He relates how we mistakenly tend toward a “binary vision” of thinking that we can only choose the marketplace or the mission field, when in fact there are multiple ways that we can remain in our current platform and still be fully obedient to God’s plan for us. We can “bloom” right where we are currently planted!  “Live an integrated life, where your Tuesday afternoon board meeting self is the exact same s

  • 012 Andy Mason - Transform Your Business by Building Champions

    04/01/2015 Duration: 48min

    Register for the Heavan in Business Conference Here To See the World Transformed We Have to Focus on Building Champions “I had some cracks in my foundation, [thinking] that my identity is in external success and performance and not that success is based in Christ in me - the hope of glory.” –Andy Mason What do you do when everything you thought you trusted in changes? Andy left behind his house, salary, career, friends, and everything he knew to follow God’s direction to move to a new land. He suddenly found himself without a blueprint for success. Feeling like he was wandering in the desert, Andy realized that he had to learn how to allow God to speak louder than his own internal voice of doubt. He needed to change his mindset as a Christian from the performance mindset he had in business to one of dependence and waiting on God. Andy always felt that it was he that was reaching up and holding on to God with all of his might. When Andy saw the painting you see pictured here, he had a profound revelation: Go

  • 011 Ken Eldred - Silicon Valley Entrepreneur of the Year on Perfect Alignment

    30/12/2014 Duration: 44min

    Ken Eldred Silicon Valley Entrepreneur of the Year Author   - Integrated Life  - God is At Work What if we could resolve the exhausting struggle between work, family, and spiritual life? What if we recognized a deep connection between faith and business? What if biblical values weren’t roadblocks but actually the source of successful business? What if the real goal of business were more noble than maximizing profit? What if we could see our everyday work as having spiritual value? What if we could approach it as ministry? What if it were our calling, a calling as high as that of a pastor or missionary? What if God cared deeply about our work and wanted to be involved? And what if we could even partner with him in our business? Many of us believe the key to resolving the tension between work and faith lies in a more balanced life. Pursuing balance is important, Eldred explains, but that noble effort still leaves us with compartmentalized lives. We still sense that all

  • 010 Tim Brown - Jumping Into The Parade and Victory over Depression

    21/12/2014 Duration: 47min

    The Power of Second Chances  Depression It is something that many struggle with and find it hard to get help for.  When you are depressed, you can feel so stuck that the future feels hopeless.  In this interview Tim shares practical steps on how to make those small steps forward that will bring back hope in your life.  "Tomorrow is a new day, a day of second chances--and it is up to us to go ignite that!" - Tim Brown Leaders typically find it hard to admit weakness, be vulnerable and ask for help.  Tim shares his inner journey through hell back to a life of joy and fulfillment.  After the financial crash of 2008 Tim lost over $55 million in assets as he watched forces beyond his control decimate the company he had built.  Tim's identity came from his role as a CEO, his view of his competence and how he was seen by his peers.  He had been so focused on his identity and business that his marriage fell apart as well.  Feeling that he had lost everything there were two distinct points where Tim considered just

  • 009 Dan Meylan - A Business Plan For Kingdom Impact

    16/12/2014 Duration: 42min

    Dan Meylan talks about how to strengthen the fabric of your business and make a significant Kingdom impact through business. Through this Dan started Weavers with a goal of equipping 10,000 leaders to develop significant Kingdom businesses. A big part of being effective in his journey is through the Christian leadership organization Pinnacle Forum

  • 008 Cliff Ravenscraft - Find Your Calling and Achieve Your Dreams

    11/12/2014 Duration: 42min

    Would you like to impact millions! “I want to have an impact in so many people’s lives…that when I die, there’s not a building big enough to hold all of the people that want to come from all over the world.” –Cliff Ravenscraft In this episode, Cliff Ravenscraft shares how he discovered his true calling in life. He reveals how he had exchanged his relationship with God for a relationship with the institution of the church, information about God and a moral code of conduct. At a crossroads in his life, he chose to “divorce” these relationships and embrace God’s love instead. This enabled him to begin living in accordance with his favorite Scripture, 1 Peter 3:15: “…Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect…” He now wakes up every day and says, “God, show me how limitless your love is for me…even if I continually sin, show me that you still love me.” It is with this love that he is able to love and inspi

  • 007 Coaches Corner with Jeff Spadafora from the Halftime Institute

    05/12/2014 Duration: 28min

    Success to Significance Click here to get Halftime – From Success to Significance FREE.  We’ll even pay the shipping! Coaches Corner Our goal is to add value to you by addressing the questions you have submitted.  Please comment below so we can include your question on the next episode!The goal of coaching is to accelerate a leader’s development.  Coaching speeds learning time, enabling leaders to make significant leaps in learning and behavior change in a matter of months rather than years. “Too many people focus the better part of their lives on the wrong things: the company’s agenda, other peoples’ ideas of success . . . money. Over time, this leads to frustration and emptiness. True freedom comes as a people discover their God-given design and pour themselves into service for others.”  –Jeff Spadafora   Halftime Institute   Click here to get Halftime – From Success to Significance FREE.  We’ll even pay the shipping! Why are we doing this?  This is one of the most impactful books I have ever read.  It ch

  • 006 Kevin Knebl - How to Create Massive Success

    27/11/2014 Duration: 40min

    True Success Through Nurturing Relationships “People of integrity expect to believed and when they are not, they let time prove them right.” – Kevin Knebl In this episode, world-renowned businessman, speaker and author Kevin Knebl shares the key to his incredible success. Kevin has the heart of a true servant leader. In each of his relationships, Kevin takes a sincere interest in others and what is important to them. God has given him a deep desire to connect with others; his success has been a natural outcome of that desire. “I realized that if I created and nurtured relationships, I’d never worry about business. There would be an endless pipeline of referrals, there would be more business than I could handle, and that’s absolutely what God has manifested in my life.” –Kevin Knebl Kevin lives each day fully in the present moment. He trusts God completely for his success and his future. Listen as he teaches you specific steps to do the same in your life. You will learn Why you should focus on your attitu

  • 005 Peter Wagner - Christianity or Business, Must I Choose?

    23/11/2014 Duration: 35min

    People of the church and people in the business world often have a difficult time relating to one another. Furthermore, a businessperson who is also a Christian may often encounter roadblocks to walking out his or her faith in the marketplace, often coming from those in his or her very own church! Dr. Peter Wagner explores the history of this disparity and the possible solutions to closing the gap between the traditional church values and the business culture. He discusses the need for mentorship from those who do understand “the rules” in both cultures and can help bring them together.  “The leaders of the nuclear church understand only one rulebook…furthermore, many of them think that the rulebook of the extended church is wrong.” –Peter Wagner   In this episode, you will learn:  The history of the church movements in the workplace and where they went wrong How you already have your own ripe mission field in your workplace and the keyword is service How we as Christians need to reject the old paradigm th

  • 004 Amy Everette - One Thing for Powerful Business Breakthroughs

    19/11/2014 Duration: 28min

    Business leadership can be a lonely place.  Amy Everette shares how she has experience incredible breakthroughs and miracles through one simple change in her business.  Prayer As co-owner and Chief Prayer Officer of Marketplace ROCK, Amy Everette is dedicated to seeing people, businesses and whole industries transformed for the Kingdom of God, empowered to positively impact the world. She is a marketplace and ministry leader with a heart and passion for bringing God’s people together AS ONE, in the spirit, through prayer (John 17). Her business, ministry and personal life are interwoven with prayer and a desire to see people healed physically, spiritually and emotionally… setting them free to fulfill their destiny in God’s Kingdom. In addition to her spiritual strength, Amy calls on 26+ years of experience in management consulting, call center operations, relationship management technology and sales/management skills training bringing a wealth of knowledge and guidance to business people in all industries. Th

  • 003 Steve Haynes - National Security Advisor to Four Presidents and Founder of Faith@Work

    16/11/2014 Duration: 53min

    Steve's journey of faith and how he was able to lean in to God during the hardest of times will inspire you. Read more about Steve's journey at After a tour as a special forces tunnel rat in Vietnam, Steve Haynes had a remarkable business career.  At the height of this he received a call. The call was from the White House where he became the National Security Advisor to Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43 and Obama.   Steve felt a calling to take his experience and minister to those in the workplace.  He left government to join The Navigators and started the Faith@Work ministry that serves over 55,000 business people every week.   

  • 002 John Ramstead - How to Develop an Extraordinary Life

    13/11/2014 Duration: 53min

    John has been married for 25 years to his best friend and has three incredible boys.  It has been three years since a near fatal accident has changed the trajectory of his life.  Without the incredible support of God, his family and amazing friends he wouldn’t be the person he is today. As he recovered he sought direction on why God saved him and what He now wants John to do.  God gave John a new calling: take the life He’s given him and pour it into other leaders to equip and inspire them to work in His Kingdom. John's twenty-five years as a Navy fighter pilot, entrepreneur, Fortune 500 management team member and board chair has led him to serve others towards extraordinary lives, businesses and a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Join the conversation at Eternal Leadership  

  • 001 Matt Heard - Living a Life of True Significance

    13/11/2014 Duration: 48min

    Matt Heard shares a transformational journey with us.  Matt was the senior Pastor of Woodmen Valley Chapel in Colorado Springs the last 12 years. He resigned last year to write an incredible book titled 'Live with a capital L'.  I John 10:10 Jesus states " I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."  Matt shares in a compelling way how to live a full life that we all long for.

  • 000 Introduction to the Eternal Leadership Broadcast

    13/11/2014 Duration: 12min

    There comes a point in life where one desires to live a life that is filled with significance.  If you are on the journey of living life to become all that you were created to be, this is the podcast for you.   Eternal Leadership, with John Ramstead and Steve Reiter, will equip you to achieve success personally, professionally and spiritually.  This show provides expert input to bring clarity to the complex issues you face every day. Subscribe and join our community to find guidance, coaching, mentorship and discipleship.

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