Jupiter@nite Mp3



Jupiter@Nite: Jupiter Broadcasting's nightly video show that wraps up your entire day. Finish the day with us on the live stream, or kick off your morning with the final word from last night's show!


  • Spin-Off Tech | J@N | 5.4.11


    Most NASA inspired tech spin-offs you know about, some you may never have realized, and a few commonly thought invented for Space simply got good publicity!

  • He’s Dead Jim | J@N | 5.3.11


    How has the Internet reacted to Osama bin Laden's death? From conspiracy theories, humorous anecdotes, and misquotes, we cover it all!

  • Private Space Flight | J@N | 4.27.11


    Heather joins us once more to discuss the X-Prize, Space-X, Virgin Atlantic, and all other means of projects and undertakings being pursued by the private space sector. We’ll talk about space tourism, NASA’s involvement, and even cover a bit of history on where the whole shebang started, and how far it has come in such a short time.

  • SETI Shutdown | J@N | 4.26.11


    Today the SETI project announced they’d be suspending the search for alien signals indefinitely today. We look at what it would take to start this project back up, and why the timing of this shutdown is so critical! Plus we chat about what this really means for the long term life of the SETI@Home project.

  • What if you could... | J@N | 4.21.11


    Tonight we ask the question of our age: If you could have a single super power, which would it be and why? Tonight the guys take on this defining question with their bold answers! Not satisfied with stopping there, we go bold and take on a second crazy question: If you could be transported into a comic book world, which world would you choose. Tune in for our answers!

  • Red Rover | J@N | 4.20.11


    We wrap up our series on Mars, and explore the past, present, and future missions of our robot rovers. Learn about the upgrades the new Mars rover under construction has received, and what it’s future holds! Plus – we take a fascinating tour of the previous rovers, and how they all compare to each other.

  • Portal 2 WINS! | J@N | 4.19.11


    We review Portal 2 and tell you why it’s addictive, and completely adorable! Plus we killed hours playing Portal 2's co-op mode, tune in for the details!

  • Winter is Coming | J@N | 4.14.11


    HBO’s new fantasy series “Game of Thrones” premieres this Sunday, April 17th. It is based on a series of books that are very awesome, and very nerdy. I won’t mince words -- Jeremy is a huge fanboy, and extremely excited to watch this. He wants to tell you why you should also be excited. So for our “looking to the weekend” show this week, we’re going to take you to the world of George RR Martin’s “Song of Ice and Fire” and lay some fantasy awesomeness all up in your faces.

  • The Shuttles have Landed | J@N | 4.13.11


    Yesterday, the world celebrated the fifty year anniversary of the day humans first made the epic leap to leave our terrestrial bounds, and sail among the stars. In celebration of this epic event, we’re dedicating tonight’s episode to the Yuri Gagarin, and then using this historical discussion as a launching point to talk about the end of the US’ Space Shuttle Program, and the retirement of our four existing space shuttles. Joining us for this epic space tale, is our resident space geek, Heather (aka “Mars_Base”). Let’s get spacey!

  • Your Sci-Fi Feedback | J@N | 4.12.11


    Last Thursday we featured some of our favorite predictions from Sci-Fi classics. We asked to hear yours and expected a few good responses. Boy were we terribly, terribly wrong! You sent in a TON of great suggestions! Tonight’s episode of Juptier@Nite is powered by your submissions!

  • Sci-Fi Successes | J@N | 4.7.11


    Back in March, we published an episode all about the things that Hollywood got dead-wrong in some of its biggest Sci-Fi blockbusters. You guys seemed to love it, even though we were a bunch of negative nancies, hatin’ on the sci-fi movies. Tonight we’ve decided to take a similar idea, but turn our gaze to celebrating the triumphs of science fiction; all the things they’ve gotten RIGHT over the years, whether predicting the details of manned space flight or handheld gadgets. From authors to modern cinematic blockbusters… which predictions were accurate? And which may yet still come to pass? Thanks to: FreshBooks.com for their sponsorship of tonight’s show!

  • Survival on Mars | J@N | 4.06.11


    Our journey has taken us from the science of space propulsion, to the practical issues of a manned space flight to Mars. If we made it to Mars, what challenges would we face? What epic efforts must we undertake to survive the “Red Planet”? Plus we share a little insight into the efforts underway here on earth to prepare us for our future missions on Mars!

  • LizaMoon Attacks! | J@N | 4.5.11


    Find out the real facts behind LizaMoon, our tips to clean up your infected PC, and what to spot to detect if you’ve been infected. We’ll take a look at the epic fail the Internet experienced over the weekend when one of the more prominent information back-ends was under attack. Plus is the infection is as wide spread as reported? Or is it a case of bad tech reporting?

  • Famous April Fools | J@N | 3.31.11


    Find out some of the interesting facts and history of April Fools. Then we roll some classic game show pranks, and chuckle at our favorite online pranks! Plus we poll our live audience and find out if they love the All Fools’ Day, or wait it out in their anti-prank bunkers.

  • The Trip to Mars | J@N | 3.30.11


    Tonight’s episode we look at the practical issues of traveling to Mars! In a previous episode, we talked about the possibility of life on Mars. But what if we want to get our selves there?

  • Cloudy with a Chance of Music | 3.29.11


    We cover Amazon’s new Cloud Drive service and Cloud Player. Find out how they both hold up from services like Dropbox, SugarSync, and even Pandora. Plus Chris got some hands on today with the Android app for the Cloud Player service, and took it out for a spin, streaming all the way!

  • To Boldly Go | J@N | 3.24.11


    NASA’s recent announcement of the 100-Year Starship project we thought it would be a good time to take a look at the present and future of space travel!

  • Firefox 4 Launch | J@N | 3.23.11


    We really have no right to be excited about a browser. The days of the browser wars are supposed to be far behind us, aren’t they? But once in a while, a really good software project will catch any geek’s eye, and let’s be frank – We Like Firefox. Recent versions of Firefox have been a bit lackluster compared with other browser offerings. But they’ve just changed all of that with the launch of their latest major revision: Firefox 4.0 Tune in tonight to hear just why you might want to take a look at the latest offering from Mozilla, and how it could potentially improve your web browsing experience.

  • What The…. #2 | J@N | 3.22.11


    In the recent days there has been a lot of news that’s got us asking, WTF? Our journey in this episode takes us from the birthday boy, William Shatner, to Taco Bell, masturbating ghosts, and the ultimate place for a lady to stash the goods! And so much more!

  • Drinkin Irish | J@N | 3.17.11


    We’re a bit tipsy tonight and we enjoy our favorite St Patrick’s Day moments! Plus Chris sprinkles the show with awesome facts about Guinness beer!

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