Jupiter@nite Mp3

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Jupiter@Nite: Jupiter Broadcasting's nightly video show that wraps up your entire day. Finish the day with us on the live stream, or kick off your morning with the final word from last night's show!


  • World Changing Fail | J@N | 12.2.10


    Tonight is a smorgasbord of internet failures! We promised to talk about NASA’s “ground-breakingly awesome” announcement and boy we’ll do so! And speaking of big announcements and failures, OnLive today announced their new “unlimited play” plan. Wah wah. But hey, yknow, we still think OnLive is rad, and we’re gonna tell you why. Then we’ll tell you about a major game-changer that’s landed in Star Trek Online, which we’ll spend our weekend playing with, AND we’ll tell you why this has the potential to change the landscape of online gaming in general.

  • BWAAAAAHM | J@N | 12.1.10


    Back in July, a little film was released by the name of Inception. The boys at J@N gave the movie a brief review at the time, but now it’s time to dig into the MEAT. Is the movie too smart? Is it symbolic of something more than dreams? What does that freaky ending mean!? During our review we’re likely to dig into the ideas of lucid dreaming and why it is that humans feel the need to fall unconscious and hallucinate vividly for several hours a day, and why Inception is filled with bad science despite being a good film.

  • The Internet Is Crazy | J@N | 11.30.10


    Waddya know, we take a few days off and the internet melts. First we get news of government seizures of questionable domain names, then the Net Neutrality issue boils over into a great big mess of internet-rage over a disagreement between Comcast and Level 3. Well we’re back, and ready to give you our take on both of these situations, as well as share some interesting tidbits that seem to be getting glossed-over in the mainstream news.

  • Black Friday Looms | J@N | 11.24.10


    Tonight we share insight as to how the traditions began, horror stories that’ve cropped up over the years, and wrap up the episode by covering Cyber Monday!

  • Korea Strikes! | J@N | 11.23.10


    So, it snowed in the Seattle area. And as happens every year, everyone in the area forgot how to operate a car. Tuning into the news to watch folks skidding on ice, sliding into ditches, and complaining about the delays is usually one of the highlights of the first snowfall in this region. BUT NO. This morning, North and South Korea decided to SHOOT at eachother, causing a flare-up in ACTUAL news coverage that’s gotten in the way of enjoying our annual “Metro On Ice” showing. So you get to share our pain. We’ll be discussing the Korean conflict as well, cuz we just can’t get enough!

  • Harry Potter and the Nite of Jupiter | J@N | 11.18.10


    It’s a ridiculously huge money-making franchise that even rivals that of Star Wars and Star Trek. No other series of young-adult books have ever matched it — even The TWILIGHT Saga. As the first half of the final installment of Harry Potter lands in theaters this weekend, tune in to hear the thoughts of the J@N crew on this phenomenon, and the impact it’s having on the world.

  • The Sky Is Falling | J@N | 11.17.10


    Tonight’s show ROCKS! Wait, wh- oh we’re TALKING about rocks. Space rocks, to be exact. This week marks the high-point of this year’s Leonid Meteor Shower, and we’re gonna tell you all about our space rock stories, and include some tips on getting the best view. We’ll also share some exciting space news about near-miss asteroids, Japanese space probes and anti-matter! Get SPACEY with us!

  • Don’t Touch My Junk | J@N | 11.16.10


    The recent introduction of full body x-ray scanners to several airports around the USA has gotten several folks up in a stink over it. It’s an invasion of privacy! A violation of 4th Amendment rights! Stop checkin’ out my junk! We’re here to tell you why folks be hatin’ and what they’re doing about it, as well as lay out some truth on your faces and give you the skinny behind why this whole ordeal is even going down.

  • Amazon vs. NAMBLA | J@N | 11.11.10


    Tonight we discuss Amazon.com pulling down the new controversial book The Pedophile’s Guide to Love & Pleasure and if this is a sensible and responsible move, or censorship of freedom of speech! Plus – Word is the movie theaters are investigating farcical recognition and behavior pattern monitoring to detect movie piracy in theaters… But how do we feel about the theaters watching us like that? Is this another case of the innocent majority paying for the sins of the minority? We debate!

  • Minecraft Update | J@N | 11.10.10


    Since our last Minecraft episode, the game has continued to take off. After the major Halloween update which introduced The Nether, lead developer Notch has continued to roll out update after update to further enhance the multiplayer aspect of the game. We’ve found the online multiplayer servers to be an excellent opportunity to grow our community interaction, as well as supporting further growth and bringing new folks to see us. In tonight’s episode, we’ll discuss some of the recent Minecraft news, as well as our personal experience with how it’s helped our community flourish.

  • Chris Has 11 Computers?! | J@N | 11.09.10


    We take live questions from the chat room tonight, and some live Skype calls! Find out the crazy computer setup in Chris’ place, Alan’s additional thoughts on Fallout New Vegas! Plus we give you a major update on a long lost Jupiter Broadcasting host favorite, John, and when you can catch him on this very show!

  • Batman Badassery | J@N | 11.04.10


    We’re share some awesome news that’s been developing behind the scenes of Christopher Nolan’s next installment in the BATMAN series, now officially titled “Dark Knight Rising.” Plus we throw in our fair share of villain speculation, 3D news, love interests and MORE!

  • How to Make a Podcast | J@N | 11.03.10


    We’ve been asked time after time our tips and tricks for getting started with podcasting. Tonight we reflect on our four and half years of podcasting. Plus we share some insight into our process of vetting an early show idea, all that and more in tonight’s episode of Jupiter@Nite!

  • Prehistoric Fallout | 11.02.10 | J@N


    The remnants of an ancient civilization have been uncovered in the wilds of India, and the shocking discovery was made that this city may have been leveled by atomic weaponry! … whut. We’ll share the truth about this incredible series of events, and then run our mouths on and on about the fact that we are convinced that the world is going to end in a flaming pile of smoke and cinders. But don’t worry — we do it in a happy way.

  • Save the Hack Halloween Special | J@N | 10.28.10


    Come with us into Frankentosh’s Laboratory. Tonight we throw the switches, and boot this monster into its new life. Will it rage and eat our brains? Or will it gently comply to our every whim? While we work on reanimating the Hackinzombie, we will also share with you some of our Tech Horror Stories, as well as some of our user-submitted tales of woe. Then, as we do on EVERY Thursday show, we tell you about some exciting things going on this weekend that we’re looking forward to! NOT JUST HALLOWEEN CANDY (mmmm, candy…)

  • Save the Hack (pt 2) | J@N | 10.27.10


    Tonight is a truncated edition of Jupiter@Nite, where we wrap up our tear-down/re-build of the Studio Monster Hack. Along the way, we’ll talk a bit more about the troubleshooting theories we’ve had behind this whole set of shenanigans, and some more stuff that’s awesome.

  • Save the Hack (part 1) | J@N | 10.26.10


    Almost a year ago, we built a new Hackintosh workhorse to help our workflow. It worked OK for a bit, but recently it stopped functioning. After a lot of troubleshooting, we’ve determined that the issue is hardware related. We’re gonna rip the sucker apart LIVE over this week, and rebuild it. While we do that, we’re going to have a several-part discussion with you about the merits and downfalls of Macs, Hacks, Codecs, video production software, and MORE.

  • Hulu Outage | J@N | 10.19.10


    On Saturday Oct 16th, News Corp. shut off access to all FOX programming on Hulu and FOX.com. Why? What were they trying to prove? And what does such a forced outage actually show us about online media? What could this mean for the future of Internet Web Series?

  • Movie Villain Madness | J@N | 10.14.10


    As children of a generation that’s been raised on cinema, we all have our own personal memories of the villains from films of the past. Who left the most indelible marks upon our young impressionable minds? Who are the best (or worst?) villains of all time?

  • Chilean Mine Rescue | J@N | 10.13.10


    This week! On the Bearded Action Show! We discuss the cave-in of a Chilean mine system, and dish the “dirt” on how this could have been the result of a Minecraft obsession! Then we’ll give you the inside scoop on how they managed to survive for more than 69 days – WITHOUT the benefit of a diamond-bladed Pickaxe! Still curious about what led them to these depths? We’ll drop our cameras down their life-shaft and show you the 8-bit art they carved into their walls! ALL THIS WEEK…. on the Bearded Action Shoooooooo

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