Jupiter@nite Mp3



Jupiter@Nite: Jupiter Broadcasting's nightly video show that wraps up your entire day. Finish the day with us on the live stream, or kick off your morning with the final word from last night's show!


  • Searching for Life in SOL | J@N | 3.16.11


    Teams of scientist are actively searching for life in our own back yard. Tonight we look at some of the more promising searches for life, but not as we know it! We bring our resident space geek, “Mars_Base” on the show to walk us through the more scientific aspects of these amazing efforts.

  • PAX East 2011 RECAP | J@N | 3.15.11


    The PAX East weekend has come to an end, and the guys pick some of their favorite stories from this gaming event! Plus they share a few stories from their last visit to PAX.

  • You Don’t Know Me! | J@N | 3.10.11


    We take a our first crack at an old fashioned quiz show! The guys challenge each other with feats of knowledge… About them selves! Watch and learn hilariously true facts about the guys, and maybe a few that might surprise you!

  • Sci-Fi Disappointments | J@N | 3.9.11


    When we were kids, we were specifically promised that the next century would be EPIC beyond measure. The movies told us, the cartoons told us, even commercials told us. And while technology has come a long way since those formative years of our childhood, we’re still left looking back occasionally and asking ourselves, ‘Where the EFF is my flying car?’ Tonight, we’re going to take a journey through some of the old sci-fi tech from our childhood, and talking about our disappointment with the fact that we STILL don’t use these in our every day lives.

  • One Hundred | J@N | 3.8.11


    Join us tonight for our 100th Episode Celebration! We’re getting a little self-indulgent and taking a look back at the 100+ episodes we’ve so far made for J@N. We’ll talk briefly about how the show has progressed, and where it’s headed. Then we’ll have some fun picking out some of our favorite episodes to share with newer audience members that may not have been around back then.

  • Celebrity Meltdowns | J@N | 3.3.11


    We take a fun look back at some of the more recent, and memorable celebrity meltdowns. Is there a common early warning sign between some of the more popular cases? What about the money angle of a public meltdown. We look at those angles, and enjoy the funnier moments of these embarrassingly memorable moments in time!

  • Show Me The Tablets | J@N | 3.2.11


    In case you were living beneath the largest rock every invented, you are aware that the iPad TWO was announced today. In addition to covering some of the hot, Hot, HOT features, we’ll also spend some time discussing the announcement itself, and how other tablets (either on the market, or coming soon) stack up to this new offering. Could tablets replace PCs in the near future? Does Apple deserve the hype surrounding this product? Does any competitor (XOOM, PlayBook, LG G-Slate, etc) have a chance of survival?

  • GDC 2011 – Day One | J@N | 3.1.11


    When a convention is called the "Game Developers' Conference", we pay attention. Tonight we take a look at some of the info that's come out from Day One!

  • Terribly Sexy Games | J@N | 2.24.11


    The gaming industry as a whole has always dabbled with the notion that “Sex Sells” but very rarely have they done it in a good way. In fact, the games that result from these ideas are almost always terrible half-assed atrocities aimed squarely at the pants of adolescent hormones. No where does this seem more true than with Ubisoft’s latest game for the Wii that utilizes the Wiimote in naughty and provocative ways.

  • Earth-Shattering Episode | J@N | 2.23.11


    On Feb 22nd a 6.3 magnitude earthquake hit Christchurch, NZ. More than 60 deaths, 75% of the city without power, and billions of dollars in damages. The weird part? It was hit by an even more powerful quake five months ago, and nothing happened. Tonight, we’ll share a few of the details on quakes, explain some of the science behind them, then go on a sciencey tangent about plate tectonics, volcanoes and fault lines, and even the end of the world!

  • Streaming Soapbox | J@N | 2.22.11


    This morning, the online streaming market exploded as Amazon landed a nut-punch to Netflix by announcing their own streaming service. FREE for Amazon Prime members. Netflix quickly responded with an announcement of their own, revealing a partnership with CBS. Tonight, we’re taking a closer look at each of these announcements, and seeing how they really stack up against one another. Is Amazon priming up to knock Netflix from the top dog position as King of Streaming? Or can Netflix withstand the punishment?

  • Hollywood’s Worst | J@N | 2.17.11


    We’ve all suffered through some bad movies in our day. Looking towards the weekend we have to be honest, nothing good is coming out, nothing good has come out for a while. Frankly Hollywood, we are sick of it! Tonight we fight back and call out Hollywood’s worst movies, castings, and sequels!

  • Old Games New Fun | J@N | 2.16.11


    The modern video game industry is continually reusing old ideas to sell new video games, but hey never remake the games we actually want to see remade!

  • What the… | J@N | 2.15.11


    Over the weekend dozens of stories have popped up that make us stop and ask... "What the...?". We've collected our favorite and present them for your enjoyment!

  • Nerdy Side of Love | J@N | 2.10.11


    In this modern age of hyperconnectivity, it’s amazing that we as humans still tend to have a hard time hooking up with members of the opposite sex. In this season where love is in the air, we thought we’d cover some of the nerdier aspects of Valentine’s Day on the internet. From dating sites to MMOs, we’ve got insights into the culture of online romance. Sorta. Or it might just be a bit of fun.

  • Your Show | J@N | 2.9.11


    So, you wanna be famous on the internet, eh? We can help! Y’see, we want J@N to be just as much about what YOU wanna see on the internet, as what we want to show you. It’s a two-way street, but the traffic has been a bit slow on the inbound lanes (psst – that’s you!) so we’re gonna lay down the deets on making your voice a more integral part of our nightly broadcast. Tune in and learn how to be a part of the magic, even if you can’t watch live!

  • Spotlight on NASA | J@N | 2.8.11


    Superbowl scmuperbowl. We’re geeks, and we cared more about what NASA was talking about this weekend, than a bunch of dudes throwing around a ball. And our nerdy attention paid off! First up, we talk about seeing the WHOLE sun – every last part of its flamey surface. Then we’ll talk about the robots that will eventually kill off humanity, and NASA’s plans to send them into orbit to save us. Lastly, we’ll cover some NASA-related news that’s shown up in the real world lately, regarding the future of the Space Shuttle, as well as their research into a well-known and overhyped “disaster” story from last year.

  • Future Television | J@N | 2.3.11


    Hulu’s CEO has thrown down the gauntlet in an in-depth statement that shows his outlook on the future of media delivery via the internet. It also includes some interesting data and metrics that we’ll be discussing. Since this weekend is the BIG GAME, and none of us have much interest in it, we’ll be using Hulu’s statement as a jumping-off point to discuss some of OUR ideas on the future of Internet media delivery, as well as some really neat what-ifs, and a few glimpses at neat sci-fi tech that could change the way we get our media.

  • Epic Snow, THE SEQUEL | J@N | 2.2.11


    As the eastern and midwest USA get pounded with some of the heaviest snowfall they’ve seen in ages, we’re sitting tight nice and cozy (and even a little sunny – SUCK IT) in the northwest. Tonight, we’re gonna dig through some of the top news stories regarding this snowpocalypse, as well as share a bunch of user-submitted snow pictures. Be prepared for a lot of white in your face.

  • The AOL Way | J@N | 2.1.11


    Although AOL helped pave the way for the modern internet we have today, it has become clear today that they are completely out of touch with today’s internet business models. Leaked documents have turned up showing a major change to their internal corporate culture and procedures that WE TAKE SUPREME ISSUE with. Tonight’s episode is going to start with a quick trip down memory lane, and then lay out the Ranty McRantersons all over your unsuspecting faces. Prepare yourself, cuz you’ve got FAIL!

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